I sell jars in Douluo

Chapter 364 Ye Lingling’s three soul skills, the incredibly ugly Devouring Agal

"Lingling, then you are a third-ringed soul master now, so you should have three soul skills."

"And your first soul ring is healing, so what are the remaining two soul skills?"

Dugu Yan asked Ye Lingling expectantly, looking impatient.

In fact, not only her, but also Lin Xiao was very curious.

Ning Rongrong held her breath and focused her attention on her ears, for fear of missing a word.

Ye Lingling didn't show off and said softly: "The second soul skill is called Haitang Guardian."

A look of surprise appeared on Dugu Yan's face, and he asked tentatively: "Guardian Haitang, is this a defensive soul skill?"

"It is indeed an auxiliary skill. After use, it will form a shield like crabapple petals to resist the damage received."

Ye Lingling nodded heavily.

As she spoke, a petal fell from the crabapple flower in her palm.


The petals became as big as the door panel, blocking Ye Lingling behind.

Moreover, this petal shield is not motionless, but is constantly rotating around Ye Lingling.

"Can I try?"

Dugu Yan asked curiously.


Ye Lingling nodded, "However, it should be difficult to break through with your strength."

Based on her understanding of Dugu Yan, although Dugu Yan's Jade Lin Snake martial spirit was strong, it did not give her a higher explosive power.

"Haha, you can't say for sure."

Dugu Yan chuckled, and the next moment she saw a dagger in her hand.

"Be careful."

She said, using her soul power, she threw the dagger.

Don't underestimate this throw.

Dugu Yan secretly used the Tang Sect's hidden weapon techniques.

This blow is comparable to the full blow of a level 30 agility attack soul master!


In less than a blink of an eye, the dagger collided hard with the shield transformed from Begonia petals, setting off a series of sparks, and ripples appeared on the shield of Begonia petals.

It was like a stone was thrown into the calm water, but it was not broken by Dugu Yan's attack.

With a clang, the dagger fell to the ground.

Ning Rongrong was a little stunned, "Is this defense so strong?"

In Ning Rongrong's opinion, this shield can easily face the attack of the Soul Sect. I am afraid that even the powerful Soul Sect may not be able to break through it quickly!

"Okay, that's really great!"

Dugu Yan was very happy, "Ling Ling, you are the core of the team and the most vulnerable person to be targeted, but with such a soul skill, your safety will be greatly guaranteed."


Ye Lingling shook his head.

"What's wrong?" Dugu Yan asked puzzledly.

"It's not that I'm protected, but that the safety of our teammates will be protected!"


Dugu Yan was shocked, "You mean, this is a group auxiliary skill."

"Of course." Ye Lingling smiled proudly, "Yanzi, have you forgotten? I am an auxiliary soul master. My martial soul can not only assist myself, but also my teammates. With my current ability, I can assist A team of soul masters."

Ah this

Dugu Yan was dumbfounded. Doesn't that mean that from now on, Ye Lingling's teammates can all be used as defensive soul masters in a short period of time?

For no apparent reason, a picture appeared in her mind.

It was a picture of soul masters, regardless of their attributes, charging into the battle with a shield the size of a door panel.

On the side, Ning Rongrong was also shocked. Ye Lingling's martial spirit seemed to be a little abnormal?

"Awesome, really awesome!"

"Lingling, you are going to become a god in the auxiliary world!"

Dugu Yan said, returning to his impatient look, "Lingling, what is your third soul skill?"

"Just use it directly on me first. Quick, give it to me. I want it."

Everyone: "."

These are all words of tiger and wolf. Lin Xiao cursed for a while.

"Yanzi, don't act so, so..." Ye Lingling said, not knowing how to describe it for a while.


Suddenly, Ning Rongrong continued what Ye Lingling said.

Ye Lingling turned around, glanced at Ning Rongrong, and then nodded heavily, "Yes."

Dugu Yan:''

"Lingling, you've learned so much from her." She said quietly.


"Don't you just want the third soul skill?"

"I give you!"

Ye Lingling shook her head helplessly, and the next moment the third soul ring on her body lit up.


A white ray of light rose into the sky, and then landed accurately on Dugu Yan's body.

In everyone's sight, the white light was like a thin film, wrapping Dugu Yan.



