I sell jars in Douluo

Chapter 367 Ning Fengzhi: Rongrong, you are still too conservative

In a small shop.

Not only Ye Lingling is looking forward to it, but even Ning Rongrong also wants to see what Dugu Yan can come up with.

The two of them stared wide-eyed, afraid of missing every detail.

"These two people explain very well what it means to watch the fun and enjoy it."

Lin Xiao muttered secretly when he saw this.

At the same time, Dugu Yan suddenly said, "Found it."

Immediately afterwards, she took out an item from the light group.

That is also a piece of paper.

"What is this?"

Ye Lingling was confused.

Ning Rongrong's face changed slightly, and she couldn't help but say: "How dare you choose the +7 amplification roll with a 30% success rate? I think you might as well hold the jar and throw it into the river, at least you can still see one There are water splashes.”

In her opinion, Dugu Yan was wasting his money.

"Tch, short hair means short knowledge."

“You haven’t seen anyone succeed, so can you be sure that no one has succeeded?”

Last week, Dugu Yan saw her grandfather Dugu Bo successfully using it, so she couldn't help but be curious and wanted to try it.

"Besides, I don't plan on trying it now."

"One card has a 30% chance of success. If I save three cards, doesn't it mean it's 90%? Isn't the success rate still low?"

Dugu Yan has his own little plan in mind.


Lin Xiao was stunned for a while when he heard the sound, and wanted to say something, the girl's odds are not calculated that way.

But when the words reached his lips, he swallowed them back.

When you open a can, you always have to give people something to think about, right?

Lin Xiao feels that he is really considerate of others.

He swore that he didn't want to trick anyone into coming to the shop to open a jar.

"Boss, it's getting late. You've been busy all day. Let's take our leave now."

At this time, Dugu Yan offered his farewell.

"Boss, thank you for your help. Lingling will take his leave now."

Ye Lingling also owed Lin Xiao a lot of money.

Lin Xiao glanced outside the store.

It was indeed like what Dugu Yan said, the sun had set at some point, and there were faint lights shining slightly outside.

"If that's the case, then I won't keep you here."

Lin Xiao said politely without hesitation.

Everyone nodded and left one after another.

In the small shop, Lin Xiao and A Yin were left alone for a while.

"Ah Yin, go see what Xiao Wu is up to and see if dinner is ready."


After listening to Lin Xiao's words, Ah Yin walked towards the backyard.


Lin Xiao let out a sigh of relief and said with some anticipation: "After watching others open jars for a day, it's finally my turn. Even Dugu Yan has opened an epic. It's unreasonable not to give me two epics."

He muttered secretly and opened the system panel at the same time.

What surprised Lin Xiao was that there was still an email that he had not received.

"Oh, I remembered, this should be my reward for selling eleven hundred jars, right?"

After hesitating for a moment, a look of surprise appeared on his face.

There were eleven customers in the shop today, and in addition there was a customer who owned a drift can.

Then, he silently chose to receive it.

[Congratulations on getting: Drift Tank X1. 】

"Hey, that's good stuff."

Lin Xiao's eyes lit up.

There is no doubt that each jar represents a potential consumer, an object of profit, and someone who can generate income for himself.

He immediately took out his mobile phone and chose to cast it.

Looking at the drifting bottle going away, Lin Xiao secretly muttered, wondering who would be lucky enough to pick it up.

the other side.

The edge of Poseidon Island.

The waves were rolling and were several meters high.

But Tang San was not afraid of such waves at all, using the Clear Sky Hammer in his hand to fight against the waves.

Chaos cloak!

He shouted in his heart, and the Clear Sky Hammer in his hand struck faster and faster, and the power was like a wave that was higher than the other, constantly superimposed.

However, just as he was getting better, an object suddenly came through the air in the wave.

"not good!"

Seeing this, Tang San quickly used the Clear Sky Hammer to resist.

But he failed.

Because the speed of the object was too fast, it hit his face in an instant.

With a bang, Tang San was knocked back several steps, feeling dizzy and even his nose was bleeding.

"Who is attacking me?"

Tang San's mentality collapsed.

Subconsciously, he thought of Tang Hao. After all, who on the entire Poseidon Island didn't know that he was the successor to the Poseidon throne, and treated Tang San with great respect?

He thought that only Tang Hao could do this kind of secret attack on people.


He searched for a long time and found no trace of Tang Hao around.


He muttered and looked at the item that made him embarrassed, not far in front of him.

