I sell jars in Douluo

Chapter 361 Maid A Yin and Ye Lingling arrive


Huo Wu looked at the dumbfounded Huo Wushuang and asked, "Brother, you have seen it, too. Feng Xiaotian's news this time is so outrageous."

"Not only is it outrageous, he is simply going too far!"


Huo Wushuang became a little angry and sneered: "A small shop that sells homemade soul skills, does he really think of us as fools?"

"I have never heard of such a small shop on Douluo Continent. Besides, even if someone is really willing to sell their own soul skills, can anyone really learn it after buying it?"

"Any soul master who knows a little about self-created soul skills should know that this is impossible."

Hearing this, Huo Wu also nodded heavily, "That's it, so I decided to go to Wuhun City to have a look."

"no problem!"


"What did you say?"

Huo Wushuang nodded heavily at first, but soon realized something was wrong. He set his eyes on Huo Wu and said, "I didn't hear what you just said. Please say it again and let me hear it."

Huo Wu stared at Huo Wushuang seriously and said, "I said, I want to visit Wuhun City!"

"You, you just said you didn't believe Feng Xiaotian's words, but why did you still make such a decision?"

"Sister, aren't you stimulated by something?"

Huo Wushuang's eyes became worried.

"Brother, what are you thinking about?"

Huo Wu shook his head, "I think the less likely this thing is to be true, the more likely it is to be true. After all, even if you give Feng Xiaotian eight guts, you wouldn't dare to pass on such news to deceive me, right?"

"If you say that, I think it makes sense."

Huo Wushuang nodded thoughtfully.

"Besides, my recent mood is not suitable for me to stay in the academy. I would like to go to Wuhun City to relax and try to adjust myself before the Soul Master Competition."

"Okay, I agree to this."

Huo Wushuang nodded and said, "But, I have a request."

"any request?"

Huo Wushuang expressed what he was thinking, "Martial Soul City is so big, I want to see it too."

the other side.

Wuhun City.

In a small shop.

Lin Xiao watched helplessly as Huaguduo grew bigger and bigger, and started beating like a heart.

Boom, boom, boom.

Lin Xiao could clearly hear the beating of his heart.

"Don't tell me, there is really a breath of life coming from the flower bones. Could it be that A Yin will really appear in this way?"

At this moment, Lin Xiao felt that this was extremely possible.

He couldn't help but look forward to it, what would Ah Yin be like?

"Master, what are you doing?"

"Why do I feel the breath of the same soul beast? Master, are you hurting Tutu again?"

At this moment, Xiao Wu's voice came from the backyard, and then Xiao Wu, the maid in black stockings, came to the front hall.

"This is"

Xiao Wu looked at the Bluesilver Grass that was about to transform and couldn't help but lick her lips.

When she saw Bluesilver Grass, she had an idea, eat it, eat it!

There is nothing wrong with rabbits eating grass;

"Xiao Wu, Ah Yin is so cute, why do you want to eat Ah Yin?"

Lin Xiao had a clear view of Xiao Wu's actions.


"I'm not, I didn't!"

After Xiao Wu finished speaking, she quickly covered her mouth and wiped away her saliva quietly.

Lin Xiao smiled slightly, no longer paying attention to her, but frowned, "Have you finished batching the firewood? Is the water full?"

Di Tian also noticed something unusual in the front yard and was curious to find out.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he arrived at the front hall, he was faced with a question from Lin Xiao.

He was startled and responded quickly: "Okay, it's all done."


Lin Xiao nodded and stopped talking.

He doesn't like to force others into difficult situations, does he?

What, you mean Ditian?

He is not a human being and is not within the scope of forcing others to do things.

"Master, look, it's blooming!"

Suddenly, Xiao Wu pointed at the huge flower bone and said hurriedly: "Wow, it's so beautiful."

The golden flower bones finally bloomed.

The golden light fills the shop.

This golden light is not dazzling, but very warm.

Everything in the shop is covered with a golden glow.


Lin Xiao, Xiao Wu, and Di Tian didn't pay attention to these things.

Instead, they were all staring at Hua Guduo closely.

as expected.

The reality was just as Lin Xiao imagined. When the huge flower blossoms bloomed, a girl curled up and sat on the stamens.

Her green hair was extremely soft and scattered behind her.

"What a pity, I actually have a green skirt."

Lin Xiao secretly cursed.

This was something he didn't expect at all.

At the same time, the girl finally moved.

She raised her head.

At this moment, Lin Xiao could also see her face clearly.

