I sell jars in Douluo

Chapter 362 Ning Rongrong: Do you sell Ye Lingling’s Awakening Volume?

"Is this small shop with furnishings the place that Yanzi told me was so impressive?"

Entering the shop, Ye Lingling kept looking at it with a pair of beautiful eyes.

To be honest, the feeling it gave her was just four words, simple.

The shop couldn't be more ordinary, and it didn't have the lofty look that Dugu Yan said.


As a good sister, Dugu Yan could tell what Ye Lingling was thinking at a glance and whispered something in her ear.

With a snap, Ye Lingling blushed.

"Where can I have it?"

She complained softly, and at the same time pinched Dugu Yan's waist hard.

"Don't talk nonsense."

You know, with so many people watching, how embarrassing it is for you to expose me like this.

"Okay, okay, Lingling, don't worry, Boss Lin is not a petty person."

Dugu Yan smiled nonchalantly.

Then she looked at Lin Xiao and introduced: "Boss Lin, this is my good friend Ye Lingling. Please entertain her well."

Lin Xiao: "."

He was speechless.

What are you talking about? It’s like I’m a meat seller.

"Hello, I am the owner of our store, Lin Xiao."

Lin Xiao introduced himself with a smile.

Somehow, Ye Lingling felt less nervous when she saw Lin Xiao's smile.

"Hello, boss."

Ye Lingling nodded.

Seeing such a scene, Lin Xiao couldn't help but glance at Ah Yin beside him. He had to say that the two of them had similar personalities. They looked like soft girls with a delicate body and a soft body.

"By the way, where is your grandpa?"

Lin Xiao was curious, the jar was refreshed, why didn't he see Dugu Bo's shadow?

That old boy was very active when it came time to open the jar.

"It's harmful, boss, don't mention it"

Dugu Yan waved his hand helplessly, "The last time I opened a jar at your place and went back, I found some poison to refine the King of Hell's Tie for Grandpa, and chose a piece of fairy grass for Grandpa to take. Grandpa's strength improved by leaps and bounds, and he shouted for it. I'm looking for Tang Hao to avenge my shame. But I haven't come back since I left, and I haven't even gotten back any news."


Actually disappeared?

Lin Xiao was a little stunned.

"With your grandfather's strength and the fact that he has our equipment, there shouldn't be any danger. I think there is still a high possibility that Tang Hao has not been found."

"Don't worry anymore."

Lin Xiao expressed relief.

After all, Tang Haoyuan was on Poseidon Island, and if Dugu Bo didn't encounter other enemies, he should be fine.

"I'd like to lend you your kind words." Dugu Yan nodded.

"Then I wonder which of you wants to open the can first?"

Lin Xiao didn't say too much, but asked straight to the point.

"Yanzi, you better drive first."

Ye Lingling looked at Dugu Yan beside him, and subconsciously took a step back.

But Dugu Yan quickly pulled her to his side again.

"You are a guest, you can open first."

Dugu Bo showed a smile.

Ye Lingling: "."

You say this as if you are the master here.

"All right."

In the end, Ye Lingling nodded and walked to the counter step by step.

She also knows that persistence doesn't mean much.

After all, she and Dugu Yan were both the ones who had to open the jar, and it didn't matter who did it earlier or later.

Bang, bang, bang.

Soon, money bags were placed on the counter by Ye Lingling.

Lin Xiao understood, Ye Lingling came prepared.

In fact, this is also the case. Duguyan has already explained the rules of Lin Xiao's shop in his letters to Ye Lingling.


"These one million gold soul coins are all my savings. I even borrowed some from my family. I hope there will be some valuable items in the jar today."

"Don't seek wealth and wealth, just value for money."

Ye Lingling secretly prayed in his heart that the requirements are not high, as long as the capital can be preserved.

Only by preserving capital can we build a perpetual motion machine.

"One million gold soul coins is right, now you can choose the jar you want,"

After putting away the gold soul coins, Lin Xiao said to Ye Lingling: "Please note that jars with special patterns cannot be selected."


Ye Lingling nodded heavily, and then began to choose. She selected jars one by one.

Lin Xiao checked and found that Ye Lingling had already selected eleven jars without knowing it, and even wanted to continue choosing.


Lin Xiao couldn't help coughing lightly.

Ye Lingling's eyes immediately looked at Lin Xiao.

He gave Lin Xiao a confused look.

Lin Xiao touched his nose and said, "Well, I have to interrupt you. Now you have chosen more than ten jars."

"Ah, so that's it."

