I sell jars in Douluo

Chapter 365 Dugu Yan’s counterattack, epic props reappear

Facing Ning Rongrong's doubts, Dugu Yan and Ye Lingling were really in trouble.

If the price is low, this is a rare item after all.

If the price is too high

This is too ugly. Is it worth it?

So for a while, they really couldn't decide how much they should quote.

Five hundred thousand, seven hundred thousand, eight hundred thousand?


It’s so confusing.

"Forget it, seeing how embarrassed you are, the price is one million gold soul coins each. I bought two in a package."

Ning Rongrong waved her hand and said grandly.

"One million gold soul coins?"

Dugu Yan and Ye Lingling looked at each other and saw the horror in the other's eyes.

One Devouring Agal COS costume can last for fifteen minutes, and two Devouring Agal COS costumes can last half an hour.

And spending two million gold soul coins for this half hour has to be said to be too extravagant.

"Perhaps more than one million gold soul coins can reach the price you expect, but I don't think it is necessary."

"After all, in my eyes, there is some difference between more than one million gold soul coins and two million gold soul coins, but not much."

Ning Rongrong raised her fingers in her hand and said calmly: "You should make up your mind as soon as possible. There is not much time left for you to think about it."

"As expected of a member of the Qibao Glazed Sect, he is very wealthy." Dugu Yan sighed in a low voice.

"Oh?" Ning Rongrong was a little surprised, "Do you know my identity?"

Dugu Yan nodded, "Of course, your surname is Ning, and you can open your mouth and offer a price of fifty million gold soul coins. You don't even put millions of gold soul coins in your eyes, except for the little princess of the Qibao Glazed Sect. , I can’t think of anyone who can be so arrogant.”

Ah, this.

Ning Rongrong was slightly startled, muttering in her heart that she should have kept a lower profile.

"Okay, I agree."

At this moment, Ye Lingling also spoke in a deep voice, with a serious look on his face, as if he had made a great decision.

"Well, I knew you would make a wise choice."

Ning Rongrong nodded.

"What should I do?" Ye Lingling asked again.

Ning Rongrong did not answer her immediately, but took out the two pieces of golden beeswax from the space soul guide and handed them to Ye Lingling, then slowly said: "It's very simple. Take these two pieces of golden beeswax." , just use it on your Devouring Agal COS costume."


Ye Lingling did not pick up the golden beeswax immediately, because judging from the faint pink light on the golden beeswax, she was very sure that it was an artifact-level item.

She asked again: "Have you really decided to use artifact-level items to seal these two rare-level Devouring Agal COS costumes?"

Not only her, but also Dugu Yan felt that Ning Rongrong's move was not very wise.

In other words, using artifact-level items to seal rare-level items isn't this a blood loss?

"Ye Lingling, thank you for thinking about me, but I really thought about it carefully."

Ning Rongrong still insisted on her own ideas.

Of course, she also has reasons to persist, "Actually, I think no matter what item it is, it has the same meaning as money. Only when you spend it, use it, and get it, is it money."

"But if you don't spend it and put it there, the money is no longer money, it's just metal. In the same way, no matter how rare the item is, it is the same. Only when it is used and functions can the value be extracted. Otherwise, it will be worthless. significance."

"So, whichever one is the most helpful to me, the rare level or the artifact level, and I can use it, whichever one is more precious will be able to realize its value."


That being the case, what else can I say?

After hearing what Ning Rongrong said, Ye Lingling no longer insisted.

She nodded and took the golden beeswax in Ning Rongrong's hand.

So the question is, how to use this thing?

Subconsciously, she looked at Lin Xiao.

"Just light the golden beeswax directly, and then drop the wax oil on the item you want to seal."

When Lin Xiao saw this, he knew that he could no longer remain silent.


Ye Lingling nodded obediently, first lit a piece of golden beeswax, and used it on a Devouring Agal COS costume.

Tick ​​tock.

A precise drop of wax oil falls.

Immediately afterwards, the golden beeswax in Ye Lingling's hand disappeared.


Ye Lingling was stunned for a while.

"Lingling, stop talking and look!"

Dugu Yan suddenly pointed at the Devouring Agal COS costume that had been dripped with golden beeswax before and said.

