I sell jars in Douluo

Chapter 346 Soul Bone Upgrade Scroll, Feng Xiaotian’s Confidence

As for why Tang Chen was so sure, the reason was simple.

You can still see traces of blood on that jar.

Tang Chen touched the wounds on his head. That's right, it was him who was hurt by this jar.

Subconsciously, Tang Chen looked at the sky.

"Made, who is so immoral and littering?!"


"There's something fishy about this jar, it can't be garbage."

After the anger, Tang Chen calmed down.

Does he have an ordinary physique? Even if a stone hits his head, it won't hurt him at all. How could he be opened by a jar?

With doubts, Tang Chen fished the jar out of the sea.

Then, a stream of information rushed into his mind, leaving him briefly confused.

"Is it really that magical?"

After a long while, Tang Chen looked at the jar in his hand in disbelief.

Simply put, the jar is a tool for transmitting information. With this jar, he can communicate and even trade with an unknown existence.

If the transaction is successful, he will be able to obtain various treasures.

have to say.

Tang Chen was moved.

"Okay, okay, okay!"

“It’s really a perfect path!”

"With such a treasure, as long as I am lucky enough, I will be able to regain my strength soon!"

Tang Chen's eyes became brighter and brighter.

However, he soon ran into trouble again.

Because if you want to buy a jar that can be opened, you need 100,000 gold soul coins.


Not a single copper soul coin.

After all, with his former status, money is really a superfluous thing in the killing city.

"It doesn't matter. After so many years in the Killing City, I still have some background. There are also Haotian Sect's assets, which are enough for me to exchange for the jars I need."

"I just don't know which one is stronger than the one sold in the mysterious store in Wuhun City."

Tang Chen thought curiously.

But, no matter what, he felt that his life was full of hope.

"Tang Hao, my good grandson, you never dreamed that I would have such an opportunity, right?"

"Wait, it won't be long before I appear in front of you intact and take revenge for today in person!"

Gradually, his eyes gradually became colder.

[Ding, the jar you put in has been picked up. 】

In the shop, the system's voice suddenly sounded in Lin Xiao's mind.

"It was finally picked up by someone. I thought it really drifted away without a trace."

A smile appeared on Lin Xiao's face.

In any case, this can be regarded as developing an unfamiliar customer, which can increase one's income.

However, Lin Xiao waited for a long time, but there was still no sound.

"It seems that the person who picked up the can has no request to open the can for the time being, or in other words, does not have the conditions to open the can."

Lin Xiao frowned and soon felt relieved, "There's no rush, the jar is in his hand, so I don't believe he doesn't have the urge to open it?"

"Haha, Boss Lin, Qian is here to disturb you again."

At this moment, a person walked outside the shop.

There is no doubt that the one who can call himself so must be Sendaoliu.

"It's quite early."

Lin Xiao smiled slightly.

Qian Daoliu said calmly: "I'm not afraid of your jokes. To be honest, I've been looking forward to this day for a long time."

"It should be about the soul bones, right?" Lin Xiao asked.

Qian Daoliu nodded heavily, "I hope I can be lucky enough to get the growth roll you mentioned, boss."

"Then choose the jar you like." Lin Xiao signaled Qiandaoliu to start.

As for the gold soul coins, you can save them.

The 10 million trading points for Shura Demonic Sword have not been used up yet.

Qian Daoliu randomly selected ten jars, and then said: "I analyzed it carefully, and it doesn't matter which jar I choose. The real way to get good things out of the jars is through posture."

Haha, after opening the jar for so long, why do you still believe so much in metaphysics?

Lin Xiao smiled noncommittally.

At the same time, he could also guess what posture Qian Daoliu was talking about.

Most probably, break the jar when it's not paying attention, right?


Suddenly, there was a crisp sound in the shop, and then Qian Daoliu dropped the lucky magic hammer and stared at the jar closely.


"This speed is really fast."

Lin Xiao took a deep breath.

You know, Qian Daoliu didn't just open one jar, but broke ten jars.

Ten cans clicked.

"Is this fast enough?"

"They must not be able to react."

Qian Daoliu thought to himself, and then a stream of light lit up.

White, white, white, white.

With four or five white lights in succession, Qian Daoliu's face changed color.

Become pale!

What's going on? Your posture is correct. This problem shouldn't occur.

White, white, white.

In the blink of an eye, three more jars burst out with white light.

