I sell jars in Douluo

Chapter 349 Liu Erlong invites the five elders to fight

"You old fools, what are you barking at?"

As the sound spread, outside the mountain gate of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family, it suddenly became quiet.

Swish, swish, swish.

Pairs of eyes as if they were real, all fell on the woman next to Yu Yuanzhen.

They were all extremely sure that the words just now were spoken by this woman.


At the same time, they not only gasped.

This woman really dares to say anything.

However, has she thought about the consequences of angering the elders?

Even the second boss can't protect her.

"Be bold!"

"You, how dare you say such rebellious words!"

After silence. Among the elders, the fifth elder ranked at the bottom was blowing his beard and staring, obviously very angry.

He stretched out his finger and pointed at Liu Erlong, his whole body trembling continuously.

who are they?

One of the top three sects, the elder of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family. To put it bluntly, he is already the top figure in the soul master world. How could he be scolded in front of so many disciples?

This is intolerable!

This means that Yu Yuanzhen and Yu Luomian are present, otherwise he will take action immediately to let Liu Erlong know what cruelty is.

"Hehehe, she is indeed a wild girl living outside."

"You don't even know what seniority means, do you?"

The fifth elder's voice fell, and the second elder also looked at Liu Erlong with a gloomy face.

Needless to say, he was also furious.

"Is there superiority between elder and younger?"

Hearing this, Liu Erlong glanced at everyone coldly and suddenly smiled.

However, her smile was cold, and there was a faint anger burning in her eyes.

Do these people deserve her respect if they insult her late mother every time they open their mouth?

"Are people like you worthy of my respect? In other words, I respect people, but what about you?"

In short, she is saying, are you human?

"What a sharp-tongued woman!"

After hearing what Liu Erlong said, the second elder's mouth suddenly twitched, and then he gave Liu Erlong a sharp look like a knife, and asked: "We are the elders of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family, do you think we are worth it?" honourable?"

"In terms of qualifications, even your father Yu Luo Mian has to call us uncle in front of us."

"In terms of status, the elders of the elders are only below the clan leader."

"In terms of strength, even your father, Yuluo Mian, is a bit inferior to me."

As he spoke, he looked at Liu Erlong and asked coldly: "Now let me ask you, am I not worthy of respect?"

"Is this worthy of respect? Isn't this just relying on one's old age and neglecting one's old age?"

Liu Erlong couldn't help laughing and said: "I think you have lived like dogs for a long time."


"Fourth, fifth, take her down first!"

The second elder was furious and gave the order coldly.

On the other hand, the fourth elder and the fifth elder are not ambiguous either.

The two of them each took two steps, and powerful soul power fluctuations broke out.

The people in front of them subconsciously started to move away. More space was left for the two elders.

"Come here, I've never surrendered to anyone in a fight!"

Liu Erlong snorted coldly and was about to step forward.

She has never been good with words because she is a typical action person.

However, someone stopped in front of her.

It was none other than Yuluo Mian, who was holding the spiritual throne in his hand, "Elders, please calm down."

"Yuluo Mian, do you want to stop us?"

The fifth elder asked in a deep voice.

"Elders, Erlong is my daughter no matter what, and she can be considered a member of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family. If you have anything to do, let's enter the sect first."

Yu Luo Mian is well aware of Liu Erlong's current talent.

That's amazing.

As long as Liu Erlong stays in the sect, the disciples, elders, and even the clan leader of their Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon family don't have to work hard.

Just lie down, the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family is destined to reach another peak in the future under the leadership of Liu Erlong.

It’s hard not to rise up.

At the same time, he also knew Liu Erlong's temperament, in two words, impulsive.

Five words, no sand in your eyes.

Once they start fighting each other, the possibility of Liu Erlong leaving the sect cannot be ruled out.

The loss will be incalculable.

"What, let's wait until we enter the sect?" The fifth elder frowned upon hearing this.

The fourth elder couldn't help laughing, "Haha, Yu Luo Mian, did I hear you correctly? You actually want your daughter to enter the sect?"

However, as he smiled, his face turned cold.

"If it hadn't happened before and she had listened to us obediently, we could consider letting her leave the dead man's soul outside the mountain gate and acknowledge her ancestors alone. But now."

