"Two years."

"Brother Ran hasn't come back for two years."

"Sister Qian, do you think Brother Ran had an accident?"

Nan Xiaoqiao looked at Wan Qian.

Since Chen Ran opened the real door two years ago, he has never returned to the virtual blue star.

They have lived in the manor of the virtual blue star for more than two years.

Waiting for Chen Ran to come back every day.

"An accident?" Wan Qian pulled her hair, and when she saw Bai Bing coming out of the room, Wan Qian asked, "What do you think was an accident?"

There are not many people living in the manor.

In the past two years, He Xin and Luo Ji opened a laboratory, where they were doing experiments day and night.

I heard that the name of the experiment is double-slit interference experiment.

Wang Cong acquired many major game companies and developed the 3A masterpiece Horror-World.

Li Xin became a policeman, Shi Jin became the most famous architect, and He Xin opened his own extreme sports club.

They all found what they wanted to do and waited patiently for the moment when Chen Ran came back.

"I learned a very interesting word from the remaining memory of the ancient god."

"Oh~" Wan Qian blinked.

Bai Bing's expression became serious: "Reincarnation."

"Everything is reincarnated."

"Civilization is reincarnated, life is reincarnated, and time is also reincarnated.

"It's like a circle, it has no beginning and no end, but it's always looping."

"The only thing that can really jump out of this circle is greatness.

"At the last moment, Chen Ran has already become a half-step great existence.

"There is a problem with the real door."

"Maybe there is no outside the door at all, and there are only reincarnations."

"If Chen Ran wants to really jump out, he must become a great existence, otherwise he will always be a pawn.

Bai Bing said seriously.

"What kind of reincarnation should it be?" Wan Qian pulled her hair.

"When I was tidying up the bookshelf, the Japanese hand fell off.

"It's a book explaining the pursuit of prey by primitive people in ancient times."

"There are many illustrations in the book."

"Coincidentally, there was a gust of wind blowing outside the window at that time, as if a pair of invisible hands were quickly turning the pages of a book."

"The picture came alive at that time."

"Primitive man hunted down his prey and cut off his head as a trophy.

"Just as they were preparing to dispose of the carcasses of their prey, new prey appeared in the primeval forest.

"No, it should be a new hunter." Wan Qian continued with her eyes narrowed.

"At this time, the identity of primitive people changed, from hunters to prey."

"A fight is indestructible, this is natural selection, survival of the fittest.

"But in the end, the primitive people drove away the hunters who tried to steal their food."

"But because they suffered heavy losses, they could only take part of the food and left with their wretched bodies."

"The corpses left in place attracted many eaters.

"The eaters eat up their flesh, suck their marrow, and then dissipate."

"The bone dregs all over the ground were gradually covered by vegetation, covered with fungi, and became part of the natural ecology.

"With time, new life will be brewed again in this land of death.

"New life, new reincarnation, always in circulation."

Bai Bing and Nan Xiaoqiao listened to Wan Qian's story thoughtfully.

"Brother Ran must be struggling with this now."

"He must want to figure out what reincarnation is."

"However." Wan Qian sighed: "The real thing to do is not to understand what reincarnation is."

"It's about breaking the cycle and stepping out.

"When Brother Ran figured this out, he will come back."

When Wan Qian was talking to herself.

Chen Ran is killing the enemy on the front line.

"Kill me."

Fighting in the ancient battlefield, the collision of weapons and weapons, the collision of blood and fire.

"General, it's time to go.

"If you don't leave, it will be too late."

In two years, Chen Ran gradually grew from a small soldier to a general of Chen Guo.

Compared with two years ago, his eyes are sharper and his temperament is more decisive.

There are hundreds of wounds on the body, large and small.

That is the glory of fighting hard in death.

Piles of corpses dyed the ground red, and the wailing of countless innocent souls was accompanied by the dark wind, making a whining sound.

This is the battlefield, a battlefield like a meat grinder.


"This battle will not retreat."

"Fight to the death."

Chen Ran's eyes were as red as blood, and his battle robe, which was bathed in blood, had already turned black from red.

Layers of blood coagulated layer after layer.