But, at the next moment, Tang San's pupils suddenly shrank.

It was a jar, he looked so familiar!

"Why is this jar so similar to the jar sold in the Wuhun City store?"

When Tang San saw this, his heart was shocked.

He no longer hesitated and quickly picked up the jar that almost knocked him unconscious.

The next moment, a look of confusion appeared on his face.

After a while, the confusion on his face turned into surprise, and became more and more intense.

"It's not just similar, it can only be said to be exactly the same!"

"Hahaha, God's will, it is God's will."

"It's really possible that God will not destroy me, Tang San, so he specially sent down this treasure to allow me to counterattack Tang Hao."

"As expected, I, Tang San, am the true son of destiny! I am a person with great luck. In adversity, there will always be a turning point, allowing me to overcome all obstacles."

"Tang Hao, Tang Hao, let me see how you can block my way forward!"

After fully understanding the information brought by the jar, Tang San was overjoyed and laughed wildly.

On more than one occasion, he felt that he could no longer open jars in a small shop, which he deeply regretted.

But now, the chance to save has come.

With this drifting can, he can buy cans even on Poseidon Island.

However, he frowned again the next moment,

Because he doesn't have the important factors to open the jar.

To put it simply, there is no money.

However, he quickly raised his eyebrows and said, "It doesn't matter if you don't have money. There are so many titled Douluo on Poseidon Island. If you borrow one, there will always be some."

With this in mind, he put away the drift can, turned around and walked towards the center of Poseidon Island.

[Ding, your drift tank has been picked up. 】

In the shop, the system's voice sounded in Lin Xiao's mind.

"It's been scooped up. Let's see what he can drive."

He quickly reached for his cell phone.

However, after waiting for a long time, no news of opening the jar came back.

"It seems that the person who got the jar is not very wealthy."

"Forget it, no wait, I'd better open my own jar first."

Lin Xiao thought about it and waved his hand and took out ten jars, "I sold one hundred and twenty jars today, I hope I can help."

Click click click.

For a while, the sound of opening cans in the shop was heard one after another, continuously.

On the other side, Ning Rongrong also returned to her small shop. Sword Douluo spotted her as soon as she entered the door and asked with a smile: "Rongrong, are you back?"


Ning Rongrong looked over and saw Sword Douluo and Ning Fengzhi sitting at the table drinking tea.

Full of leisure and leisure.

It has to be said that since coming into contact with Lin Xiao, their lives have become a lot more leisurely.

Ning Fengzhi is no longer very busy running the sect.

Sword Douluo wouldn't go into seclusion to practice without any trouble.

After all, with Boss Lin’s small shop here, why bother working so hard?

As long as they spend a little money, they will get rewards that they can't get after decades of hard work.

"Rongrong, how are you? Have you ever seen someone find something valuable in Boss Lin's shop?"

Ning Fengzhi took a sip of tea, then looked at Ning Rongrong and asked with a smile.

In fact, he just asked casually. His beloved daughter, Mo Ruofu, had ten thousand tricks on Ning Rongrong's clothes alone. He knew very well what Ning Rongrong's purpose was, and he had no hope that Ning Rongrong could bring back any news.


Ning Rongrong's answer surprised Ning Fengzhi, "Of course, Dad, it's really a pity that you didn't go. I also saw someone opening the Awakening Scroll, and even epic items appeared today."

"What! Awakening Scroll!"

"Legendary level is not included, there are also epic level items. This is really amazing."

Sword Douluo and Ning Fengzhi were both shocked.

He almost dropped the teacup in his hand due to excessive shock.

"It turns out that epic items really exist."

The two looked at each other and could see the emotion in their eyes.

You know, before this, they once thought that epic items were legendary existences.

After all, they have been paying attention to the store for so long, and this is the first time they have heard about epic items.

Another moment passed.

Ning Fengzhi finally calmed down and asked the question he was most concerned about, "Rongrong, have you ever bought that legendary item, the Awakening Scroll?"

That's right.

What he is more concerned about is who will win the Awakening Scroll.

After all, Ning Rongrong happened to have two golden beeswax in his hands, which met the criteria for sealing legendary items.

No matter how good the epic items are, they are still out of reach.

"Haha, Sect Master, there is no need to ask. Rongrong has an awakening scroll in his hand. Another awakening scroll can make the martial soul evolve again. She will buy the awakening scroll no matter what."

