I sell jars in Douluo

Chapter 374 Hu Liena’s bald outfit


Ning Rongrong thought of more.

"With the advent of disintegration machines, the value of rusty samurai swords will definitely skyrocket."

"What used to be indifferent to others will soon grow to a level that is beyond the reach of others."

"But no matter what, I, the Qibao Glazed Sect, must get a share of this benefit."

Ning Rongrong thought secretly.

Today's rusty samurai swords are no longer garbage, but high-end items that can be traded, and their value is really too great.

"But there's no rush. I'll break down the rusty samurai swords I saved first, and then take them back to show my father and Grandpa Jian."

“Only after actual use can the value of the small colorless crystals be assessed.”

"It's better to offer a suitable value."

At this time, Yan had already stepped aside and said to Xie Yue: "Boss, you should try it too and see how many small colorless crystals you can decompose. If you are lucky, you can recover your blood."

"I can't hope for blood recovery. The value of the small colorless crystals is still unknown."

Xie Yue said that she had already arrived in front of the decomposition machine.

And following Yan's previous actions, he threw eight rusty samurai swords into the decomposer.

At the same time, he secretly prayed in his heart: "The requirements are not high, as long as the more small colorless crystals, the better."


The decomposer started running.

In the blink of an eye, small colorless crystals fell out of the decomposition machine.

"one two three"

Xie Yue picked them up one by one, and couldn't help but think to herself, how great it would be if I could keep picking them up like this?


Things went against expectations. After Xie Yue put away the eight small colorless crystals, the decomposition machine stopped running.

"That means it's over?"

"There was no critical attack."

"Isn't this very reasonable? Yan decomposed six rusty katana swords and got a critical hit, but I decomposed eight rusty samurai swords and didn't get a critical hit?"

Xie Yue couldn't help but murmur.

"Everything is fate, and it is not up to anyone."

"This is your life, non-chief."

At this moment, Lin Xiao's voice sounded.

To put it simply, if you decompose more than others, but you don't get a critical hit, you can only say that you are unlucky.

"Brother, we have already reached this point. How much more is more? Now that the rusty katana has been turned into a treasure, this can be considered a good result, isn't it?"

On the side, Hu Liena comforted her softly.

"Yes." Xie Yue nodded, then looked at Hu Liena and asked, "Nana, do you want to decompose it next? I remember that you also have several rusty samurai swords."

On the other hand, Hu Liena shook her head when she heard this, "I plan to wait and decompose it. After all, my jars this week haven't been opened yet. I might be able to open a few rusty samurai swords. Let's decompose them together then."

"That's okay too."

Xie Yue nodded.

"Now that it's over, let's give in and let me break down a few rusty samurai swords and try the water."

Seeing that the decomposition was almost completed and no one came forward, Ning Rongrong knew that it was time for him to take action.

"She's coming?"

Everyone fell on Ning Rongrong.

"No matter what you look at, you haven't seen a beautiful woman?"

Ning Rongrong's chin was raised slightly, looking very arrogant.

Arriving in front of the decomposer, Ning Rongrong threw rusty samurai swords into the decomposer in the same manner.

Three, five, eleven.

Good guy, this guy's luck is pretty incredible.

Everyone murmured in their hearts.

Not to mention anything else, the cost of driving these rusty samurai swords would be in the millions.


As the decomposition machine operated, small colorless crystals fell out.

Three, five, eleven. In the blink of an eye, eleven small colorless crystals had fallen.

But just when everyone thought it was about to stop.

Bang, two more small colorless crystals fell out.

"Hey, there was a critical attack."

Ning Rongrong raised the corners of her mouth slightly and said with some excitement.

However, as soon as her voice fell, two more small colorless crystals fell out.

At this moment, the decomposer stopped.

"Eleven rusty katana swords, fifteen small colorless crystals, not bad."

Ning Rongrong nodded with satisfaction.

"This is not good, what is good?"

Xie Yue, who was watching the excitement from the side, felt a little heartbroken.

Should I say it or not, it seems that one person is more lucky than myself.

"Forget it, brother, don't think about it. Believe me, your luck is definitely not the worst."

"Let's go, let's go into the store and watch me open the can."

