I, Shi Jin, Have Been In The Army Since Military School

063. Shi Jin, Commander Of Reorganized Mixed Battalion!

But no matter what, I couldn't laugh.

Finally he grinned and spoke.

"This... this is too sudden."

"Extraordinary promotion, it's an honor, it's much better than us, people like us don't know what kind of shitty place we've been assigned to.

"Well, let's celebrate the boss tonight!"

Guo Minghao also forcibly held back the sadness in his heart, smiled and slowly began to say:

"Boss, why do you have to be the deputy battalion commander this time?"

"You are a major!"

"It must be indispensable!"

"Even if it's not, it doesn't matter. I heard that even the company commanders in the reorganized mixed battalion are very good!"

Shi Jin nodded.

"The principal just told me that I should be the battalion commander of the reorganized mixed battalion."

"But now I'm just explaining something, and I won't know the specifics until we arrive."

"Now I'm not sure either."

Even now, the parting is about to happen, and the sadness spreads, affecting everyone's mood.

But when they heard that Yujin was going to make up a mixed battalion as the battalion commander.

One was still dumbfounded in shock.

Shi Jin started as a battalion commander, and now he is a graduate student, and he has not yet graduated!

At that time, let alone making some achievements, even if you graduate according to the most normal guarantee.

Then the future is limitless!

When he graduates, according to Shi Jin's ability, he must be a lieutenant colonel, right?


Don't dare to think, don't dare to think at all.

And they.

Now it's nothing more than a captain.

If they really catch up with Shi Jin, it will be early, and the gap will be widened immediately.

Looking at everyone's shocked faces.

Shi Jin smiled.

"Don't think too much about it. The Southwest Military Region has always served as the blue army in all previous military exercises." "Six Six Three"

"It is to simulate foreign troops to fight the Red Army."

"The Forty-Fourth Army is a veteran army."

"Let me be the battalion commander of the reorganized and reorganized mixed battalion. Obviously, I am the leader above, and I want to see the results!"

"After all, no matter how many papers there are, they are all on paper."

"If I can achieve results, then everything is easy to talk about, but if I can't, then I will be left behind for the rest of my life."

"The price of exceptional promotion is to make absolute achievements!"

Hear Shi Jin's analysis.

Wang Kai shook his head and sighed.

"Boss, don't worry about this."

"With your ability, there is no problem!"

"Besides, haven't you been publishing information about the integrated mixed army?"

"Since you can pass this knowledge, or gain the favor of the chief, it means that people trust you!"

"Your ability, plus other people's trust."

"You will definitely be able to make achievements!"

"Yes, boss, you must be able to get everyone's attention!"

Guo Minghao also nodded and said.

Shi Jin smiled,

Let's be honest.

Belief he does have.

But it's far from being as satisfying as the brothers imagined.

If the synthetic army wants to form a real combat power, the more you know, the more you will understand the difficulties.

Let's not talk about it.

Just say that under the Reorganized Mixed Battalion, any company is composed of more than a dozen arms.

If you really want to integrate them well, let them give full play to their absolute combat effectiveness.

This is impossible without doing everything in one's power.

Let's talk about other things.

The Forty-Fourth Army has always been at the forefront of the country in terms of synthetic routes.

Even they have a headache, reorganize the mixed camp.

That must be different from the usual reorganized mixed camp, and it is more difficult to coordinate.

Shi Jin still doesn't understand what the proportion of troops in the integrated mixed battalion he is in charge of is.

Said to be absolute confidence.

That's a little fake too.

However, these problems can only be truly known after arriving at the place.

It's useless to think about it now.

So Shi Jin changed the subject.

When they arrived at the dormitory, none of Wang Kai and the others mentioned that they were leaving early tomorrow morning.

Brothers in a dormitory, chatting nonsense back and forth.

It tells the bits and pieces of life in the past four years.

A blueprint for the future.

Shi Jin sat there and let go of his heart.

What to say.

Not going to take care of anything.

These four years of college life.

He helped a lot of people and got to know a lot of people,

Now everyone is about to go their separate ways.

In the past four years, how many people, people come and go, people leave and stay.

Now the important thing is to leave.

It's no fun to stay in the dormitory.

Shi Jin and the others then ran to the football field to play football.

Now the inspectors in the school will not check them or anything, everyone knows that the graduation season is the time to say goodbye.

Let everyone cherish this last time at school.