Dugu Yan was stunned.

Subconsciously poking at herself, she was surprised to find, "No, my power seems to have been weakened. Lingling, this soul skill of yours is poisonous!"

She looked up suddenly, with a look of shock on her face.

"You are the poisonous one"

Even Ye Lingling's good temper was stomped angrily by Duguyan's words.

Then, she said angrily: "Since you have noticed that the power of pressing yourself has weakened, it is because you have the effect of my soul skills. In fact, this will not happen if you attack others.

Moreover, Yanzi, have you ever thought about what would happen if someone attacked you? What kind of picture should that be? "

What kind of picture is that?

The attack must have weakened!

After hearing Ye Lingling's words, Dugu Yan was startled at first, and soon felt a sudden enlightenment, "Wait! I understand."

As she spoke, her breathing suddenly became rapid, "You mean, the effect of your third soul skill is to reduce damage?"

"Well, he's not hopelessly stupid."

Ye Lingling nodded heavily, "My third soul skill is called Begonia's Sorrow. Its effect is to provide 20% damage reduction to the protected target when it is attacked."

"Furthermore, this soul skill can be used together with the second soul skill Haitang Guardian."

Dugu Yan said in shock: "Shield plus damage reduction plus treatment, wouldn't that mean you are invincible?"

"Gee, Yanzi, what are you thinking about?"

Seeing Dugu Yan's shocked look, Ye Lingling couldn't help but laugh: "I don't dare to say that I am invincible, but I am absolutely confident that I can increase the survivability of a team at the same level by fifty percent. above."

"That's scary too!"

Dugu Yan waved her hand indifferently. She had already imagined how powerful the team assisted by Ye Lingling would be.


What they didn't notice was that Ning Rongrong's face looked a little depressed.

"It's over, Ten Hearts Haitang's auxiliary ability has crushed the Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda. Even the Eight Treasures may not be its opponent."

"My Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda is hard to say. Although I have strong single-target support capabilities, Ye Lingling is a group supporter."

In an instant, Ning Rongrong felt that her title as the best assistant in the world of Qibao Glazed Pagoda might no longer be secure.


There are no big advantages other than the large number of people.

No, why isn’t having more people an advantage?

A Qibao Glazed Pagoda cannot compare with the Ten-Hearted Begonia, so just have a few more.

Yes, use quantity to make up for quality!

Ning Rongrong comforted herself secretly.

At this time, Dugu Yan seemed to be asking for credit and said: "Ling Ling, look, what I said before is right."


Ye Lingling kept nodding, "I will definitely reward you well later."

"Hehe, there's no need for a reward. Let's finish opening the jar first."

Dugu Yan laughed playfully, but of course he did not forget the business of opening the jar.

"you're right."

Ye Lingling nodded heavily, stretched out her slender hand, and picked up the Lucky Magic Hammer.


Her mentality this time has changed.

“It doesn’t matter whether we ship or not, what matters is participation.”

She was very satisfied when she reached the awakening volume.

Click, click, click.

She smashed three jars in one go.

Not surprisingly, it's all white light.

However, this is much better than the previous results.

One of Lin Xiao's items said: "This little blue bottle of magic juice can restore some of your soul power after use. It's a pretty good thing."

"Oh, isn't that much better than a rusty katana?"

Ye Lingling's eyes lit up and he quickly picked up the magic juice.

Hurry, I'll be here soon!

Seeing that Ye Langling's jar was about to be opened, Dugu Yan became nervous unconsciously.

She has even begun to fantasize about what she can prescribe?


Isn’t it too much to also open an awakening scroll?


Just when she was thinking wildly, a light suddenly flashed in front of her eyes.



She subconsciously squinted her eyes and looked quickly towards the light source.

Suddenly, he was startled.

"Lingling, is your last jar rare?"

Facing Dugu Yan's doubts, Ye Lingling was puzzled, "Yanzi, when did your eyes become bad? Didn't Dugu Mian give you treatment?"

Dugu Yan: "."

"Lingling, I'm warning you, if you talk like this, you may have no friends." She said with a dark face.

Ye Lingling shook his head helplessly, "Okay. Now I solemnly tell you that my last double jar contains rare items!"

"Dog care!"

Dugu Yan spit out these two words.

