I, Shi Jin, Have Been In The Army Since Military School

087. Don't Worry About The Red Side, Here Are Four Sides!

087. Don't worry about the red side, this is a four-way line!

It took only 17 days to end the military exercise.

Even later, the red side began to practice the basic principles of synthetic combat and combat deployment exercises.

However, the blue team has always been slow in overcoming difficulties.

These stratagems by Shi Jin.

The other reorganized and mixed battalions that have happened before have basically done this.

The war was fought unexpectedly.

If you don't have this style.

Still can't be the military chief officer of the integrated mixed force.

After the strategic plan passed through the chief's affirmation.

Shi Jin also started to rest.

Because it is too close to the red and blue border.

The time of day is also not good for rest.

The sound of the explosion of artillery fire was heard continuously.


In order to achieve a more certain and realistic military exercise effect.

The head of the reorganized army can also deploy bombers from time to time to drop shells on open areas on the border and areas with water.

These shells are not the kind commonly used in military exercises.

But real stock.

Create this kind of real war effect.

A fighter who is slightly inferior in scheming and essence.

I can't bear it.

In my sleep, I can feel the ground trembling from the bottom of my heart.

The officers and soldiers who stay in the reorganized mixed unit all the year round are better.

After all, it was time for training in the old days.

You will often understand these scenes all the time.

It has long been a custom.

But Shi Jin is different.

This kind of shell always feels deep inside without the other side exploding.

Even if it is a place close to sleeping, no matter how good the situation and conditions are, you will not be able to sleep for a long time.

Shi Jin woke up from his deep sleep.

Get out of the command car.

Looking at the entire integrated mixed battalion, many soldiers have already woken up.

Either gather together to discuss the battle situation ahead.

Or they are checking all aspects of the armored vehicle.

The first battle was won.

Regarding the morale of the reorganized mixed battalion.

That was very encouraging.

Song Wushuang, the commander of the armored infantry company, was in the crowd touting with the soldiers.

I saw the battalion commander come to inspect.

Immediately stand up straight and return the salute.

Shi Jin smiled and waved his hand.

"Everything is okay, now it's time to rest, let's talk about everyone

"What's the situation on the surface?"

Hearing the battalion commander slowly start to speak with doubts.

Song Wushuang laughed.

"Since we retreated last night, the red team couldn't swallow this breath.

"Four armored integrated mixed battalions were sent to the border, and they kept wandering in this area."

"But they only dare to wander up and down 20 kilometers outside the border, and they don't dare to get too close at all."

"The army aviation regiment of the red side has been dispatched, and so far there have been more than a dozen wars, large and small."

"It's just on a small scale."

"Right now, both sides are still banning it, and there are even battles between the first level and the battalion level, and we haven't seen any larger scale battles.

"Both sides have their own damage, but they are still within the controllable range."

Shi Jin smiled and seriously agreed.

"This is in the training phase, but tonight the Red Army will definitely have a big move."

"The debate on the border cannot be stopped, and the war of attrition will not last for more than ten days, so that all combat troops will be active.

"A positive debate cannot come."

"Okay, let's go on, let's take a rest here for three o'clock.

"Leave after three o'clock."

Song Wushuang heard that there was still fighting in this place.

Together with Gao Xiang, the captain of the aviation squadron.

Surrounded them together.

The roles of armored infantry companies and aviation squadrons on the battlefield are complementary.

There is no certain air supremacy.

Armored troops cannot come out in full force, at least not in the forefront.

They often conduct coordinated exercises together.

The soldiers of the two companies also had a good relationship in private.

"Battalion commander, where are we going to gather tonight to fight?", How about meeting the armored and integrated mixed battalion of the red side.

"Our third synthetic brigade, the first battalion and the second battalion have long been here."

"It's just that they haven't left the border yet, and it seems that they will join the joint defense mission in these two days.

Shi Jin smiled and shook with a sigh.

"You thought it was a fight between two people."

"You said you were fighting with the Red Army's Armored Reorganization Mixed Battalion, but they really stood there obediently and waited.

"The reinforcement regiment that was destroyed last night was put together temporarily, not a formal establishment."

