I sell jars in Douluo

Chapter 366 An epic that makes people think, the title of King of Can Opening

Item: [+15 super powerful epic props]

Level: [Epic]

Type: [Not Tradeable]

Description: [A magical prop taken from the dungeon. 】

Effect: [No effect, produced on April 1, 2014, April Fool’s Day event. 】

Yes, you read that right. The so-called +15 powerful epic props originated from an April Fool’s Day event. It was just a prop created by dog ​​planners to prank players.

Lin Xiao still clearly remembers how excited he was when he obtained this item.

But after seeing the properties of the items clearly, I wanted to smash the computer.

And that day, all players on the server were in wheelchairs.

It's just so weird.

"Dog system, you haven't learned it well at all. There are so many epic props in the dungeon, and you insist on fixing such a thing. It's really annoying, right?"

Lin Xiao cursed secretly in his heart.

Looking at Dugu Yan who was in ecstasy, he didn't know how to speak for a moment.

"Oh my god! Did I hear it right just now? Boss Lin personally admitted that this is an epic prop?"

Dugu Yan said, looking at Ye Lingling, hoping that his good sister could give him an accurate answer.

"Yanzi, please calm down."

Ye Lingling tried his best to comfort Duguyan and told her to calm down, "But you are right. I also heard Boss Lin admit it himself, and he also said +15, super powerful!"

"That's right!"

Dugu Yan was so excited that he stamped his feet.

On the side, Ning Rongrong was also extremely envious, "Legendary items are already extremely powerful. A +15 epic, how powerful is it? It can't destroy the world."

After a while, Dugu Yan felt that he was almost calm, and then he looked at Lin Xiao and asked: "Boss, please tell me now, what is the name of this epic item, and what is its function."

"I suggest that you must be mentally prepared."

Lin Xiao did not immediately answer Dugu Yan's words.

He was afraid that the gap between ideal and reality was too big and Dugu Yan couldn't bear it.

"Boss, don't worry."

"No matter how powerful this item is, I can withstand it."

Dugu Yan said firmly.


This is hopeless.

Forget it, let it go.

Lin Xiao felt helpless and counted slowly: "This item is a +15 super powerful epic prop."

"Yes, it is a powerful epic with +15. I know this. Boss Lin, you don't need to repeat it."

Lin Xiao: "."

He was a little speechless, "I mean, the name of this thing is +15 super powerful epic prop."


Dugu Yan was startled, and then praised: "Epic-level items are so awesome, even the names are so unique."

And at this time.

Lin Xiao added: "As for its attributes, I'm very sorry that it doesn't have any attributes."

"Oh, it turns out it doesn't have any attributes. It's really powerful."

Dugu Yan subconsciously followed Lin Xiao's words.

However, as she spoke, she suddenly discovered something was wrong.

Even Ning Rongrong and Ye Lingling looked at her with strange expressions.


"Boss, what you're saying is that it doesn't have any properties?"

Dugu Yan asked tentatively.

Even her heart was lifted at this moment.

My breathing almost stopped.

One can imagine how nervous she is now.

What you should bear, you have to bear, even though it is very uncomfortable. Lin Xiao nodded, and the next words broke Dugu Yan's fantasy, "+15 super powerful epic props, except that it has an epic level, it doesn't have anything Attributes. You can completely regard this item as an epic accessory."

"You see it's shiny and beautiful, isn't it?"

After listening to Lin Xiao's words, Dugu Yan was dumbfounded.


"No attributes?"

"A majestic epic-level item, you actually told me that it can only be used as an accessory?"

Dugu Yan felt that his heart had stopped.


At this moment, behind the counter, Ah Yin slowly stretched out her hand, and a breath of life was released from her hand and fell on Dugu Yan's body.

A feeling of coolness made Dugu Yan sober up a lot.

Ye Lingling also reacted at this moment, took Dugu Yan's hand, supported her, and asked with concern: "Yanzi, how do you feel now."

Dugu Yan waved his hands and couldn't help but reveal a sad look on his face, "Lingling, did you hear this? This epic item has no attributes."

"Ah this."

Ye Lingling didn't know what to say for a while. He patted Dugu Yan on the back with his other hand and said, "Yanzi, my condolences."

Woo woo woo.

Dugu Yan couldn't help it anymore and put his head on Ye Lingling's shoulder, whimpering softly.

