I sell jars in Douluo

Chapter 373 Who still looks down on a rusty samurai sword?


"Boss Lin wants to open the limit on the number of times the can can be purchased?"

In the small shop, Xie Yue and Yan were startled at first, and then looked overjoyed.

"This is really great!"

As long as the can is opened more, why worry about not improving your strength?

Hu Liena also looked at Lin Xiao, her eyes full of expectation, "Boss, do you think what I said is right?"



"You idiot." Lin Xiao said angrily: "The purchase limit of ten cans per person per week is not possible to lift for the time being. You'd better give up."


Hu Liena, Xie Yue and Yan all showed disappointment on their faces.

"I just got something in the past two days, called a decomposer. As long as you throw the weapons and equipment sold in our store into the decomposer and decompose them, you can get small colorless crystals and some other materials."

Seeing the disappointed expressions on everyone's faces, Lin Xiao said slowly.


On the other hand, Hu Liena, Xie Yue and Yan were all stunned. They did not expect that Lin Xiao would tell them such a brand-new thing.

But, the next moment, the three of them realized a problem.

"Wait a minute, boss, what did you just say, the weapons and equipment you got in the shop?"

"But none of those things are treasures. Who is willing to break them down?"

"If I were asked to choose between weapons and equipment and small colorless crystals, I would definitely choose weapons and equipment that come out of a jar."

After listening to Lin Xiao's words, the three of them talked to each other.

They wouldn't think that someone would choose to break down precious weapons and equipment in exchange for small colorless crystals. After all, isn't this a clear loss of blood?

Lin Xiao smiled when he heard this.

"Is it really?"

He glanced at the three of them mysteriously and asked, "Then will you also regard the rusty katana as a treasure?"

After he finished speaking, the three of them were startled again.

"What the hell?"

"A rusty katana?"

"That thing can also be decomposed?"

They looked puzzled.

Can that rotten and rusty katana still be considered a weapon?

That thing is hard even to use to hit a chicken.

"Of course it does."

"A rusty knife is also a knife."

"Not even just knives, even the wooden sticks that come out of the jars sold in our store are considered weapons!"

Lin Xiao spoke again and explained the meaning of weapons to the three of them.


"It's really great!"

Yan was overjoyed, "So, these rusty samurai swords I picked up can now be put to use!"

As he spoke, he took out five or six rusty samurai swords from the space soul guide.

"Boss, please help me see how many small colorless crystals these rusty samurai swords can decompose?"

After doing all this, Yan looked at Lin Xiao eagerly, wanting an accurate answer.


Lin Xiao shook his head, "It's really hard to say. After Xie Yue finishes opening the jar, I will put the decomposition machine outside the store. How much colorless it can decompose depends on your luck.

By the way, when it is decomposed, there is a possibility of a critical hit, and you may get several times the reward. "

Lin Xiao did not forget to describe the use of the decomposer in detail to everyone.

"Okay, then I'll wait for Boss and Nana to finish opening the jar."

Yan said and put away the rusty katana. He was very lucky that he kept this kind of garbage, and now it was a blessing in disguise, until one day it could be turned into a treasure.

"Boss, boss, you can continue to open the can."

"After opening the can, we can try the decomposer together. How amazing it is. I remember that you have also opened several rusty samurai swords, right?"

But Yan screamed twice, and Xie Yue didn't react at all, as if he had been cast on a body-holding technique.

"Wait a minute, boss, why do I think there's something wrong with your expression?" He suddenly discovered another problem.

Xie Yue's face looked as ugly as if she had eaten a dead fly.


At this moment, Hu Liena suddenly sighed and said, "Yan, stop talking. Those words you just said have penetrated into my heart."


Yan's face couldn't help but reveal a look of confusion.

However, he soon thought of something.

He looked at Xie Yue in disbelief, "Wait a minute, boss, don't tell me that you lost all those rusty samurai swords, right?"

"I've already said it, it hurts my heart, don't ask, why don't you listen?"

Hu Liena said angrily.

"That. For a moment, I couldn't help myself."

Yan scratched his head in embarrassment.


Finally Xie Yue breathed a sigh of relief, looked at Lin Xiao and asked: "Boss, I guess the damaged rusty samurai sword cannot be decomposed, right?"

