Everyone went to classroom 2303 of the Second Teaching School together.

"Eh? Are you the super famous and youngest lord? I heard that you are super powerful, why did you come here for a special move?"

A girl jumped up and down in front of Lan Siyu, because her voice didn't weaken at all, it was clearly heard by the people around her.

Everyone around looked at Lan Siyu.

Lan Siyu: What is it? ? ? How to give her the feeling of a high-end white lotus? ? ? What are you doing bouncing around in your twenties? ! Act cute? !

"No, you have the wrong person."

Lan Siyu turned around and went upstairs.

Unexpectedly, the little white rabbit girl followed up and stopped Lan Siyu, "It's you! I know, the lord of the ancient earth, I saw you on the live broadcast of the Federation Planet Conference! I heard that you can also cook food?! Could it be Is this your specialty? Wow, I'm sure hopeless, this is super powerful!"

Lan Siyu who was stopped: Huh? ? ?

Deliberately revealing her identity and making her a public enemy?

Wrong, wrong, not white lotus, but Zhuyeqing—Zhuyeqing, alpine green tea.

Lan Siyu looked at the eyes of the people around him calmly, then turned to Zhuyeqing, oh no, turned to the girl who lowered her half head in front of her, "Oh, this is what you are talking about. Yes, I am the lord of the ancient earth Do you have anything? Everyone knows how to cook food, and I am a food anchor, and I have published all the methods of cooking food on the live broadcast platform, which is no longer a specialty!"

After finishing speaking, he shook his head again and sighed old-fashionedly, "You also know that I am from the ancient earth, so you must know how remote and backward the ancient earth used to be. To be honest, we have never been to the main federation star to study there. My child, this is a wish in everyone's heart.

As the lord, I have high hopes from everyone. Because the ancient earth education was backward, I naturally couldn't pass the entrance examination for cultural students, so I could only try my luck by recruiting special students. In fact, I didn't hold out too much hope. Everyone who can come here must have a skill and confidence.

I guess sister, you must be very powerful, otherwise you would not come here, I feel that you are so confident, you must be very sure, I am so envious of you. Unlike me, I can't do anything. Alas~”

Lan Siyu stepped forward and grabbed the girl's hand, shaking it from side to side, acting like a baby.

The girl who was caught off guard by Lan Siyu's series of teasing operations:? ? ?

Seeing that the attention of the people around has shifted from Lan Siyu to her, there is still a hint of vigilance.

The girl sneered, and broke her hand away from Lan Siyu's hand, "Hehe, how come, I also came from a remote and backward planet, and I also came to see the world..."

"Oh, that's right, we really share the same disease. Ah!" Lan Siyu was surprised and attracted more people's attention to this side.

"Wow, is this skirt of yours a limited edition of Churchilla this fall? It's amazing! I remember it hasn't been officially sold yet, right? It's amazing!

I have a friend from a second-rate family who has no channels to get it. You are really amazing! I also really like this dress, but everyone knows the conditions of the ancient earth, alas~"

Compared with green tea, who can compare...

The attention of the people around them glanced back and forth between the outfits of the two of them. It was clear at a glance who was rich and who was poor.

If you are able to buy the limited edition of Chuji Lachuji in advance, how can it be possible if you have no family background? Besides, everyone really listened to the words of the second-rate family just now.

If you don't think carefully, you will subconsciously think that the background of the girl in front of you must be higher than that of a second-rate family.

In the eyes of everyone, the ancient earth is just a planet with a B-level planet name, and the actual construction of the planet is not even comparable to a C-level planet. The population of the ancient earth is only 30,000, which is not as good as the population controlled by a third-rate family.

With such a comparison, everyone knows who is more threatening.

Lan Siyu felt that the sight on her body was less, she took a few steps back, and turned her head to look at Zhuyeqing, "Bye my sister! It's a pleasure talking to you!"

After speaking, he turned and walked upstairs.

There is a back view of two greens fighting each other and the winner emerges.

After this episode, everyone paid more attention to Lan Siyu and this girl, but they were more wary of girls.

2303 is a very large room, which is generally fan-shaped and can accommodate about a thousand people. There are also several small rooms in the classroom.

When Lan Siyu came in, there were already more than a hundred people seated, so he randomly found a corner seat and sat down.

There were only more than 300 people, but there were more than a thousand seats, so the seats were scattered. After all, they were all opponents, and everyone's vigilance never let go.

At around 8:50, three middle-aged people and two elderly people walked in one after another, followed by a young man.

This is the happy face of being called by the tutor to serve as free labor.

At exactly nine o'clock, the gate closed automatically, and several students who did not arrive in the classroom on time for some unknown reason were turned away.

really. Punctuality, wherever is a basic requirement.

Le Rong stood up, glanced at the hundreds of people in front of him, and showed a bright smile, "Hello everyone, welcome to the interview re-examination for the special admissions in the autumn of 100002, the star calendar of the first federal institution of higher learning. The grade student, Le Rong, is also the host of today's interview."

The two eyes are bent into crescent moons, like a warm and sunny boy, a good man and a senior.

I don't know why, the first time Lan Siyu saw this boy, he thought he should be a bit coquettish. Ah, judging by appearance again, sin sin.

Lan Siyu repented in her heart, and Le Rong spoke on the stage.

"This interview will be conducted according to the order in which everyone predicts that they will pass. During the interview, the interviewers will enter the five rooms next to them. The interviewers include Professor Liu from the School of Management, and Teacher Zhang from the School of Mechanical Armor..."

Without too much nonsense, after Le Rong's introduction, the interview will start directly.

Numbers one to ten enter the room at the same time, two people share one room. Several professors could clearly see the actions of ten people in the interview room while sitting in their seats. But everyone in the classroom can't see it.

Lan Siyu looked at No. 1, who was a boy with a feminine appearance and a slender figure, and No. 2 was the girl from before.

The ten people in front entered the room amid the gazes of hundreds of people.

Suddenly, the classroom became quiet, because no one else could be seen, so everyone could only judge how the people inside were doing by the facial expressions of a few professors.

Lan Siyu turned his head to look at the others, and saw that they were all focused on the professors on the stage. That look is like a sophisticated scanning analyzer, ready to carefully analyze the facial expressions of several professors.

Lan Siyu thought it was scary...

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