Everyone could see that she was really heartbroken.

Lin Xiao: "."

Why did this make me cry?

He wanted to say something.

But after thinking about it, he didn't think of what to say.

After all, an epic that cannot be used just cannot be used, and it is useless to say anything about it.

"Forget it, people are just sad for a while. There is no obstacle that no one can overcome. It will be over as soon as you grit your teeth."

"Wait a minute, Dugu Yan will recover."

Lin Xiao thought for a while and waited patiently.

After a long time.

Dugu Yan finally felt better and could barely control his emotions.

She said to Lin Xiao with tears in her eyes: "Boss, if I make you unhappy in any way, just tell me. Please don't torture me like this."

"I really can't stand such ups and downs again."

She was telling the truth.

How many people can calmly face the fact that the implementation items they have spent a lot of hard work on are unusable waste?

"Well, the specific situation depends on you."

Lin Xiao spread his hands helplessly, saying that I couldn't bear this responsibility.

"I don't think you can blame Boss Lin for this. Life and death are determined by fate and wealth. I believe you can't help but understand this saying in the can-opening world."

At this moment, Ning Rongrong's voice sounded.

"Humph, of course I know the truth. You don't need to tell me."

"I, Dugu Yan, am not someone who can't open a jar."

Dugu Yan said and picked up the lucky magic hammer again, and then smashed it on the next jar.


There was a flash of light, and a blue light flashed.

A bottle of domineering armor potion.

"Huh, now it seems that even high-level items are better than epic-level items."

Dugu Yan secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Although the body armor potion was not expensive, the appearance of a high-level item made her feel a lot better.

Open again.

Click click click.

A few more jars were broken.

A smile gradually appeared on Dugu Yan's face.

Not bad, she got two proficiency capsules from these jars.

"Lingling, this is a good thing that can improve the understanding of soul skills. It's called a proficiency capsule. Even though it is an ordinary-level item, it is very precious. Do you remember it?"

Dugu Yan didn't forget to give Ye Lingling some science knowledge.

After listening to Dugu Yan's words, Ye Lingling stared at the proficiency capsule in Dugu Yan's hand without blinking. He firmly remembered it in his heart, and then nodded heavily, "I remember it."

"Okay, then continue!"

Dugu Yan said and continued to open the can.

However, the good luck seems to have disappeared.

I opened a few more jars, but none were ideal.

In a blink of an eye, the ninth jar was reached.


The light shattered, but there was a flash of purple light.

However, when looking at the items in the jar, everyone except Lin Xiao was confused.

Everyone could only recognize that it was a small badge, and a big 7 was imprinted on the surface of the badge.

Immediately everyone fell silent.

Dugu Yan's face was even more ashen, "It's over, I can't get out of that hurdle today. The good things I find are just accessories. Who can bear this?"

In her opinion, this must be another useless piece of trash.

After all, epic items are useless, so what right does this thing have?

Should she say it or not, her mentality collapsed.

On the side, Ye Lingling no longer knew how to comfort her sister.

In the face of reality, it seems too pale to say anything.


I hope Yanzi can get over this hurdle on his own.

She prayed secretly in her heart.

Even Ning Rongrong, who was not very good at dealing with Dugu Yan, couldn't bear it. She shook her head secretly. Dugu Yan was really miserable.

But in fact, the attributes of this badge are much more reliable than that +15 super powerful epic prop.

Item: [King of Can Opening]

Level: [Rare]

Type: [Not Tradeable]

Description: [A magical prop taken from the dungeon. It is unique and cannot be obtained through self-selection. 】

Effect: [The wearer will receive additional lucky blessings, rare, artifacts, legends, epic items, and the appearance probability is X5%. 】

The title of King of Can Opening?

Is this an antique title?

Lin Xiao was startled, and at the same time he also discovered that the attributes of this title were different from those in the game, but it was more suitable for use on Douluo Continent.

The probability of shipment increases.

However, is 0X0 still equal to 0?

In Lin Xiao's opinion, this thing is like a psychological comfort, which is better than nothing.

However, after taking a look at Dugu Yan, who looked depressed and even a little hopeless, Lin Xiao felt that this thing might be of great significance.

He looked at Dugu Yan and said, "Maybe the truth is not what you think."

