I sell jars in Douluo

Chapter 355 Father and son are jealous, grapes are so sweet

"Dad, can I come in?"

Outside the Poseidon Temple, Tang San's voice sounded again.

"No need, just talk outside the hall if you have anything to do." Tang Hao conveyed in a faint voice.


Tang San outside the hall fell into silence because of Tang Hao's words.

He clenched his fists subconsciously.

"Tang Hao is deliberately alienating me. It seems that after he succeeded to become the High Priest of Poseidon, there is still a gap between him and me."

He thought to himself.

It seems that Tang Hao is still worried about the sacrifice that will be made in the future.


"Didn't I say that after I become a god, I can resurrect him? What is he still afraid of?"

"I still remember what he said when I asked the Blue Silver Emperor to sacrifice him to me!"

"Haha, after all, it's better to stand and talk without hurting your back. When things come to a head, he is still afraid and wants to retreat."

Tang San couldn't help but sneer in his heart.

Very disdainful of Tang Hao's actions.

However, he soon frowned again.

What should Tang Hao do if he doesn't sacrifice himself?

Can he still inherit the throne of God?

Tang San was more concerned about this issue.

"We can't rely entirely on Tang Hao's own conscience to find out. I should also think of some ways. The best policy is to be prepared for a rainy day."

Sitting quietly and waiting for death has never been Tang San's code of conduct.

"What, you don't have anything else to do except tell me the news?"

At this time, Tang Hao in the temple asked again after not hearing Tang San make another sound for a long time.

"there is none left."

Tang San replied calmly.

"Then you go down first, but you have to remember that it is important to improve your cultivation and complete the divine examination. But laying a good foundation is even more important."

“Only by laying a solid foundation can you go further in the future!”

"I suggest that you don't rush to complete the divine test for the time being. The best choice is to stabilize your cultivation and consolidate your current state. You might as well walk slower."

In the hall, Tang Hao's voice came again.

Just like an old father, he speaks with sincerity and sincerity.


If these words had been spoken before, Tang San would have been very moved.

But, now.

There was no fluctuation in his heart, and he even wanted to laugh a little.

Haha, strengthen your realm and walk slower.

I'm afraid, you are afraid that when I grow up, I will threaten you first?

He thought that Tang Hao would not be so kind to care about him now.

However, he still pretended to have benefited a lot, "Dad, Xiaosan must bear your words in mind. I will go back to practice first."

He said respectfully to Tang Hao in the temple.

After a while.

In the temple, Tang Hao said two words lightly, "Go."

Da da da.

The next step, Tang Hao heard Tang San's leaving footsteps.

He secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's not an option to keep avoiding him like this."

"It won't be long before there will still be drama about father and son turning against each other."

"But now I am trapped on Poseidon Island and cannot leave at all. Otherwise, maybe I can find a solution to the problem in the jar shop in Wuhun City."

"Now, we can only have high hopes for the Guardians of the Seven Sacred Pillars. I hope they can find talented people with amazing talents!"

Tang Hao couldn't help but miss Lin Xiao's shop.

"It would be great if I could go to Wuhun City. If I could go to that mysterious shop, maybe my difficulties would be solved."

On the other side, the small shop in Wuhun City also appeared in Tang San's mind.

But, would Tang Hao agree to leave Poseidon Island?

Even if he agreed, Tang San didn't want to leave for the time being.

He was afraid of something unexpected happening.

Buried directly in the sea.

"Oh, unknowingly, I have another powerful enemy. And this enemy is not an outsider, but my biological father."

Tang San wanted to cry and laugh again.

The person he once relied on turned into his enemy. This change was too fast for him to accept.



"Third brother, look who's here, it's Dai Mubai!"

Suddenly, a shout came from a distance, disturbing Tang San's thoughts.

He heard the sound and looked.

Oscar and Ma Hongjun walked side by side.

Behind them, there was a tall young man with blond hair.

It was Dai Mubai!

"You're back."

Tang San was a little surprised.

Tang Hao had already told him about the failure of the Haotian Sect to develop in the Star Luo Empire.

Although Tang Hao didn't say what happened to the Star Luo Empire in the future, Tang San guessed that the Star Luo Empire was probably abandoned.

Unexpectedly, Dai Mubai returned to Poseidon Island today.

"I'm really surprised that you came back."

Tang San spoke bluntly.

Is he happy or regretful? Dai Mubai was startled.

But when he thought about having no grudge against Tang San, he felt that Tang San should be happy that he could come back.

