I, Shi Jin, Have Been In The Army Since Military School

088. I've Already Made People Anxious, But I Paid Back The Eggs!

088. I've already made people anxious, but I paid back the eggs!

Just at this time.

The flight altitude of the remote control aircraft has dropped to the lowest level, and it has long lost its detection function.

The sounding radio detection and ranging radio locators had also been turned off long ago.

The only thing that can detect the source of the signal is the special forces team.

Shi Jin held his breath.

It sounds like they are getting closer.

There has never been an order to strike.

If there is a sudden attack, even though the red troops are coming back with six armed helicopters.

They must also have the power to fight.

But in this place.

They got too little intelligence.

I don't understand where the garrison of these six fighter jets is located.

In case of war.

How long will it take for the enemy troops to arrive at this place.

These are all unknowns.

If you can't take this risk, you can't choose to attack now.

Time passed bit by bit.

When the special forces team checked, six helicopters from the red side flew through the void twelve kilometers away from them.

And didn't notice them afterwards.

The soldiers of the entire mixed battalion let out a long sigh of relief.

This method of killing people's headquarters to fight is too exciting.

Be sure to step by step and be as timid as a mouse.

Wait until the helicopter is completely away.

Shi Jin immediately ordered the whole army to advance quickly, they were not far from the dense forest and mountains ahead.

It's almost dawn when we get there.

There can no longer be continuous marches.

Eyes watching the whole army fling again.

Chu Tiankuo let out a long breath of relief.

"Tianniang's point is that it is very dangerous. If the fighter jets from the red side entered within five kilometers of our side just now, they would definitely notice us."

"Then this battle is inevitable."

Shi Jin seriously agrees.

Just a very quick shake followed by a sigh.

"Whether you noticed us or not, this battle can't be stopped."

"Being able to change helicopter cruises in such a remote place."

"There will definitely be places where the red team wants to cover near us."

"The position we've chosen is already marginal enough."

"No matter how you look at it, the Aviation Corps is a key combat force.

"It's unlikely that it will appear in such a remote place."

"Call the aviation squadron immediately and send our position out of this place."

473 "Let them rendezvous before dawn."

"Today, during the day, the faction personnel let go to investigate the nearby red camps.

"I don't agree with not being able to catch a big fish."

Chu Tiankuo seriously agreed.

Hastily began to call the aviation squadron.

After evading the detection of the red side just now.

Basically, just before that, less than half a point.

We arrived at the area designated by Shi Jin to rest.

Order the soldiers to hide the armored vehicles in buried places and cover them one by one.

Just now, the fighter jets from the red team passed over the dense forest.

Shi Jin knows very well that he can find this hiding place even if he travels through the map.

The red side must also understand that this place simply buries troops.

That's why fighter jets for night reconnaissance were arranged to hover nearby.

Follow the reckoning.

It's daytime.

This area must also be the focus of the care of armed reconnaissance aircraft.

But none of this matters.

According to the appearance of the investigation just now.

The Air Force clearly didn't agree that someone would break in by mistake.

Low-altitude reconnaissance is generally not possible during the day.

In the case of void investigation, the buried armored vehicles only need to close all the electric towers.

No matter how much they scouted, it was useless.

And Shi Jin also has his own plan for doing so.

If it was daytime, the armed reconnaissance planes of the red team would really be in this area, constantly conducting reconnaissance.

That's more representative of the neighborhood.

There are units that need their cover.

Before dawn.

Shi Jin commanded the soldiers to disperse and hide all the armored vehicles.

Anyway, the area they chose was large enough.

As long as there is no deliberate low-altitude investigation, or deploy soldiers to conduct ground investigation.

Just out of sight.

It turned out that Shi Jin planned to have the aviation squadron come to join him.

But then I thought about it seriously.

10 gunship targets are too big.

Unlike armored vehicles, helicopters can drive into complex terrain on the ground.

Docked on the ground.

Even with Void Scouting, it's almost impossible to hide-over.

