I sell jars in Douluo

Chapter 354 Tang Chen: Five hundred thousand to buy an artifact? Found a treasure

When the golden light covered the bodies of Yu Yuan Zhen and Yu Luo Mian, they felt that their whole bodies were sublimated.

Let a feeling of joy arise deep in their souls.

The strength is also improving!

"This power is so powerful, I feel that the power of my soul skills has increased by at least 30%!"

Yu Luo Mian shouted in surprise, no one could understand his situation better than him.

"Most auxiliary soul masters can only increase soul power, strength, physical strength and other effects. This is the first time I have seen someone who can increase the power of soul skills."

"Amazing, really amazing."

Yu Yuanzhen couldn't help but marveled.

Apart from anything else, No. 28’s skill alone shocked the two of them.


This is just the beginning.

"Breath of wind!"

There was another clear shout on the 28th.

A golden halo lit up again.

After being shrouded in golden light, Yu Yuan Zhen and Yu Luo Mian once again showed surprise on their faces.

They feel lighter physically.

Hoo ho ho.

The two of them punched randomly, and their arms drew afterimages in the void.

"This speed has also been greatly enhanced."

Yuluo Mian clicked his tongue in wonder.

"It's at least a 30% speed increase."

Yu Yuanzhen pondered for a moment and roughly gave a number.

A 30% speed increase may not be a big deal, but when combined with the previous 30% skill attack power, everything becomes different.

After all, she is already very strong, but she can also make people stronger, which is very precious.

"If this doll No. 28 can be considered a soul master, he will be ranked among the top assistants in the world of soul masters."

"It has at least increased our strength by 40%."

At this time, Yuluo Mian was filled with admiration.

"That's it, it's not the limit yet."

Yu Yuanzhen heard Lin Xiao talk about the puppet's abilities, and he was already looking forward to it.

"Thinking Qi Mask!"

Another skill was released on the 28th.

A ball of light enveloped all three.

"What kind of ability is this?"

Yuluo Mian was confused.

"But it's warm and comfortable in here."

Yu Luo Mian said with a look of satisfaction on his face.

"I let you come here to enjoy yourself, right?"

Yu Yuanzhen said angrily: "This mental energy shield, as long as the shield is not broken, we are invincible."

"What? Invincible?"

Yuluo Mian was shocked. This skill was too powerful for any soul master.

"He's become a god. The auxiliary ability of No. 28 is simply amazing!"

He was a little stunned.


Yu Yuanzhen slapped him on the back of the head, "Boy, what are you doing standing still? Have you forgotten what I told you before?"

"whats the matter?"

"Study what?"

Yu Yuanzhen said angrily: "How did you become No. 28?"


Yuluo Mian nodded heavily.

He knew that if they really mastered the secret of No. 28, the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family would gain unimaginable benefits in the future.


When No. 28 noticed the naked gaze between the two, he coldly uttered one word, "Get out!"

Ah this

Yu Yuan Zhen and Yu Luo Mian's expressions suddenly froze.

What the hell?

Will the doll still curse people?

"I'd rather die than I am for assisting wretched people like you!"

No. 28 said something again, and her figure suddenly turned into a puff of smoke and slowly dissipated.

Ah this

The two of them looked stunned.

"Brother, is this the end?"


"But let alone fifteen minutes, even five minutes. The doll bought with three hundred thousand gold soul coins is gone?"

Yu Yuanzhen: "."


He had to admit that he was losing blood this time.

Stealing the chicken will lose the rice.

the other side.

The city of killing.

This is a room dominated by blood and black.

Tang Chen sat on a huge throne with a golden sword.

Below him, a person stood respectfully.

He is the law enforcement captain of the Killing City.

Besides him, he is also the strongest titled Douluo.

"Dear King of Slaughter, this is the gold soul coin you need."

With that said, the law enforcement captain took out boxes one by one from the space soul guide.


Tang Chen frowned when he saw this, "How much is this?"

When the law enforcement captain saw this, he felt a chill in his heart and said bravely: "Fifty thousand gold soul coins."

"Why are there only these?" Tang Chen's face darkened.

In his opinion, there should be a lot.

"Dear King of Slaughter, to maintain the operation of the Slaughter City, a lot of gold soul coins are consumed."

"But as long as you give me time, I will definitely get the gold soul coins you need."

There was some pleading in the law enforcement captain's voice.

Tang Chen nodded, "Okay, I'll give you a chance."

