I sell jars in Douluo

Chapter 363 The Power of Ten-Hearted Begonia

What does it mean to go to bed early and have everything in your dreams?

Am I, Ning Rongrong, the kind of person who can't afford the price?

Ning Rongrong's face tightened, "Since you said so, I have to show you a treasure."

As she spoke, she took out an object from the space soul guide and showed it to everyone.

"What is this? It looks a bit like a candle."

Dugu Yan whispered.

"This is not an ordinary candle. This is an artifact-level item, golden beeswax. After use, it can turn untradable items into tradable items."

"As long as you nod, you can seal this legendary awakening scroll and sell it to me."

Ning Rongrong explained.

It can be said that she is determined to get this awakening scroll.

"I already have an Awakening Scroll. If I get another Awakening Scroll, wouldn't it be possible to complete the second evolution of the martial spirit in an instant, and the Nine Treasures will become the Ten Treasures? It will no longer be a dream!"

She thought to herself.

Not only was I expecting it, I was beginning to fantasize about it.

"Boss, is this true?"

Dugu Yan looked at Lin Xiao for confirmation.

When you are in doubt, there is nothing wrong with asking Boss Lin.

"It's true, and she also got the golden beeswax this morning, which is probably a little earlier than you guys."

Lin Xiao nodded, proving it to Ning Rongrong.

"Hey, where's this baby?"

Dugu Yan took a breath of cold air and his eyes couldn't help but shine.

Celebrities don't tell secrets, she also wants this golden beeswax.

"How about it, do you believe what I say now?"

Ning Rongrong raised her eyebrows, looked at Ye Lingling and said, "Now you can think about it and make a price."

Make an offer?

Ye Lingling was in a daze for a moment and shook her head, "I'm sorry, this awakening scroll is also of great use to me, I don't want to sell it yet."


Not selling?

Ning Rongrong was startled for a moment, then a look of surprise appeared on her face, "Oh, I understand, you are worried about getting a bad price, right?"

She thought for a moment that it must be like this. After all, it was a novelty and no one knew how much it was worth.

"The price of a soul bone of similar quality is about three million gold soul coins. Although the evolution of martial souls is a rare opportunity for soul masters, the improvement in combat power, I think, is about It’s almost equivalent to fusing three soul bones, right?”

Ning Rongrong rubbed her chin and said seriously: "How about I give you 10 million gold soul coins?"

How many?

Ten million?

Ye Lingling was stunned.

It's no exaggeration to say that she was shocked.

After all, not everyone is as wealthy as Ning Rongrong.

Jiuxin Haitang is famous in Douluo Continent, but the population is thin and they are only auxiliary soul masters, so their family power is destined to not be strong.

Ten million gold soul coins is a huge number for her soul master family.


Ye Lingling still wanted to use the Awakening Scroll himself. If he could break through the shackles of Jiuxin Haitang, it would be more important than ten million.

Ye Lingling was even thinking the moment she opened the awakening scroll, if the Jiuxin Haitang martial spirit evolves once, will the position of the first assistant on the Douluo Road be changed?

"Lingling, don't promise her. Ten million gold soul coins is a lot, but the Awakening Scroll is even more rare for you."

"Considering the characteristics of your martial soul, what's the point of having more soul bones?"

At this time, Dugu Yan almost had the same opinion as Ye Lingling.

"Yanzi, don't worry, I know what to do."

Ye Lingling nodded and looked at Ning Rongrong again, "Sorry, I can't sell this awakening scroll no matter how much you give me, because it is also very important to me."


Not selling?

Ning Rongrong was a little surprised by this result.

But how could she just give up?

Thinking about the temptation of the Ten Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda, she spoke again, and it was not an increase of 10 million to 10 million gold soul coins.

She stretched out three fingers and shook them, "Thirty million gold soul coins!"


thirty million!

Ye Lingling was moved again.

This number means that even the soul master family behind her can't get this much even after decades of earning.

It would be a lie to say that I am not moved.

And 30 million gold soul coins, even if used to open cans, can open hundreds of cans.

Could it be said that there is still no awakening roll available?

"Lingling, I know what you are thinking, but you have to understand that the probability of this jar being shipped is really not very high."

"The Awakening Scroll is a legendary item, so the chance of appearing is even lower."

"Thirty million gold soul coins are exchanged for 300 jars. If you open it again, you may not be able to find legendary items."