He quickly ordered the aviation squadron to stop at the blue army-area continuously.

It's just that it's not that far away from them.

In case there is a combat mission.

You can reach the battlefield in less than two minutes.

Soldiers are responsible for the burial.

Shi Jin arranged for the military chiefs of each company to keep patrolling nearby.

These armored vehicles must be buried well.

If the reorganized mixed battalion can't find these, its combat effectiveness will not even be as good as most infantry battalions.

That would really be a big game.

Wait until the dawn of time.

Shi Jin commanded all the soldiers to evacuate to the dense forest.

Come to the land of the red side.

It is impossible to be as comfortable as before.

Be sure to plan every line of progress.

It is impossible to march during the day anyway.

Put all the battle arrangements at night.

The closer it is to key military areas.

The frequency of armed reconnaissance aircraft activities during the day will be higher.

Because of the weight loss, there is no option to choose to deliver in the evening.

Therefore, at night, the transport planes are basically working.

Relatively speaking, the number of reconnaissance planes has been greatly reduced.

After evacuating into the dense forest.

In order not to expose.

Soldiers in the integrated mixed battalion can only eat fast food.

After eating, take a rest nearby to replenish your strength.

Arrived in the jungle.

Basically, it's like going to the home of the Special Forces squad.

Fighting in this area, no unit is an opponent of special operations members.

They are responsible for searching for suitable bearings.

Create an interim headquarters.

Equipped with simple and simple deployment control.

Even if you stepped out of the armored vehicle, it might not be as if you were blind.

Be sure to grasp the movement and movement within a few kilometers around you.

if not.

In case the red troops saw their footprints.

Only when they hit the front can they see each other with their own eyes.

That would be such a failure.

After the establishment of the interim headquarters.

Except for the captain of the aviation squadron, Shi Jin gathered several other military backbones to the headquarters one by one.

"Comrades, let me do the rest of the battle deployment first."

"According to the Red Army armed helicopters encountered earlier, there must be other combat units stationed nearby.

"Qin Long, come and analyze it."

"You Special Forces squads are a little bit good at this."

"It is similar to the location where this kind of aviation regiment appears, and what kind of combat elements will there be in the vicinity under normal circumstances.

Qin Long seriously agreed.

"What the battalion commander said is the truth that the aviation regiment occupies the most powerful leading position in the battle of the reorganized army.

"Appearing in such a marginal place, there must be red units that they need to help or cover."

"Following the previous combat deployment, there will basically be a weight loss stack near the aviation regiment.'

"This is actually a very good judgment. Look at the frequent armed transport planes passing by during the day.

If the rate and quantity are higher than other places. "

"Then eighty-nine is close to ten."

"The larger the number, the more critical the strategic location of the warehouse nearby."

"One more point."

"If it is really a strategic warehouse, then there must be no antiaircraft artillery troops stationed in this area.

"Just to say, in addition to the material storage warehouse, if the frequency of helicopters, reconnaissance planes, and transport planes is too high."

"It's also possible that the conditioning center is nearby."

"We need to investigate these in detail during the daytime, so that we can prescribe the right medicine."

"There is a better way to judge (cedj)."

"During the military exercise, the field hospital is neutral, and it can be regarded as the director's side.

"Therefore, it is not impossible to mark the location of the field hospital on the maps of the two armies."

"Key strategic deployments generally cannot appear near hospitals."

"And our place is so remote that there is not even a field hospital for tens of kilometers around."

"So I can basically be sure that we probably stumbled into the key material security area of ​​​​the red team this time.

"Even if it's not right, it's basically the Air Force's adjustment center sitting in the rear."

"Under normal circumstances, an integrated army will set up three air force adjustment centers."

"As long as one is destroyed, within six points, the red team will paralyze one-third of its conditioning ability."

Shi Jin agreed earnestly all over his body.

These special forces teams really have to be troops that have actually participated in actual combat.

Even if the area and scope of their operations are very small.

But these are not undeniable that their combat experience is very rich.

It was far more detailed than what he, the battalion commander, had seen.