The law enforcement captain asked again: "Can you give me an accurate number?"

Tang Chen's answer was simple: "The more correct, the better."


The face of the law enforcement captain changed, and his heart was filled with a feeling of powerlessness.

The more gods, the better.

In this hellish place called the Killing City, aren't we going to kill people?

"What, is it difficult?" Tang Chen asked in a deep voice.

The law enforcement captain shook his head like a rattle, "No, it's not difficult. My subordinates will definitely satisfy you."

"Then go ahead."

Tang Chen waved his hand.

"Yes." The law enforcement captain seemed to have been granted amnesty.

After the law enforcement captain left.

Tang Chen also walked down from the large seat.


He flipped his palm and took out a jar from the space soul guide.

It was the drifting can that fell from the sky and almost cracked his head open.

"Whether it's so magical that it can really change my life against the odds, it depends on this."

"Just half a million, let's open five jars and test the water first."

He thought, grabbed a lot of gold soul coins and poured them into the jar.

After a long time, he stuffed half a million gold soul coins into the jar.

"I didn't expect that this small jar could hold so many gold soul coins."

Tang Chen couldn't help but click his tongue in surprise, so the question came, "What should we do next?"

It seemed to be an answer to his words.

Five rays of light were seen spraying out from the jar, falling on the ground in front of Tang Chen.

"This is."

Tang Chen's pupils suddenly shrank.

Five rays of light turned into five black jars, which were neatly placed in front of him.

Also, there is a small hammer.

"Do you want me to break the jar?"

Tang Chen wasn't stupid either. After looking at it twice, he guessed what it meant.


"Such a small hammer looks weak, so I'll just use my Clear Sky Hammer."

He grinned, and a huge Clear Sky Hammer appeared in his hand.

Immediately afterwards, the Clear Sky Hammer suddenly crashed down.

If Tang Xiao saw such a scene, he would definitely persuade Tang Chen to give up this stupid behavior.

The degree of evil in the jar is simply unbelievable.

You could say it's unbreakable.

He can be smashed into pieces by the Magic Hammer of Luck.

You say he is vulnerable.

Only the Magic Hammer of Luck can break it into pieces.


With a shocking loud noise, the city of killing seemed to tremble a few times.

A huge Clear Sky Hammer smashed through Tang Chen's door and flew into the distance.

"Here, what kind of jar is this made of?"

"A divine weapon!"

Tang Chen was shocked when he saw the Clear Sky Hammer being thrown away by the backlash.

There were even waves of numbness on his arms.

"Dear King of Slaughter, don't you know what happened?"

Suddenly, the voice of the law enforcement captain came from outside the room.


Has it attracted people's attention?

Tang Chen blushed. If people knew that he didn't even break a small jar, wouldn't they laugh out loud?

It's the best martial spirit in the world. It would be too embarrassing to spread it.


Don't let anyone know what happened!

Soon, his expression returned to normal, and he said to the door: "It's okay, I'm just practicing my soul skills. You all should step back and stay away. I'm afraid of accidentally hurting you."


There was almost no hesitation in the voice of the law enforcement captain.

In fact, he had long wanted to hide away.

Because, he found that something was very wrong with the King of Slaughter who returned this time.


Da da da.

Listening to the distant footsteps, Tang Chen's heart became calm again.

He thought carefully and picked up the hammer in front of him.

If not, try this thing?

Although I don't think it is stronger than the Clear Sky Hammer.

at the same time.

Wuhun City, in a small shop.

Lin Xiao heard buzzing sounds in his ears.

He quickly looked for the sound.

It was his cell phone placed under the counter that kept vibrating.

"What's happening here?"

With curiosity in his heart, he picked up the phone and found that it was a payment reminder.

[Through the drift tank, you will get 500,000 trading points, please pay attention to check. 】

"Good guy, after waiting for so many days, the transaction finally started."

Lin Xiao showed interest. He was very curious about who saw his drift tank?


At this moment, there was a crisp sound in his ears, which once again brought his eyes back.

Then, there was a sigh in his ears.

"Hey, the last jar has been opened, but no miracle happened after all."

Bo Saixi had a look of regret on her face.

Lin Xiao smiled slightly when he saw this, "Don't be too disappointed."


Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Bo Saixi, "Boss, you don't have to comfort me. I know that next time it will be better than this time."

Bo Saixi felt that she had grasped Lin Xiao's heart.

