I sell jars in Douluo

Chapter 336 Ghost Douluo with an explosive mentality

The friendship is cut off and there is no more relationship!

Tang Chen looked at the bright red skirt floating in the air, and his whole body was in a mess.

My heart is extremely complicated.

"How did it end up in this situation?"

He didn't think so.

It's really too unreasonable.

He really wanted to say something to persuade Bo Saixi to stay, but he felt that any words were too pale.

"Forget it, take your time. When Bo Saixi calms down, I will think of a way to explain."

Tang Chen stared at Bo Saixi's back.

It wasn't until she completely disappeared from sight that Tang Chen smiled bitterly and shook his head.

Tang Hao was trapped on Poseidon Island.

Bo Saixi also parted ways with herself.

Ma De, blood loss!

Ma De, blood loss!

In Wuhun City, in the small shop, Ghost Douluo looked ugly.

In front of him was a broken jar of gold coins.

That's right, it's the jar with a minimum of 100,000 gold soul coins and a maximum of 100 million gold soul coins.

Lin Xiao told him that one hundred thousand gold soul coins happened to be offered.

What a sin!

Ghost Douluo couldn't help but sigh: "I once had an opportunity to get rich, but I couldn't grasp it."

"Hahaha, old ghost, do you want to laugh me to death?"

Ju Douluo laughed heartily.

"Okay, don't laugh. When you open the gold coin jar, it will be 100,000 gold soul coins."

"Bah, bah, bah."

Ju Douluo pouted several times in a row: "Crow Mouth, I won't do what you said."

"I don't see why you are so worried. It's like you can open a jar of gold coins." Ghost Douluo glanced sideways at Ju Douluo and said.

Ju Douluo responded unceremoniously, "If I only get a rare item worth 100,000 gold soul coins, then I would rather not have it."

This time Ghost Douluo stopped talking.


"Humph, how can a child cry every day?"

"Just watch, the items I will bring out next will definitely shock you."

Ghost Douluo snorted, picked up the Lucky Magic Hammer, and smashed the next jar.

clang clang clang.

A rusty samurai sword fell to the ground.

"Oh my God!"

"The rusty katana scares me to death."

Ju Douluo said pretending to be surprised.


Hearing this, Ghost Douluo felt embarrassed.

"Is your luck so bad today?"

"I don't believe this evil anymore."

Ghost Douluo thought about it and continued to open the can.


One jar after another was smashed.

When Ghost Douluo smashed all ten jars, his heart dropped.

The remaining items, not to mention rare items, even ordinary magic juice have not been released.

"I also read the almanac when I went out today."

"How can you stretch your crotch like this?"

Ghost Douluo's heart almost collapsed.

"Don't be sad, you still have a consolation prize."

At this moment, Lin Xiao placed a lucky prayer jar in front of Ghost Douluo.

"Only this jar can give me comfort."

Ghost Douluo's eyes brightened slightly, and he seemed to feel less uncomfortable now that he had a rare item in his possession.

"Old ghost, what do you want to choose?"

Ju Douluo asked curiously.

Ghost Douluo thought about it seriously, "I will also choose an amplifier. The martial soul is the foundation of a soul master. Only when the quality of the martial soul is improved can there be hope of being promoted to a higher realm."

As he said that, Ghost Douluo showed a look of yearning in his eyes.

That is reverence for a higher realm.

Ju Douluo nodded slightly.

Ghost Douluo was right, martial soul was the foundation of a soul master.


At this time, Ghost Douluo had already smashed the jar and took out an amplifier.

"Old Juhua, why don't we compete, who of us will break through first?"

Holding the amplifier in hand, Ghost Douluo has a feeling. With the amplifier in hand, I have the same feeling in the world.

"No comparison."

What surprised Ghost Douluo was that Ju Douluo shook his head and refused.

"Why?" Ghost Douluo was startled.

"You haven't become my disciple yet." Ju Douluo looked at Ghost Douluo and said.

"Hey, I suddenly remembered that Lou Gao wanted to see me for something, and I had to go take a look."

Ghost Douluo suddenly said to Lin Xiao, "Boss, it's too late to wave goodbye."

Then, as if his butt was on fire, he ran out of the shop.

"Let's see where you can run!"

Ju Douluo stamped his feet angrily and hurriedly chased after him.

"Erlong, I am also your uncle after all, and I am also the head of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus family. Is it really okay for you to shut me out like this?"

In Wuhun City, outside a courtyard, Yu Yuanzhen shouted outside the door with an embarrassed look on his face.

However, no one answered him.

In the courtyard.

Liu Erlong sat at the long table, silent.