Ye Lingling's mouth was slightly open, looking dumbfounded.

However, a look of shame appeared on her face again, "Boss, I didn't mean it."

Lin Xiao waved his hand, "It doesn't matter, just choose a jar and don't want it."

Ye Lingling felt a little uncomfortable and said pitifully: "But, I want them all. If I can't open any jar, I will feel regretful in my heart. Boss, do you think I can give you more money?"

Lin Xiao: "."

What is this? Do you want to cheat?

"That's impossible, Lingling, you will be embarrassed by Boss Lin."

At this moment, Dugu Yan took two steps forward and came to Ye Lingling's side, "The rules are the rules, no one can change them."

"That's okay"

Ye Lingling had no choice but to accept her fate, pointing to a jar in the first row with a look of regret on her face and saying, "Then I don't want this jar."


Lin Xiao nodded and was about to take down the jar Ye Lingling needed from the counter.

But at this moment, a voice sounded beside him.

"Master, please wait."

Lin Xiao was startled and turned to look at Ah Yin, a little confused.

Even, it's not just Lin Xiao.

Even Ye Lingling and Dugu Yan looked over.

Suddenly, he was startled.

What did she call Boss Lin?


They obviously didn't know why there was an extra person in Boss Lin's store.

And, she's still a beauty.

"Master, let Ah Yin come."

Ah Yin said, with a look of longing on his face.

She longed to do something for Lin Xiao.

After a brief hesitation, Lin Xiao nodded, "Okay then."

With that said, he took a step back and let Ah Yin come to the counter.

Soon, Ah Yin took down the ten jars Ye Lingling needed one by one and placed them neatly in front of Ye Lingling.

"Yanzi, I'm going to start."

Ye Lingling was holding the Lucky Magic Hammer with a little nervousness on her face.

"Lingling, listen to me, don't be nervous."

Dugu Yan said with relief: "It's useless to talk about being nervous. There is a saying in our can-opening world, life and death are destiny, wealth and honor are in the sky, just do it!"


Ye Lingling's face showed a look of astonishment.

Dugu Yan's voice was like a magic sound, echoing in her mind.


If you look carefully, there seems to be nothing wrong with this.


"Then I'll open it!"

Ye Lingling let out a long breath and finally mustered up the courage to smash the first jar.


A flash of white light flashed.

With a bang, an object fell to the ground.

Ye Lingling bent down and picked up a rusty iron knife.


"If I'm not mistaken, this shouldn't be of any use?"

She looked at Dugu Yan and asked tentatively.

"Congratulations, you got it."

"This is a rusty katana, and no one has yet been able to develop a special use for it."

"As scrap metal, there is no problem."

Dugu Yan said to Ye Lingling.


"That's true."

Ye Lingling sighed softly.

That's how people are, even if they know the outcome of some things, they still want to struggle mentally, hoping for a miracle to happen.

In other words, I want to deceive myself.

"Lingling, be careful. Maybe the items you get out of the next jar may not be as good as this rusty samurai sword."

Seeing this, Dugu Yan once again comforted his best friend.


Ye Lingling was stunned, and then his face suddenly turned black, "Yanzi, are you trying to comfort me? Is there anything worse than a rusty samurai sword in the jar?"

Dugu Yan was startled for a moment, "Lingling, there are some things, how do you know if you don't try them?"

Try it?


Lin Xiao stood aside and couldn't help but chuckle in his heart. This Dugu Yan also has the potential to be a funny girl.


On the other hand, Ye Lingling felt as if he had been struck by lightning.

She was stupid.

Does this really comfort me?

She thought about it carefully and then looked at Dugu Yan's serious look. She felt that he should be comforting him.


Why does it sound more uncomfortable?

"Forget it, leave her alone, I'll just open the can!"

Ye Lingling gritted his teeth and decided not to get entangled with Dugu Yan.


A jar was broken.

In the midst of everyone's attention, a white light lit up again.

"Another ordinary item?"

Ye Lingling was stunned.


At this moment, an exclamation suddenly came from beside her, "Oh my God, a stone!"

"It's actually a stone!"

"Let me just say, there must be something worse than a rusty katana. It must exist."

"Lingling, you did it, you really did it."


Dugu Yan exclaimed, but soon the expression on her face froze.

Because, a look full of murderous intent fell on her.

It's Ye Lingling.

"Lingling, you. Don't be impulsive."

Dugu Yan had an awkward smile on his face, and his small hands rolled up the corners of his clothes uneasily.

