I sell jars in Douluo

Chapter 351 How about I kowtow to you first?

"I fight for the honor of the Elders."

The great elder's heavy voice rang in everyone's ears.

Several elders suddenly fell silent.

Yes, if they really lose, let them kneel before Liu Erlong's mother's memorial tablet to repent. This is a result they cannot accept.

Especially the fifth elder, who was instantly killed by Liu Erlong's blow, looked ashamed and wanted to find a crack in the ground to crawl in immediately.

"Brother, the great elder has taken action, won't you stop it?"

At this time, Yu Luo Mian also looked anxious as he watched the great elder approaching Liu Erlong step by step.

"Stop it, it's not something I can stop now."

Yu Yuanzhen shook his head.

"You are the clan leader and the most important person in the clan."

"Okay, then let me ask you, even if the elders are willing to stop under my persuasion, what about Liu Erlong?"

Yu Yuanzhen said and looked at Yu Luo Mian, "As a father, can you persuade Liu Erlong?"

After listening to Yu Yuanzhen's words, Yu Luomian was silent for a moment.

Then, he said with a look of helplessness and bitterness: "I treat Erlong as my daughter, but she has always treated me like air. To be honest, that was the first time I heard her call me father."

"That's okay." Yu Yuanzhen looked at the field again and said leisurely: "Besides, Erlong is your daughter, you have to have confidence in her."

"How can I have confidence when someone is level 89 and someone is level 81 who is new to Contra?"

Yu Luomian secretly cursed in her heart, "Emotional Erlong is not your daughter, so of course it doesn't matter to you."

"Then you don't think that the two dragons can defeat the fifth elder with one blow, but they have no power to resist in front of the great elder, do you?"

Even if he didn't look back, Yu Yuanzhen knew what Yu Luomian was thinking.

"Wait, did you mean that?"

Yu Luo Mian's eyes lit up, and she instantly thought of a possibility, "Er Long's martial spirit?"

"Just guess it, but don't say it out loud. As for the outcome, you will know it later."

Yu Yuanzhen said calmly with his back to Yu Luomian.

"Haha, let's put it this way. The great elder may not be the opponent of Erlong!"

Yu Luo Mian suddenly smiled, and then he cast his gaze over, watching the battlefield closely.

But the words the two said were not transmitted even a single sound under Yu Yuanzhen's soul power.

the other side.

The great elder had arrived less than a hundred meters in front of Liu Erlong.

He suddenly shook his head and sighed, "Little girl, before you take action, let me teach you a truth. No matter how good your talent is, it is not the capital of arrogance."

Hearing this, Liu Erlong raised his eyebrows, "Then what is it?"


The Great Elder said calmly: "In the face of absolute strength, any talent is just a cloud. Throughout the history of Douluo Continent, we don't know how many amazing geniuses died midway."

Invisibly, his voice and breath combined to form a pressure that fell on Liu Erlong.

"Hahaha, you are right, strength is indeed important."


As Liu Erlong spoke, a golden radiance suddenly bloomed from his body, "But your strength is nothing compared to my talent."


As her voice fell, the golden light behind her condensed into the figure of a golden dragon.

And the golden dragon looked up to the sky and let out a thunderous roar.

At the same time, a powerful pressure, like a roaring mountain and a tsunami, surged in all directions.

There was a click.

The pressure of the great elder's aura collided with Liu Erlong's aura, and the stalemate only lasted for a moment before falling apart.

The next moment, the great elder was shrouded in it.


The green bricks under the Great Elder's feet exploded, and his straight waist bent in an instant.

It's like carrying a mountain on your back.

"Brother, what's wrong with you?"

The fourth elder exclaimed.

"Look, Liu Erlong's martial spirit doesn't seem to be a fire dragon."

The third elder even discovered the difference in Liu Erlong's martial spirit.

As soon as this statement came out.

The second elder and the fifth elder also looked over, with horror in their eyes.

Unknowingly, a legendary story emerged from their hearts.

"Bright Holy Dragon!"

"Second Dragon, she, her Fire Dragon Spirit has completely evolved into the Bright Holy Dragon Spirit!"

After witnessing Liu Erlong's changes with his own eyes, Yu Luo Mian was so excited that he could not speak coherently.

Fortunately, with Yu Yuanzhen's suppression, no one could hear his voice.

All you can see is his dancing.

"Tch, what's the matter? Big brother was just caught off guard and fell into Liu Erlong's trick."