On the side, Flanders asked tentatively: "Erlong, how about we let him come in and talk?"

"Boss Fu, if you want to talk, you can talk to him. I have nothing to say to him."

"He wants to invite you to return to the family. I'm not from the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus family. What's there to talk about with him?"

Flanders said with some embarrassment.

Liu Erlong said calmly: "I have never been to the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family since I was a child, and I don't want to go now."

"Erlong, I know that you have no sense of belonging to the family these years, but I am willing to work with your father to make up for our debt to you."

"The conditions are up to you, and you can be the next leader of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family. As long as you are willing to join the family."

At this moment, Yu Yuanzhen's voice came into the courtyard again.

In the courtyard.

When Liu Erlong heard the sound, a strange look suddenly appeared in his eyes.

"come in."

She said in a cold voice.


Yu Yuanzhen hurriedly opened the door and walked in, his face full of joy.

He looked at Liu Erlong and said, "Erlong, you are finally willing to talk to me."

Liu Erlong said calmly: "I let you come in because I want to tell you face to face that I am not interested in the position of leader of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family."


Yu Yuanzhen's expression froze, and just when he was about to say something, he heard Liu Erlong say again:

"But, if you can agree to my conditions, joining the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family is not impossible."

Any transfers? Yu Yuanzhen nodded quickly, "You can set whatever conditions you want, as long as I can do it, it's no problem. If I can't do it, I will find a way to do it for you."

"Don't worry, I won't deliberately embarrass you."

Liu Erlong shook his head slightly, and then stretched out a finger: "The first thing is that I want my mother's spiritual throne to enter the sect's ancestral hall and be enshrined by the disciples of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family."


Yu Yuanzhen's expression froze.

Liu Erlong is the illegitimate daughter of Yu Luomian. Her mother has no name or status. Even if she is dead, it is logically impossible for her to enter the family ancestral hall.

Not in compliance with the rules and not qualified.

If you agree, it is equivalent to violating the group training.

Liu Erlong saw Yu Yuanzhen's expression change, frowned and asked: "What, is it difficult?"

"If it's difficult, I won't force it. Just please come back."

Upon hearing that Liu Erlong directly issued an order to expel guests, Yu Yuanzhen no longer hesitated, "It's not difficult. I can promise you this without any problems."

Yu Yuanzhen knew that if he disagreed, there would be no need to talk about the future matters.

no way.

In order for the Holy Dragon of Light to return to the clan, Yu Yuanzhen believed that his ancestors would not blame him.

Do you agree? Liu Erlong looked dazed for a while.

A figure subconsciously appeared in her mind.

That was her mother, who had been depressed all her life because of a man named Yu Luo Mian.

"Mom, do you see that? Soon you will have the birthright you deserve. No one will be able to call you a wild woman anymore."

"Mom, you must be very happy too, right?"

It can be said that giving her mother a status has always been one of the things she wanted to do most in her life.

Unconsciously, Liu Erlong's eyes became slightly moist.

However, she quickly wiped it clean without leaving a trace.

"Okay, then I'll talk about the second thing."

Liu Erlong nodded and said: "I can join the family, but I will not go back to the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family with you for the time being. And if the family assigns me anything, I have the right to refuse."

"No problem, I can promise you."

Regarding this question, Yu Yuanzhen nodded without any hesitation.

He understood clearly that there were two words hidden in Liu Erlong's words, freedom!

"One last thing, I need you to promise me something."

At this moment, Liu Erlong's voice sounded again.

"whats the matter?"

Yu Yuanzhen was startled.

Liu Erlong said: "I haven't thought about it yet, but don't worry, I won't let you do anything beyond your capabilities."

"That's no problem."

Yu Yuanzhen no longer hesitated and nodded heavily.

After that, he asked expectantly: "Then when do you think I will come back to the sect to hold the ceremony to recognize the ancestors and return to the sect? Don't worry, this won't delay you for too long. After the ceremony, you can go wherever you want." .”

Liu Erlong was silent for a moment, "Then let's do it now."

"Okay." Yu Yuanzhen was overjoyed.

"Girls from Tianshui College, I think you may have misunderstood."

"Actually, this challenge was not made by us, but by Feng Xiaotian who tricked us."

In front of the gate of Tianshui Academy, Yu Tianxin felt a headache when facing the members of the Tianshui team.

He quickly pulled the instigator Feng Xiaotian beside him and came out to block the knife.

Feng Xiaotian?

Hearing this, Shui Bing'er, Shui Yue'er and others all set their eyes on Feng Xiaotian.

Feng Xiaotian spread his hands with an innocent look on his face.