Dugu Yan insisted on his own ideas.

"Is there a possibility that what I value more is time. Three hundred jars would take more than half a year to open for me. I'm just too lazy to wait."

"Since there are rare-level, artifact-level, jars of your choice, I believe there must be legendary-level jars of your choice, but I don't want to wait any longer."

Ning Rongrong spoke again at this time.

Thirty million gold soul coins are used to buy time. I have to say, how arrogant!

At this time, Ye Lingling also spoke, "I have decided not to sell it."


Not for sale?

Originally, Ning Rongrong already had a plan in mind, but it was unexpected that this would be the result.

It's all her fault!

Ning Rongrong looked at Dugu Yan with a hint of resentment in his eyes.

Ye Lingling agreed immediately, but she changed her mind after a few words.


If possible, Ning Rongrong really wanted to sew Dugu Yan's mouth shut.

On the other hand, Dugu Yan proudly puffed up his chest, looking like there was nothing you could do to me.

"Fifty million!"

Ning Rongrong waved her hand and spoke again.

She remembered Ning Fengzhi saying that there is no problem in the world that money cannot solve.

If so, add money.

So, she added.

And it's not a small amount, it was added to 20 million with a wave of the hand.

I have to say, he is very wealthy.

"Ling Ling."

Dugu Yan's face changed slightly and he still wanted to speak.

But before she could finish her words, Ye Lingling also spoke, "Yanzi, stop talking, I understand. For my own good, you want me to use the Awakening Scroll, right? No problem, I listen to you. "

As she spoke, she used both hands to tear the golden awakening scroll into two halves.



Ning Rongrong's eyes widened and she was completely at a loss.

In addition, another thought in her mind was, "Dad, have you seen it? In this world, there are really people who can't be dealt with even with gold soul coins. Fifty million, a full fifty million gold." Soul Coin, she didn’t even blink.”


Dugu Yan was also dumbfounded.

Ye Lingling's move was too sudden.


It's different from what she thought.

"Lingling, actually I want to say that fifty million gold soul coins is quite a lot. If you are willing, you can sell her the awakening scroll."

"Actually, it only takes a little more than a year to open 500 jars. You might even get an unexpected harvest."

She said blankly.

Ye Lingling:''

She was stunned. Are you sure you're not kidding me?

However, I have already used it.

She didn't know what to say, and she didn't have time to say anything.

The next moment, a burst of orange light fell on her body.

She couldn't help but hold up her hands, and her soul power condensed into a pink begonia flower.

Flowers, leaves and branches slip down from both sides of Ye Lingling's palms. The soft vines are facing the wind, and the ducks and ducks hang down like a lady with her hair covering her face. She is affectionate and graceful.

"Martial spirit evolution, is it about to begin?"

Lin Xiao thought to himself.

He also wanted to know what kind of abilities the evolved Jiuxin Haitang could acquire.

Is it possible to surpass the Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda?

In fact, not only Lin Xiao, but also other people in the shop stared at Ye Lingling closely and held their breath for a while.

Gradually, the light emitted from the begonia flower in Ye Lingling's hand became more intense.

No one could see clearly what changes had occurred in Begonia Flower.

However, Ye Lingling narrowed her eyes and a smile appeared at the corner of her mouth unconsciously.

He looked like he was enjoying himself.

"It's really like experiencing the evolution of martial souls."

Dugu Yan murmured in a low voice.

Lin Xiao said with some profound meaning: "You should be able to do it. After all, you should know the functions of those herbs."

"It's okay, that's fine."

Dugu Yan nodded, with a look of embarrassment on his face, "But the value of the fairy grass is too high, and it can be exchanged for a lot of jars. I think the benefits of using it to exchange jars are better than using it directly. Bigger.”

"If you give it a try, a piece of fairy grass might be worth several times its own value."

As she spoke, her eyes were shining.

This abacus is really a snap.

After hearing what Dugu Yan said, Lin Xiao just smiled and said nothing more.

It's also a good thing for her to do this.


Suddenly, a sweet cry attracted everyone's attention.

Swish, swish, swish.

Eyes fell on Ye Lingling again.

She didn't know when she had returned to normal.

"No, nothing has changed."

Dugu Yan said with a frown.

There was no major breakthrough in Ye Lingling's strength, and his martial spirit was still the same.

"Yanzi, take another look."