Lin Xiao nodded, "Congratulations, you are right. If you want to decompose, you must ensure that the weapons and equipment that are decomposed are intact."

"Ah this."

Suddenly, a look of shock appeared on Yan's face, "Boss, you didn't destroy all the rusty samurai swords that came to you, did you?"

I saw Xie Yue saying sadly: "I thought it was useless at the time. I broke all those rusty samurai swords with a snap."

"Now that I think about it, it's really a sin. Even if it's of no use, just throw them away."

Xie Yue now regrets it, very much.

I regretted it so much that I even wanted to cut off my hand.



When Yan saw this, he heard a sentence in his heart, "You will not survive if you do it yourself."

"Okay, brother, you are already a big man, so don't act like you can't afford it."

"Isn't it just breaking off a few rusty samurai swords? What does it count?"

Hu Liena patted Xie Yue's shoulder heavily and said extremely seriously: "Thousands of gold will come back again after being dispersed, and the samurai sword can still be opened after being broken. Believe in yourself, the samurai sword in the jar is waving at you."

"Nana, you are right."

Encouraged by Hu Liena, Xie Yue regained her confidence.

Picked up the lucky magic hammer again and prepared to smash the jar.

However, he suddenly felt something was wrong.

He suddenly turned back to look at Hu Liena.

Hu Liena asked in confusion, "Brother, what are you looking at me for? Are there flowers on my face? Open the jar!"

Xie Yue said: "I thought carefully about what you just said, and I feel more and more something is wrong."

"What's wrong?" Hu Liena was confused.

Xie Yue asked back: "When you ask me to open a rusty samurai sword from a jar, are you trying to trick me or are you cursing me?"


Hu Liena's pretty face suddenly showed a look of embarrassment.

Just now I was just focused on comforting Xie Yue, I really didn't think much about it.

Now that I think about it, it seems a bit inappropriate.

She didn't know how to defend herself, so she had to bite the bullet and said: "It's better to open your jar quickly."

never mind.

Xie Yue also shook her head and smashed the remaining jars again.

However, the more jars he opened, the darker his face became.

Sugarcane, sugarcane, sugarcane

Every time a jar was opened, a rusty katana fell to the ground.

When all the remaining seven jars were opened, Xie Yue's heart dropped.

What the hell?

Seven jars, eight rusty katana swords?

I asked who else? Xieyue looked at Hu Liena with a complicated face, "Is this the result you want?"

"Listen to me, thank you"

On the side, the corner of Yan's mouth couldn't help but twitch. The boss's luck was normal for the first few jars, but for the last few jars, it was incredible, right?

The probability of hitting a rusty katana continuously is lower than the probability of opening an artifact-level item, right?


In other words, you could use your luck to open a magical weapon, but you actually used it to open a rusty katana?

At this time, Lin Xiao also looked at Hu Liena. He became more and more convinced. Was Hu Liena's little mouth really opened? Just open whatever you say?

"Brother, it's not my fault."

Hu Liena also looked aggrieved and said, "Besides, why is the rusty samurai sword so bad?"

"Okay?" Xie Yue was startled.

Hu Liena nodded, "Of course, think about it, the rusty samurai swords can decompose small colorless crystals. If you open so many rusty samurai swords, doesn't it mean that every jar is high-grade?" Items?”

Can it still be converted like this?

Xie Yue and Yan were startled at the same time.

It's not that they are stupid, it's just that they haven't adapted to turning rusty samurai swords from waste into treasures yet.

"Why can't it be done?!"

Hu Liena looked at Lin Xiao and said in a pleading voice: "Boss, can I ask you a favor?"

Lin Xiao didn't answer.

"Don't worry, I won't make excessive demands. I just want you to take out the decomposer first."

"First let my brother believe that I didn't cheat him, and then we can open the can."

Hu Liena said pitifully: "Boss, please help the child."

"It doesn't matter. Anyway, the decomposer will have to be arranged sooner or later."

Lin Xiao nodded, and then said to everyone: "Then just follow me."

After saying that, he left the counter and walked out of the shop.

"Hey, why did Boss Lin come out during business hours today?"

