I Share The Horror World And Scare The Players Around The World

221: Huangliang Yimeng, Walk Out The Door, Finally See... The Big World

Four years later.

Space Warping in Asia-Pacific Libraries.

A man with a box came out.

He looked around and shouted: "Is there anyone?

Just like four years ago, he carried his suitcases all over the Asia-Pacific Library, and finally stopped by a certain bookshelf.

Compared with 4 years ago, this bookshelf has an extra black box.

Chen Ran, who had been silent for four years, woke up.

"Carrier, you should go."

"You can't stay here for too long."

"Your pace, your mission, cannot stop.

He said exactly the same thing four years ago.

The Suitcase Man asked the same question four years ago.

When he put the box on the bookshelf, it turned into a handful of yellow kings.

Countless light spots rose from the loess, drilled into the black box and disappeared.

At this moment, there were footsteps in the empty Asia-Pacific Library.

A gray-haired old man stepped out of nothingness.

It cleans up the loess on the ground.

Pick up the scarlet bear pendant in the loess.

The bear pendant was hung on the curtain of the library.

At a glance, there are countless bear pendants hanging on the door curtain.

This is the most ordinary day.

Today, however, there has been a change.

The accumulation of countless scarlet bear pendants has reached a limit of qualitative change.

All the blood-colored bears melted down, forming three blood words on the curtain: there is a problem.

These three characters have never appeared in the Asia-Pacific Library.

This is Nan Xiaoqiao giving the bloody bear to Chen Ran again and again.

Chen Ran tied the bloody bear to the curtain again and again.

Relying on a little bit of quantity, a qualitative change finally piled up.

Although only three words.

But these three words have already broken the integrity of reincarnation. That is to say, when these three characters appeared, there was a crack in reincarnation.


Chen Ran's eyes flickered quickly.

Where the problem lies, he is not very clear. "one zero seven"

But these three words were conveyed by Nan Xiaoqiao by all means.

"where is the problem?"

Chen Ran frowned.

He couldn't figure it out, and couldn't figure it out.

But it's alright.

Wan Qian has Wan Qian's way.

Chen Ran also has Chen Ran's way.

His method is very simple, but also very rude.

Since you can't find the problem, then smash the whole chessboard.

Since the cycle of death has no beginning and end, the entire cycle of death should be opened.

At that point, nothing matters.

All the black boxes on the bookshelf were knocked down by Chen Ran.

One by one the bookshelves began to collapse.

The lighted candles began to burn.

Chen Ran is going to burn down the entire Asia-Pacific library.

The raging fire began to burn, making a crackling sound.

Chen Ran stood in the flames, his eyes were shining with fire.

The flames grew stronger and stronger.

In just an instant, the whole world turned into a blank.

Everything started to crumble and twist.


The light is extremely dazzling

It's like putting people in the spotlight.

A voice appeared in Chen Ran's ear.

Doctor's voice.

"Emotionally stabilized."

"Chen Ran, you have to do this."

"You have to come out.

When I opened my eyes again, that scene reappeared in front of my eyes.

Trapped in bed in a corset.

There are many doctors standing by.

Among them are Wan Qian and Zhao Yating.

The doctor named Wei Da was bitten on the palm of his hand, and two nurses were helping him to bandage it.

"Back again."

Chen Ran stared at the doctors surrounding him.

"Rare skill. Soul chain."

"Rare skill. Soul chain.

He roared frantically in his heart.

Although I can't feel the horror sharing system and original power.

But Chen Ran also felt something was wrong.

There is a problem with death cycle.

If it wasn't for the reminder from the bloody bear, it would be hard for Chen Ran to notice it.

He was in the deepest once before.

"The patient's mood is very manic now, and he is about to inject sedatives."


Seeing Chen Ran struggling crazily, the doctors all came over.

However, at this moment, there was commotion outside the door.

"do not run."

"Come back to me.

The door was suddenly pushed open.

It was Nan Xiaoqiao who entered the door. She yelled "Nightmare", and then threw out the bloody little bear that had been rubbing on her palm.

After the blood-colored little bear landed, a roar broke out, and a huge blood-colored bear appeared.

As soon as it appeared, it bit the doctor closest to Chen Ran.

"Blood bear."

"There is a problem with the real door."

Seeing the appearance of the blood bear, Chen Ran completely understood what the problem was.

The problem is the real door.

"Rare skill. Soul chain."

After realizing all this, Chen Ran felt the power hidden in his body and felt the terror sharing system.

The strength in his body is recovering rapidly.

A series of black iron chains rose from the ground, entangled a doctor, and dragged them into the abyss.

"Chen Ran, we are all waiting for you."