"It's over, not today"

"Did you stretch your crotch?"

Qian Daoliu felt his heart tightening.


Yes, that's right

Lin Xiao didn't think there was any problem with this. You should know that he had opened fifty jars and all of them were wiped out in this way.

Sendaoliu has less than ten jars.


Just then, different colors finally appeared.


Perhaps because of too much white light, this purple light suddenly appeared extremely dazzling.


Finally, it doesn’t stretch my crotch too much!

Qian Daoliu secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

No matter what is opened, it’s worth it if it’s rare!

However, it only lasted for a while, and the tenth jar still contained ordinary items.

Hey, you really gave him something nice?

At this time, Lin Xiao had already recognized the information about the items in the jar.

Item: [Equipment Growth Scroll]

Level: [Rare]

Type: [Not Tradeable]

Description: [A magical prop taken from the dungeon world. 】

Effect: [After use, you can feed a piece of soul bone to the soul bone that has been fused to yourself. (The two soul bones must be in the same position.)]

"Boss, this is..."

At this time, Qian Daoliu also picked up the only rare item and looked at it carefully.

This is a green paper.

The more he looked, the more confused he became.

There is no way, there are too many kinds of papers produced in Lin Xiao's shop.

But what he was sure of was that none of it was simple.

"Qian Daoliu, I have to say congratulations."

"You're really lucky."

Lin Xiao looked at Qian Daolun and sighed.

"Congratulations? Good luck?"

Qian Daoliu was stunned for a moment.

However, he was stunned for a moment, and a look of shock suddenly appeared on his face: "Boss, do you mean, this, this is..."

"Upgrade volume!"

Lin Xiao couldn't help but Qian Daoliu stuttered, and said one step ahead of him: "You came to me last week and asked about the soul bones, the upgrade volume I told you."

"What, really it is!"

Qian Daoliu's eyes widened, and then he pinched his face in disbelief.

It wasn't until he felt the pain that he believed it was not a dream!

"In other words, I will have a soul bone that is hundreds of thousands of years old?"


"Coupled with my original soul bone, I will gain at least one soul bone that is more than 200,000 years old!"

Qian Daoliu was excited.

He was still very moved by the 200,000-year-old soul bone.

There is no doubt that the appearance of this soul bone will greatly improve his strength.

"Boss, thank you so much!"

"Nothing to say, let me bow to you."

Qian Daoliu said excitedly, then put his hands together on both sides of his thighs and bowed deeply and respectfully to Lin Xiao.

On the other hand, Lin Xiao's smile froze, what is this?

Lin Xiao saw Qian Daoliu standing up straight and said, "I have an opinion, I hope you can listen to it."

"Say." Qian Daoliu said without any hesitation.

"You don't have to be so polite from now on. Just bow."

"Ah this."

Qian Daoliu was startled and could no longer bow.

Could it be that you want to kowtow to Boss Lin? this

Although it is difficult, if Boss Lin persists, it is not impossible.

What the hell are you thinking about again? Lin Xiao looked at Qian Daoliu's flickering eyes and guessed in his heart that this guy might be trying to cause another trouble.

He decided to change the topic, "You'd better try your growth scroll quickly. I'm really looking forward to seeing the birth of a soul bone that is hundreds of thousands of years old."

Qian Daoliu nodded heavily, "Okay."

After the voice fell, he took out a soul bone with red light from the space soul guide.

There is no doubt that it is the soul bone that fell from the body of the Evil Killer Whale King.

"The Blazing Academy failed."

"Tianshui Academy wins!"

In Tianshui Academy, there is a large arena.

When the referee's voice sounded, Huo Wu, Huo Wushuang, and even the rest of the Blazing Fire Team all looked decadent.

However, they are no longer able to fight anymore.

Most of the Blazing Team members had fallen on the ring.

Only Huo Wu and Huo Wushuang could barely stand.

However, at this time, their faces were pale with almost no trace of blood, and they were exhausted.

"Failed again!"

"Although I had expected this outcome, when it actually happened, I still felt very uncomfortable."

"That martial soul fusion skill is so powerful, even if all of us assist Sister Huo Wu, we can't beat it."

Everyone in the Blazing Fire Team is still a little hard to accept.

"That's enough. If you lose, you lose. Don't say so much. If you have that strength, you should use it to walk off the ring."

"It's already embarrassing enough, don't you want to be even more embarrassed?"