As soon as Lin Xiao walked out of the shop, someone immediately made a suspicious sound.

They usually come here to watch the excitement. Although no one is opening cans, each one is more excited than the other when it comes to opening cans.

"Shh, don't make any sound, just watch."

Everyone quickly shut their mouths.

At this time, Lin Xiao also looked around and finally chose the location for the decomposition machine.

It's on the left hand side of the entrance to the store.


With a wave of his hand, he took the decomposer out of the system space and placed it on the open space.

Suddenly, a huge machine with a height of two meters and a length of about two meters appeared at the door of the shop.

"What's this?"

Everyone was stunned and stepped forward curiously.

"Is this the decomposer?"

Xie Yue, Yan, and Hu Liena also stared at the decomposition machine closely, looking expectantly.

But how to use this thing?

The three of them were in trouble again.

Lin Xiao thought for a while, "You guys wait for me first."

As he spoke, he returned to the shop, and in the blink of an eye he was in front of the grading machine again, and hung an instruction manual on the grading machine.

"Do you understand now?"

Lin Xiao looked at everyone and asked.

"Got it, simple and clear."

Everyone nodded.

Yan couldn't wait to stand up and said, "Boss, am I honored to be the first to try it?"

If you don’t try, should I try?

I don't have junk like a rusty katana.

Lin Xiao nodded, "Okay."


Yan nodded excitedly, "Boss, Nana, just watch."

After saying that, he walked to the decomposer and started operating it according to the instruction manual made by Lin Xiao.

With a bang, Yan took out a rusty samurai sword and threw it into the machine.

Then pressed the green start button.


The machine started running, and then there was a clang, and a transparent crystal fell out of the decomposer.

"Wow, there really are small colorless crystals."

Hu Liena was very excited.

"Yes, a rusty samurai sword can be exchanged for a small colorless crystal. It's definitely a profit."

Yan also looked satisfied.

Xie Yue secretly muttered, "Now it seems that it is not a blood loss."

But when he thought about the samurai swords that he had broken off again, he felt heartache again.

If those were not broken, would he be able to obtain several more small colorless crystals?

"This time, let's dismantle the remaining rusty katana together."

With this thought in mind, Yan threw all the remaining rusty samurai swords into the decomposer and pressed the start button again.

Lin Xiao clearly wrote in the instruction manual that in order to save time, multiple items can be disassembled at the same time.

He just wanted to see how many small colorless crystals could be decomposed from a rusty samurai sword.


Even if there is only one, he is very satisfied.

After all, no amount is better than scrap metal, right?


The decomposition machine started running again, and small colorless crystals fell out of the machine.

three, five, seven

"Wait, why seven?"

"It stands to reason that five are right?"

Yan muttered in confusion, feeling a little confused.

"Remember what I said before? When decomposing items, there may be critical hits. This should be the case for you."

Lin Xiao watched Yan's actions closely, and when he saw the other party's confused expression, he explained slowly.

"I see."

Yan was pleasantly surprised, "Hey, I didn't expect there was an unexpected gain."


Very satisfied.

"Boss, what exactly is this small crystal used for? Can you tell us about it?"

Suddenly, at this moment, a crisp voice sounded.

Lin Xiao looked over and saw Ning Rongrong walking out of the crowd.

"Colorless small crystals, high-end items, can increase the power of soul skills after consumption."

After finishing speaking, Lin Xiao pointed to the side and said: "As for this machine, you should all know it. It is called a decomposer. It has one function, and that is to decompose the weapons and equipment produced in the jars of our store to obtain small colorless crystals. This kind of item. And, take this small colorless crystal, for example, it can be traded."

"I see."

After listening to Lin Xiao's explanation, everyone looked surprised. This was another treasure appearing in the shop.

However, it has little to do with them.

After all, let alone the rusty katana, they had never even opened the can.

They have also experienced eye addiction.


Ning Rongrong's reaction was different from theirs.

Immediately, a look of surprise appeared on her face, "In other words, the rusty samurai sword, which is so ordinary that it can be called garbage, has also turned over?

Can it be transformed into a high-end item? "

Good thing.

It's really a good thing.

They, a four-person team from the Qibao Glazed Sect, have saved up a lot of these things and finally put them to use.


Good night.

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