I, Shi Jin, Have Been In The Army Since Military School

089. Everything On The Red Side Is Under My Control!

Because no one can be sure.

A unit that has never been put into battle.

There is no possibility of winning the battle.

The reorganized mixed battalion won the first battle regardless of the comprehensive reason or the reason~ what is the reason.

But success is success.

This is the best example

Because this time is the Xia season.

The military exercise area is generally set in a place where fire and food are rare.

There are not only solitary mosquitoes in the dense forest.

There are also many creatures that can impact people.

The rest area selected by the special forces team is still a bit boring.

The result was a lot of trouble.

Shi Jin saw that some soldiers began to apply wind repellent oil on their bodies.

I also picked up a bottle of wind repellent oil and prepared to apply it on my body.

Qin Long on the other side saw it with his own eyes.

He walked over with a gentle smile on his face.

"Commander, this thing doesn't last long."

"Let's use sulfur ointment."

"Smear on exposed skin and rub some on clothing.

"If you lie there casually, no snakes, insects, rats or ants can come and harass you."

"The only downside is that it's too greasy, especially when you're sweating it's almost totally unbearable.

Shi Jin took the sulfur ointment and checked it.

"Maybe, in this kind of place, it doesn't matter what is wrong or wrong.

"Just get a good night's sleep."

"That's it, everyone, don't be busy in this place."

"Going all night and going to sleep, there is still a reconnaissance mission later.

Qin Long smiled slightly.

"Everything is okay, Battalion Commander, it's okay if we have time to perform the mission and can go on for two days and two nights without rest."

"I took my brothers to clean up the nearby werewolves and sprinkle some sulfur powder near the camp."

"It's safer that way."

"There are many things to pay attention to when stationed in this dense forest."

"Although some of the brothers live in simple and simple tents, this thing cannot prevent the ants that attack people."

"A sprinkling of sulfur powder would be much better."

Shi Jin seriously agrees.

The time for regularized troops to train in the field.

Also learned a lot of knowledge of field life.

But in this regard, there is still no way to compare with the special forces.

What the other party does must be more sure and detailed.

It has been a little more than half a toss.

Before they started to rest here.

The red team's reconnaissance planes began to appear one after another over the dense forest.

There are dense forests surrounding the mountains where they are.

Constantly carry out the investigation of void circles.

face such situations.

It turned out that the soldiers who had propped up the tents put them away one by one.

Hide in places where the canopy is rich and strong.

Looking forward to resting after the investigation.

Chief instructor Chu Tiankuo looked at the reconnaissance plane frequently.

His brows were tightly wrinkled.

"Commander, the situation is not right."

"It's only been a long time, and there have been six waves of investigations.

"It can't be that I just saw something wrong."

Shi Jin smiled and shook with a sigh.

"If you see that something is getting more and more abnormal, how can you possibly arrange a reconnaissance plane to come over.

"There is a high probability that it may have been replaced with an armed helicopter long ago."

"Everything is okay, arrange the soldiers well."

"The more sweaty the palms of the red team, the chills on the back, and the flustered the whole person, the more tricky this area is.

"They can do whatever they want.

Qin Long sat beside him and seriously agreed.

"That's the truth, the battalion commander's analysis is quite correct."

"The higher the frequency of these reconnaissance planes, the more it means that this area is particularly critical to the red side.

"There can be no mistakes."

"To be honest, I am very puzzled about what is going on around here.

"It takes such a big movement."

Shi Jin looked up into the void.

"Don't worry about this for now, order the soldiers to take a good rest.

"In the next long time, we will most likely have to adapt to this kind of nearby place, the situation and conditions."

"It doesn't matter what the red team actually deployed in this area."

"I will get detailed information this afternoon, and plan to kill them tonight."

"The longer the military exercises start, the more vigilant the red side will be.

"They shouldn't have thought that there were troops lurking beside them."

Shi Jin served as battalion commander.

His calmness and composure quickly affected the mood of the entire combat team.

