I sell jars in Douluo

Chapter 350 Liu Erlong’s power, the five elders instantly

"Only the last jar left."

In the small shop, the Grand Duke of Netherworld nervously shook the hammer in his hand, very nervous.

In the first nine jars, not a single rare item came out.

However, there were five experience capsules, which made the Grand Duke of Netherworld very satisfied.

"The success of the martial soul increase just now has enhanced my soul power a lot. My requirements are not high, as long as the last double jar opens an experience capsule."

"Two experience capsules are enough. Counting the previous five, my soul power can be increased by 70% in an instant. It is not difficult to break through the current state and reach level ninety-two."

The Grand Duke of Netherworld whispered.

I have to say that his requirements are really not high.

But Lin Xiao secretly shook his head.

It's not that easy.

He seriously doubted that the system also brought in the detection function.

Whatever you need and want, nothing will come to you.

It was just like the backpack detection function when he was playing dungeons in his previous life.

There are eight out of ten pieces of equipment with the same parts. Your epic equipment just doesn't fit together.

Some people have bad waists, some have bad legs, and some have bad shoulders. In short, the game term "Ten Thousand Years Four Rank One" comes from here.

However, no matter what he thought in his heart, Lin Xiao still knew the rules.

He won't say anything to hurt people.

After all, if all the customers are gone, who will sell the cans?

On Douluo Continent, there are still not many people who have the spending power to buy cans.

Lin Xiao said leisurely: "People have dreams, what if they come true?"

"Then, let me dream bigger and don't need experience capsules."

The Grand Duke of Netherworld seemed to have figured it out, and said in a deep voice: "I want two upgrade coupons!"

Lin Xiao: "."

It’s all daydreaming anyway, so why not dream bigger?

With so much determination, I still need two Awakening Scrolls.

He finally saw that the Grand Duke of Netherworld had no great potential. In Lin Xiao's previous life, such a person might not be able to eat four dishes and one soup if he worked hard all his life.


At this time, the Nether Grand Duke had already smashed the jar.

"Purple light!"

"It's really purple light!"

The Grand Duke of Netherworld exclaimed in surprise.

I have to say, this is really surprising.

"Boss, thank you."

After being surprised, the Grand Duke of Netherworld looked at Lin Xiao gratefully.

Lin Xiao just smiled slightly, neither accepting his thanks nor rejecting it.

After all, he has been selling jars for so long, and he knows very well that these people have determined that the jars are under his control.

I don’t want to explain.


"Father, there seem to be two amplifiers in the jar."

At this moment, Zhu Zhuqing had already looked at the jar, and after recognizing the items in the jar, he said to the Grand Duke of Netherworld in surprise.

"Two amplifiers? Won't I be so lucky?"

The Grand Duke of Netherworld's face suddenly showed a look of surprise and disbelief.

In his mind, the amplifier is more precious than the upgrade scroll.

After all, for a soul master, the martial soul is the foundation. As long as the martial soul is strong enough, the soul power level will be improved sooner or later, right?

Of course.

This does not rule out the fact that what he opened was an amplifier. If he said that what he opened was not an amplifier but an upgrade scroll, then he might have a different story in mind.

People are like this, very good at comforting themselves.

Without much hesitation, the Grand Duke of Netherworld took the two amplifiers in his hands.

He looked at Lin Xiao and asked: "Boss, I remember you said that great strength can produce miracles. If I use two more boosters to increase my martial spirit, will it be considered great strength?"

Lin Xiao was stunned for a moment. He couldn't answer this question accurately.

After all, there are not many people who can evolve their martial souls through amplification.

Most of them, their martial souls have just been strengthened and not evolved.

"Now that the amplifier is on, I have to try it anyway."

"Well, boss, I understand what you mean. My destiny is up to me, right?" The Grand Duke of Netherworld nodded heavily, "Actually, I don't believe that my talent is not good enough."

I'm not, I didn't, please stop talking nonsense, okay? Lin Xiao was startled. He didn't expect that the Grand Duke of Netherworld had thought so much.

And at this time.

An amplifier in the hand of the Grand Duke of Netherworld began to glow slightly, amplifying his martial spirit.

[Congratulations, the increase is successful. 】

When the Grand Duke of Netherworld heard such a voice in his ears, he clearly felt that his martial spirit was strengthening again.

Strength increased again.


In normal times, he would have been ecstatic, but now

"Why is there still no evolution trend in martial arts?"