Seeing this, Hu Liena had no choice but to comfort her brother who was constantly being hit.

"Nana, do you want to prove to me that your luck is worse than mine?"

Xie Yue asked.

Hu Liena: "."

Listen, is this human talk?

She suddenly felt that Xie Yue did not deserve sympathy.

"Love will come or not."

She stamped her feet on the spot, turned around and walked into the shop.

"Nana, wait for us."

Xie Yue and Yan shouted and hurriedly followed.

After Ning Rongrong thought about it carefully, he suddenly said: "Everyone happens to be here, so I will make an announcement. If anyone wants to sell a rusty samurai sword, you can come to me and our store will buy it at a high price."

No one doubted Ning Rongrong's words.

After all, this little girl opened a devil fruit shop not far from Boss Lin's shop.

The notice at the door was clearly written, but the price was as high as five million gold soul coins.

Moreover, this is the starting price.

Regarding money issues, no one would question the Qibao Glazed Sect.


To Ning Rongrong's disappointment, no one responded after waiting for a long time.

"It seems that relying on these people is not enough. Let's go back to Dad and Grandpa Jian to discuss it."

"I have a hunch that the more of these small colorless crystals, the better."

Ning Rongrong thought and quickly walked out of the crowd.

And at this time.

In the small shop, Hu Liena had already paid and selected the jar.

"Nana, come on, I believe your luck will not be worse than mine."

Xieyue wanted to make up for her previous mistakes and milked Hu Liena crazily.

"Brother, you'd better save it."

Hu Liena said angrily: "Human, if I really compete with you, it will be over."

"Even if I'm luckier than you, I'm still half disabled."



Xie Yue opened her mouth and had no idea what to say.

He felt completely messed up.

What do you mean it's all over if you compete with me?

There is no doubt that Hu Liena's words were somewhat filled with personal hatred, which hurt Xie Yue's heart.


Hu Liena ignored Xie Yue's inner monologue and smashed her first jar.


There was a flash of white light, and a bottle of magic juice appeared in the jar.

"It's also an ordinary item, why not a rusty katana?"

When Hu Liena saw the items in the jar clearly, she said with some disappointment.

"Hey, people are fickle."

Lin Xiao secretly sighed, "Before, some people were afraid of using a rusty katana, but now there are people who are afraid of not being able to use a rusty katana."



"The Lun family is still very dedicated."

Hu Liena said with some hesitation: "I just think that since ordinary items are available, the rusty samurai sword is also a good choice."


Lin Xiao coughed lightly when he saw this, "I just said casually, you should continue to open your jar."


Hu Liena obediently agreed and continued to open the jar.

Not to mention, this time, she actually dropped a rusty samurai sword.

"Haha, not bad."

She smiled and said, "Of course, it would be better if the next item is rare."

"Nana, I think it's better not to put too much pressure on yourself."

"Just do what you can."

Xie Yue expressed concern about her sister and couldn't help but express relief.

Hu Liena: "."

Her pretty face suddenly darkened by more than one degree.

What does this mean?

Does that mean that if I get a rare item, it’s beyond my power?

Oh my God!

It's better for someone to take my brother away.

"Brother, I beg you to stop talking." She looked at Xie Yue again and said.

"Then I shut up."

Xie Yuexin understood and covered her mouth.

"That's the smart choice."

Hu Liena nodded with satisfaction and returned her gaze to the jar.


With a crisp sound, a burst of purple light flashed in everyone's eyes.

"Is it true that a rare item has been released?"

Xie Yue's eyes suddenly widened in disbelief.

"Here it goes again, this little mouth that opens up, starts again."

Lin Xiao also murmured in his heart, but when he saw the items in the jar clearly, a strange look appeared on his face.

Item: [Glittering bald outfit]

Level: [Rare]

Type: [Not Tradeable]

Description: [A magical prop taken from the dungeon world. 】

Effect: [Wear the entire outfit on the top of your head to hide the original hair and turn it into a golden bald head. 】

Can this immoral thing be used?

To be honest, Lin Xiao was really surprised.

He still remembers the flashy bald outfit, which was a limited gift given to players during the 2017 Valentine’s Day event.

As for why this thing was given to the players, it can only be said that it was planned out of brains and wanted to prank the players.

