In the past, although Shi Jin published many articles about the synthetic army.

But that's just talk on paper after all.

Chief, I hope that we can really see the results!

And he.

It is to really make results and turn the theory on paper into reality.

I feel the coercion of mountains brought by two bars and one star on my chest.

Shi Jin gave a very standard military salute to the principal.

The other party returned the gift.

Immediately afterwards.

All newly commissioned cadets and other officers and soldiers present.

Facing the military flag, an extremely solemn oath was made.

Those young faces were full of excitement and joy.

The feeling of endless glory can't help rising in everyone's heart.

After taking the oath.

Shi Jin, as a student representative, stood on the podium and micked money.

For all the colleges and officers and soldiers present.

Return the gift again.

All the students in the audience saw the military rank on Shi Jin's shoulder, which turned out to be a major.

Many people's sharp eyes revealed shock.

It's just that this kind of shock is just fleeting.

Obviously, they quickly accepted this fact.

As for the reason, it is actually very simple, during the past four years of the National Defense Science and Technology University.

Shi Jin can be said to be an extremely prominent existence.

He is not only a big devil, but also with the continuous blessing of the system, his appearance has also been rapidly improved and he has become a school grass.

More importantly, he won various awards.

Others may not be able to get on the podium once a year.

And he has to go to the podium almost every month, and he is even softer when he gets various awards.

The people present are very aware of this point.

If it is said that people like Shi Jin cannot be promoted exceptionally.

Then there is nothing like this honor.


Take two first-class merits and see!

One time, he captured Bai Baosan, the number one gangster that Longguo had offered a reward for many years, and assisted the police in capturing dozens of wanted criminals, destroying the drug trafficking syndicates and evil forces that dominated Jinghai.

Another time, he broke into an explosion chemical plant alone and heroically rescued 18 trapped people.

Shi Jin's two first-class merits, which one was not done with his life?

He deserves this honor! !

Wang Kai and the others can see Shi Jin's two bars and one star.

He clenched his fists even more excitedly.

Seeing his buddy promoted to major, this feeling is beyond words.

After that, he entered the army.

They also want to bring Shi Jin's deeds to the army to publicize.

Who can study with such a great person for four years, what kind of honor is that?

For some people, being constantly crushed by the geniuses of geniuses may be painful.

But after getting used to being crushed, you will feel that it is an honor.

This kind of honor means that they can feel for themselves that there are still such outstanding people in this world.

Let them see the wider sky!

After Shi Jin returned the salute.

Looking around for a week, his face was full of confidence.

"Hello students, hello all commanders and soldiers, my name is Shi Jin, and I am very lucky to stand here and speak here as a graduate representative."

"As a graduate of the National University of Defense Technology, the latest batch of young military officers."

"I admit, I've been looking forward to this moment for a long time."

"The moment I saw the military rank."

"I understand and feel even more that the responsibility and burden of strengthening the army have been placed in our hands!"

"In the future, more responsibilities will also be borne by us."

"We should be more affirmative and deeply feel the meaning behind this rank!"

"Work harder to realize the dream of a strong army and a strong country."

"Let us take over the responsibility from our predecessors and let the military flag never fade!!!"

Shi Jin's words fell.

There were bursts of long-lasting warm applause at the scene.

Followed by the rest.

Shi Jin returned to the team.

The principal walked to the podium and led everyone to sing the national anthem together!

"Comrades march in unison to the battlefield of liberation

Comrades march to the frontier of the motherland in unison

Onward onward our team to the sun! ! ! "

All the people wearing the new military ranks sang passionately and loudly.

The atmosphere at the scene was ignited again, and the atmosphere was fierce and enthusiastic.

The awarding ceremony also slowly came to an end amidst this extremely loud and clear singing.

On the asphalt road back to the dormitory, Wang Kai touched the bars and stars on his chest.

The excitement on his face was beyond words.

"I have waited for a long time and finally waited until today. I have dreamed for a long time and finally realized my dream. The future is long and let me go!!!"

"After four years, I finally got this rank."

"It's not easy!"

"In retrospect, when I first entered school, it seems like it was still yesterday."

"Boss, why do you seem unhappy?"

"Your military rank is one bar higher than those of us, why are you unhappy?"

"It's all over now"

"Then just wait for the distribution of the rest, we have to celebrate for a while."

Shi Jin sighed.

"Well, you're right, we should celebrate well."

"However, I guess I should be the first person to leave in our dormitory."

"I just told me arrogantly, let me set off early tomorrow morning to report to the 44th Army Synthetic Brigade."

"There is no need to wait for the school's assignment..."

"Equivalent to breaking the style of any..."

It turned out that the smiling students heard what Shi Jin said.

The originally bright smile on his face froze immediately.

Although they knew that the notifications would come one after another in the next few days, they also knew that everyone would slowly part ways.

But it never occurred to me.

It was so sudden.

There was no sign at all, and the one who left first was the backbone of the ten of them.

Wang Kai rubbed his face fiercely, he wanted to make himself laugh.

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