Soon, Ye Lingling withdrew his gaze and saw the drop of golden beeswax began to spread. In a moment, the Devouring Agal COS dress was coated with a pink film.

[Congratulations, the COS costume of Devouring Agal has been successfully packaged. This item has been changed from untradeable to tradeable. 】

"It worked, it really worked."

"This golden beeswax is really amazing."

After hearing the mechanical voice in his mind, Ye Lingling couldn't help but sigh in admiration.

"There's another one."

At this time, Dugu Yan reminded.

"Okay." Ye Lingling nodded and followed the same pattern, and soon another COS costume of Devouring Agal was successfully sealed.

"Now, they're yours now."

Ye Lingling handed two Devouring Agal COS costumes to Ning Rongrong.

"These two black cards cost one million each, which is exactly two million. It's fair to pay with one hand and deliver the goods with the other."

Ning Rongrong first took out two black cards and stuffed them into Ye Lingling's palm, and then put away the two Devouring Agal COS costumes.

After that, she nodded with satisfaction, "Yes, they are two good babies."

Lin Xiao saw this and secretly shook his head. You, Ning Rongrong, are really beautiful. When your father and your Grandpa Jian see you, they will probably be so depressed that you want to vomit blood.

Ning Fengzhi will probably regret it in his intestines. Why did he put two pieces of golden beeswax in your hand?

Of course, even if he thinks this way, he doesn't feel that Ning Rongrong is at a loss.

Just like Ning Rongrong said before, some things can only be valuable if you use them.

Legendary items of artifact level or higher are good, but someone must be willing to sell them.

"Okay, the jar is opened and the transaction is completed."

"Please step back, I, King Dugu Guan, am about to begin."

At this time, Dugu Yan said to Ning Rongrong and Ye Lingling: "If you are watching the excitement, please step back."

Ye Lingling: "."

Ning Rongrong put away her Devouring Agal COS costume and crossed her arms, "You're just going through the motions, why are you so serious?"

Dugu Yan shook his head disdainfully, "Then you should have a good experience. I, Dugu Yan, am not too bad at opening the jar."

After speaking, she proudly puffed out her chest, looking confident.

"It's no use talking anymore, just open the can."

Ning Rongrong said: "I hope you can give me some insights."

"We'll see!"

After Dugu Yan said this, she ignored Ning Rongrong and walked to the counter while twisting her waist.

"Boss, do you think these are enough?"

As she spoke, she took out some elixir from the space soul guide.

After comprehending the Xuantian Baolu, her vision skyrocketed and she was able to recognize the value of all elixirs.

Lin Xiao looked over and saw that Dugu Yan had taken out about a dozen elixirs, all worth just over one million.

I have to say, the proportions are just right.

"No problem, you can choose the jar next."

Lin Xiao put away many elixirs and nodded to Dugu Yan.


Dugu Yan gently touched his chin with the index finger of his right hand, as if he was thinking.

But she just happened to show her beautiful profile in front of Lin Xiao.

"Humph, every move has a thousand thoughts."

Ning Rongrong snorted secretly.

"Boss, I've made my choice."

At this moment, Dugu Yan made a sound, and then she pointed her fingers in the air one after another, pointing out the jars one by one.

In a blink of an eye, ten jars were enough.

Ah Yin looked at Lin Xiao, saw Lin Xiao nodded, and then followed Dugu Yan's request and placed the ten jars she asked for on the counter one by one.

"Yanzi, come on!"

"I believe you will be able to come up with something good."

Ye Lingling was behind Duguyan, cheering her on.


To be honest, I don’t really believe in myself.

Of course, if he was discouraged like this, Dugu Yan would just mutter in his heart, and of course he couldn't say more to others.

"Lingling, wait and cheer for me."

After Dugu Yan finished speaking, he raised the lucky magic hammer and struck it.


A burst of white light.

Dugu Yan's face froze, it seemed like he was getting off to a bad start?


Ning Rongrong couldn't help but laugh, "Is this the power of the can-opening king?"

Dugu Yan counterattacked unceremoniously: "Who said the King of Can Openers can't open ordinary items? It's no problem to warm up."


She said, waving her hands and looking at the items in the jar again.

But what is this thing in the jar?

