Three days later, with Ming Lan's support, Chen Ran could barely get out of bed.


"This is what was next to you when I found you."

Ming Lan dragged out a black box from the room.

"I thought it had something to do with your experience."

"Perhaps you can rely on it to know your identity.

Black boxes are out of tune with this era.

But Chen Ran recognized it immediately.

That's its own black box.

It contains an entire civilization.

The name of this civilization is Blue Star.

"Thank you." Chen Ran nodded.

He didn't understand the horror world of this period, so he declared that he had lost his memory.

After a few days of understanding, he knew that this village was called Xihe Village, and it was the previous life of Hexi Ancient Town.

There are not many people in the village, and all the young people have gone to serve as soldiers, and those who stay are old, weak, sick and disabled.

"Then I won't bother you."

Ming Lan closed the dilapidated wooden door.

This earthen house was cleared out by Ming Lan for Chen Ran to live in, and it is also the best room in her home.


Chen Ran nodded.

After watching Minglan leave, Chen Ran pulled the black box over.

Gone is the horror sharing system.

Strength, skills, and talents have also disappeared.

Now all that remains is this black box.

After wiping the ash on the black box, an operating table suddenly appeared on the surface of the black box.

Kind of like a game page.

Chen Ran is very familiar with the operating procedures on it.

It is the program that used to control the horror world by itself.

After a few operations, Chen Ran looked at the screen and fell into deep thought.

A young man is lying on the bed and checking his mobile phone.

He muttered in his mouth: "It's been three years, so it's been a waste of time.

"There is no powerful VR technology in this world, but no powerful VR games."


Chen Ran recognized this young man.

He is himself who traveled to Blue Star four years ago.


Chen Ran tapped the 847 key and edited a program he was very familiar with.

This program is called Horror Sharing System.

It turned out that the horror sharing system was created by ourselves.

No wonder the horror sharing system is gone now.

It turns out that it only takes effect in a black box.

It's just one line of code.

"Horror sharing system binding, etc.

As Chen Ran activates the edited cost, when bound.

The young man on the screen suddenly raised his head.



After hesitating for a long time, he whispered expectantly, "Goldfinger?"

"It's Goldfinger."

"What is the horror sharing system?"

"System, why don't you introduce yourself."

Chen Ran looked at himself on the screen.

My own reaction four years ago was exactly the same as his.

Four years ago, there should have been one who stood outside the black box and watched.

Four years later, I stood outside the black box and watched.

Here comes the problem.

Where did the person I was four years ago go?

Chen Ran frowned, he had to think about his current thoughts.

Very confusing.

Ever since he pushed open the real door, his thinking has become a mess.

Now Chen Ran really misses Wan Qian and Bai Bing.

They are here, and they can quickly sort out all the clues for themselves, and then connect the questions together to get an accurate answer.

But now, Chen Ran doubts whether Wan Qian and Bai Bing are real.

"Timeline, it's better to start from unprecedented."

"I have very vague memories of Earth."

"But after pushing open the real door, I returned to Earth for a while.

Chen Ran lowered his head and thought.

"7 years ago, a car accident killed my parents and I was the only one who survived (bgcd).

"Since the car accident, I have had mental problems."

"Three years later, I committed suicide in the bathroom, but fortunately the housekeeper found me and sent me to the hospital.

"For the next four years, I was treated in a mental rehabilitation center for four years in a daze."

"But in fact, I committed suicide four years ago and transmigrated into Blue Star."

"In Blue Star, I activated the horror sharing system, and after four years of hard work, I took half a step towards a great existence, opened the real door and walked out."

"After walking out, I woke up in Xin'an Mental Rehabilitation Center."

"According to the doctor, during these four years, I have developed a lot of personalities, as well as strong cognitive impairment.

Many mysterious puzzles, unknowns, and ghosts in the horror world can find traces in Xin'an Mental Rehabilitation Center.

"This has led me to seriously suspect that Blue Star and the horror world are fictional, woven by my personality."

"Afterwards, when I was emotionally stable, I was temporarily discharged from the hospital."

"There was a car accident on the way back to the manor by bus."

"The bus crashed into the Red Stone Lake."

"The bottom of Hongshi Lake is full of buses. Except for my body, the bodies of other people are there."

"This should be the first time I discovered traces of reincarnation."

Chen Ran pinched his brows, and he still can't forget that scene until now.

So visually stunning.

During this section of the road, Chen Ran didn't know how many times the bus fell into the Red Stone Lake.