The facial features are exquisite and the eyes are as bright as autumn water.

Just by looking at her, Lin Xiao could tell that this must be a gentle girl.

Lin Xiao thought about it carefully, and among the women he knew, there was no one more gentle than this girl.

And at this time.

The girl also looked at it blankly for a week.

She saw clearly the simple shop, Xiao Wu, and Di Tian. Finally, her eyes fell on Lin Xiao, and she could no longer look away.

The scene seems to have been frozen.

Gradually, a look of joy appeared on the girl's face.


"I'm Ah Yin!"

She smiled at Lin Xiao with a pure smile.

Then he jumped down from the flower stamen and rushed towards Lin Xiao.

"Who says gentle people can't be passionate enough?"

Lin Xiao thought in his heart, and opened his arms honestly, taking the girl into his arms perfectly.

I have to say, Ah Yin is really special.

Lin Xiao held her in his arms, feeling as if she had no bones.

And a faint scent of orchid grass poured into Lin Xiao's nasal cavity, making him couldn't help but take a few more breaths.

"Master, Ah Yin has finally transformed."

"From now on, I can take care of you."

Ah Yin raised his head, his eyes filled with happiness.

Lin Xiao smiled and rubbed the girl's head, and said helplessly: "Why bother? If you practice as a soul beast, your cultivation speed will be very fast. If you have more than 200,000 years of cultivation, you can't become a spirit beast." Human body?"

"A soul beast is a soul beast. Even if it is the same as a human, it is not a human."

Ah Yin insisted on her own idea.

Lin Xiao was startled and had to say that A Yin's words made some sense.

"Tch, what are you talking about? It seems to mean that the previous master would not have had a good life without you taking care of him."

However, after listening to A Yin's words, Xiao Wu pursed her lips in dissatisfaction.

It is not difficult to see that she is somewhat hostile to Ah Yin.

But that's normal, isn't it?

It is said that women are extremely jealous when they see women.

In contrast, Ah Yin is not as impulsive as Xiao Wu.

"Master, can you let go of me first?"

Ah Yin's voice was weak, thin, and gentle.

After looking up at Lin Xiao, his face turned red with embarrassment.

Lin Xiao put down his hand naturally.

Ah Yinze walked up to Xiao Wu and said with a slight smile: "Sister Xiao Wu, you are still young. You can't take care of the master by yourself. From now on, you will be in the backyard and I will be in the front hall. The two of us will not care about each other." Isn’t it nice to be able to interfere and take care of each other at the same time?”

"After all, we all serve the master."

If you say so

There seems to be nothing wrong with it.

As long as it was something that was beneficial to Lin Xiao, Xiao Wu could not refuse. She could only nod her head, "You are indeed right. But..."

"I'm not young! Besides, I have long legs. My master said that I like to see long legs in black stockings."


This is not right, why did you bring the problem to me while talking.

Lin Xiao felt that he could no longer remain silent, "Ahem, are you done with everything? Just do whatever you need to do."

He said, waving to everyone.


Di Tian was the first to answer and got into the backyard first.

It was too late, he was afraid of being beaten severely by Lin Xiao.


Xiao Wu stamped her feet angrily and turned to leave.

"Xiao Wu."

Lin Xiao suddenly stopped.

"Master, have you changed your mind?"

Xiao Wu stopped, turned around in surprise, and looked at Lin Xiao.

"Well, I want to remind you, when cooking, don't be angry and put less salt."

Lin Xiao was also helpless.

"Hmph, I don't!"

Xiao Wu snorted again and walked away angrily.

"It's over, you can't eat dinner today."

Lin Xiao couldn't help but hold his forehead.

"Master, do you feel like you have a headache?"

"Why don't you lie down and let Ah Yin rub it for you."

Seeing Lin Xiao's question, Ah Yin took the initiative to speak.

"Is this appropriate?"

Lin Xiao said this, but his body honestly lay down on the rocking chair.

Soon, a pair of cold hands fell on Lin Xiao's forehead.

Then, start kneading gently.

Smelling the faint scent of orchids and grass on the girl's body makes people feel relaxed for a while.

Lin Xiao narrowed his eyes in contentment. At this moment, he suddenly felt that Ah Yin's choice to transform was really a good choice.

"Boss Lin, I'm here again!"

However, at this moment, a brisk voice came from outside the store.

When Lin Xiao opened his eyes, the first thing he felt was... huge.

The exquisite figure has a stature that does not match the figure, and is set off by a black short skirt.

If you look down and can't see your toes, you are absolutely stunning.

