I sell jars in Douluo

Chapter 347 Victory in the Battle of Tianshui, Imperial Master Lin Xiao

"Huo Wu, look at Feng Xiaotian's arrogant look, I can't help but want to beat him up."

Under the ring, Huo Wushuang couldn't help but complain.

Huo Wu said: "Don't worry, his surprise is yet to come. He will pay the price for underestimating the enemy."

Obviously, in Huo Wu's heart, he didn't think Feng Xiaotian would win.

And at this time.

The battle has begun.

The ice came and the cold wave quickly spread across the field.

With the help of everyone in the Tianshui team, Shui Bing'er's ice energy was activated to the extreme, covering everyone in the arena like a field.


Even the members of the Kamikaze Sentai, who were all powerful soul masters, were still trembling with cold.

"Boss, what kind of soul skill is this? Why is it so evil?"

Next to Feng Xiaotian, there were members of the Kamikaze Team who spoke.

"I don't know for sure, but cheer up, the members of Team Tianshui will definitely not be that easy to deal with."

"After all, they have defeated the blazing fire and thunder, do you understand?"

Feng Xiaotian said in a deep voice.


No one answered him.

"What are you doing?"

Feng Xiaotian frowned immediately. These guys were really going too far. They usually just joke around, but in today's situation, they all pretended to be stupid?


The sight of him frightened him to death!

"What the hell, what's going on?"

He suddenly discovered that the members around him had turned into ice sculptures.

The ice layer was not thick but only a thin layer, but it restricted the movement of these people.

"Ah this."

"What kind of evil soul skill is this?"

Feng Xiaotian was shocked.

Not only that, but the audience outside the venue was also shocked.

"It's too strong. The girls of Team Tianshui are really too strong. At first, I thought they were just a bit weaker than them.

Now it seems that it is not just a little bit off, they can barely warm up to fight with us. "

Some people in the Thunder Team expressed such admiration.

I am also very happy at the same time.

You know, no one among them is stronger than Feng Xiaotian. Doesn't it mean that all seven of them will be frozen into ice sculptures in an instant?

On the side, Huo Wu's eyes were also full of surprise, "I originally thought that Ice and Snow Floating was their most powerful soul skill, but now it seems that my understanding of them is still too superficial."

"Yes, this invisible substance of the soul skill can completely freeze a person from the inside out. It is more powerful than her freezing soul skill. It is also impossible to prevent." Huo Wushuang said, and then said no. Went down.

Ask yourself, even if their power and ice restrain each other, the result may not be much better than that of the Kamikaze Sentai.

After all, even if he is not frozen, his speed, strength, and even soul power are greatly reduced. How can his true combat power be unleashed?

"Hey, brother, don't leave me alone."

Feng Xiaotian came to the Kamikaze Team members one by one. Even if he broke the ice, he could not save these people.

"Give up, Feng Xiaotian, now seven to one, you lose."

At this time, Shui Binger looked at Feng Xiaotian and said coldly.

This skill is a new ability created by combining her martial arts and martial arts after practicing the Ice Qi.

Those who are not as good as her will only be frozen.

With the assistance of the Tianshui Team members behind her, it was not difficult for her to instantly freeze the six members of the Kamikaze Team.

"No, I, the Kamikaze Sentai, will never admit defeat. Even if I am alone, I will fight you to the end."

Feng Xiaotian's eyes turned red.

Roaring at the top of his lungs.

You know, did he lose the game?

What he lost was happiness.

He had been pursuing Huo Wu for so many years, and seeing that Huo Wu finally gave him a chance, was it just lost in vain?

He was very unwilling.

"Quick, wind, three, ten, six, even, chop!"

The next moment, Feng Xiaotian's powerful soul power burst out.

Wind blades erupted from his body.


As the saying goes, two fists are no match for four.

What's more, seven people and fourteen hands?

After a brief stalemate, Feng Xiaotian's soul skill was interrupted.

Immediately afterwards, seven people swarmed up and punched and kicked Feng Xiaotian.

"Ah. Ahh."

Soon Feng Xiaotian's screams were heard in the field.

"It's too awful."

"It's really too tragic. Ever since the Four Elements Academy Competition, there has never been a situation where seven people surrounded one person."

"Is this a distortion of human nature or a loss of morality?"

"However, I have to say that Feng Xiaotian is also a man. He was beaten for five minutes, but he didn't even admit defeat."


Under the ring, the team members from the two major element academies, Blazing Fire and Thunder, were filled with admiration.