Nan Xiaoqiao yelled at Chen Ran

She was like a flower in a mirror and a moon in the water, turning into bubbles and disappearing after shouting.

Chen Ran was completely out of trouble.

He broke free of his corset.

Strength is recovering rapidly.

The power of rapid recovery shook the entire Xin'an Mental Rehabilitation Center.

The space is collapsing and everything is disintegrating.

The doctors, nurses and patients in the Xin'an Mental Rehabilitation Center are all disappearing.

Like Nan Xiaoqiao, they turned into bubbles like flowers in a mirror, as if they had never appeared before.

The light is extremely dazzling light.

But the light that appeared this time could no longer block Chen Ran's eyes.

He looked at the hand.

Covering his eyes with one hand.

Nodding his forehead with one hand.

There was the sound of roaring waves in my ears.

Endless negative emotions are spreading rapidly.

"It turned out to be you."

"This is a game you set up to kill me."

Chen Ran crushed the hands that covered his eyes, and saw everything clearly.

He is still in front of the real gate.

It's just that an arm appeared in front of him.

This arm was on his forehead, trying to change something.

"Obviously only a little bit."


There was a sigh from inside the real door.

Without waiting for Chen Ran to get angry" he slowly retracted his outstretched arm.

"The problem was in the dream."

"Dreams are indeed the most magical things."

"Using Huangliang Yimeng again may alarm the minister of nightmares.

There was a second voice outside the door.

This voice is the peacemaker who persuaded the fight before.

Unexpectedly, they were actually a group.

Let Chen Ran relax his vigilance first, and when Chen Ran is about to walk out of the real door, he suddenly strikes.

"Well, it's really good."

Chen Ran smiled instead of anger.

Although I don't know what these two great beings are planning.

But in Huang Liang's dream, he really almost fell into it.

Huang Liang Yimeng's ability is too scary.

True and false, unreal and real, I can't tell the difference at all.

The scariest thing is.

It is to guide oneself into a dream, rely on one's own memory, and construct the most realistic and logical dream world.

In Huang Liang's dream, three worlds appeared, forming an almost perfect cycle of death.

If it weren't for Nan Xiaoqiao's special identity as Menggui, Chen Ran would really have fallen into it and couldn't extricate himself.

Just when Chen Ran was laughing instead of angry, there was a voice outside the door.

It was a bell-like laugh.

This voice is completely different from the voices of those two great beings.

"The... Lord of Nightmare."

"We didn't use the power of dreams on purpose."


The voices of those two great beings were full of endless fear.

What kind of existence can make two great existences fear to such an extent.


"It's okay, I forgive you.

It was the voice of a little girl, very nice and sweet.

But then the two great beings uttered screams.

The scream made Chen Ran's hairs burst and his back felt cold.

The screams appeared quickly and disappeared quickly.

Chen Ran stood in front of the real door, silent for a long time.

Now he is a little afraid to step forward.

The culprit and the observer of the two worlds have left the real gate long ago, and they don't know where they went.

Looking back, two seas of black mist are colliding, and the blue star and the horror world are overlapping.

There is no way to stay here any longer.

You cannot be great in a box.

This is a limitation of the box.

Only by leaving the box can one hope to become a great existence.

With apprehension and uneasiness in his heart, Chen Ran finally walked into the real door.

The end of the real gate is like a lake.

Under the waves of space, Chen Ran walked out.

The moment he walked out, the world turned upside down, and a huge suppressive force fell from the sky.

When Chen Ran got used to this oppressive force, the great power grew rapidly.

Outside the door, there are no restrictions.

The realm of suppressing great beings inside the box is liberated outside the box.

Looking back, Chen Ran's pupils contracted impressively.

In a huge black lake lay a huge dog with two heads.

This black lake was brewed from the rotting body of the big dog.

"Could it be that I've always been inside it."

Chen Ran looked at the big dog's body in disbelief.

Its corpse decayed at an astonishingly fast rate, and had lost all vitality.

At this time, a little girl with bare feet came out bouncing and bouncing.

She is like a little angel who has fallen into the mortal world, harmless to humans and animals.

There is a flower engraved in the corner of the eye, so beautiful that it cannot be described in words.

"Hey, it's pretty good."

"After the two-headed dog died, there was actually another guy who was close to a fierce god jumped out.

The little girl walked around Chen Ran several times, just like watching an orangutan in a zoo, she was very surprised.

"Fierce god?" Chen Ran looked at the little girl in front of him.

He dared not act rashly.

The sixth sense told her that this little girl was very scary.

She is probably the existence outside the real door that makes the bells and laughs.

Those two great beings called the little girl the Lord of Nightmare.