But when she saw the items in the jar clearly, she couldn't help but exclaimed, "What the hell is this? It's so ugly!"

Yes, it is indeed ugly!

Not only Dugu Yan, Lin Xiao, Ye Lingling, A Yin, Ning Rongrong, but also several others felt the same way.

I saw a strange-looking monster in a transparent glass ball.

He wears toad-like skin, but it is actually purple.

There is a mouth on the head, and there are two hideous mouths on the chest.

But a pair of huge eyes are located on the belly.

I have to say, it’s downright ugly!

However, Lin Xiao felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity when he saw it.

Item: [Egala of Devouring Cos Costume]

Level: [Rare]

Type: [Not Tradeable]

Description: [Taken from the magical props in the dungeon world. 】

Effect: [After use, you can transform into the devouring Agal and fight for fifteen minutes. 】

It's really a big-eyed guy, what are you looking at?

Various nicknames came to Lin Xiao's mind.

His memories flew away, as if he had returned to the time when Antuen dominated the dungeon.

I don’t know how many teams that fought against energy were defeated by him. Even the volcanoes were cleared, but the energy hadn’t passed yet.

I don’t know how many main Cs worked hard to defeat the Devouring Ogal and only had a few health left. His teammates looked at each other, and the Devouring Ogal instantly regained hundreds of blood, and all the efforts were in vain.


Many people were hugged right from the start, and the entire team could only turn into gua sha masters and continuously perform combos. The tragedy is that being hugged again after breaking through the defense with consecutive attacks is simply despairing!

"Boss, boss, can you explain what this thing is?"

At this time, Dugu Yan gently called Lin Xiao.

There is no doubt that the appearance of the crystal ball is beyond her knowledge blind spot and she cannot give Ye Lingling an answer.

"The Devouring Agal COS costume, as the name suggests, after using it, you can become the one in the crystal ball"

Lin Xiao paused as he spoke, and then said: "Well, that soul beast will fight for fifteen minutes. It is worth mentioning that its fighting ability is not weak, and it may give you unexpected gains."

As he spoke, he couldn't help but think curiously in his heart, I don't know what your fighting ability is.

You know, in the game, if you don't know the skills to deal with it, you can only scratch it even at level 100.

I guess it can't be worse than Titled Douluo, right?

Or is it that a titled Douluo can only scrape it without understanding the mechanism?

"What? It will actually turn into...it?"

As a girl, Ye Lingling is still very resistant to this thing.

After all, appearance equals fighting power!

Even Dugu Yan was a little bit conflicted, not that Swallowed Agal was ugly.

But it's too ugly.

In her knowledge, she has never seen such a soul beast before?

It's downright ugly.


"I have a suggestion, do you want to listen to it?"

Suddenly, Ning Rongrong's voice sounded from behind everyone.

Dugu Yan and Ye Lingling looked at Ning Rongrong at the same time.

"Do you want to buy this thing again?"

Ye Lingling guessed a possibility.

No way? Do you want to buy such an ugly thing? Dugu Yan secretly thought it was impossible.


Ning Rongrong nodded heavily, and then said without further ado, "You guys can discuss it and just make an offer. If you can, I want to buy both of the Devouring Agal COS costumes!"

This does not mean that she is stupid, nor does it mean that she spends money recklessly.

But it was because she noticed a word Lin Xiao said, strong fighting power!

"What is Boss Lin's identity, status, and strength? He said that this thing is not weak in combat. Can that still be wrong?"

"After using this thing, it can unleash the fighting power of a titled Douluo, right? It's even more important for a soul master like me, especially!"

"What's more, I'm still being cared about by the people on Poseidon Island. Grandpa Jian and Dad may not be able to protect me all the time. A certain ability to protect myself is particularly important to me."

Ning Rongrong didn't care whether the Devouring Agal was ugly or not, she was more concerned about the usability of the item.

In her opinion, if she can save her life by wearing the COS costume of Swallowed Agal at the critical moment, what's the matter even if it's ugly?

This is absolutely nothing!

Say it again.

She also thought that this little thing was cute and cute.

After a long time.

Seeing that Ye Lingling and Dugu Yan hadn't given an accurate answer yet, Ning Rongrong couldn't help but asked, "Is it so difficult for you to quote a price?"

Good night.

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