However, to Bo Saixi's surprise, Lin Xiao shook his head, "No, I think you misunderstood. What I want to say is, don't be too disappointed, calm down, maybe the next time you open the can is not as good as this time. .”

What? A look of astonishment suddenly appeared on Bo Saixi's face.

He was obviously caught off guard by Lin Xiao's counter-routine.


I wasn't that uncomfortable at first, but after listening to Boss Lin's words, I became even more uncomfortable.

Bo Saixi felt that she was successfully cured by Lin Xiao.

"Boss, before I leave, can I ask you something?"

"whats the matter?"

"I want to wander around Douluo Continent. Is there a suitable place?"

Bo Saixi wanted to change places and adjust her mood.

"You've finally asked the right person."

Lin Xiao said with a smile.

"Then where do you think I can go?" Bo Saixi's face showed curiosity again.

"have no idea."

Lin Xiao's answer was simple.

In fact, after he came to Douluo Continent, the number of times he left the shop was limited.


Bo Saixi now had some doubts. Lin Xiao had some evil intentions. Why was he always making fun of herself?

"However, I heard that the new Star Luo Emperor is about to ascend the throne. Star Luo City should be quite lively by then. You can go and join in the fun if you like."

After listening to Lin Xiao's words, Bo Saixi's eyes lit up, and she finally got some meaningful news from Lin Xiao.

"Thank you, I'll go back and have a look." She said lightly, and then left the shop.

After Bo Saixi left.

Lin Xiao didn't care anymore and took out his phone openly. He really wanted to see what the mysterious guy drove.

Waited for another moment.

He finally got the message.

The other party opened the jar.

[Obtain: Enhancer X1]

Lin Xiao was startled. Is the first item an enhancer?

This guy is lucky.

"Damn, what the hell is this?"

"A jar that can't be broken even by the Clear Sky Hammer can be broken with this small hammer?"

"This is a bit insulting to the Clear Sky Hammer."

"Wait a minute, is it possible that this is really a powerful artifact? If so, you've found a treasure!"

Thinking of this, Tang Chen excitedly waved the small hammer in his hand twice.

But I found that it was ordinary and showed nothing special.

But there is no special place, but it can break the jar

In the end, Tang Chen summed it up in one word, "Evil!"

At the same time, I feel like my joy is in vain.

Tang Chen also felt that he was overthinking just half a million gold soul coins to buy a powerful artifact.

"what is this?"

Afterwards, Tang Chen fell into deep thought as he looked at the items that fell out after the jar was smashed.

Of course, there is also a look of vigilance that cannot be concealed.

"There shouldn't be any danger."

After looking at it carefully for a moment, he bravely took the item that fell out of the jar into his hands.

Suddenly, a stream of information flooded into his mind.

Item: [Enhancer]

Level: [Rare]

Type: [Unable to trade]

Description: [A magical prop taken from the dungeon world. 】

Effect: [You can designate any soul ring for enhancement. After the enhancement is successful, the upper limit of the life of the soul ring can be increased according to the basic age of the soul ring. The higher the enhancement level, the greater the improvement rate. (Notice)】

"Strengthen the soul ring and increase the life of the soul ring."

After carefully analyzing the function of the enhancer, Tang Chen's eyes became brighter and brighter, "Doesn't it mean that this thing can improve my strength?"

"Moreover, I use the Haotian Sect's secret method of exploding the ring. The older the soul ring is, the stronger it will be!"

"If it is as magical as the introduction, I will make a lot of money!"

Simply put, the benefits of this enhancer are doubled for him.

"I wonder what Tang Chen will do after returning to the mainland?"

On the other side, in the Poseidon Temple, Tang Hao, dressed in red robe, frowned and thought.

After Tang Chen left, he felt a little regretful.

I regret not being able to keep Tang Chen directly.

“If you cut the weeds without removing the roots, they will grow again when the spring breeze blows.”

"The ancestor of the Haotian Sect, as long as he stands on the opposite side of me, Tang Hao, he is an enemy."

"And the enemy must die!"

Tang Hao's face became increasingly gloomy.

"Dad, can I come in?"

Suddenly, at this moment, Tang San's voice came from outside the Poseidon Temple.

"What's the matter?" Tang Hao's faint voice came out.

"Dad, I passed Poseidon's second test today."

Tang San responded again.

So fast?

Hearing this, Tang Hao's face became even more gloomy. Is he so anxious for me to die?

Good night.

I've been busy lately, so I'll update late.

I work hard and try not to take time off.

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