It turned out that there were still some anxious soldiers.

Seeing that the battalion commander didn't take it seriously at all.

Also very quick to put down.

Leaning against the tree trunk, or laying down on the ground very quickly with eyes closed.

The density of the red team's reconnaissance planes is too high.

Setting up a tent is simple and revealing.

Over time.

It turns out that wave after wave of reconnaissance planes began to decrease.

It was replaced by armed transport planes that kept passing over the dense forest.

Shi Jin has always paid attention to the intention of the red side.

Soldiers can sleep soundly.

But as the battalion commander, he must understand every move of the enemy.

And also analyze the other party's motives.

Even if it looks very quiet.

But Shi Jin's heart is not quiet at all.

Facing such a large-scale investigation.

It can be said that the entire reorganized mixed camp is operating under the nose of others.

If you are caught, you will see it.

Everyone will be eliminated.

Song Wushuang, commander of the armored infantry company, was on duty.

After wandering around.

The battalion commander hasn't stopped yet.

Happy to sit next to him.

"Battalion Commander, didn't Lao Qin say that if the transport plane runs so diligently during the day, it means there must be a warehouse nearby."

"But the problem is that this transport plane is far less sophisticated than the investigation just now."

"Shouldn't be so stacked."

"I thought basically the rate is that the conditioning center is in this place." Shi Jin shook and sighed.

"Today is the day after the start of the military exercise, and the material consumption between the barracks cannot be so fast.

"Relying on the frequency of transport planes, it cannot be judged temporarily.

"Most of the troops stationed on the other side have not participated in the battle yet, even if it is food consumption, it can be spent there in the past two days.

"It's all speculation for us right now."

"Wait, let the brothers in the Special Forces team have a good rest first."

"The 40 selected fighters also had a good rest.'

"I will understand when I leave this place for investigation in the afternoon."

Song Wushuang seriously agreed.

I stood up and went to inspect the neighborhood.

After Shi Jin checked for a few breaths.

I just saw that the red team didn't notice anything unusual.

Also began to lean against the trunk to rest.

This piece of Milinte is a bit interesting and not a good place to rest.

No one has been here all year round.

The creatures inside have long since become a disaster.

Sulfur powder can block snakes, insects, rats and ants, but it cannot stop large wild creatures.

Especially wild boars that don't scurry around.

After seeing people, the impact is very fast.

In order not to reveal their location.

Whenever a wild boar broke in, the soldiers could not shoot.

You can only use knives-to tidy up these wild boars one by one.

The people in the cooking class are extremely busy.

There are so many more ingredients rashly.

Still almost no game at all.

The cooking team began to manufacture smoke-free stoves, planning to fill the stomachs of the brothers in the entire reorganized mixed camp.

The time for the break at six o'clock passed very quickly... The twelve members of the special forces team were divided into four directions.

In each direction there are three men leading ten other companies of brothers.

Start out to scout.

About this kind of very fast method of deploying people to investigate.

Shi Jinte's mother is a bit interesting, so that's it.

He has only studied the basic principles of integrated mixed combat and combat deployment issues.

How can the reorganized mixed forces use soldiers to scout on their two legs.

All are high-tech.

But the special forces team is very clear in this respect.

Shi Jin is still very confident about this.

Just over a little after the scouting team set off.

The original clear void.

Suddenly it became flying sand and rocks, and there was a strong wind.

The fierce rain matching turned out to mean that the lightning kept pouring down.

Shi Jin hastily ordered the soldiers of the entire integrated mixed battalion to get out of the dense forest immediately.

gathered in the mountains.

Reluctantly let everyone huddle in a shelter from the rain.

Fortunately, they have rainproof clothes in their backpacks for marching and fighting.

It's not enough to be tortured by this kind of climate.

The chief guide, Chu Tiankuo, looked at the void.

"The climate in this place is too strange."

"It was still a clear sky just now, but now it has turned into a torrential rain."

"Looking at this posture, there is a high probability that it may be almost impossible to get better in a short period of time.