In Lin Xiao's opinion, the visitor was a rare beauty in the world.

Move your eyes upward.

When he saw the other person's face, Lin Xiao was stunned, "Ning Rongrong, why is it you? How did you become like this?"

That's right.

The visitor had a face that Lin Xiao knew well, it was Ning Rongrong.

After listening to Lin Xiao's question, Ning Rongrong lowered her head, almost burying it in her chest. She put her hands behind her back and gently pressed her toes.

"Isn't this because of you?"

She said in a weak mosquito voice.

because I?

Lin Xiao was startled for a moment, then remembered that it was Ning Rongrong's wish a long time ago.

Then, it became like this.


Lin Xiao coughed slightly and changed the subject, "You have finished opening the can, why are you here again?"

"Of course it's to watch others open the jars. You know, I have two pieces of golden beeswax in my hand now, but they can turn items that cannot be traded into items that can be traded."

"So I want to see if anyone is willing to sell the treasure I found."

Ning Rongrong said nonsense seriously.

Should I dress like this when purchasing items? I believed your evil deeds! Lin Xiao still saw Ning Rongrong's little thoughts.

Of course, he won't expose it.

After all, Ning Rongrong now looks really eye-catching.

"Boss, who is this behind you?"

At this moment, Ning Rongrong noticed A Yin behind Lin Xiao and couldn't help but ask.


Before Lin Xiao could speak, Ah Yin had already taken the initiative to introduce himself, "My name is Ah Yin, and I am the master's maid."

Ah Yin puts his own value very low.

However, in her heart, she felt that this was extremely normal.

In her opinion, if it weren't for Lin Xiao, she would be just a seed, or a weed.

Lin Xiao has taken care of her since she could remember it. If it weren't for Lin Xiao, she wouldn't be where she is today.

"Oh, it turns out she is Boss Lin's maid."

"Wait, what did you say, you are Boss Lin's maid?"

Ning Rongrong's eyes suddenly widened, "When did Boss Lin get another maid? Wasn't it just Xiao Wu before?"

Saying this, she couldn't help but look at Ah Yin carefully.

"She is soft and weak, her watery eyes seem to be able to talk. She looks like a pure and soft girl. She is obviously a completely different style from Xiao Wu."

She murmured in her heart, isn't Boss Lin too fickle?

At the same time, she felt more and more that Lin Xiao was a man she couldn't figure out.

"Well, just now, if you had come a little earlier, you might have known what was going on."

Just when Ning Rongrong was in a daze, Lin Xiao spoke again.

However, he obviously didn't want to explain how A Yin came here, because it was completely unnecessary.

To be honest, even Lin Xiao, who is involved, feels very sudden now.

He was also very curious, wondering how Tang Hao, Tang Xiao, and Tang San would feel if they saw A Yin?

Immediately afterwards, Lin Xiao stood up and said: "If there is nothing else, please give way, there are guests."

"Ah, really?"

Ning Rongrong was startled for a moment, then moved aside without realizing it. At the same time, her eyes fell outside the shop.

As far as the eye can see, two girls have arrived outside the shop.

"Yanzi, is this the shop you said could change my destiny?"

Behind Dugu Yan, there was a girl wearing black clothes, with long blue hair and a veil on her face.

At this time, she held Dugu Yan's hand and asked nervously.

"Lingling, I have told you everything I need to say, and you have seen my strength. Do you think I will lie to you?"

"If you want to improve your strength and break through the limits of your martial arts, it's definitely the right place to come here."

Dugu Yan said earnestly to the girl behind him: "Besides, with me here, what are you afraid of?"

"I'm not scared, I'm just a little nervous."

There was a hint of timidity and hesitation in Ye Lingling's eyes.

Seeing this, Dugu Yan shook his head helplessly, "I think you are nervous about one million gold soul coins. It doesn't matter. We have been good sisters for so many years, and this little money is nothing. The shipment is yours, and the loss is mine. of."

"This, isn't it good?"

Ye Lingling said this, but he came to Dugu Yan in two steps, "Yanzi, why don't you leave?"

You say no, but your body is very honest!

Dugu Yan shook his head helplessly, but he quickly chased after her and walked into the shop side by side with Ye Lingling.

Of course, they also saw Ning Rongrong at the door.

I just chose to ignore it.

And Dugu Yan couldn't help but murmur, "Boss Lin is so enlightened now that he is willing to hire a greeter to entertain guests?"

Ning Rongrong was startled when she heard this, I am not a welcome guest!

Good night

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