"I've never guessed what's in a jar before."

"This is the first time I guessed correctly, so I'm a little excited."

As she spoke, she smiled dryly, "Hey, hey, I believe you can understand me, right?"

That's okay.

Ye Lingling shook his head helplessly. "Forget it, I know it too. It has nothing to do with you as to what I hit. It's just my own bad luck."

"Lingling, don't be discouraged, I believe you will be able to drive something good."

"come on."

This time, Dugu Yan tried his best to control himself and cheer for his good sisters.

I hope your words can be so effective this time. Ye Lingling thought to himself and smashed the third jar at the same time.

With a click, the jar shattered.

This time a different color finally appeared in the jar.

orange color? Lin Xiao's eyes narrowed, a little surprised.

I have to say that this time, Ye Lingling's fortune really turned around.

"Yanzi, did I hit something special this time?"

Ye Lingling was also shocked by the result of opening the jar.

She subconsciously looked at Dugu Yan and found that the latter was also stunned.

Dugu Yan slowly came back to his senses, and said with some astonishment: "Legend, it's a legend, Ling Ling, you really hit the mark this time!"

"I have opened so many jars in the shop, and my grandfather has opened many jars, but neither of us has ever opened a legendary item."


After hearing Dugu Yan's description, Ye Lingling couldn't help but take a breath, "So, I really found a treasure."

She thought in shock and returned her gaze to the jar.

Suddenly, he was startled.

"What is this, a piece of paper?"

She was stunned.

I looked again and again, but found nothing unusual.


She looked at Lin Xiao blankly, hoping to get an answer.

It's the awakening volume

Lin Xiao's eyes flickered and he was about to speak.

But a voice sounded.

"This is the awakening scroll. After using it, your martial soul will evolve!"

Ning Rongrong said while approaching.

Her eyes were always staring at the awakening scroll in Ye Lingling's hand, shining brightly.

"There's something wrong with this guy"

"How can you look directly at something in someone's hand?"

Ye Lingling subconsciously put the Awakening Scroll behind her, "Are you sure?"

"There's no need for me to lie to you."

Ning Rongrong spread his hands and said, "If you don't believe me, ask Boss Lin."

Hearing this, Ye Lingling looked at Lin Xiao for help.

Lin Xiao nodded, "Ning Rongrong is right. The Awakening Scroll is enough for your martial soul to complete an evolution, but it is unknown what kind of abilities you will gain after the evolution."

"Martial spirit, evolve!"

"This is real!"

Ye Lingling's whole body was trembling, and she was so excited that she couldn't close her legs.

Her Nine-Hearted Begonia Martial Spirit is a unique existence. Although its healing power is powerful, it also has many limitations.

So, is it possible to break this shackles with this Awakening Scroll?

Her heart was immediately filled with anticipation and she couldn't help but want to try it now!

"Lingling, try it quickly, I want to see what Jiuxin Begonia looks like after it evolves!" Dugu Yan said excitedly.

"Okay!" Ye Lingling did not hesitate and was about to tear up the awakening scroll in his hand.

"please wait a while!"

Suddenly, Ning Rongrong stopped them.


Dugu Yan and Ye Lingling looked at Ning Rongrong in confusion.

Even Ah Yin looked over.

Most likely, this girl wanted to buy the awakening scroll in Ye Lingling's hand. Lin Xiao's eyes flashed, and he roughly guessed what Ning Rongrong was thinking.

After all, the two pieces of golden beeswax in Ning Rongrong's hands were just enough to seal legendary items.

"What do you want to do?"

Ye Lingling asked warily.

"Don't get me wrong, I can have any bad intentions."

"You don't have to guard me like a thief."

Ning Rongrong carefully stretched out her finger and pointed at Ye Lingling, "If there are other ways to deal with this awakening scroll, would you like to consider it?"

"Other ways?" Ye Lingling was confused.

Ning Rongrong said, "How about trading it with me?"


Ye Lingling was even more puzzled, "Yanzi told me that apart from ordinary items, the rest are items that are not specially assigned by Boss Lin and cannot be traded. Even if I give them to you, you can't use them."

Dugu Yan also nodded and agreed: "Don't think so much, although the Awakening Scroll is precious, you can't use it even if it is given to you.

Since you are not an employee of Mr. Lin’s shop, you should go back and wash up and go to bed early, you will have everything in your dreams.”

Good night.

I would like to recommend another book, everyone should not be ignorant of the praise, "Fantasy: I have a holy body in my later years and have proven to be a great emperor billions of times"

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