"Don't fight any more. We, the Kamikaze Sentai, will admit defeat."

In the end, it was Kamikaze Sentai's teacher who stopped the game.

He was really worried that Feng Xiaotian would be hammered to death.

Although Feng Xiaotian was a mean person, it was undeniable that he was still a rare genius.

"Now I announce that the final winner of the competition between the four major elemental colleges is Team Tianshui!"

At this time, the referee announced the result of the game.

"We won!"

"Sister, this is the first time our college has become the champion!"

On the ring, next to Shui Bing'er, the girls from Team Tianshui cheered and jumped for joy.

This is a glory they have never had.

But when Shui Bing'er received this honor, a shadow of a person appeared in her heart.

Boss Lin

"If he hadn't given me so many opportunities, Team Tianshui would probably be at the bottom again, right?" she thought to herself.


She was not the only one who had such thoughts.

Dean Tianshui also fell into thinking. Should he prepare some generous gifts to thank Boss Lin?

Wuhun City.

In a small shop.

Qian Daoliu held the soul bone in one hand and the equipment upgrade scroll in the other, with a nervous look on his face.

After all, this is something they have never experienced before.

"Don't be too nervous, unless you don't need it. Otherwise, being nervous won't solve any problem."

Lin Xiao said lightly.

He had been watching Qian Daoliu hesitate for a long time, but he still couldn't make up his mind.

"Life and death, destiny and wealth are in heaven, do it!"

Qian Daoliu said in a deep voice,

Then he tore up the equipment growth scroll in his hand without hesitation. Then under the gazes of Lin Xiao and Qian Daoliu, the growth scroll turned into pure green light and fell on the soul in Qian Daoliu's hand. above the bone.


The soul bone exploded with a bang.

"Ah this."

Qian Daoliu was shocked, "Boss, look at the soul bone, it exploded! It exploded!"

His voice was filled with shock.

"Yeah, it exploded."

Lin Xiao was also startled for a moment, and then said: "Just blow it up. You can completely understand that this soul bone prepared for you is nourishment. Now remove the dross and get the essence."


Just after Lin Xiao's voice fell, a sudden change occurred.

The exploded soul bones did not dissipate, but turned into pure soul power and condensed together.

"This soul power is so powerful!"

Even Qian Daoliu was shocked.

In fact, this is indeed the case.

The condensed essence of a soul beast is the soul ring and soul bone, isn't it?

And what Qian Daoliu holds in his hands is not an ordinary soul bone, but an extremely rare hundred thousand year old soul bone. The soul power is so powerful that it can be described as terrifying.


Just when he was shocked, green light wrapped in huge soul power fell on his left leg.

"It's gone up. The age of the soul bones has begun to increase!"

"It's so cool!"

Qian Daoliu's eyes showed surprise and he couldn't help but make a sound.

Lin Xiao: "."

Is it really that cool?

It made Lin Xiao want to reshape two soul bones and give it a try.

A long time passed.

"Successful. The soul bone in my body has truly transformed into a 200,000-year-old soul bone."

"Throughout the history of Wuhun Palace, we have never had such a powerful soul bone for so many years!"

Qian Daoliu still said with some unfinished thoughts: "It's really great, but it's a pity that I only have one growth scroll and one soul bone."

Lin Xiao couldn't help but complain: "You are still addicted, right?"

Unexpectedly, Qian Daoliu nodded seriously.

"It's addictive. It's really addictive. With your strength, you can't experience the pleasure of this kind of improvement. Although my cultivation level has not increased, my combat power has actually increased."

Lin Xiao could hear the deep satisfaction in Qian Daoliu's voice.

Lin Xiao could only say one thing to this, "As long as you are happy."

"Haha, happy, really happy."

Qian Daoliu couldn't help laughing.

Smiling, smiling, a look of regret suddenly appeared on his face.

"Why has your face changed again?" Lin Xiao asked puzzledly.

"Boss, you may not know that our Wuhun Palace has a set of inherited soul bones called the Angel Divine Armor. Only heirs to the divine throne can inherit this set of soul bones."

"But the position of the left leg bone of the Angel God Armor is not as good as the one I have now. If it weren't for the fact that it was a set of soul bones, I really wanted to dig out my soul bones and replace the position of the Angel God Armor. .”

Qian Daoliu expressed his thoughts.


Lin Xiao was startled and couldn't help but give Qian Daoliu a thumbs up, "You are such a ruthless person."