Now the little girl is still there, but those two great beings have disappeared.

What happened in it, Chen Ran is not clear, and dare not guess.

"It seems that you don't understand anything."

"It's really stupid people have stupid blessings."

"If there wasn't a dream ghost in your box world, they wouldn't have disturbed me."

"Forget it, seeing that I got a nice doll today, I can explain it to you.

Chen Ran swallowed.

Although I don't know what a doll is.

But Chen Ran believes that it most likely refers to the great existence.

"simply put."

"The Great Being is your box

People's name for the evil god.

"Fierce is possessed by ghosts. Ghosts are a small incomplete world with a small area and average plasticity."

"After breaking through and becoming a fierce god, there will be a complete and real small world."

"This small world, also known as the black box, belongs to the evil black box.

"The world inside the black box is the real source of power for the fierce god."

"Small world creatures will be brewed inside, which can also be called box creatures.

"The box creatures, there are people, there are ghosts, there are demons, there are monsters, anything can appear.

"Looking at your situation, there should be people in your box."

The little girl looked at Chen Ran and continued.

"Before the fierce god dies, the box creature will never be able to come out.

"But when the fierce god dies, the box will be liberated."

"Before the box is completely destroyed, the creatures inside the box have a chance to escape.

"After all, there is a saying that when a whale falls, all things are born. This is probably what it means."

"And you, you came out of the box and entered the real big world, and the only big world. y

"I see." Chen Ran nodded.

In other words, the great existence and the fierce god are at the same level, but one is the name of the box creature, and the other is the unified name of the big world.

"What is the observer?"

The little girl obviously knew a lot, so Chen Ran simply asked it all at once.

The little girl waved her hand, and Ri Pianbai came out of Chen Ran's mind and entered the little girl's mouth.

This white mist comes from Chen Ran's memory.

It's really scary.

Chen Ran was already infinitely close to the evil spirit, but facing the little girl, he didn't even have a chance to resist.

"It turned out to be an evil spirit."

"I thought it was unknown consciousness and observer."

"Ominous spirits are formed after dead souls, ghosts, and resentful spirits step into a great evil.

"They have no entity, nor can they give birth to an entity."

"But they have the Wraith Realm, similar to ghosts, but they cannot move.

"To put it bluntly, most of the ferocious spirits are mutilated and have many disadvantages.

"Once they find the corpse of the fierce god, they will swarm up like flies to observe the world inside the fierce god. y

"When the right time comes, we will rely on the ability of the Wraith Realm to open the world in the body of the Fierce God."

"Then through the method of birth, obtain the entity in the body of the fierce god, transform the world of wraiths into ghosts and creatures, and then find the gate of the world and walk out.

"When they come out, even if they are not evil spirits, they are big ominous spirits."

Chen Ran sighed.

He thought of the ominous spirit who told him not to open the window.

He always thought that this ominous spirit was kind.

Only now did Chen Ran realize that he was thinking too much.

That evil spirit doesn't want the box creature to peek outside the door of 5.2.

If you can see outside the door, it will be difficult for them to fool humans into helping them to be born.

This is the real reason why it told Chen Ran not to open the window and not to peep outside the door.

And really well-intentioned.

On the contrary, it is the ancient gods and Daguan who are willing to make deals with humans.

Human beings help them to be born inside the door, and they help human beings to be born outside the door.

It's a fair deal.

It's just that the people in the box have always believed that the destruction of the world was brought about by evil spirits.

In fact, when the evil spirit appears, it means that the box world has come to an end.

"The two-headed dog is not simple, it has two inner worlds."

"It should be twin fierce gods, if they continue to grow."

"It may grow a third head, a fourth head, and even hope to go to the unspeakable realm."

"It's a pity that I met the chef of the big brother."

"How could the chef give up such a good ingredient, so it died."

"Otherwise, it's a good toy."

Chen Ran swallowed.

He looked back at the big dog that had rotted into a black lake.

Such a terrifying evil spirit is actually just the chef's food.


Is it still too late for me to go back to the box world?

The big world outside the box is terrifying.

"Those two great... ferocious gods, what do you want to do to me?"

Chen Ran swallowed, and took advantage of the little girl's good mood to ask more questions.

There will be no such opportunity in the future.

This little girl is definitely an incredible horror.

"They." The little girl pulled out from nothing, and a weird doll was pulled out by her.

This doll is the evil spirit who attacked Chen Ran earlier.

It was a doll with two bodies fused together, two heads, three arms, and four legs.

It was at this moment that Chen Ran understood.

There are not two fierce gods outside the real gate, but one fierce god.

They have been singing oboe all the time. .

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