As he said that, he pointed at Liu Erlong: "It's impossible. Being rude and disrespectful to the elders is a serious crime in the sect. I won't embarrass her. Now I can kneel down and kowtow to admit my mistake. I can let her be safe." Leave. Otherwise."

"What else? You old man, if you want to take action, stop chirping. Who is afraid of whom?"

"You think this matter can go away, but I still don't agree."

"Everyone counts. Anyone who insults my mother with rude words must kneel in front of her memorial tablet and kowtow to repent. Otherwise, they will never get my forgiveness."

Liu Erlong was so angry that he rolled up his arms and sleeves to fight with them!

If these people insulted her, maybe she could bear it.

Anyway, I can clearly see the faces of these people. The worst thing is that the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus family doesn't join.


Once she insulted her mother, the matter was over.

She was not bluffing, but she had to see these elders kneel down and apologize and admit their mistakes before she would give up.


Suddenly, Yu Yuanzhen let out a cold snort.

The voice was mixed with soul power and instantly overwhelmed everyone's voices.

The place became quiet again.

"What are you doing?"

Immediately afterwards, Yu Yuanzhen frowned and questioned the many elders of Haotian Sect again.

In fact, from the appearance of the elders to the current situation, it only takes a few sentences.

He hasn't organized his language yet, and it's already tense?

"I tried my best to persuade Liu Erlong with a smile on his face, and he was willing to recognize his ancestor and return to the clan. But you guys are better off, and you fell out with her in just two words."

"What a crime."

Yu Yuanzhen's mentality collapsed.

His chest was heaving, and he was on the verge of going berserk.

Damn it. Are you sure you're not trying to trick me?

Thanks to my status as a family elder, I saved you, otherwise I would have killed you all to make you so capable.

"Master Patriarch, we are just doing things according to the rules, there is nothing wrong with it. On the contrary, it was Yu Luo Mian's daughter, Liu Erlong, who made rude remarks to the group of elders.

We also ask the patriarch to seek justice for us and severely punish Liu Erlong! "

The second elder spoke first.

Good guy, you're so damn quick-thinking, you're going to hit him right away, right? Yu Yuan's eyes twitched.

But that's not the end of it. The second elder's words were echoed by a group of elders.

"Such rebellious and unethical people must be severely punished."

"If you don't punish her, it won't be enough to convince the public."


Their expressions were very excited, as if they had been greatly wronged.

"Okay, stop acting."


"Just say a few words."

Yu Yuanzhen waved his hand and interrupted everyone.

"There is one thing you must be clear about. I invited Erlong to come back and join the sect."

Yu Yuanzhen's eyes swept across the many elders coldly, "Do you even want to disobey my will?"


Everyone hesitated.

They don't care what Liu Erlong thinks.

Yuluo Mian can also be ignored.

But Yu Yuanzhen, the clan leader, spoke in person, so he couldn't be ignored.

After all, in addition to being the clan leader, Yu Yuanzhen is also a titled Douluo-level expert in the clan, and is also the strongest person in the clan.

The will of a Titled Douluo-level expert had to be carefully studied.

"Master Patriarch, things have changed now. If you still insist on your idea, then so will we."

At this moment, the Great Elder, who had never spoken except for the first sentence, spoke.

"So, you don't agree?"

Yu Yuanzhen's eyes narrowed. He didn't expect that someone would object even though he had already spoken.

You really don’t know what to do.

"There are no absolutes in this world, we can solve it one by one."

"How to deal with it."

"First of all, let Liu Erlong apologize to me and several elders and admit their mistakes. Then we will discuss whether her mother's spiritual tablet can enter the ancestral hall."

The great elder said, looking at Yu Yuanzhen, "I don't know what the patriarch wants, but are you still satisfied?"

I'm satisfied with the hammer! ?

Has this changed from what happened just now?

Yu Yuanzhen's face turned dark immediately.

He found that these paranoid guys didn't listen to a word he said for a long time.

"You'd better get out of the way."

"I'll handle this matter myself."

With that said, Liu Erlong walked out from behind Yu Luo Mian and Yu Yuan Zhen.

This time, neither of them stopped her.

"Little girl, how do you want to deal with it?"

The great elder narrowed his eyes and asked Liu Erlong.