They play football here.

Li Xiaojing obediently stood on the other side and watched.

Wait until Shi Jin gets tired.

The two of them walked under the tree-shaded road of the school and strolled.

When Shi Jin said that he was going to be the battalion commander of the 44th Reorganized Army and lead the Reorganized and Reorganized Mixed Battalion.

And tomorrow morning, because it's time to leave early.

Although Li Xiaojing was very reluctant.

But Zhan still showed a cute smile, cheering for Shi Jin.

It is the bounden duty of soldiers to carry out orders, and love can only be let go first.

Look at Shi Jin with two bars and one star on his shoulders, and then look at himself carrying one bar and one star.

For the first time, Li Xiaojing felt that there was a big gap.

She has a feeling that she is not good enough for Shi Jin,

Even the girl who used to be confident and sunny has become a little cautious at the moment.

How could Shi Jin fail to see her thoughts.

Sitting next to him softly comforting.

And promise.

Wait until the reorganization and reorganization of the mixed battalion takes shape.

Wait until they are both in the army and their work is stable.

Waiting for the coming spring when the flowers are blooming and the willows are swaying.

Shi Jin asked for leave from the barracks.

Officially go to Li Xiaojing's house and talk about their marriage.

This is his promise as a man, and also as a soldier.

This is the first time for Li Xiaojing to hear love words from Shi Jin's mouth.

This is a promise to myself, are the two together?

The little face that was a little disappointed.

There was a smile in an instant.

Leaning that tender little head on Shi Jin's chest.

That day, the two of them whispered in the shade of the playground after finishing talking.

Say goodbye to each other.

Wang Kai and a group of good brothers were sitting on the opposite corner of the playground.

The eyes looked at the two people clinging to each other.

A look of envy flashed on his face.

"Oh, look at the boss, and then look at myself."

"Four years ago, I kept looking forward to being able to reap a love in the military academy, and let me experience the sour smell of love."

"It's a pity that four years have passed, the boss is being pursued by the school belle, but I can't see the shadow of love.

"Hey, it's a pity that I am such a handsome person..."

Guo Minghao was so shocked that he couldn't be more shocked and took a look at Wang Kai.

As if thinking, the brazenness of this guy has reached a new level.

Then he seemed to think of something, and said.

"Didn't I remember that you had a girlfriend?"

Wang Kai frowned.

"What nonsense, why don't I know, I have a girlfriend?"

"Stop talking nonsense."

At this time, Xiao Yuliang also remembered something, and then said.

"Why not? I already remembered when Guo Minghao said it."

"Remember when we first entered school, we went to the National University of Defense Technology's first weekend?"

"You kid sneaked into the girls' dormitory to flirt with girls, but a girl sent her out with her ears twisted!"

"I remember very clearly that the first 5 kilometers we all ran, you were the only one who got hurt!"

"Don't be sloppy and deny it!"

Wang Kai was dumbfounded after hearing this.

What age is this.

Why is this still a reporter?"

"Alright, you guys, remember.

"I, Wang Kai, was in the National Defense Science and Technology University for four years, and I only made such a mistake."

"We are all old men, we can't hold grudges!"

Hearing Wang Kai's words, everyone present took a deep breath.

One after another, they began to criticize Wang Kai for the unreliable things he had done over the years.

It doesn't matter if you are not familiar with it, there are more than 100 in this number.

This is not counting some very small things that I can't remember for a while.

Counting and counting, Wang Kai became anxious and went to cover his mouth. As a result, a group of people started chasing and fighting on the playground.

Seeing such a warm scene, Shi Jin was also a little moved in his heart.

They are tired.

Lie down on the football field one by one.

Wang Kai was lying on the ground in a soaring posture, his eyes looking at the bright sky.

Loudly and slowly began to say:

"Brothers, no matter where we are assigned, we are all good brothers, good brothers all over the world!"

"None of us can forget anyone, understand?"

"Yes! Fatty, you have finally said something human in the past four years."

"A good brother, life after life, depends on each other through life and death!"

"Remember to get in touch when you have time, we need to get in touch more!"

"That is, I will definitely ask the guests.

"I'll miss you too, it's already agreed, don't play missing anyone!"

"If anyone goes missing, I will see you when the time comes, and I will definitely kill you."

"Yes! I won't show mercy, beat me to death!"

After this sentence is finished.

The tears of the brothers couldn't help but fall down...

