I sell jars in Douluo

Chapter 353 Bo Saixi’s helplessness, the fruit of thorns

In the tent.

Tang Xiao found that Tang Chen's expression was constantly changing like a revolving lantern.

He couldn't help but ask: "Ancestor, what happened?"

"There's so much going on."

Hearing Tang Xiao's question, Tang Chen broke free from endless regret.


As he spoke, he lifted up his bloody cloak.

The wounds on his body were displayed in front of Tang Xiao.

"how come."

"Is it like this?"

Tang Xiao's pupils shrank suddenly, with a look of disbelief on his face.

Tang Chen, this must be too miserable.

Not to mention the wounds crisscrossing the body, one arm was also cut off?

"Ancestor, who hurt you?"

he asked subconsciously.

Without any hesitation, Tang Chen pointed at the scars all over his body and said, "These sword marks on the chest were left by the joint efforts of Sword Douluo and Ning Fengzhi, and the left arm was cut off by Qian Daoliu. And I legs"

At this point, Tang Chen's face showed a look of hatred, and he gritted his teeth and said, "My legs were broken by Tang Hao."

"Sword Douluo, Ning Fengzhi, Qiandaoliu, Tang Hao."

After listening to Tang Chen's words, Tang Xiao summarized several of Tang Chen's enemies.

Suddenly, he noticed something was wrong.


"Tang Hao?!"

His eyes widened and he asked with a shocked look on his face: "Ancestor, you said Tang Hao also hurt you?"

"Yes, it's Tang Hao, a traitor to the sect!"

Tang Chen gritted his teeth in hatred, "Tang Hao is indispensable for me to be in this world now. After I left Haotian Sect, I went to Poseidon Island."

Immediately, Tang Chen told Tang Xiao the whole story.

When Tang Chen finished speaking, Tang Xiao's eyes also showed a look of surprise.

"Because of Tang Hao's matter, he broke his arm and was seriously injured, but Tang Hao turned against him directly. I have to say, well done."

"I asked why you admitted your mistake and apologized as soon as we met. It turned out to be that you suffered such a big setback from Tang Hao."

Logically speaking, Tang Chen, as the ancestor of the Haotian Sect, was seriously injured, so Tang Xiao should be sad.

But in fact.

Not only was Tang Xiao not sad, he even wanted to look up to the sky and laugh, feeling relieved in his heart!


It's really retribution.

People are doing it, but God is watching. There is reincarnation in the way of heaven, and heaven will spare no one.

You were frustrated by Tang Hao, and you want to seek comfort from me, right?

"Xiao'er, I was blinded by Tang Hao's rhetoric. Can you forgive me?"

Tang Chen once again tried to obtain Tang Xiao's forgiveness,


How could I forgive you?

Tang Xiao thought to himself, but still said: "Ancestor, Xiao'er has never blamed you."

"If you want to blame, I can only blame Tang Hao. He is too scheming."

Moreover, he looked sincere.

"Indeed, it's Tang Hao's fault. If he hadn't deceived the public with his lies, how could I have made the wrong decision?"

Tang Chen nodded heavily.

He found that no matter who scolded Tang Hao, he felt comfortable

Involuntarily, the more he looked at Tang Xiao, the more he liked it.

Ever since I was a child, I have never looked good at this moment.

"Well, he is indeed my good grandson."

"If you and Tang Hao's identities were exchanged, and he was removed from the position of sect leader by me, I'm afraid he would have committed treason and evil long ago. But you didn't, and you are still working hard for the sect."

"With this demeanor of being unfazed by humiliation and the overall view of thinking about the sect, Tang Hao can be surpassed by ten blocks, no, a hundred blocks."

Tang Chen couldn't help but praise.

The better Tang Xiao performed, the more he regretted it. Was he blind at the beginning or was he blinded by lard? Why didn't he find the shining point in Tang Xiao?

With this thought in mind, he said in a deep voice: "Tang Xiao obeys the order."

"Haotian Sect disciple, Tang Xiao is here!"

Tang Xiao looked serious.

"From now on, you will be restored to your position as the leader of the Haotian Sect."

Tang Chen said as he took out an item from the space soul guide.

That's a nice little hammer.

"This is the token of the leader of Haotian Sect. Fortunately, I didn't give it to Tang Hao before. Now I will give it to you."

"Thank you for your respect, ancestor."

Tang Xiao solemnly took the sect leader's token and then carefully put it away.

"I believe that under your leadership, the sect will be able to prosper again."

Tang Chen patted Tang Xiao's shoulder with his hand.