The fourth elder was disdainful. In his opinion, it would be difficult for the eighty-ninth-level great elder to lose against the eighty-one-level Liu Erlong.


When his eyes returned to the field, he was stunned.

I saw that the great elder was actually punched by Liu Erlong and was sent flying.

"What the hell is this!"

"Fake, this must be fake!"

As he thought, he rubbed his eyes vigorously.

He couldn't believe what he was seeing was real.


Not only him, but also the other elders around him were almost doing the same action.

Only the second elder couldn't help but said in horror, "The Holy Dragon of Light, Liu Erlong's martial spirit is the legendary Holy Dragon of Light."


At this moment, the great elder also fell from mid-air.

However, before he could react, Liu Erlong reached out and grabbed his ankle.

Then the great elder felt like he was in the clouds.

Under everyone's gaze, the Great Elder was like a sandbag, being smashed to the ground by Liu Erlong.


Everyone's eyes twitched.

They clearly saw that the great elder hit the ground face first.

Boom boom boom.

Then, the earth shook continuously.

The great elder was whipped up and pounded on the ground repeatedly.

Left, right, left, right.

He was like a doll in Liu Erlong's hands.


Yuluo Mian took a breath of air, "Is this the power of the Holy Dragon of Light? Is it so powerful?"

"Huh, that's it? It's just scratching the surface."

Yu Yuanzhen shook his head, "This is because Erlong didn't kill him, otherwise the Great Elder would have been torn in half. Even though Erlong only has level 81 soul power now, it's not a problem to fight with me. .”

"The Holy Dragon of Light, so powerful?"

Yuluo Mian was shocked.

"As long as the spirit of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus is in front of her, its strength will be greatly suppressed, and the spirit of the Holy Dragon of Light will also greatly increase the power of the two dragons."

Yu Yuanzhen's expression became complicated as he spoke, "If it wasn't such a big benefit, I would be sorry that Erlong would increase his martial spirit to ten."

"Increase to ten?" Yu Luo Mian was shocked again.

Only after experiencing the increase personally did Yu Luo Mian understand the difficulty.

It is no exaggeration to say that a martial spirit with a tenth increase in strength has such combat power!

"Second brother, think of a solution quickly. If the eldest brother continues like this, he won't be beaten to death by Liu Erlong." The third elder said anxiously.

"Yes, second brother, if the fighting continues, someone will really die. And the victim is still the eldest brother, and the life lost is also the eldest brother's life."

The fourth elder was also very anxious.

"Second brother, stop them and tell them not to fight."

The fifth elder gritted his teeth and wished he could rush into the field.


The second elder no longer hesitated. He took a deep breath and shouted: "Liu Erlong, stop it. We lost."


It has to be said that everyone in the elders still felt a deep sense of frustration in their hearts.

At the same time, when they thought about what they needed to do after losing, they looked even more dejected.

This time the shame was thrown to grandma's house.

"call out!"


After the second elder's voice fell, the first elder was thrown out like garbage by Liu Erlong.


The figure of the second elder moved and he rose into the air to catch the first elder in his hands.

"Brother, what do you think?"

The second elder asked with concern on his face.

"Cough cough cough."

After a violent cough, the great elder managed to take a breath.

"It's okay, I can't die, please let me down."

Although the second elder's face was full of worry, he still obeyed.

"Are you convinced now?"

At this moment, Liu Erlong's eyes coldly swept across the many elders, "If you still feel dissatisfied, then let's go together."

Her face was full of fighting spirit.

To be honest, she didn't even know how powerful she was after her martial soul evolved into the Holy Dragon of Light.

However, one thing that is certain is that it far exceeded her expectations.

Fight again?

I have to say that this is a very good proposal, and several elders have this idea.

"No, it doesn't make any sense anymore."

The great elder shook his head and rejected Liu Erlong's proposal. "I would like to admit defeat. We will no longer prevent your mother from entering the ancestral hall, and a few of us will kneel in front of her memorial tablet to repent!"


As soon as he said this, the expressions of the elders around him changed.

"Brother, please think again."

The fourth elder could not help but speak out to persuade him.

"Are you questioning my decision?"

The great elder frowned, his face as cold as frost.

"Then Liu Erlong's mother is just from a humble background."


Before he could finish speaking, the great elder slapped him hard on the face.


"The more you act like this, the more you will bring shame on our elders."