The number of enemy troops who died at the hands of Chen Ran was enough to pile up a small mountain.

There is no retreat in this battle.

Because this is the last battle.

Once they retreat, Chen Guo will be destroyed.

Chen Guo was supported by Chen Ran.

The king of Chen Guo was only a six-year-old boy.

The real power holder is Chen Ran.

In order to support a six-year-old child, Chen Ran killed the Chen Kingdom Palace with blood flowing into rivers, and the ground could not be washed clean for three days and three nights.

This is the path Chen Ran chose.

A road that is licking the knife's edge.

Only in this way can Chen Ran's hostility and evil spirit be released, making him not think about anything.

"Fight, fight to the death and never retreat."1

Chen Ran's prestige is in full swing.

If he said no, he wouldn't.


The fighting spirit is soaring, and fighting has become the main theme of this battlefield.

The corpses are like mountains, and the ground is stained with blood.

Vaguely, Chen Ran saw ghosts and undead wandering in the world, crying.

Vaguely, Chen Ran saw wisps of black mist rising from the ground.

That is the sea of ​​black mist belonging to the horror world.

The sea of ​​black mist is rapidly absorbing despair, misfortune and madness.

Chen Ran roared, staring fixedly at the enemy soldiers.

Like a tiger descending a mountain, he went directly into the enemy's rear camp with an unstoppable momentum.

Fearless of life and death, fierce as a ghost, imposing like a rainbow, full of evil spirits.

One battle will determine the universe.

The enemy soldiers killed lost their fighting spirit and fled frantically.

The enemy generals who were killed were terrified and had no intention of fighting again.

In this battle, Chen Guo finally won the victory with a remnant victory.

Hundreds of thousands of soldiers hated this place and could not return home.

But in this battle, all the countries killed dared not speak out against Chen Guo.

This battle completely allowed Chen Guo to gain a firm foothold.

As long as Chen Ran survives for a day, no country will attack Chen Guo.

Killing God is what the nations call Chen Ran.

The gates of the city were wide open, and countless people lined the road to welcome them.

The king of the city-state greeted him personally, and none of the ministers dared to look Chen Ran in the eyes.

In Chen Guo, Chen Ran is an absolute belief, a colossus that they can't even look up to.

"General, I want to abdicate and let you be the king."

"General Chen, please take the throne."

The prestige in full swing has convinced too many people.

Today, Chen Ran becomes king without any opposition.

However, Chen Ran smiled and looked at the young king who adored him.

"I gotta go."

With the first sentence, the court was shocked up and down, like the color of the sky and the earth changed, and the sun and the moon collapsed.

Seeing what the ministers were about to say, Chen Ran turned and glared at them.

At a glance, it was as if a sea of ​​blood was rolling, no one dared to speak, and they all knelt on the ground and lowered their heads.

"You should grow up, Chen Qiaoxi."

"Tomorrow, I'm leaving."

At this time, Chen Qiaoxi was only six years old, and she looked at Chen Ran in disbelief, holding Chen Ran tightly with her palm.

"Where are you going?"

"Is it because of Minglan?"

"I can take her to the palace."

"When I grow up, I can serve you together with her." Chen Qiaoxi stared at Chen Ran closely.

Chen Ran smiled: "You are different from her."

"I could be her.

"I can take her place."

"The general is willing to stay for me."

Chen Ran patted Chen Qiaoxi's head and didn't answer, but turned his head and said to the minister.

"Tell Yu Guo, whoever dares to attack Chen Guo, I will kill him."

Laughing loudly, Chen Ran left gracefully.

On the second day, the general's mansion was empty.

Chen Ran left, no one knows when Chen Ran left.

Sitting on the throne, Chen Qiaoxi looked at the ministers who dared not speak.

Even if Chen Ran is gone, the majesty left behind will make the minister tremble with fear.

This kind of prestige came from the mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​blood.

"When will the general return?"

"My Majesty, the general did not leave any words."

"I don't believe the general will go find Minglan."

"Send an order to tell General Ming Lan that he is dead and there is no need to wait."

"If..." Chen Qiaoxi hesitated and said again: "If the general really returns to Xihe Village, he will kill Ming Lan."