Chen Ran is not quite sure how many times he has pushed the real door and returned to Earth from the horror world.

"After that, I was stimulated and ran and ran, and ran back to the manor under the guidance of Ming Ming, and saw myself who committed suicide four years ago."

"The self I was four years ago is dead."

"I dumped his body in the yard by the rear window."

"In the yard behind the window, there are all his dead bodies."

"This means that I have returned to the manor countless times, met myself who committed suicide, and finally chose the same choice.

"Afterwards, the butler should have rushed in."

"The housekeeper will send me to the hospital, and I will spend the next four years in Xin'an Mental Rehabilitation Center."

"I committed suicide four years ago, and transmigrated into Blue Star, which is my current black box.

"Four years later, I walked out of the black box and came to the real horror world."

"After stepping out of the black box, I knew the origin of the horror sharing system."

"So for me, where is my self four years from now.

"When I crossed the blue star to bind the horror sharing system, there must be another one I was looking at."

"Basically, there are three of me."

"Me four years ago, me now, me four years from now.

Chen Ran counted with his fingers, startled.

He in three different periods.

He has entered the second period.

"Earth, Blue Star, Horror World, which one is false."

"Or in other words, these three worlds are all real."

Chen Ran looked out the window.

He couldn't be sure if his current self still had another self watching outside.

But there is a good chance that this world actually exists.

Because, Chen Ran did not hear about the emergence of the terror sharing system.

"The terror sharing system is also ineffective on Earth."

"From this it is certain that Earth and the world of terror are real.

"The blue star is false, it is the Black King."

"But." Chen Ran looked at the black box: "Why can the black box be brought out?"

After a long silence, Chen Ran shook his head.

"Now it's not a question of whether it's true or not."

He believes that in his constant reincarnation, there must be something he wants to change.

Otherwise, he would have been able to stop reincarnation a long time ago.

Don't hold out the teenager in the bathtub, or send the system to yourself in the box.

This will stop the cycle.

"Nan Xiaoqiao's birthday is in 1605.

"She told me before that the ancient town of Hexi existed three or four hundred years ago.

"This means that the current horror world should be around the twelfth century."

"Three hundred years later, the first mysterious puzzle snake symbol coin will appear.

"Four hundred years later, the red moon will come."

"The horror world inside the box is thousands of years later.

Chen Ran rubbed his chin in thought.

He felt like he had caught something, but was a little short of inspiration.

"Four years."

"Four years later, he will open the real door and enter the second period."

"I will enter the third period."

"We'll know when the time comes."

Chen Ran rubbed his temples and stopped thinking.

All he needs to do now is to recover his body and wait for the next Fourth Army.

Half a year passed quickly.

After half a year, Chen Ran has recovered.

Today, he planned to leave Hexi Village.

Because, judging from the ancient town of Hexi three hundred years later, some people will leave.

He will go to the front, he will become a general, and he will die on the battlefield.

Ming Lan will stay in Hexi Village until her general returns.

Waiting until death, the general did not return.

This story was adapted into a show of the general's return by later generations.

And the man who walked out of Hexi Village was Chen Ran, the General Ming Lan spoke of.

"Wait for me to return."

"I will definitely marry you with eight palanquins."

Chen Ran stroked Ming Lan's head.

He finally gave this promise to Minglan, because during the six months of getting along with her, Minglan's diligence and simplicity moved him.

I really want to stay and accompany Ming Lan to finish this life, but Chen Ran can't.

He only has four years, and he doesn't know what will happen after four years.

He can only try his best to find the answer he wants.

However, this time Chen Ran added: "If I don't come back for 4 years, you can forget about me.

After all, Chen Ran felt a little funny.

Perhaps, Minglan has heard this sentence countless times.

But she has always chosen to wait.

"My great general, I will wait for your return.

Minglan carefully helped Chen Ran tidy up his clothes.

Women in this era will not block any decisions made by their men.

"it is good."

Chen Ran took a deep look at Minglan, and the only white horse in the stable left.

Looking back, I could still see Minglan standing at the door looking up.

She made Chen Ran think of a woman.

That woman's name was Chen Qiaoxi, and that was how she looked at her, asking herself when the general would return.

Chen Ran once thought that she had mistaken the person.

"It seems that Minglan really didn't admit the wrong person back then.

"The general in her mind is not from this world."

"Her generals are like fireworks, fleeting."

"It's just that, what is the relationship between Chen Qiaoxi and Ming Lan?"

"Reincarnation?" Chen Ran sighed, riding a white horse and carrying a box to the distance. .

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