Ye Lingling shook his head gently, signaling Dugu Yan to take a closer look.

"If I just look at it a hundred times, it'll be the same, okay?"

Dugu Yan muttered, but looked at his body honestly.


"There's something wrong with the stamen."

Dugu Yan noticed a difference, but she wasn't sure.

Subconsciously, she stretched out her hand and began to count the hearts on the begonia flowers.

"One two three four. Eight ninety."


When the count reached ten, Dugu Yan's whole body suddenly shook, and she was sure that she had made no mistake.

"Ling Ling, ten hearts, this, is this ten hearts?"

She looked at Ye Lingling and said in disbelief: "Lingling, your Nine-Hearted Begonia evolved into Ten-Hearted Begonia?"


Seeing her good sisters' dumbfounded expressions, Ye Lingling couldn't hold back anymore and smiled happily.

"Yanzi, let me tell you this is true. My martial spirit has really evolved!"

As she said that, she looked at Lin Xiao with a look of admiration in her eyes, "It's hard to imagine that the effect of this awakening scroll is really so miraculous. In my opinion, it is already comparable to a legendary miracle!"

"Haha, it's a small thing, just a small thing."

Lin Xiao shook his head and did not take any credit, "What kind of benefits you can get from the store are all your own creation. If you want to thank me, there is no need to say it."

Seeing that Ye Lingling still wanted to say thank you, Lin Xiao spoke first and blocked Ye Lingling's mouth.


"All right."

Ye Lingling didn't insist anymore, but she thought in her heart that she would thank Boss Lin later when she had the opportunity.


In her opinion, considering Boss Lin's status, this opportunity is very slim.

"Lingling, tell me quickly, what is the difference between Ten-Hearted Begonia and Nine-Hearted Begonia?"

At this moment, Dugu Yan's face showed a very urgent look.

The curiosity in my heart cannot be hidden no matter what.

Even Ning Rongrong, who was behind Ye Lingling, quickly pricked up his ears and wanted to hear what kind of benefits Ye Lingling had gained.

In this regard, Ye Lingling didn't have much to hide, and said in an ethereal voice: "First of all, there is the limit on the number of people. I am no longer limited by one person in a generation, which means that there can still be a Jiuxin Haitang in our family. Soul Master."

Ah this?

It’s a bit tasteless!

Dugu Yan was startled.

Of course, she also started from Ye Lingling's own perspective.

However, this is a good thing for the soul master family behind Ye Lingling.

The appearance of every Jiuxin Haitang soul master has immeasurable significance to the family.

"Yanzi, there are not many strong people in my family, so the value of every Jiuxin Haitang soul master is inestimable."

Ye Lingling saw what Duguyan was thinking and explained in a low voice.

Dugu Yan nodded, expressing understanding.

She asked again: "What about your personal strength? How has it improved?"

"Of course."

Ye Lingling nodded heavily, because this was the highlight.

"The evolution of martial arts only gave me one ability."

"What ability?"

Ye Lingling said in a deep voice: "The restrictions of Jiuxin Haitang have been unlocked!"

"Unlock the restrictions of martial arts?"

Dugu Yan muttered, and then an uncontrollable look of shock appeared in his eyes, "Do you mean..."

She thought of a possibility, and her breathing became rapid.

"Yes, it's what you think."

Ye Lingling saw through Dugu Yan's thoughts and nodded heavily, "After my martial soul evolved into Ten Heart Begonia, my soul skills were unlocked.

In other words, I no longer only have one healing soul skill no matter how many soul rings I have, but like a normal soul master, each soul ring can have a corresponding soul skill. To put it simply, the number of soul rings I have means the number of soul skills I have. "

Dugu Yan asked with some worry: "Will that affect the original therapeutic effect of your Jiuxin Haitang?"

Ye Langling shook his head, "No, my first soul skill is healing. Some of them are similar to the Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda. Every time a soul ring is added, the healing effect of the first soul ring will increase. So the other soul rings will gain Skills will not affect the healing effect of the first soul ring.

Of course, except for the first soul ring, other soul ring skills will not increase due to the increase in soul rings. "

"His so fiercely." Dugu Yan took a breath of cold air again.

I have to say that Ten Hearts Begonia is incredibly fierce.


Ning Rongrong was also shocked. Doesn't that mean that the auxiliary ability of the Ten Heart Begonia Martial Spirit will surpass that of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda?

Good night.

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