"Haha, boss Liao praised it."

Qian Daoliu laughed, "After all, my qualifications, status, and strength have already determined my fate. Xue'er will be the continuation of my life and my hope for the revitalization of Wuhun Palace. I will leave the best to her, and No problems whatsoever.”

Indeed, Lin Xiao nodded secretly, and then said: "Maybe you will get what you want in the future."

"So, is there really a chance?" Qian Daoliu's eyes lit up.

In fact, instead of allowing himself to improve his strength, he wanted Qian Renxue to become stronger.

However, Lin Xiao did not answer his words.

"Now that the jar has been opened, Qian will no longer disturb your business."

With that said, Qian Daoliu hugged Lin Xiao and said, "Goodbye."

Lin Xiao nodded and watched Qian Daoliu leave.


As soon as Qian Daoliu left, two figures walked in.

Lin Xiao recognized that one of them was the man who was about to ascend the throne and become the Star Luo Emperor, the Grand Duke of Netherworld.

Next to him was Zhu Zhuqing, who had a hot figure and a cold appearance.

"Hey, why are you here? Shouldn't there be a lot of things to be busy with now?" He asked curiously.

Normally, they should be busy with the enthronement ceremony.

"To show my respect and sincerity to you, of course I have to come in person."

The Grand Duke of Netherworld said loudly.

There was no doubt that he meant it sincerely, and there was no artificiality in his voice.

"Haha, Your Majesty the Duke is so polite, I feel a little flattered."

Lin Xiao laughed.

But no matter what, he was very satisfied that an empire master treated him with such respect.

After all, everyone has vanity.

"Boss Lin, you are trying to kill me by saying that. If you hadn't given me the most precious treasure to protect myself and kill the enemy, I would have been dead in the wilderness long ago.

No, with the cruelty of the royal family, I am afraid that I have been crushed to death, and even the clan members are not immune. "

"I owe everything I have today to you."

The Grand Duke of Netherworld said, his eyes turning red unconsciously.

"Father, don't you have something important to tell Boss Lin today?"

At this time, Zhu Zhuqing saw that the Grand Duke of Netherworld was a little lost his temper, and whispered a reminder beside him.

"Yes, yes, look at my memory." The Grand Duke of Netherworld slapped his forehead, then took out something from his arms and handed it to Lin Xiao respectfully.

At this time, he did not see any majesty or arrogance of a superior person.

Lin Xiao asked in confusion: "What is this?"

He saw clearly that in the hands of the Netherworld Grand Duke was a golden sign.

The brand is beautifully shaped and has the Chinese character "Emperor" on the front.

"I am willing to serve you, Boss Lin, as the Star Luo Emperor's Master!"

"In the entire Star Luo Empire, looking down at the millions of people, no one can be above you!"

"Not even me!"

The voice of the Grand Duke of Netherworld was resounding.

What the hell? Imperial Master?

As for this?

Lin Xiao was really shocked in his heart.

He didn't expect that he would become an Emperor Master by selling jars.

Simply outrageous.

In this way, he remained unmoved when faced with this position that could make countless people jealous.

Another moment passed.



The Grand Duke of Netherworld had sweat dripping from his face because of his nervousness.

But his hand holding the token was still so firm, not shaking at all.

"Boss, please accept it. My father really doesn't know how to thank you."

"Don't worry, this token has no restrictions. We will not and do not dare to ask you to do anything for us again. It is really just to express our gratitude."

When Zhu Zhuqing saw this, he couldn't help but stepped forward and said.

"Since it's like that."

Lin Xiao thought about it carefully and seriously, and then slowly picked up the token from the Grand Duke of Netherworld.

"Then I'll accept it. But what I want to say is, don't make this matter public."

"Definitely, definitely, boss, don't worry, in the entire Douluo Continent, apart from me, only Zhuqing and Zhuyun know about this."

The Grand Duke of Netherworld nodded like a chicken eating rice.


Lin Xiao nodded lightly, "There is one more thing I want to explain to you."

"Say it." The Grand Duke of Netherworld looked respectful, waiting for Lin Xiao to lecture him.

Zhu Zhuqing also pricked up his ears, fearing that he would miss a word.


Lin Xiao coughed slightly, "Don't say that I, Lin, am unkind. Even if I accept the token, you won't get any discount when you open the jar.

One hundred thousand gold soul coins, ten jars a week, not one copper soul coin less, do you understand? "

Good night.

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