Hearing Chen Qiaoxi's words, none of the ministers dared to respond.

"I said."1

"Even if the general returns, I will take care of him.


Chen Qiaoxi turned and left.

Although he is only six years old, he already has a strong aura.

Chen Ran did not return to Xihe Village.

He left Chen Guo alone, with only a black box in his possessions.

Ming Lan waited for two years, but a bad news came.

The sad news that a general died in battle.

...asking for flowers......

She didn't believe it, she chose to wait.

The soldiers who delivered the letter stayed in Xihe Village.

Once it is confirmed that Chen Ran is going back to Xihe Village, they will kill Ming Lan.

However, this wait is a lifetime.

Until Ming Lan hanged on the willow tree, her blood dripped on the stones under the tree, and her obsession clung to the stones under the tree.

Hundreds of years later, this stone will resonate with the stone of rebirth and become one of the mysterious puzzles.

Two years later, Chen Ran saw a distorted space.

This distorted space appeared suddenly.

It's like locking yourself up to emerge.

"This is?" Chen Ran thought for a moment, then stretched out his hand to touch the distorted space.

Under the touch, his body began to twist in a wide range.

It's like an infinitely stretched ramen, being sucked in.

After disappearing, a golden box suddenly appeared in the distorted space.

A rag doll pushed open the golden box and got out.

It looks around: "Is this the history that the history patch brought me to?"

Soon, the doll disappeared holding the golden box.

When Chen Ran stepped out of the distorted space, what appeared in front of him was a huge library.

On the bookshelves of the library are not books, but black boxes one after another.

"anyone there?"

Chen Ran walked around the library with the black box, but found nothing there.

But he saw bookshelves that were not yet filled with black boxes.

The sixth sense told Chen Ran that the black box in his hand should be placed in this position.

His mission is to fill up the library.

The black boxes on every bookshelf were once placed by Chen Ran.

Open the screen above the black box.

The Chen Ran inside has disappeared.

He should have pushed open the real door and entered the earth.

After he discovers the reincarnation of death on Earth, he will enter the terrifying world a thousand years ago, and then come here to add a black box to the library.

"Carrier, you should go."

"You can't stay here for too long."

"Your pace, your mission can't stop."

Perhaps Chen Ran has not put the black box where it should exist for a long time.

So something has awakened.

I can't see its shape, but the sound is clearly transmitted to my ears.

If you taste carefully, the voice is a bit like Chen Ran's own voice, but much older.

"Who are you?" Chen Ran asked loudly.

"Don't you already have the answer in your heart?" The voice entered Chen Ran's mind.

"I brought all the boxes here?"

"Tell me, what is my real purpose?" Chen Ran intends to ask.

"Every time you come here, you ask me the same question."

"The black box collapses every once in a while."

"So, we have to replenish new black boxes every once in a while."

"That's our mission."

Chen Ran shouted again: "What exactly is our mission?"

"Box Maker."

"Every box is a world."

"This is the value of our existence."

"The moment you put down the black box, you will understand."

The voice grew older, as if Chen Ran's appearance was devouring its life.

"Put down the black box?" Chen Ran looked at the black box in his hand.

He took a deep breath, walked slowly to the bookshelf, and put the black box on the bookshelf.

An unspeakable sense of terror rushed into Chen Ran's mind.

At this moment, he understood too much.

"Infinity Box."

"Akashic Records."

"This is the Asia Pacific Library."

"Records store all the possibilities in the world."

"My purpose is to find a permanent stable box."

"Only in this way, the regiment has a future.

"As an Asia-Pacific library, I found that all possibilities in the future are dead ends."

"I'm looking for a way out."

Chen Ran knew too many things at this moment.

There is a price to pay for these things.

The price is longevity.

His appearance was visibly aging to the naked eye until he turned into a pile of loess.

The loess always produces countless light spots, and the light spots are integrated into the box brought by Chen Ran.

It turns out that every observer is brewed from the aging body of the body.

They observe the state of the box and observe the future trend of the box.

But when it is determined that the future trend will fall into the doomsday, they will find a way to officially enter the box in the form of birth.

Find the real door of the box, leave the box, and wait for the next new box again.

This is the mission of the observer. .

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