"I don't understand your messy rules, and I don't want to understand them. I'm too tired."

"How about we handle this matter according to the rules of the soul master world?"

Liu Erlong crossed his arms and asked calmly.

"The rules of the soul master world."

The great elder frowned.

The second elder's pupils shrank, "Do you mean to fight us for souls?"

Liu Erlong nodded heavily, "Yes, this rule is simple, rough, and in line with my taste. What do you think?"

"Hahaha, interesting, really interesting."

"This little girl actually wants to fight with us? Should I say she is ignorant or fearless?"

The Fourth Elder and the Fifth Elder made no secret of their contempt for Liu Erlong.

How old are they and how old is Liu Erlong?

If they were still afraid of Liu Erlong, they would have lived like dogs for such a long time.


Most importantly, the source of their confidence is their own strength.

You must know that the weakest among the five elders is level 85, and the most powerful one is the peak Contra at level 89.

How strong can Liu Erlong be?

Judging from the news they had received before, they were only over seventy levels, and they were not players of the same level at all.

Liu Erlong ignored the ridicule and disdain of many elders.

Her eyes fell on the Great Elder, and she asked in a deep voice: "If I lose, I will kneel down and kowtow to admit my mistake, and I will never enter the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family for the rest of my life."

"If you lose, don't stop my current spiritual place from entering the ancestral hall, and I also want the five of you to kneel in front of my mother's spiritual place and repent for your previous mistakes!"


The great elder's pupils shrank, and some thoughts came to his mind involuntarily. She was so confident, could she possibly have some trump cards?

"Brother, what is there to hesitate about?"

"Yes, promise her that I will teach her a lesson and let her know what cruelty is."

When the fifth elder saw that the elder was silent, he couldn't help but urge him.

In fact, the eyes of the other elders could not help but fall on the great elder.

Their purpose is the same as that of the five elders.

That is, fight!

"Okay, I promise you."

Finally, the great elder stopped hesitating. He looked at Liu Erlong and said in a deep voice.


It eventually evolved into what it is now.

Yu Yuanzhen sighed helplessly.

"Listen, disciples of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family, get out of here and stay away from me."

He issued the order in a deep voice.

Immediately, the hundreds of people gathered around fled away as if they were being pardoned.

For a time, there were only five elders left in front of the mountain gate, including Yu Yuanzhen, Yu Luo Mian, and Liu Erlong.

"Erlong, be careful"

Yu Luo Mian said something to Liu Erlong and stood aside.

"Well, for the sake of me and your father," Yu Yuanzhen was interrupted by Liu Erlong before he could finish his words.

"Uncle, please stop talking. For your sake, I won't be cruel."

Hearing this, Yu Yuanzhen nodded slightly and stood aside.

Only he knew how terrifying Liu Erlong was who had awakened the blood of the Holy Dragon of Light.

Not to mention anything else, the suppression of the martial soul alone can make any disciple of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus family only exert half of its strength.

"Hahaha, little girl, you sound so arrogant. Just let me come and meet you."

The fifth elder came out eagerly.


Liu Erlong looked at him deeply and shook his head slowly.

"What's wrong? Do you think I'm too strong? Are you afraid?"

The fifth elder shook his head with a look of regret on his face, "But, with my eighty-five-level cultivation, I am already the weakest among everyone. I have a word for you, young man, don't be too arrogant."

"What weird words are you talking about?" Liu Erlong looked incredulous, "I shook my head because I thought you were incompetent and not worthy of being my opponent. I didn't expect you to make so many dramas for yourself."

"Can you act like this when you are old?"

As soon as this statement came out.

The fifth elder was startled. What did she say? She thinks I'm weak?

"Little girl, don't talk nonsense here. What qualifications do you have to think that I am weak?"

He asked coldly.

Liu Erlong was too lazy to argue.

However, the next moment, everyone saw soul rings emerging at Liu Erlong's feet.



"She is not a Soul Saint, but a powerful Soul Douluo?"

The pupils of the five elders suddenly shrank.

It has to be said that Liu Erlong's strength far exceeded their expectations.

They never dreamed that Liu Erlong, who was several decades younger than them, would actually be a Contra-level powerhouse like them, calling each other a little girl.

Good night.

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