But, I have to say, this thing is also unique.

With a bald head, black chest hair, and pink heart-shaped underwear, this outfit is also a must-have in the dungeon, and once set off a popular craze.

Haha, don't feel ugly. As a mature dungeon player, you always have to have your own aesthetic point of view.

"Boss, what is this? It's sparkling. It's not an ordinary treasure, right?"

At this time, Hu Liena pointed to the bald costume in the jar and asked curiously.

She had a hunch that this must be a rare treasure.

"Nana, be more confident and remove the 'bar'. This must be an extraordinary treasure."

Xie Yue said with a smile.

He was really happy for Hu Liena.

Hearing this, Lin Xiao glanced at Xie Yue in surprise.

He was curious about how Xie Yue managed to hit the horse's hoof accurately every time he wanted to flatter him.

I have to say that this is also a rare technical job.

Hu Liena ignored Xie Yue, and even had a bad premonition in her heart.

She felt that Xie Yue's words might be more accurate if she listened to them the other way around.

"This is a costume. You can think of it as a hat. Wearing it on your head will have unexpected effects."

At this moment, Lin Xiao organized his words and explained in a low voice.


"I put so much effort into it, and the rare item I got out is actually a hat?"

I have to say that this result surprised Hu Liena.

She didn't know whether to cry or laugh now.

She felt that dumbfounding was even closer to her mood.

"Nana, you've already opened it. Why don't you give it a try? See if it suits you?"

At this moment, Xie Yue couldn't restrain her curiosity and couldn't help but suggest.


"All right."

Hu Liena hesitated again and again and wanted to give it a try.

When the voice fell, she had already put the glittering golden dress on her head.


The golden light shone even brighter, and for a moment no one could open their eyes.

"Uh, how could this be?"

Then everyone heard Hu Liena's surprised voice.

She was surprised to find that her short hair had disappeared.

When I touched the head again, it was very round and smooth.

Her first reaction was, where is my hair?

Why are you bald?

"Nana, what's wrong with you?"

Xie Yue tried his best to open his eyes, but when he could see clearly what was in front of him, he was stunned.

He opened his mouth and was completely speechless.

"What's going on? Am I hallucinating?"

"Nana, why did you become bald?"

Yan rubbed his eyes in disbelief, thinking that what he saw was a complete illusion.

"That's right, everything you see in front of you is real. This is the effect of dressing up with a bald head."

Lin Xiao's voice rang in everyone's ears again.

"Bald dress, boss, why didn't you tell me the name of this dress before?"

Suddenly, Hu Liena asked quietly.

If she had known this was the case, she would never have worn it in front of everyone.

How damaging to the image?


"A moment of negligence."

Lin Xiao rubbed his hands in embarrassment.

"Tch, I don't believe it."

Hu Liena curled her lips when she saw this. She felt that Lin Xiao must have some evil intentions, or that he was hinting at something.

Open a jar and go bald?

She felt terrible just thinking about it.

"Nana, I think this bald head costume still has some practical value."

Suddenly, Xie Yue expressed his opinion.

"What's the use value?" Hu Liena asked somewhat depressedly.

In her opinion, apart from being used for fun, she really couldn't think of any use for this thing.

"When we go out to practice again, we won't need to light a fire at night."

"Your bald head can completely replace the role of lighting."

Xieyue said seriously.

"With a rare item from me, I'll be your lamp, right?"

What Hu Liena couldn't accept even more was, "I still want to wear it on my head to make you feel funny."

Xie Yue was silent for a moment, "I will try my best not to laugh, unless... I really can't help it anymore, hahaha."

Hu Liena: "."

It's better for someone to take my brother away.

It's so frustrating to have such a brother in the stall.

"Nana, don't listen to the boss's nonsense!"

At this time, Yan, who had been silent for a long time, finally organized his words. He looked at Hu Liena affectionately and said, "Nana, I think you look good like this."

Hu Liena was startled, "Does this look good?"

Yan nodded solemnly, "It looks good."

Hu Liena said angrily: "Then I wish you a bald head next week, and you can wear it on your head and enjoy it."

Yan: "."

Can he wear it the same as Hu Liena wears it?

What he admires is the person, not the pretense.


Good night.

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