"Brothers who left this place to investigate must not get lost."

…… Ask for flowers………

Shi Jin smiled slightly.

"How is it possible, with a special forces team following us, even if we get lost, they won't be able to get lost.

"Just stay at this place and wait with peace of mind."

"In bad weather, the red team's reconnaissance planes and armed transport planes will slowly return to the station.

"Wait a while and order the soldiers to retreat into the armored vehicle first after the investigation is over."

"After a day of inspections during the day, I saw it without seeing it, which means that our buried location is not very buried.

"Let the soldiers go to the car to rest and prepare for the night's battle.

Chu Tiankuo seriously agreed.

It was noticed that the red armed reconnaissance planes had been withdrawing one after another.

All the fighters of the integrated mixed battalion withdrew from this place.

into the armored vehicle.

Like what Shi Jin said.

When I first got out of the armored vehicle, it was 2.7 because I was worried that the red team suddenly made an impact.

Armored vehicles are scattered.

As long as the personnel are not in this place.

No battle damage occurred.

Then there is still power to fight.

But now in such a horrible weather, the red party's reconnaissance planes have already gone back.

Naturally, I am not afraid of being exposed.

Shi Jin stared at the increasingly gloomy void.

His eyes flickered coldly.

Perhaps other fighters will think that this weather is really bad.

Not friendly to fight.

But for him, this is actually the best opportunity to attack.

As long as the investigators bring back the intelligence.

As long as there is really a key warehouse or conditioning center nearby.

Then Shi Jin will quickly move at night to destroy the red team's deployment.

If you put it in the usual way.

The battle plan must be well studied and discussed.

But in the face of such harsh weather, there is nothing to discuss.

Rain is not a problem.

But this is followed by a storm followed by lightning, and the impact on radio detection and ranging radio locators will be particularly large.

It will interfere with the work of some band radio detection and ranging radio locators to a certain unthinkable extent.

More critically.

in such dire circumstances.

The power of the air assault will be reduced to a minimum.

This is indeed the best opportunity for impact.

Shi Jin looked outside the command vehicle.

Apparently it was afternoon.

But the void was gray for a while, the power of thunder swept across the sea with lightning, and the torrential rain poured down.

Deep in my heart I can't help feeling a little more sad.

In order to ensure the safety of the investigation.

The scouting team that was out did not take care of any electronic communication equipment.

such a harsh climate.

Followed by this unknown terrain.

Te Niang was a little bit worried about whether something happened to them that they didn't expect, it was very unexpected.

on the other hand.

Military activities are carried out under certain conditions of time and space.

The natural and geographical conditions on the battlefield, especially the meteorological conditions, have unimaginable influences and constraints on all aspects of combat.

At first Shi Jin thought it was such a bad weather.

The radio detection and ranging radio locator facilities on the red side will definitely be greatly affected.

And air combat troops will also be subject to certain checks and balances.

But the same.

The red side was affected, and so was their side.

If this kind of weather continues.

The aviation squadron must have no way to join the night raid mission.

This is a pity to say the least.

Looking at the battalion commander with his eyes, he looked at the surface with a worried face.

The chief guide, Chu Tiankuo, walked over with a smile.

"Battalion Commander, you don't have to worry about the investigation team."

"There are brothers from the Special Forces squad in all four directions, and those people are in more definitely harsh nearby places, and there is no problem with the situation and conditions they are in.

"This time the reconnaissance mission is even less problematic."

Shi Jin shook his face quietly and sighed.

"I'm not very worried about the reconnaissance mission, the first thing is to consider what troops are stationed nearby.

"We are an extremely fast force. We have no camps or garrisons, so we are not afraid of being attacked. 11

"But the Red Army is different. They are stationed in this place in this climate. What method do you think they will use to deal with the surprise attack?"

"I reckon that the red side may not be ignorant of this situation. In case of a blow, it is almost impossible to respond as quickly as usual.

Chu Tiankuo seriously agrees with him. .

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