"I can only say it's luck."

Dai Mubai said with lingering fear: "The strong men and pursuers of the Nether Clan went to deal with my father and Davis, and I became the ignored one. Fortunately, no one paid attention to me, otherwise I would have to give The White Tiger clan was buried with him."

Tang San nodded.

Then he patted Dai Mubai on the shoulder and said, "Just come back. For the time being, you can improve your strength on Poseidon Island. One day, we will return to Douluo Continent and regain everything we lost."

His voice was resonant.

Dai Mubai nodded heavily, "One day, I will destroy the Nether Clan and regain the honor of my White Tiger Clan, as well as Zhu Zhuqing."

"I must make that bitch unable to live or die!"

Tang San nodded heavily, "As long as you are willing to work hard, everyone, not just you, will regain what you have lost, or get what you want."

As he said this, a figure could not help but appear in his mind.


Long time no see, how are you doing now?

You must wait for me, or I will go to the Star Forest to find you soon.

Tang San would never forget Xiao Wu who disappeared into the Star Dou Forest.

"Tang Hao, don't you want me to finish the divine test slower? I don't want to, I want to go to the last step before you are ready!" Tang San also made up his mind at this moment.

Sitting back and waiting for death is obviously not a good choice.

On the side, Oscar also looked dazed for a while.

The figure of a girl also appeared in his mind.

Cute, lively and beautiful, her name is Ning Rongrong.


That was the girl he liked very much when they first met.

When I complete the assessment, will I be qualified to go to the Qibao Glazed Sect to find her?

"Master, Xiao Wu has prepared an exquisite fruit plate for you."

At this moment, Xiao Wu, dressed as a maid, walked up to Lin Xiao carrying an exquisite fruit plate.


Lin Xiao hummed softly.

Lying on the rocking chair, she didn't even look at Xiao Wu.

That's how people are, they don't like or want anything

Once you have it, it will be like that after it has passed its freshness.

He had already seen enough of the girl with bunny ears and long legs.

Only those who can't get it will be greedy.

"Master, what are you looking at?"

After Xiao Wu came to Lin Xiao, she fed Lin Xiao a purple grape and then asked curiously.

"Watching someone open a can"

Lin Xiao looked at the phone in his hand and said.


"Where is there anyone?"

Xiao Wu looked around curiously.

Let alone a human being, there is not even a shadow of a ghost.

Lin Xiao was amused by his actions, "Haha, stop looking, that person still knows where he is. I watched him open the can remotely through my mobile phone. Unfortunately, I can only see the text version of the message."

"He bought five cans in total. After opening a booster, he didn't move for a long time. I suspect he may have fainted from excitement."

Lin Xiao couldn't imagine what the person who got the drift tank was doing.


"Maybe some people have poor psychological quality."

"Come, let me feed you another grape."

"This is carefully prepared by Xiao Wu for you, ensuring that the grains are full."

As she spoke, she gently pinched a grape with her long fingers and fed it to Lin Xiao.

"Boss Lin, we are here."

However, at this moment, a cheerful voice came from outside the store.

Immediately afterwards, Ning Rongrong's figure came into the store.

However, when she saw everything in the shop, she was dumbfounded.

Xiao Wu and Lin Xiao, what are they doing?

In broad daylight, everything is clear.


"Lin, Boss Lin, did I come at the wrong time?"

As she spoke, there was a cry in her voice.

She didn't even notice it herself.

"Ha, ha, ha, it's not the right time. I'm just eating fruit after eating."

Lin Xiao laughed dryly and stood up at this time.

At the same time, he waved his hand, "Xiao Wu, you put the fruit here first and then go back."


Xiao Wu nodded obediently and gently placed the fruit on the edge of the counter. With swaying steps, he disappeared from Ning Rongrong's sight.

have to say.

Even as a woman, Ning Rongrong had to admit that Xiao Wu was still very attractive.

What’s special is those long, slender and straight legs

Really nice.

Want to touch.

Subconsciously, she looked at herself.

Are there any advantages?

Not to mention, there really is such a stature that even Zhu Zhuqing eclipses it.

However, she hid it under her loose clothes.

She suddenly realized that she seemed to have been in a misunderstanding all along.

This is a strength, why do I keep hiding it?

Maybe Boss Lin just likes this and thinks of me with admiration?

"Boss, Ning is here to bother you again."

Just when Ning Rongrong was deep in thought, two more people walked in from outside the store, it was Ning Fengzhi and Sword Douluo.

