As soon as Ace said this.

The atmosphere at the scene froze instantly.

For a moment, the air around seemed to have become several degrees colder.

Big Bear’s face was extremely ugly.

He looked at Ace, as if he wanted to say something.

But in the end, he couldn’t say a word.

The beautiful moments with Ginny in the past emerged in his mind involuntarily.

Whether it was in the Valley of Gods, the monastery, or the later Go Ming Army…

Some were so beautiful and unforgettable.

But in the blink of an eye, all of these were shattered with Ginny.

They turned into pieces of debris and stabbed into Big Bear’s heart.

His face twitched involuntarily.

And Vegapunk on the side was even more shocked on the spot!

Although he already had a full understanding of Ace’s intelligence capabilities.

He was even fully prepared mentally.

Maybe Ace knew a lot.

But he didn’t expect that Ace would even know about Ginny! ?

You know, it’s been almost ten years since this happened.

Even Dragon and others who are closest to Big Bear don’t know the truth of the matter at all.

They just know some minor details.

But Ace, this strange guy.

He actually knows so much, so thoroughly!

He even pointed out the softest wound in Big Bear’s heart that can never heal in one sentence!

Vegapunk was shocked!

He was worried that Big Bear would explode directly, or even lose control of his emotions!

So he immediately stood up and wanted to say something.

But the next moment.

Big Bear suddenly raised his hand to stop Vegapunk from speaking.

Big Bear’s eyes were slightly red, and he looked at Ace in front of him seriously.

He said word by word:

“What do you want to say?”

Facing such a look, Ace completely felt the surging emotions in it.

He must be in his heart.

Sure enough, it was just as he thought.

Big Bear didn’t hate the Celestial Dragons, after all, they killed Ginny.

But for his daughter Bonnie, Big Bear couldn’t take revenge.

Because as long as he had any intention to do so.

The Celestial Dragons, or the Five Elders.

would direct all their malice towards Bonnie!

Therefore, as a father.

Big Bear could only choose to be patient.

He could only choose to bear the humiliation.

Take good care of Bonnie and let Bonnie live healthily.

This was his best answer to the deceased Ginny.

Ace also looked at Big Bear’s eyes seriously and said:

“As long as there are Celestial Dragons, there will be victims like Ginny in this world.”

“Overthrow the rule of Celestial Dragons and rescue all slaves.”

“Isn’t this your original expectation for joining the Go Ming Army? Do you remember?”

Both Big Bear and Vegapunk were numb to Ace’s well-informed information.

He even knew about Ginny.

As for Big Bear’s identity as a member of the Go Ming Army, there was naturally nothing special.

Big Bear was silent for a long time.

In front of his eyes, the time when he, Ginny and Ivankov joined the Self-Defense Forces appeared again.

They were all so high-spirited, dressed in fine clothes and riding horses.

Their eyes were full of longing for peace.

So, when the leader of the Self-Defense Forces, Drago, saw what happened to O’Hara.

When the organization was renamed the Goming Army and declared war on the Celestial Dragons, they also supported it without hesitation.

Until later, Ginny got into trouble…

In a trance, Da Xiong recalled the young self in the past.

Yes, didn’t he promise Ginny at that time that they must make the world move towards peace?

Why did he forget it now and compromise…

Various thoughts kept flashing in Da Xiong’s mind.

His eyes began to waver gradually.

It was as if a flame was rekindled!

But in the end, the flame was still forcibly suppressed.

Da Xiong lowered his head slightly, hiding his emotions.

The three words were still in his mouth:

“I can’t…”

“Vegapunk is the benefactor who saved Bonnie. If I…”

“Vegapunk will also be retaliated by the Five Elders.”

“I can’t be a person who repays kindness with hatred.”

Vegapunk’s face was moved.

Even though he didn’t experience everything that Big Bear experienced in person.

But he had heard about it during their long time together.

Just hearing those things would make him feel that his heart was surging and difficult to control.

Sometimes it would even turn into countless waves of sadness and drown him.

I really don’t know how Big Bear survived.

And when he heard Ace’s words just now.

Vegapunk also completely put himself in Big Bear’s position.

He almost couldn’t help but say that he agreed with Ace’s point of view.I even wanted to stand up and applaud Ace several times!

But I didn’t expect that Big Bear, as the person involved, would still think of his so-called friend at this time.

He was still worried that if he rebelled against the Five Elders, he would get himself into trouble.

All this made Vegapunk stunned for a moment.

He didn’t know what kind of emotion to express.

And facing this “tyrant” bear who has been thinking about others all his life and treating the world so gently!

Ace saw all this.

He immediately understood that Big Bear had been shaken.

It was only because of his last concern for his benefactor Vegapunk and his instinctive adherence to his promise.

That made him choose to say these words.

But these words actually mean that his thoughts have begun to change.

Thinking of this.

Ace understood that he should use the final finishing touch!

Ace turned his head and looked at Vegapunk on the side.

He said:

“Vegapunk, I’m going to tell you the truth about you.”

“As for how to decide after listening, that’s your business.”

“But I know that you should know what choice to make.”

After hearing Ace’s words, Vegapunk came back to his senses.

A hint of doubt flashed in his eyes.

He was just talking about Big Bear, why did he suddenly talk about himself?

Before he could ask a question.

Ace continued:

“You are exploring the historical truth of the ‘blank hundred years’, right!”

As soon as these words came out, Vegapunk, who was originally still puzzled.

His eyes widened as big as copper bells!

He couldn’t help but stand up:

“You…what did you say!?”

His tone was stuttering, and he couldn’t help looking around.

Obviously, he was not mentally prepared for Ace to suddenly reveal his biggest secret.

“You… I… am not…”

Vegapunk was so nervous that he kept uttering several words.

But he ended up biting his tongue.

He was speechless, and his face turned pale.

The big bear beside him also looked up in surprise.

“A blank hundred years? That didn’t come from O’Hara’s historians…”

Ace nodded slightly:

“Yes, Vegapunk inherited O’Hara’s research materials.”

“He is researching and interpreting that period of history.”

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