On the side, Sword Douluo didn't wait for Ning Rongrong's answer and said with a smile: "I think it would be better to ask Rongrong directly what the difference is between the Ten Treasures Glazed Pagoda and the Nine Treasures Glazed Pagoda."

After listening to Sword Douluo's words, Ning Fengzhi nodded, "Uncle Jian, what you said is right. If I care, it will cause chaos."

As he said that, he looked at Ning Rongrong eagerly, "Rongrong, why are you still standing there? Do you really have to wait until my father begs you before you are willing to talk about the mystery of the evolution of the Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda into the Ten Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda?"


I evolve into a hammer.

Ning Rongrong's little face immediately tensed up, "Dad, Grandpa Jian, it's not that I don't want to show it off. I really don't have a chance, because I didn't buy the awakening scroll at all."

"What? Didn't you buy it?"

Sword Douluo and Ning Fengzhi had expressions of surprise on their faces.

"Rongrong, you really weren't kidding me or us, were you?"

Sword Douluo felt that it was not safe, so he confirmed it again.

After all, Ning Rongrong often made pranks like crying wolf.

"Grandpa Jian, do you think I'm joking like this?"

Ning Rongrong spread her hands helplessly.


Ning Fengzhi believed it, "Logically speaking, it's impossible. Are there really soul masters who are not interested in gold soul coins?"

"Wait. How much do you bid?"

According to his past experience, if there is a problem that cannot be solved with money, there is only one possibility.

Give less.

Hearing this, Ning Rongrong stretched out her little hand, spread her fingers and waved them in front of Ning Fengzhi's eyes, "Fifty million gold soul coins!"

Fifty million?

Ning Fengzhi was stunned for a moment, then nodded slowly, "I think the value of a normal awakening scroll is more than 10 million gold soul coins, which is very reasonable. It is also appropriate for you to give a price four or five times higher than the item itself."

"Right, it's reasonable." Ning Rongrong also thought it was reasonable.


At this moment, I heard Ning Fengzhi say: "But..."

"but what?"

"You're still too conservative."

"Is this conservative?" Ning Rongrong opened her mouth and didn't know what to say.

Ning Fengzhi said seriously: "Rongrong, you should not only consider the value of the item. You should consider the value of the awakening scroll to you. If your martial soul evolves again after obtaining the awakening scroll, I think it will cost ten times. The high price is worth it”

"One hundred million gold soul coins?"

Ning Rongrong couldn't help but be startled, "This is not a small amount for our Qibao Glazed Sect."

"Money is only money when you spend it. If you don't make money again, that's the meaning of making money."

Ning Fengzhi smiled slightly, "It's not a small amount, but it's not something that our Seven Treasures Glazed Sect can't afford."

"That's okay." Ning Rongrong nodded.

At this point, what else can she say?

She originally thought that she was already lavish enough, but there was another man who was even more lavish and didn't regard money as money.

"By the way, Rongrong, who is the lucky guy who got the Awakening Scroll? Do we know him?"

At this moment, Sword Douluo asked.

Even his words caught Ning Fengzhi's attention.

Ning Rongrong shook his head first and then nodded.

Just as the two of them were wondering what this meant, Ning Rongrong said again: "Dad, Grandpa Jian, you may not know this person, but you must know her."

"Oh? Who is she?" Ning Fengzhi became even more curious.

"The owner of this generation of Nine Heart Begonia, Ye Lingling!"


After listening to Ning Rongrong's words, Ning Fengzhi couldn't sit still anymore, "Jiuxin Begonia, Ye Lingling!"

This man knows too much.

After all, Jiuxin Haitang is the auxiliary spirit in the entire Douluo Continent, second only to the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda, so he is still very concerned about it.

"Then has Ye Lingling successfully completed evolution now?"

Sword Douluo also realized the seriousness of the problem.


Ning Rongrong nodded heavily, and then without hesitation told Sword Douluo and Ning Fengzhi what happened about Ye Lingling in the shop.

The more they listened, the more frightened they became.

In the end, I couldn't help but sigh in admiration.

"The martial soul successfully evolved into the Ten-Hearted Begonia, and the martial soul's restriction on soul rings was also lifted. This means that Ye Lingling has as many soul skills as she has soul rings!"

"That's right!"

"The number one soul skill is healing, and it has the ability to grow with the number of soul rings."

Ning Rongrong nodded again, "That's right!"

On the other hand, Ning Fengzhi fell into silence, and Sword Douluo also said nothing.

There is no doubt that this Ten-Hearted Begonia is too powerful.

It is simply not comparable to the Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda.

Good night.

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