"According to Boss Lin, that means it's not strong enough?"

The Grand Duke of Netherworld thought to himself, and used the last amplifier without hesitation.

Lin Xiao noticed that the eyes of the Grand Duke of Netherworld were filled with red bloodshot eyes, and he shook his head imperceptibly, "It's over, this is for the boss."

It will not fail until the martial soul increases by +3.

Therefore, the Grand Duke of Netherworld succeeded in increasing the power again without any suspense.


He had a look of astonishment on his face.

"Still not evolved?"

He whispered to himself.

However, there were no ordinary people in the shop and the distance between them was not too far. Both Lin Xiao and Zhu Zhuqing heard his words clearly.

Zhu Zhuqing stretched out her hand to pull the hem of the Netherworld Duke's clothes, but she retracted her hand halfway and asked aloud: "Father, are you okay?"

The next moment, the eyes of the Grand Duke of Netherworld finally slowly regained their luster.

"No. It's okay."

He said with an apologetic smile.

He looked at Lin Xiao and then at Zhu Zhuqing, and said apologetically: "I made you worry."

Lin Xiao shook his head, "It's nothing, as long as you're fine."

He was a little worried that the Grand Duke of Netherworld would lose his mentality and refuse to open the jar in the future, thus reducing his number of loyal customers by one.

"I'm fine. It's just that my ideals are full and my reality is skinny. The gap is too big."

The Grand Duke of Netherworld said with a look of helplessness on his face.

Three amplifiers.

That's three amplifiers.

Sure enough, Wuhun had no tendency to evolve. How could he accept this?

"Hey, I thought before that my talent might not be good, but I was still very unconvinced. Facts have proved that my talent is indeed not good."

In the small shop, the Grand Duke of Netherworld sighed helplessly, "Boss, do you think I still have a chance?"


Can't I say there is no chance? Lin Xiao was startled for a moment and said slowly: "There is no upper limit to the increase. If it doesn't work three times, just four times. If it doesn't work four times, just five times. It will always succeed."

"Besides, your martial spirit itself has become very powerful, hasn't it? Even if you haven't made a breakthrough now, with the current strength of your martial spirit, it's not difficult to leapfrog the next level."

"Don't be so obsessed with it. You always want to compare yourself with those who are inferior to you. If you look back, there will be countless people who are not as good as you? Or, let's see, are you stronger today than you were yesterday? Who is alive? It’s not easy, don’t put so much pressure on yourself.”


Upon hearing this, the Grand Duke of Netherworld's eyes gradually became enlightened.

"I'm too stubborn." He felt that Lin Xiao was right.

In fact, this is what the authorities are confused by.

Of course, this was what Lin Xiao said. If you were to change someone with less influence than Lin Xiao, the Grand Duke of Netherworld might not be able to listen.

"Zhuqing, I've finished opening the jar for my father, come on."

The Grand Duke of Netherworld said and asked Zhu Zhuqing to step forward.

She stretched out her long fingers and pointed out ten jars.


She bowed slightly to Lin Xiao and said, "Boss, please excuse me."

Lin Xiao nodded, and according to Zhu Zhuqing's request, the jars fell one by one.

"You know the rules, so I won't say any more to help you have good luck."

"Zhuqing understands."

Zhu Zhuqing took a deep breath and picked up the lucky magic hammer.

She has one expectation in her heart, which is to improve her strength!

The Star Luo Empire seems to be dominated by the Nether Clan, but in fact it is in turmoil. Only strong strength can protect everything it has.

the other side.

In front of the mountain gate of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family.

The look of shock on the faces of the five elders gradually faded away.

They somewhat understood why Yu Yuanzhen agreed to Liu Erlong returning to the sect with his mother's spiritual throne.

At Liu Erlong's age, it is still very possible for him to become a titled Douluo.

It really should be taken seriously.


It's too late to say anything now.

They were completely at odds with Liu Erlong. They couldn't nod at anything and let Liu Erlong enter the ancestral hall with his current ranking.

Otherwise, wouldn’t it be a slap in their face?

What happened before was watched by hundreds of people. The five of them couldn't afford to lose that person.

"Little girl, I have to say that your talent greatly exceeds my expectations."

"But these are not your arrogant capital."

"In other words, Contra's strength is not enough to speak nonsense in front of me."

The fifth elder said in a deep voice and walked forward step by step.