"Okay, since Captain Qin has expressed his views a long time ago."

"That means that the place where we are stationed this time probably broke into the red fortress by mistake."

"Order to go down, the whole army rests at six o'clock."

"After the rest, the twelve members of the Special Forces team will be divided into four directions."

"Select 40 fighters with 1 point alertness from other combat teams."

"Follow everyone and set out to investigate."

"Remember, you must not expose yourself."

"No matter what kind of troops from the red side are stationed nearby, they must send the information back as soon as possible.

"After the investigation is over, come back and deploy the battle plan."

present. "

"The military exercise has just started, and now is the time when their awareness of defense is at its lowest."

"It is also the minimum time for capital changes."

"If you can really make some movement, it is decided that you will let the red square flesh map for a while."

"Let's go away."

After the meeting.

The backbone members of each company all walked out of the meeting room.

Said it was a conference room.

It's just a slightly bigger tent.

Seeing all walk out.

The chief guide, Chu Tiankuo, picked up the map and studied it for a while.

"Hey, what's interesting about Te Niang is that the people in these special forces teams have rich combat experience.

"Even the deployment of field hospitals can be considered in the plan."

"Why didn't I think of that?"

Shi Jin smiled slightly.


Well, some of them are becoming more and more abnormal, because the combat of conventional troops is different from that of special forces.

"They have to consider the whole terrain when they are fighting, and what places can help them complete the mission after Su Qing evacuates."

"But we have a large number, and the evacuation is to arrange routes, and we cannot simply consider the terrain.

"The general setting of the field hospital is that the road is flat, and the traffic around has made a lot of money. We follow the normal march."

"I often encounter it on the road, so I can't use this as a reference target."

For strategic warehouses, especially those similar to No. 1 Warehouse and No. 2 Warehouse, the fewer people who understand it, the better. "

"So it must not be close to the field hospital."

Chu Tiankuo agreed with the thoughtful point.

He admitted it.

The tasks performed by regular forces and special forces are different in nature.

Thinking about it is just different.

"Battalion Commander, since I have long known that the red side probably has a big strategic target, why don't you send this reminder message back."

"I'm afraid that even if the investigation is clear, we won't have the ability to attack."

Shi Jin shook and sighed.

"No need, now these are all our speculations.

"We'll have a meeting after the investigation is over."

"Let's talk about other things, as long as it's not the No. 1 Warehouse and the No. 2 Backup Warehouse, this kind of extra-large warehouses at the real strategic level."

"We still have the strength to fight."

"We were able to touch this place quietly, thanks to the fact that we don't have a serial number, and we can't let the red side pay attention."

"In case the reminder information is sent back, what is the deployment of the blue army?" The red team will get the reminder information very quickly.

"Under the checks and balances of each other, it is not so simple to make a sudden impact."

"So this is still up to us to fight."

Chu Tiankuo seriously agreed.

After saying goodbye to Shi Jin.

Also turned around and went back to rest.

Shi Jin understands that he is a little worried. The reorganized mixed battalion has not experienced too much war.

Lack of experience.

Can't take on such a critical combat mission.

Fear and trembling will have other changes.

But none of this is a problem for Shi Jin.

So many wars around the world have shown a problem.

A well-trained and well-armed force.

Even if you have no combat experience, you can still win battles.

Especially for modern troops.

Combat experience is of course very important, but it is not yet ranked in the top five that determine the combat effectiveness of troops.

Even from a certain unbelievable point of view.

If you blindly stick to combat experience, it will limit the combat effectiveness of a unit.

The time of the Second World War.

Thunderbolt Speed ​​Defeat is a prime example.

happened before this.

There is no concept of thunderbolt warfare at all.

Still galloping on the battlefield, the enemy he hits has no power to fight back.

And in the history of war.

Examples abound of inexperienced troops defeating experienced troops.

Therefore, Shi Jin thought.

Measure the combat effectiveness of an army.

It cannot be judged by whether the unit has combat experience. .

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