At this time, Huo Wushuang said coldly.

Hearing this, everyone stopped talking and stood up with all their strength, supporting each other and walking off the ring.

"Shui Bing'er, I don't know how you became so strong. But sooner or later, I, Huo Wu, will defeat you and take back the honor that belongs to Blazing Fire!"

Huo Wu looked at the Tianshui team in front and said unwillingly.

"We'll see."

Shui Binger said lightly.

"Huo Wu, I'm here to cheer you on!"

Suddenly, Feng Xiaotian's voice came from outside the venue.

Everyone looked.

I saw Fengxiao Tianhuo running from a distance in a hurry.

However, when he understood the situation on the field, he was stunned.

"What's the situation, where are the other members of the Skyfire Team? Haven't you started yet?"

Suddenly, he noticed that Huo Wu's expression was abnormal, and asked with concern: "Huo Wu, what's wrong with you? Your face is so pale? Did you drink more hot water?"

"I'm fine with nothing."

Huo Wu looked at Feng Xiaotian and snorted angrily, "Feng Xiaotian, you're late, the battle is over."

She really couldn't figure out whether Feng Xiaotian was here to cheer her up or to mock her.

"Ah this."

"I thought it hadn't started yet, but unexpectedly it was already over."

Feng Xiaotian scratched his head in embarrassment.

Is this nonsense? It's such a big mistake.

However, when it comes to thick skin, Feng Xiaotian is not an ordinary person. He quickly calmed down and said solemnly to Huo Wu: "Don't worry, I can definitely defeat the Tianshui team and become the number one among the four elemental academies!"

"When the time comes, Fire Dance you."

"Stop!" Of course Huo Wu knew what Feng Xiaotian wanted to say. She quickly stretched out her hand to stop Feng Xiaotian, "Let's wait until you defeat the Tianshui team."

Feng Xiaotian said confidently: "Just wait and see. I have led the Kamikaze Team to defeat the Thunder Team. The next game is the finals. It will be a showdown between our Kamikaze Team and the Tianshui Team."

"Team Thunder was defeated so quickly?" Huo Wu was startled.

"It's just a side dish." Feng Xiaotian said dismissively.

"Then good luck to you."

After saying that, Huo Wu took a deep look at Shui Bing'er and others, and walked down the ring step by step.

"Sister, when we face off against the Kamikaze Sentai, you must give me a chance to beat Feng Xiaotian."

On the ring, Shui Yue'er came close to Shui Bing'er and whispered softly.

"Sister, the last time the Thunder team made an appointment with our team, it was this Feng Xiaotian who did the trick."

On the other side, Huo Wu also spoke.

The deep meaning of the words was self-evident, and she wanted to do her part to help Feng Xiaotian.

Da da da.

At this moment, there was another burst of footsteps outside the ring.

"Girls of Team Tianshui, we support you!"

"Come on, we must defeat the Kamikaze Squadron!"


The members of the Thunder Team, led by Yu Tianxin, let out bursts of shouts.

He did not hide his dissatisfaction with Kamikaze Sentai at all.

"Why, your skin is itchy again, right?"

Feng Xiaotian looked coldly at Yu Tianxin and others rubbing their wrists.

"Feng Xiaotian, I tell you not to be too arrogant. Even if you beat us to death, we won't accept it!"

"That's right, our Thunder Team will not surrender to power!"


It has to be said that the people in the Thunder Team have great resentment towards Feng Xiaotian.

Who told Feng Xiaotian to joke with them about the girl's problems?

Everyone has a bottom line.

"Haha, then I will teach you a lesson after the decisive battle with Team Tianshui."

Feng Xiaotian said something coldly, then turned to the members of the Kamikaze Team who came to the field with the Thunder Team and said: "Brothers, come on stage. The honor of Kamikaze Academy will be defended by us."


"Listen to the boss!"

Feng Xiaotian's voice fell and received a response from everyone in the Kamikaze Team.

They all followed Feng Xiaotian to the ring.

"Girls of Team Tianshui, you have just finished fighting. I can give you a break."

Facing Team Tianshui from a distance, Feng Xiaotian said casually.


Shui Bing'er's answer was simple, just three words: "No need."


"I hope that when I lose later, I can be so strong and don't cry."

Feng Xiaotian said with appreciation, and then said to the referee: "Teacher, you can start!"

Good night.

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