Is it different from what I imagined? Could it be said that this thing is not waste? Dugu Yan was startled at first, but she was still a little unsure of her guess. She asked tentatively, "Boss, I don't know what you mean by this?"

"Literally, that is."

Lin Xiao pointed at the badge and said slowly: "This medal is also called the King of Can Opening. Wearing it can increase your luck, allowing you to open four levels of rare, artifact, legendary, and epic items. The chance of getting about a hundred A five-point improvement.”

In fact, there is definitely not a 5% improvement, but Lin Xiao feels that you have to give the person who opens the jar a little confidence, right?


After hearing what Lin Xiao said, Dugu Yan was shocked, "This is actually a treasure that can improve luck!"

"Don't think too much, it can only be used to open cans." Lin Xiao did not forget to remind him.

"But that's enough."

Dugu Yan said: "Maybe there is only a slight difference between me and rare-level or above-rare items. Now that I have the title of King of Can Opening, can't I make up for it?"

Lin Xiao: "."

If this were not blind confidence, it would be very reasonable.

Ning Rongrong secretly gave Dugu Yan a big eye roll.

Celebrities don't speak secretly, so she felt that Dugu Yan was thinking nonsense.

Even Ye Lingling couldn't help but shake Dugu Yan's arm, "Yanzi, the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment. You'd better calm down."

"You don't believe it, do you?"

How could Dugu Yan not see the deep meaning in the expressions of Ye Lingling and Ning Rongrong.

She immediately picked up the badge and put it on her chest, and her figure suddenly straightened up.

Suddenly, Lin Xiao found that Dugu Yan seemed to be different, and seemed to have become more confident.

He couldn't help but murmur in his heart, does the title have any hidden attributes? Can people become confident?

"Looking at it, I have a hunch that the last jar will definitely be shipped!"

Dugu Yan pointed to the last jar and said.

"Hey, this is crazy."

Ye Lingling sighed helplessly.

She always felt that overconfidence was not a good thing.

"Then you just keep an eye on it."

Dugu Yan didn't hesitate and immediately smashed the hammer in his hand.

There was a click, and a burst of purple light rushed out of the jar!

"Ah this."

Ye Lingling couldn't help but widen her eyes. She had to say that the scene in front of her was beyond her expectation.

"Really, is this really the reason for that badge?"

Ning Rongrong was startled for a moment, then stared at the badge on Dugu Yan's chest with bright eyes, unable to move it away anymore.

Gradually, she regretted it.

I was still a little impulsive before. If I leave a golden beeswax, can I buy Dugu Yan’s badge?

"Give up your unrealistic ideas."

"Don't say 50 million, even if you give me 100 million, I can't sell the title."

Dugu Yan saw through Ning Rongrong's thoughts, and then raised his hand as if to show off.

To be precise, the upgrade rolls on both hands.

"Did you see it? It's an upgrade coupon."

"With this title, I will definitely not be bald again in the future. Opening three or five rare items a week is not too much, right?"

Ning Rongrong: "."

She didn't know what to say.

But she knew that if it was like what Dugu Yan said, no amount of money could buy this title.

This show off, I just don’t know if you will cry when you know the truth. Lin Xiao shook his head secretly, and then said to A Yin: "A Yin, give her the jar with the purple pattern on the shelf. .”

"Yes." Without any hesitation, Ah Yin turned around, took down the lucky prayer jar, and placed it on the counter.

He looked at Dugu Yan who was slightly dazed and reminded: "This is a self-selected jar. After purchasing it this week, you will be eligible to open it. Open it now."

On the other hand, after being reminded by Lin Xiao, Dugu Yan slapped his forehead in surprise, "Ah, this was almost over."

Then, she didn't hesitate and immediately smashed the jar of her choice.

Immediately afterwards, a purple light group appeared in the jar.

"Yanzi, this thing?" Ye Lingling hesitated, his eyes full of confusion and curiosity.

With such a big light group, what can you choose?

Dugu Yan explained: "Lingling, don't underestimate this light group. According to my grandfather, there is a treasure house hidden in it?!"

treasure house?

After listening to Dugu Yan's words, Ye Lingling's beautiful eyes showed a look of expectation.

She really wanted to see what good things Dugu Yan could take out from the treasure house.

I have something to do tonight, so I’ll update early.

Good night.

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