"The main battle force has the mission of the main battle force, and we have our own mission."


"After three o'clock, the whole army will be abandoned. First, go to the strategic capital warehouse to replenish ammunition and food, and stagger this area."

"Go around to the back."

Song Wushuang hastily and earnestly agreed.

Started running to notify.

Looking at the busy figures of more than 1,000 soldiers.

Shi Jin sighed secretly.

Immediately afterwards, he was really unwilling to be the main battle force to take over the chief's joint defense mission.

Put on a stance and really fight with the red team's combat troops.

But the current basic situation of the reorganized mixed battalion.

It is impossible to join the defense at all.

In the Reorganized Army Zhiqiang Command and Control Center, the commander of the training base is making adjustments.

Combat troops like them have no organizational system and no number.

Can't get on the frontal defense.

Can only engage in sniping.

After patrolling around.

Shi Jin combined the military officers of all the combat companies.

Make the same arrangement.

After three o'clock.

The integrated mixed battalion started to set off.

Bypassing the red and blue border where these large combat units are stationed.

After going to the strategic resource stack to replenish the materials.

Head towards remote areas at extreme speed.

Shi Jin and their walk out.

It is a pity for the Army Aviation Brigade and Special Operations Brigade stationed nearby.

An integrated mixed battalion emerged from the 3rd Synthetic Brigade.

And the battalion commander is also a student who graduated from the National University of Defense Technology.

After this incident came out.

Many top-level military officers think that it is not as reliable as it is.

The people who came out of the National University of Defense Technology are indeed strong and brave, especially the people who have studied the basic principles of synthetic combat and the combat deployment have won many awards, which is even more impressive.

But the research of the topic has nothing to do with leading troops to fight.

If it weren't for Wang Aiguo's recommendation.

This position is completely out of his turn.

Wait until they see that a new officer who has just graduated from the University of National Defense Science and Technology can really bring the reorganized mixed battalion into order.

And as soon as they entered the battlefield, the red team suffered a small loss.

They all want to see what kind of movement they can make next.

I don't understand.

Withdrew from the frontal defense battlefield very quickly.

This had to make several blue army troops stationed nearby feel a little regretful from the bottom of their hearts.

Shi Jin doesn't care about that.

He knows very well that the reorganized mixed battalion cannot fight in zone defense.

Go to a place that is more certain to suit them.

Night fell.

The red side is at the edge of the battle zone.

More than 100 armored vehicles made a terrible and suffocating sound of boom! boom!!! boom!!!

Running at speed.

The support support company and the engineering team conducted a remote-control aircraft to survey the surrounding five kilometers, which was obviously in vain.

The technical reconnaissance team and the special reconnaissance team kept searching for the nearby red square combat collection lights.

In case you see something is wrong.

They will immediately make preparations for the battle assembly.

Shi Jin stood in the command vehicle of the battalion headquarters, watching the direction of the convoy's progress with calm eyes.

Make mediations from time to time.

At this time, he also ordered the collection and construction team to store the nearby terrain one by one.

Get out of the defense zone.

Enter the red side respectively area.

It also means that there is no large-scale combat force of the Blue Army in the rear as a backstage.

In case of encountering an enemy.

They can only rely on themselves to achieve results.

Shi Jin held a map of the military exercise area with red and blue sides in his hand.

Get as close to the blue army as possible and move forward at an extremely fast speed.

The aviation squadron temporarily stayed in the joint defense area.

Because the movement of 10 helicopters flying in mid-air is really too big.

Even on the fringes.

It is also very easy to be captured by the armed reconnaissance plane of the red side.

Long march.

When there is no time to reach a fixed area.

The aviation squadron was temporarily unable to follow them.

Find no blessing from air fire.

Reorganization of the mixed battalion requires a certain degree of caution.

The chief guide, Chu Tiankuo, checked the time, and then checked their route.

"Battalion Commander, we must find the buried place before dawn."

"If so many armored vehicles appear in the red side during the day as a war zone."

"It must be those patrolling armed reconnaissance planes."

Shi Jin seriously agrees.

"It can't be tight, call the aviation squadron to come over before dawn."