Item: [Stubby wooden stick]

Level: [Normal]

Type: [Tradable]

Description: [Props taken from the dungeon. 】

Effect: [G. S. Produced by D, it has no effect. 】

Lin Xiao: “As you can see, this is just a small stick.”

Before Dugu Yan could ask, Lin Xiao had already spoken before her.

"Wooden stick?"

"It seems worse than a rusty katana."

Ye Lingling was startled for a moment, and then said: "Yanzi, didn't you say before that there is almost nothing worse than a rusty samurai sword? Now I have seen it."

Dugu Yan: "."

Listen to me, thank you.

On the side, Ning Rongrong also came over. Her eyes suddenly lit up and she noticed something unusual, "There are words on this stick."

Subconsciously, she read out, "People who are desperate for love finally choose it G.S.D."

Everyone suddenly looked weird.

"Ahem, I think you should keep this thing. Maybe you can use it in the future."

Ning Rongrong coughed slightly and said meaningfully.

"Go aside."

Dugu Yan waved his hand to Ning Rongrong, not wanting to pay attention to this female gangster.

She looked at Lin Xiao, "Boss, I really want to know now, who is this G.S.D?"

"You must be an old gangster to say such a thing."

She seemed to say it through gritted teeth.


Lin Xiao could tell that Dugu Yan felt like he was being teased.

He shrugged helplessly, "Give up. You can understand that G.S.D is not in the same world as you. You may not be able to settle accounts with him in this life."

"That's okay."

Dugu Yan gritted his teeth and picked up the short wooden stick.

My heart suddenly moved, not to mention it felt pretty good.

Then, she hurriedly threw this thing into the space soul guide.

"Yanzi, I believe you, the jar will be fine next moment."

Ye Lingling's soft voice sounded next to Dugu Yan, cheering for Dugu Yan.

"This time, it will definitely work."

Dugu Yan regained his confidence.

One failure was nothing. She didn't believe that she was so unlucky that she could fail every time?


The second jar shattered.


But it didn't emit light immediately.

"How is this going?"

Dugu Yan, Ning Rongrong, and Ye Lingling were all very puzzled.

Even Lin Xiao narrowed his eyes unconsciously, wondering in his heart, could it be that there was something wrong with the system?

However, at the next moment, a strong golden light flashed, making people close their eyes unconsciously.

Gold, golden light!

Everyone was shocked.

They all know what this means, epic!

Since the store opened, no one has ever seen what an epic item is.

"Dugu Yan's luck seems a bit unbelievable."

Lin Xiao murmured in his heart. He had to say that even he didn't expect that someone could create an epic martial spirit.


The golden light gradually converged.

The eyes of Dugu Yan, Ning Rongrong, Ye Lingling and others also regained their luster.

There was still lingering wonder and deep envy in Ning Rongrong's eyes, "It's an epic-level item, so why can't it be airborne every second?"

Ye Lingling was sincerely happy for her good sisters.

Looking at Dugu Yan again, her face showed excitement and enthusiasm.

"Epic-level items. I found a legendary item among legends. It's an epic-level item."

She was beyond excited.

She witnessed that because of a legendary awakening scroll, Ye Lingling's martial soul completed its evolution, which greatly improved the quality of Ye Lingling's martial soul, even far surpassing a lot of top martial arts.

What changes will happen to the epic items?

She didn't dare think about it.

In other words, even if you think about it, you can't think of it.

Lin Xiao felt that this was just like the people in the previous life who won five million by buying lottery tickets.

At this time, Dugu Yan had already picked up the item in the jar. It was a pendant that seemed to be made of pure gold, and the whole body was shining.


Excited heart, trembling hands. Because Dugu Yan's hands kept shaking, the golden pendant made a crisp sound when it collided with the chain.

"Boss, what is the purpose of this necklace?"

Dugu Yan looked at Lin Xiao and asked, "Is it the same equipment that my grandfather used before, can it give me particularly powerful abilities?"

Speculations had already begun in her mind.

In fact, everyone in the shop pricked up their ears. They also wanted to hear how powerful the epic items were.

It can be regarded as Zhang Zhang’s knowledge.

epic necklace

Facing Dugu Yan's doubts, Lin Xiao also cast his gaze over.

For a moment, he showed a very rare look of stunned expression.

"How could it be this, a +15 super powerful epic item?"

"This is so fucking outrageous!"

Good night.

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