"I won't take the blame."

Feng Xiaotian looked at Yu Tianxin again and said, "Yu Tianxin, since you Thunder Team are afraid of the girls from Tianshui Team, then just admit defeat. It's not too embarrassing."

"What words?"

"What are you talking about? How could our Thunder Academy be afraid of them?"

"Although the girl is cute, as long as I use my hands, I will definitely not be soft."


Among the Thunder Team, some people kept making noises.

He couldn't help but refute Feng Xiaotian's words.


This statement had another meaning in the ears of Team Tianshui.

Shui Yue'er put her hands on her hips and said, "Stop chattering. Since you are here to play in the restaurant, prepare to fight! Don't let me think you are not good at it!"

no? !

When the members of the Thunder Team heard this, they immediately exploded.

"Fight, let's fight, no one is afraid of whom!"

"Boss, accept the challenge. We rely on our strength to prove that we are not only good, but also very good."

Yu Tianxin:''

His expression was very ugly, and he had scolded Feng Xiaotian for being such a fool a hundred times in his heart.

He cast his gaze on Feng Xiaotian and said angrily: "Are you satisfied with the current situation?"

"Yu Tianxin, what do you mean by this? Why can't I understand?"

Feng Xiaotian pretended not to understand anything.

"Feng Xiaotian, remember, today's affairs are not over yet. When I deal with the matter in front of me, I will make sure you look good."

Yu Tianxin said viciously.

Thump thump thump.

Feng Xiaotian immediately took a few steps back and said in an innocent voice: "Yu Tianxin, you have gone too far. If I don't take the blame for you, do you still have a grudge against me?"

Yu Tianxin: "."

Is this guy so addicted to acting?

never mind.

Ignore him for now.

Yu Tianxin felt that if she continued to entangle with Feng Xiaotian, she would be hurt internally.

"There is a martial arts arena inside the academy. Let's go in and compete."

Yu Tianxin said to Shui Binger.

"Okay, come in with me."

Shui Bing'er nodded, said something, turned around and walked into the academy.

The members of the Tianshui team were the first to follow.

The Thunder Team followed closely behind.

Feng Xiaotian rolled his eyes and followed.

"Feng Xiaotian, what are you doing with me?"

Yu Tianxin noticed Feng Xiaotian's actions, stopped and asked in a deep voice.

"I'm going to cheer you up!"

Feng Xiaotian replied matter-of-factly.

But he thought to himself, if I don't follow along to see what the Tianshui team is capable of, wouldn't my hard work be in vain?

What a legitimate reason.

On the other hand, the corner of Yu Tianxin's mouth twitched slightly, and she said in a deep voice: "Thank you for your kindness, but I can tell you responsibly that it is not necessary."


The look on Feng Xiaotian's face froze, then he looked at Team Tianshui and rolled his eyes, "Yu Tianxin, please stop being sentimental."

"I just want to cheer for the girls from Team Tianshui. It has nothing to do with you being from Team Thunder."

Yu Tianxin: "."

Feng Xiaotian is really shameless.

With such thick skin, you can pull it off and make it into slippers, which will last three years without breaking.

"excuse me."

"Give me a moment, thank you."

At this time, Feng Xiaotian had already passed through the Thunder Team and shouted to the Tianshui Team: "Girls of the Tianshui Team, wait for me."

Everyone looked back.

"Feng Xiaotian, what do you want to do?"

Shui Yue'er looked up and down and asked Feng Xiaotian warily.

"Little sister, I want to help you wave the flag and watch you ruthlessly hammer those arrogant guys from Thunderbolt Team."

Feng Xiaotian showed a bright smile.


When Feng Xiaotian said the first word, Shui Yue'er's little face suddenly turned cold.

Where am I young?

I have to say that the word "small" is also a taboo for girls.

"Thank you for your kindness, but we don't need it."

Shui Bing'er also spoke calmly.

The meaning is simple and full of rejection.

What the hell?

Did they reject me?

Feng Xiaotian was startled. If I couldn't watch the battle, wouldn't my work be in vain?

"Actually, I still have many talents."

Feng Xiaotian spoke again.

"Don't talk about talent, even if you know Ah Wei's eighteen moves, you won't be able to do it. Let's go quickly, we're being delayed."

Shui Yue'er waved her hand, not giving Feng Xiaotian any chance.


Feng Xiaotian felt as if he was struck by lightning.

He was speechless and didn't know what to say at all.

The girls from Tianshui College are really not ordinary tough.

Then, he watched helplessly as everyone's figures disappeared from his sight.

"What is this?"

"Fetching water from a bamboo basket is all in vain?"

Good night.

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