"Tang Xiao will definitely devote his whole life to Haotian Sect!"

Tang Xiao said solemnly.

However, he also secretly added something in his heart.

I am just for Haotian Sect.

"I can rest assured that you will do the work."

A smile finally appeared on Tang Chen's face.

"Besides, there is one more thing."

"Ancestor, please tell me." Tang Xiao showed great respect.

"How many gold soul coins does the Haotian Sect have at its disposal now?"

"Golden Soul Coin?"

Tang Xiao was startled for a moment, then frowned, "Ancestor, all the gold soul coins were taken away by Tang Hao?"


Tang Chen was startled, "Took them all away?"

Tang Xiao nodded. "Yes, he is the head of the sect, and he had your support at that time. Of course I will give it to him if he wants it."

Actually, no.

But now he felt more and more that Tang Chen couldn't believe it.

In other words, no one can be trusted except yourself.

"If you really need it, ancestor, I can think of a way."

Tang Xiao saw that Tang Chen was in a daze and said again.

"Forget it, I'll figure it out myself."

Tang Chen shook his head and walked out of the tent.

He suddenly remembered.

It seems that there is a lot of wealth in the killing city.

It was left behind by those who died in the Killing City.

Whether you can change your destiny against the odds depends entirely on the jar you got by accident.

the other side.

In a small shop.

"Boss, can this fruit be eaten?"

Bo Saixi looked at the items in her hands in surprise.

You know, this is a fruit that comes from a rare jar. Bo Saixi believes that it must have strange abilities.

Item: [Thorn Fruit]

Level: [Rare]

Type: [Tradable]

Description: [A magical fruit taken from the pirate world. 】

Effect: [After use, thorns can sprout from the whole body, and the sharp thorns can easily pierce even rocks. 】

"It's actually a devil fruit." Lin Xiao was a little surprised.

"Boss, what is a Devil Fruit? Is it the same as the fruit of the Sky Tree?"

At this time, Bo Saixi asked curiously.

"Of course it's different."

Lin Xiao shook his head, "The fruits of the Sky Tree are for use, and the Devil Fruit is for eating."


"That's right." Lin Xiao nodded and added: "The devil fruit in your hand is called the thorn fruit. After using it, thorns and spikes can grow on any part of the body, which can easily penetrate gold and stone.

Of course, this is just a preliminary ability. With continuous understanding, this ability will become more powerful. "

"Oh? It's so magical?"

A look of surprise appeared on Bo Saixi's pretty face.

After decades of living, this was the first time she heard of such a treasure.

"However, I don't recommend you use it."

At this moment, Lin Xiao suddenly said.


Bo Saixi looked at Lin Xiao and asked in confusion.

You know, she was already eager to try it. Regarding this magical new thing, Bo Saixi had only one idea in her mind: eat it!

"Because after eating Devil Fruit and becoming a person with abilities, there will be side effects. The eater will be completely abandoned by the sea and will be a "landlubber" for life.

Not only that, as long as the body is immersed in or touches a certain amount of seawater, or as long as there is a place where water accumulates, it will have a certain impact on the person with abilities and make the person with abilities weak. "

Lin Xiao looked at Bo Saixi and said slowly: "And your martial soul is destined to be inseparable from the sea or water. Eating Devil Fruit will not only not improve your strength, but will become a limitation."

"It actually has such side effects?" Bo Saixi was stunned.

"For normal people, this side effect is not serious, but for owners of water element martial arts, it is different. The effect of the side effect will be infinitely amplified."

Lin Xiao spread his hands, indicating that he was also helpless.

"Could it be that such a precious Devil Fruit is useless?"

Bo Saixi looked at the devil fruit in her hand and couldn't help showing a look of regret.

"Ha ha."

Lin Xiao suddenly smiled, "This is a rare item that can be traded. The value shouldn't be too high. If you don't need it, turn left when you go out. There is a small shop that specializes in buying devil fruits. At least five million gold soul coins are needed. end."

"Five million?" Bo Saixi was startled.

If it were measured with gold soul coins, she would know how precious the Devil Fruit was.

"Of course, if you are not short of money, I still recommend that you keep the Devil Fruit for the time being."

At this time, Lin Xiao gave another suggestion.

"Is there any other way to explain this?"

Bo Saixi was startled.

"Actually, in addition to Devil Fruits, there are some items that can be traded, but the chance of getting them is not high."

"However, if someone finds the tradable item you need, you can completely exchange it with Devil Fruit. This is definitely a more useful hard currency than gold soul coins or night pearls."

After Lin Xiao finished speaking, his eyes never moved away from Bo Saixi's face.