The voice also became stiff in an instant.

Ten of them, although some are from the Department of Information Security

But the direction of distribution is different.

Shi Jin's departure will only be the beginning.


They will all leave.

They will go to a strange place, and then slowly adapt to everything there, the situation and conditions there.

I will never ask Yang before again.

Learn together and make progress together in the Seventh Steel Company.

We can't fight with each other like in the past, eat the delicious food brought by each other's home, brag and chat with each other.

Leave this time.

Deadline is eternity.

next party.

No one knows what year and month it is.

Wait until it's time for dinner.

Shi Jin and Li Xiaojing have a group of eleven people.

A large table of dishes was served in the university cafeteria.

Laughing, eating, telling each other goodbye.

Drunk and laughed with the public for thirty thousand games, no need to complain about leaving the cup.

Swigs never have a gut. Send back tonight with cold lights!

Although drinking is not allowed in the military academy, everyone learns

Looking at Gangqilian, making wine with rice soup, drinking cup after cup!

Early the next morning.

The others were still fast asleep, so Shi Jin arranged the salute early.

Extremely light to get up.

Some of the handicrafts he carved before were placed on each brother's bed according to everyone's preferences.

Eyes full of tears.

But Shi Jin didn't say anything.

Close the dormitory door.


Walk slowly on campus.

Those freshmen can see his rank of major.

All cast envious sharp eyes.

Even on weekdays, those strict inspectors, when he looked like Shi Jin, there was a lot of tenderness in his eyes.

The enthusiastic atmosphere on campus is no less than before.

Just like when they first entered the campus, looking at the old squad leader who left, nothing felt new.

Only this time it was him who left.

Wait until he reaches the south gate.

Li Xiaojing stood there pretty.

She was afraid that Shi Jin would be worried.

Therefore, it has always performed just right.

It's just tears. It's really not something you can hold back if you want to hold back.

Shi Jin put down the suitcase in his hand.

Slowly holding her in his arms, the endless sadness gathered into one sentence.

"wait for me."

Li Xiaojing nodded with tears in her eyes.


Help Li Xiaojing wipe away the tears from the corners of her eyes.

Shi Jin raised his head and strode away with his head held high.

Shi Jin understands.

No matter how much you say goodbye, you have to leave.

This moment cannot be stopped.

He still bears many responsibilities.

Family affection, love, and friendship can only make way for responsibility.

This is also the melancholy of being a soldier.

Since ancient times, loyalty and righteousness have been difficult to balance.

He is no exception.

After walking out of the school gate, Shi Jin turned around and saluted back.

Eyes staring at the smoky national emblem at the gate.

Then look at the school motto of virtue and erudition, strengthening the army and rejuvenating the country.

1.3 I was full of emotion for a while.

He stood there for a long, long time.

Only once again, took the salute and set off.

Sit in the military vehicle arranged by the national defense technology long ago.

Go to the Forty-Fourth Army together.

In fact, when Shi Jin was in his junior year, he was invited to the Forty-Fourth Group Army.

So he understands. This group army is a veteran reorganized army.

In the big military exercise, it takes on the key responsibility of destroying the Red Army.

It is composed of 5 battalions and 12 brigades.

The five battalions are plateau mountain combat battalion, air assault battalion, artillery battalion, air defense mixed battalion composed of surface-to-air missile regiment and anti-aircraft artillery regiment, special operations battalion, engineer and chemical defense battalion

The combined industrial and chemical battalion, synthetic brigade and other brigade-level units are service support battalions that provide comprehensive support services.

The National Defense Science and Technology University asked him to go to the third reorganization mixed battalion to report.

The Forty-Fourth Reorganized Army can be said to be a strong army among strong armies.

For the overall reshaping of the army's action track warfare army.

So they're building a new type of Army.

These ideas are easy to say, but not so simple to implement.

Shi Jin's article published in Military Daily.

The reason why it has attracted much attention is also because the card is accurate.

Go to the place of transfer.

Very challenging.

More pressure.

Similarly, as long as it is made into a sentence.

Then the room for advancement is infinite.

Shi Jin doesn't know much about the reorganization and reorganization of the mixed camp.

You don't know until you have everything set up.

Looking at the scenery outside the window, the speed retreats.

Shi Jin's heart is also a little complicated.

About to welcome a new career.

Evolved from a theory student to an officer.

And also a major battalion commander.

This span is huge. .

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