"I have already planned the place where I will be stationed."

"Follow the current route and continue driving forward for 16 kilometers. There is a dense forest and mountains with a complex pattern."

"Bury all armored vehicles over there."

"Very quickly deploy special forces teams to find out which red troops are stationed nearby.

"Since we're here, we can't let this area live too comfortably."

Chu Tiankuo nodded.

He just liked the imposing manner of the battalion commander's body.

4 How is the situation.

What kind of enemies will you encounter.

Just stop at this place for this kind of tempered commander.

All the fighters in the reorganized mixed battalion wanted Ao Ao to rush forward.

Too many new officers who have just graduated from the military school do not have to look forward and backward when they are fighting.

But in Shi Jin's body, he really didn't have any foresight and forethought.

In his words that is.

Even if you want to be jealous.

Then you have to know who you should be scruples about.

Immediately after the red training base area, not only was a reorganized army stationed in this place.

And not all troops are combat troops.

For example, the air force conditioning center, regiment command post.

Or a higher-level division command post.

Input heavy stack.

These garrison units do not have any high all-out resistance capability.

If you think about it boldly.

Red side general headquarters, headquarters.

These are all likely to be eliminated collectively by a single shell by mistake.

About Shi Jin.

The red side's general headquarters and headquarters are too far away.

even if

Understand where also rush just go.

But the weight loss warehouse, the air force adjustment center, and the command platform adjustment center.

In addition, large and small temporary conditioning centers scattered all over the place.

Just kill one.

It can paralyze material changes in a small area.

There is no need to look forward and backward in these places.

If you come across it.

No matter what you say, you will blow him up.

Shi Jin is scratching at the map, considering which terrains are suitable for stationing the red combat troops.

It is planned to arrange people to investigate first during the day.

Planning it.

A war alert came from the Special Forces squad.

~Tell the battalion commander that the red network signal was detected about 30 kilometers ahead of us on the left. "

"The lights are moving fast."

"It's still 28 kilometers away from our side."

"26 kilometers.

"24 kilometers..."

Shi Jin's complexion changed.

Move at such a speed.

Don't think about it.

It is certainly impossible for ground armored vehicles to have such a fast speed.

Eighty percent of the time it was the army aviation unit that encountered the red side.

This is the hardest nut to crack.

With an aviation squadron on their side, they can occupy a certain dominant position on the battlefield.

If you run into the Army Aviation Corps.

The scene of the battle can be imagined.

What this group of guys are best at is to have multiple aircraft types, fly at ultra-low altitude, and search at night.

Now it is moving towards their direction at a high speed.

Should have seen (good money) their actions without seeing it.

if not.

Follow these extreme speeds.

The impact has already arrived.

The chief guide looked at Shi Jin with a solemn expression.

I'm a little anxious.

"Battle Commander, to fight or not to fight?"

"We need to make a quick decision."

Shi Jin clenched his fists, his mind racing.

He has already made up his mind.

If you follow the usual combat thinking.

When encountering such unprepared red troops, they must fight.

But in this place, I ran into the team of the Army Aviation Corps.

That means there must be units nearby that they want to defend.


It seems that it is impossible for this kind of aviation regiment to be stationed in such a remote area.

"All fighters obey orders."

"The armored vehicle enters the combat preparation mode, and the wireless detection and ranging radio locator detection are turned off."

"Turn off all lights."

"As long as the red flying troops enter within five kilometers of our side, they don't need to listen to orders, and they will call me very quickly."

"The remote control plane dived to a height of two meters from the ground."

Followed by one order after another.

It turned out to be a convoy marching at high speed.

stop now.

All external light sources are turned off.

Armored car regiment.

It's just that the special forces team keeps transmitting the opponent's basic position from them.

The commander of the aid company paid close attention to the reminder information sent back.

A combat company with a void strike force.

Except for their support company, it is just the aviation squadron.

But now the aviation squadron has not kept up.

All the pressure is on their bodies.

When the opponent is still fifteen kilometers away.

The Special Forces team detected detailed information.

"Report to the battalion commander that the enemy has 6 fighter jets, 300 meters above the ground, passing from the front right.

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