He saw joy on the latter's face.

"It seems that I should keep this thing."

"In case someone comes up with an increase volume that can be traded."

Bo Saixi said as she gathered the thorn fruits.

On the other hand, Lin Xiao was speechless.

Good guy, you really dare to think about anything.

Even if things like amplification scrolls are tradable, will anyone sell them?

"Hopefully something good will come out of the remaining jars."

"Of course, my requirements are not very high. It would be fine if I could open a few more Devil Fruits and other hard currencies. I can completely prepare them to be exchanged for the items I want."

Bo Saixi's eyes were bright and she murmured softly.

Isn’t that too much to ask for?

How is that considered demanding?

Lin Xiao secretly cursed, Bo Saixi really dared to think about it.

"Brother, why did you call me here? It's so mysterious."

In Yu Yuanzhen's room of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus family, Yu Luomian asked Yu Yuanzhen in front of him in confusion.

"Second brother, do you think I was joking with you just now?"

Yu Yuanzhen said meaningfully: "I really brought back a treasure."

"Baby?" Yu Luomian was startled, and then his eyes showed excitement, "Brother, did you get something extraordinary out of the jar?"

"It is indeed a treasure in a jar, but I didn't open it. I spent a lot of money to buy it after someone else opened it."

Yu Yuanzhen said, his eyebrows raised, a little proud.

"Brother, it's time now. Stop hiding it and show me what it is."

Yu Luomian looked anxious.

"Look at how anxious you are."

Yu Yuanzhen snorted without curiosity, but still took out an item from the space soul guide.

Immediately, Yuluo Mian looked over.

He also saw it clearly.

It was a small doll, but it was exquisitely made and lifelike.

But, is this the treasure that the eldest brother spent a lot of money to buy?

"Brother, are you sure you got it right?"

he asked very puzzledly.

He didn't see how expensive this thing was.

"Haha, how about it? Surprising or not, unexpected or not, I spent three hundred thousand gold soul coins on this little doll."

"Don't underestimate this doll. When activated, she will become a real person."

Yu Yuanzhen laughed and said as if offering a treasure.

“Very pleasant surprise, very unexpected”

"I never thought that as the head of a sect, you could spend three hundred thousand to buy such a doll."

Suddenly, Yu Luomian said somewhat mysteriously: "Brother, if you have any needs, you can tell me. You don't need three hundred thousand gold soul coins, just three gold soul coins will be enough for you."

What three gold soul coins?

Yu Yuanzhen was startled at first, and then suddenly realized.


He cursed angrily, "Am I that kind of person? Is it what you think when I buy this doll?"

"This doll is named No. 28. It has magical power. I bought her to feel this magical power and see if there is a way to reproduce it! If it succeeds, this will be a great addition to our Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex. For the family, the benefits are huge!”

"Enough to create profits of three million, thirty million, or even higher!"



After listening to Yu Yuanzhen's words, Yu Luomian looked embarrassed.

He knew that he had misunderstood his elder brother.

"Brother, please calm down, I'm thinking about you too."

"Okay, then I thank you."


Yu Luo Mian smiled dryly and said: "We are all brothers, there is absolutely no need to say such things."

"Huh, I'm too lazy to talk to you."

Yu Yuanzhen snorted and said: "Now I am going to use No. 28. You have to watch it carefully and not miss every detail."

"Brother, don't worry, I know what to do."

Yuluo Mian nodded solemnly.

Yu Yuanzhen also threw No. 28 to the ground with a serious face.


The next moment, golden light flashed.

A voice sounded.


"Lovely guys."

Uh, this doll can also talk?

Yu Luomian was startled for a moment. He seriously doubted that his eldest brother bought No. 28 just for this ability.

"What's that look in your eyes?"

"I didn't know that No. 28 could talk."

Yu Yuanzhen glanced at Yu Luo Mian angrily.

This boy, my heart will never die if you arrange it!


At this time, the golden light dissipated.

A figure wearing a short skirt and long boots with a hot figure appeared.

Moreover, it gives people a youthful atmosphere.

"Is this the 28th?"

Yuluo Mian was startled for a moment, he was really no different from a real person.

"Stop talking so much and watch carefully!"

Yu Yuanzhen reminded in a deep voice.

And at this time.

No. 28 also shouted:

"Weapon of Light!"

Immediately afterwards, a circle of light centered on her and spread out in all directions.

Yu Yuan Zhen and Yu Luo Mian were enveloped in it in an instant.

"Ah, this feeling."

"It's so cool!"

The two of them couldn't help but moan.

Good night.

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