The great elder shouted coldly.

On the other hand, the fourth elder seemed to have been beaten silly.

Brother, you actually beat me over a woman?


The great elder's actions were even more shocking.


He knelt on one knee and lowered his proud head towards Liu Erlong.

"Welcome the Holy Dragon of Light back to our sect!"

"Welcome the Holy Dragon of Light back to our sect!"

When the second elder saw this, he also knelt down and shouted in a deep voice, imitating the elder elder.


Bright Holy Dragon?

Is it the legendary bloodline source of our Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family?

Isn't this a legendary story?

Suddenly, when the other elders looked at Liu Erlong, their eyes changed.

They believed that the first elder and the second elder would not make mistakes in their vision.

Puzzled, shocked, envious, awed.

In short, the expression is extremely complicated.

"Uncle, father, can we leave now?"

Liu Erlong didn't bother to pay attention to these elders at all, but looked at Yu Yuanzhen and Yu Luomian and said.

"Okay, let's go to the ancestral hall!"

Yu Yuanzhen said in a deep voice and strode to the front.

The jade crown is in the middle.

Liu Erlong was last.

After they left, the five elders looked at each other and followed closely behind.

"Coming in, really coming in!"

"It seems that the five elders have lost. What is Liu Erlong's background?"

"No matter who you are, you just have to keep your tail between your legs when you see her. Didn't you see that the five elders have lost their previous arrogance and followed her obediently?"

"Liu Erlong, you're so awesome!"


Among the sect, there were many disciples of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus family, and they saw a group of people led by Yu Yuanzhen walking in.

To be honest, no one is not shocked.

The status of the five elders in the sect is only lower than that of the clan leader. Will there be a day when they bow their heads?

On the other hand.

The five elders now want to find a crack in the ground and crawl into it.

It's really embarrassing today.

A lot of years have passed on to dogs.

The prestige of decades was destroyed in one fell swoop.

In the ancestral hall.

Under the auspices of Yu Yuanzhen, Liu Erlong's mother's spiritual tablet was placed in a conspicuous position.


Liu Erlong immediately knelt down, tears already dripping from his cheeks.

The wish that her mother had cherished before her death finally came true today.

"Mom, this is the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family. You can see it, right?"

"No one can call you a wild woman from now on."

As she spoke, tears formed on her face.


At this moment, beside her, Yu Luo Mian actually knelt down, "I have been sorry for you all these years."

As he spoke, he kowtowed to the spiritual throne.

Thump, thump, thump.

At this moment, there was another sound behind Liu Erlong.

It is the five elders including the great elder.

"We apologize to you for our previous offenses."

The great elder's voice fell, and the other four elders lowered their heads together with him.

After a long time.

Liu Erlong and Yu Luo Mian had already stood up.

"Okay, I forgive you on behalf of my mother."

Liu Erlong said to the five elders.

Hearing this, the five people stood up one after another as if they had been granted amnesty.

"Uncle, father, now that my mother has entered the ancestral hall, I am satisfied."

"Wait, what do you mean?"

Yuluo Mian immediately frowned.

"Of course we're leaving here."

Liu Erlong said matter-of-factly: "After my simple investigation, the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus family is not suitable for me."

leave? !

Yu Yuanzhen immediately frowned. He looked at the five elders coldly, with anger burning in his heart.

There is no doubt that Liu Erlong's resentment towards the sect is related to the five of them.

"What? You want to leave?"

Similarly, the five elders were all shocked after hearing Liu Erlong's words.

"Erlong, if you are dissatisfied because of our previous offense, just say so. As long as you clear the way, we will definitely satisfy you."

The great elder said loudly.

Are you kidding me? Liu Erlong possesses the legendary Holy Dragon Spirit of Light.

She is also the only owner of the Holy Dragon of Light in the history of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family. How could she be allowed to leave? !

The prosperity of the sect depends entirely on her!

More importantly, if Liu Erlong leaves the sect because of the actions of the five of them before, then how can they have the face to be the elders of the sect? They are the sinners of the sect.

"Erlong, we really didn't mean to offend before."

The second elder also spoke at this time.

"Yes, as long as you don't leave, the conditions are up to you!"

Upon seeing this, the fifth elder quickly agreed.

However, after seeing that Liu Erlong was still unmoved, he frowned, his heart skipped a beat, and he said in a deep voice: "Erlong, how about I give you a kowtow first, and you calm down?"

Good night.

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