Not only Zhan Taowan was shocked.

Everyone else present was also shocked.

For example, York, who was in Ace’s hands at the moment, had a face that was blue and red.

There was also a hint of disbelief.

Her throat was pinched by Ace and she couldn’t speak.

But her mind was shocked.

This guy, he…

York looked at Ace’s wrist, and the seastone handcuffs were still firmly locked on Ace’s wrist.

Although one of them seemed to be torn apart by absolute violence.

But the other one was still firmly in Ace’s hand.

But, in this situation.

How did this guy use the ability just now! ?

Shouldn’t his devil fruit ability be sealed?

York was stunned by this fact that went beyond common sense.

Ace himself was also stunned.

He suddenly seemed to realize that he seemed to have discovered a blind spot.

What York didn’t know was that Ace was not a capable person.

The transparent fruit ability he just showed was actually through a mental connection.

The ability of the invisible man Absalom.

Ace himself has never eaten any fruit.

Since he is not a power user.

He will not be affected by the curse of the sea.

This is the power of the system reward!

It perfectly helped him gain powerful abilities while avoiding the biggest weakness of the One Piece world.

And it’s not just that.

Ace shared the ability of the crew through the system reward.

So, he not only has no weakness of fearing sea water.

He is also a multi-fruit power user!

The ability to only enjoy the benefits and not bear the side effects is too abnormal!

And this is only determined by the mechanism of the system.

It is not a special reward.

It can be said that this is the innate advantage of Ace over everyone in the One Piece world!

“This… Ace, please put York down first, can we talk?”

Vegapunk’s voice sounded again.

He looked at Ace in front of him with complicated eyes at this moment, and said impatiently.

Vegapunk really had too many questions to ask Ace.

At this time, he was eager to communicate with Ace.

To solve the confusion in his mind.

After hearing what Vegapunk said, Ace came back to his senses.

Looking at the people on the side.

Bonnie and Big Bear were naturally hugging each other and crying when they were reunited.

But the other Vegapunks on the side had also recovered their eyesight.

At this time, there was a touch of shock in the mechanical eyes.

Looking at Ace with the eyes of a monster.

They naturally discovered that Ace was not restrained by seastone.

After all, Ace’s sudden ability to become transparent just now was definitely an ability from the devil fruit!

At the same time, they were also shocked that Ace actually had the domineering aura of the Overlord Color.

In their fixed cognition.

Seraphim or clones absolutely cannot have the Overlord Color!

After all, that thing represents the qualifications of the king.

How could such a thing be artificially created?


Lilith murmured.

Ignoring the shocked looks of many Vegapunks around him.

Ace threw York aside.

He said:

“It’s just right. I have something to say to you. Let’s find a quiet place.”

In a large laboratory.

At this time, there were only Vegapunk, Big Bear and Ace, a total of three people.

Vegapunk’s clones and Viola, even Bonnie and Zhan Taomaru, did not come in at this time.

Bonnie actually wanted to come.

But Big Bear seriously said that this was not a place for children to come.

Let her listen to him.

Although Bonnie was reluctant, she finally nodded and agreed to this matter.

As for Zhan Taomaru, he took the initiative to express his unwillingness to come.

According to him, he still had to patrol and guard the island.

If there is anything you need to know, wait until Uncle Vega and you are done talking, and then tell me.

Ace knew that this was also a way for Zhan Taomaru to avoid suspicion.

As a navy, he could not betray his organization.

At the same time, his feelings for Vegapunk were also special.

He treated him like a father.

Therefore, he did not want to fall into a dilemma.

He simply chose not to listen.

If Vegapunk thought it was necessary to tell him in the future, he would naturally tell him.

This was Zhan Taomaru’s idea.

It was very simple.

But it contained the most precious and rare thing in this sea, that is trust!

Vegapunk coughed twice, looked at Ace seriously and said:

“There is onlyWith the three of us, I’ll get straight to the point. ”

“What are you doing here?”

Ace said casually:

“Isn’t it obvious?”

“I’m here to send my crew over to fulfill her wish to see her father.”

Hearing Ace’s words, Vegapunk and Kuma were both stunned.

Then it became clear.

Bonnie actually joined this guy’s pirate group?

I see.

“Then how did you know…”

Vegapunk hesitated while speaking. This kind of thing is actually not easy to ask.

After all, it may violate someone’s secret source of information.

But because he was very curious and a little worried, he didn’t know where Kuma and his own address were leaked.

That’s why he asked.

Ace didn’t listen to the end, and he completely understood what Vegapunk meant.

Smiled slightly:

“You don’t need to know about this kind of thing. ”

Vegapunk nodded in understanding.

He thought, as expected, the source of information cannot be revealed.

Then I can only check it myself…

Ace didn’t intend to beat around the bush and said directly to Big Bear:

“I’ll be frank.”

“In addition to bringing Bonnie to see his father this time.”

“There is another purpose, which is to stop Big Bear’s transformation from continuing.”

As soon as these words came out, not only Vegapunk, but Big Bear on the side was also stunned.

But then Big Bear shook his head:

“I can’t.”

Ace said:

“I know you voluntarily accepted the conditions of the Five Elders and accepted the transformation for Bonnie.”

“But now Bonnie has cured her illness.”

“You don’t have to listen to the Five Elders anymore.” ”

Ace’s words stunned Big Bear and Vegapunk.


Vegapunk was a little confused.

How come Ace knew about this?

It should be impossible!

After all, the only people who knew about this were Big Bear and the Five Elders!

Big Bear was also surprised how Ace knew about this.

But he didn’t ask in detail.

He knew Ace wouldn’t tell.

He just shook his head again and said:

“If I do this, it will only bring disaster to Bonnie and Vegapunk.”

“I can’t do this.”

Ace’s eyes flashed, and he finally took out his killer move.

He looked at Big Bear and said seriously:

“Big Bear, think about Ginny’s experience, do you want this to happen again in this world?”

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