With every step he took, a soul ring appeared.

Yellow yellow purple purple black black black black.

Eight steps later, the fifth elder had arrived more than ten meters in front of Liu Erlong.

Eight of them were circling around the five elders, and powerful soul power exploded, giving people an extremely powerful oppressive force.


That is for ordinary people.

Facing this force, Liu Erlong didn't even frown.

"Since you insist on coming to your door for me to beat, I will reluctantly accept it."

Liu Erlong rubbed his wrist, then took a step back with his left leg and assumed an offensive posture.

"Hahaha, ignorant, really ignorant."

"I have a spirit power that is four levels higher than yours, and I have a pure blue electric Tyrannosaurus rex spirit. How can it be compared to your mutated fire dragon spirit?"

The Fifth Elder laughed loudly, stretched out his hand to hook Liu Erlong, and said in a very disdainful tone: "Come here, I will stand here. If you move, I will lose."


The next moment, as soon as the fifth elder finished speaking, everyone saw the fifth elder flying into the sky.

Ah this

what happened?

The four elders who were watching the battle looked stunned.

Moving their eyes downward, they found that Liu Erlong had appeared in the position in front of the fifth elder, making a gesture of retracting his legs.

"Lao Wu was kicked away?"

"What kind of strength does Liu Erlong have?"


Everyone was even more shocked.


At this moment, the fifth elder fell heavily to the ground, causing a burst of dust.

"Cough cough cough"

He stood up unsteadily, clutching his chest and coughing violently.

"Lao Wu, what happened? How could you do this?"

The fourth elder's pupils shrank suddenly. He discovered that the fifth elder was actually injured?

Is Liu Erlong's kick so powerful?

"Fourth brother, I don't know what happened."

"I felt like my eyes were flashing. Liu Erlong had already arrived in front of me, and kicked me away at a speed that I couldn't react to."

The fifth elder also looked confused and confused.

Looking at Liu Erlong again, there was a hint of fear in his eyes.

What he didn't say was that just at that moment, he experienced the threat of death.

If Liu Erlong wanted to, he could kill him in an instant!

"Lao Wu, please step aside and let me know her."

The fourth elder stepped forward.

"Elders, are you going too far?"

Yu Luo Mian frowned and shouted in a deep voice.

What do these old immortals want to do?

Wheel war?

"Yu Luomian, Liu Erlong just attacked the fifth elder without respecting martial ethics. Otherwise, how could he lose with the strength of the fifth elder?"

"So, the battle just now cannot be counted, and we should start over."

The fourth elder shouted in a deep voice.

Yuluo Mian suddenly became angry, "Shameless."

"Father, I am willing to fight them again."

At this time, Liu Erlong's voice spread.

"You, what did you call me?"

"Father, sir?"

Yuluo Mian felt as if he had been struck by lightning, and then looked at Liu Erlong with eyes full of disbelief.

You know, this is the first time Liu Erlong has called himself this in so many years.

"Shouldn't it be called that?"

Liu Erlong asked calmly.

"It should, it really should."

Yuluo Mian was so excited that she could not speak coherently.

He had been looking forward to this moment for who knows how many years.

Over the years, he has been trying to get Liu Erlong's forgiveness, but he didn't expect that his dream would come true today.


"Fourth elder, right?"

At this time, Liu Erlong looked at the fourth elder, looked at it carefully, and then stretched out his index finger to shake it, "If you can't do it, change someone. Otherwise, you will have to make excuses to change someone later and lose your Face, it also wastes my time."

"Haha." The fourth elder smiled coldly, "Little girl, don't be too arrogant. My strength is an eighty-eighth level Contra, which is not comparable to that of the fifth."

With that said, he was about to step forward.

However, at this moment, the taciturn First Elder waved his hand and stopped the Fourth Elder.


The fourth elder was startled and asked in confusion.

"You step back first, I'll take action."

The great elder said in a deep voice.

The fourth elder was puzzled, "Brother, what about it?"

You know, the Great Elder is not only the oldest and most senior person, but also the strongest.

His cultivation level has reached the peak of level 89.

The second elder pondered for a moment and then whispered: "Brother, you and I are both at level 89, why don't you let me do it?"

The Great Elder shook his head, "You have just entered level 89, and you are still two points weaker than me. If we lose again, we will have no excuse to fight again."

"Only if I take action can we be foolproof. We can no longer afford to lose. This battle must be won!"

Good night.

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