In fact, they came with Ning Rongrong, but they didn't come in just out of common sense.

“As long as the store is open for business, it’s not considered an interruption.”

Lin Xiao smiled slightly.

"Boss Lin, in addition to opening the jar, Ning also wants to express his gratitude to you for coming here this time."

"If you hadn't helped us improve our strength, Rongrong and we might not be able to see you again today."

Ning Fengzhi said gratefully.

"Chen Xin also thanks the boss here. If I had gotten enough opportunities in the shop, I would have died under Tang Chen's Clear Sky Hammer."

Sword Douluo also looked grateful.

"I was almost kidnapped by Tang Chen and taken away to be worshiped by some bullshit Poseidon Island."

On the side, Ning Rongrong also said with lingering fear.

Soon a look of anger appeared on his face again, "Humph, Tang Chen, Tang Hao, and that Tang San are not good people. When I become stronger in the future, I will definitely destroy them all."


It seems that there is a secret behind this matter?

Lin Xiao previously thought that Tang Chen entered Wuhun City by mistake and had a conflict with Ning Fengzhi and others.

Now it seems that this is not the case.

"I don't know, are you in a hurry to open the can?"

"If you're not in a hurry, tell me what happened before."

Lin Xiao had a look of curiosity on his face.

"No rush, no rush at all!"

Before Ning Fengzhi and Sword Douluo could speak, Ning Rongrong had already rushed to answer.

She was still very willing to have a few more words with Lin Xiao.

Lin Xiao nodded slightly, signaling Ning Rongrong to start her performance.

"Here's the thing."

Then Ning Rongrong stopped talking nonsense and told Lin Xiao what happened at that time.

Lin Xiao listened with rapt attention.

Although there was no wave of emotion on his face.

But my heart was shocked.

Tang Chen came to capture Ning Rongrong and go to Poseidon Island to take the Poseidon assessment for Tang Hao?

It seemed that Tang Hao didn't want to sacrifice to Tang San, but wanted to find someone to be his scapegoat.

Without too much effort, Lin Xiao guessed what Tang Chen and Tang Hao were thinking.

Immediately afterwards, Ning Rongrong talked about the outcome of the battle between Qian Daoliu and Tang Chen. Only then did Lin Xiao know that Tang Chen had broken his arm to survive, thus abandoning the Shura Demon Sword.

It was also because of this that Qian Daoliu came to the shop to pawn the Shura Demonic Sword.

"In other words, Tang Chen lost the Shura Demon Sword and broke an arm?"

Lin Xiao's heart moved, "This is too tragic, the soul power level will inevitably drop. Doesn't that mean there is no chance to inherit the divine throne?"

"Boss, this is what happened. Do you think it was dangerous or not?"

After Ning Rongrong finished speaking, she patted her chest exaggeratedly, looking like she was still frightened.

"It is indeed very dangerous."

Lin Xiao nodded, "But it also proves that strong strength is the greatest asset in the soul master world."

Hearing this, Ning Fengzhi, Sword Douluo and others nodded in sympathy.

This is the case in the soul master world. No matter how powerful or rich you are, it's not as strong as you are.

"Boss, you see I am a regular customer. Is it possible to open more cans at your place?"

Ning Fengzhi asked tentatively.

Even fearing that Lin Xiao would disagree, he added: "As you know, we urgently need to improve our strength now. After all, no one knows whether Tang Chen will make a comeback."

Hearing this, Lin Xiao smiled.

I have to say that Ning Fengzhi had a very beautiful idea.

In other words, why doesn't Lin Xiao want to catch a fat sheep and jerk it off hard?


Rules are rules and cannot be changed for the time being.


He did not reject Ning Fengzhi directly, "I will consider your idea carefully. But it is definitely not possible now."

Hearing this, Ning Fengzhi's eyes lit up and he did not refuse directly. Doesn't this mean there is still hope?

He nodded heavily, "Okay, then Ning will wait for the good news from Boss Lin."

Just wait, I should be able to give you news before everything goes bad... Lin Xiao secretly thought.

"Rongrong, please open the can first."

At this moment, Ning Fengzhi looked at Ning Rongrong.

However, Ning Rongrong shook his head, "Grandpa Jian is the oldest and has the highest seniority. Grandpa Jian should drive first."

No one noticed the fleeting cunning in her eyes.


Sword Douluo chuckled, stroking his beard and chuckled: "Haha, our Rongrong has grown up, and he knows that elders and younger ones are inferior."

"Okay, then I'll drive first."

Good night.

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