I Spread the Cosmos By Live Broadcast of Food

Chapter 234: The Interview Begins

The people around are looking at the teacher, Lan Siyu is looking at the people around, and Le Rong is looking at Lan Siyu.

Le Rong glanced casually at first, and saw the familiar girl sitting in the corner, with one right hand covering half of her face, her head tilted to the left; after a while, she put her right hand down again and used her left hand Holding his face, he began to look to the right.

Le Rong: Confused Behavior Award?

Lan Siyu looked around all the people within sight, well, there was no one prettier than her.

Just came out and felt Lan Siyu's 666 silently chanting in his heart: ..., when did this host become so drifting? ! Was it unintentionally absent from her growth?

"Since when have you been so narcissistic?"

"Huh? No, let's be honest. Take a look for yourself. Is it my best look?"


"Why are you out? Didn't you say you had something to tell me last time?"

"Oh, I want to remind you that if you say that you are good at growing vegetables, you should not pass. After all, you can't see the results within a few minutes when you grow vegetables. You need to see the special admissions interview of the first federal institution of higher learning. The result. But growing vegetables is obviously a long-term process... so the chances of being admitted should not be high..."

"Huh??? I've rehearsed the wording and process in my mind three or four times, and it's almost up to me, you tell me you can't? It's an afterthought?"

"Didn't I just remember it... I wanted to remind you before... I forgot."

"Then this is your employee's dereliction of duty, right? It has nothing to do with our taskers, right? If I can't be selected, is it your responsibility? You have to take full responsibility! Otherwise, I will sue you!"

666 felt that something was wrong, but it was just produced by the main system, it was the first time to do the system, the first time to contact the host, and it didn't have much social experience, so it couldn't tell what was wrong.

Hearing Lan Siyu's serious tone about complaining about it, 666 panicked and said in a hurry: "This time it's my fault, and I will take responsibility. Don't complain to me. If you complain, I will go to the next planet." There is no energy left.

Without energy, I don't have enough mental power, so I can't chat with other systems, and I can't follow You Linrang's novels. Please, don't complain to me! "

There was a hint of pleading and grievance in the soft and waxy Zheng Taiyin, which made Lan Siyu feel that he was a little too much? !

In fact, it was her own decision to come to study at the first federal institution of higher learning. It was her own decision to enrich herself and learn more things. The purpose was to learn management knowledge and expand her network, so as to facilitate the development of the ancient earth in the future.

This has nothing to do with the mission issued by the system. If it is forced, it has something to do with the second mission to turn the ancient earth into an A-level planet.

It's normal for 666 not to remind her, because it's not within its scope of responsibility, and it's not its obligation.

She was just joking, she thought 666 would react, but she didn't expect 666 to be tricked.

Isn't this statistic too simple?

"Okay, because you have been with me for a year, and you have helped me this year, then I will forgive you mercifully. But you have to tell me in advance about this kind of thing in the future. I prepared well in advance, otherwise I would not be able to get into the first high school, I would not be able to develop the planet properly, I would not be able to complete the mission, and it would be difficult for you to explain to the main system."

There is guilt, but the mysterious operation of this system to issue tasks is also a real dog.

Lan Jivenge Siyu still feels that it is very difficult to upgrade the ancient earth from a D-level planet to an A-level planet in one year.

It's like giving you an extremely difficult task to complete in a short period of time. If you want to complete it, you must burst out with great potential and strength to complete it on time, with quality and quantity.

Lan Siyu can't say whether these tasks are good or bad, she only knows that if she can't complete them, what awaits her is a result-death.

If she wants to survive, she can only keep working hard and keep moving forward. After all, if he was reincarnated, he would not be Lan Siyu.

"So what do I use? Paleo culture or culinary culture?"

She felt more at ease when she switched to ancient culture and culinary culture as her specialty.

In fact, Lan Siyu doesn't know how to grow vegetables, and she only knew about them briefly in her previous life. After all, her grandparents like to grow some small vegetables and Chinese cabbage in the yard.

She only learned about the planting time and nutritional functions of some vegetables when she was learning cooking. She had never experienced the real thing of planting vegetables in the ground and waiting for the harvest.

Even on the ancient earth, she had never experienced the process of planting seeds, watering and fertilizing them, and waiting for ripe harvest. She always provided seeds to provide purified water, and then let the ancient earth residents plant them. She really didn't have the vegetable-growing skills to say how to grow vegetables to make them grow well.

What I said earlier about growing vegetables as a specialty is just to show that she can grow vegetables containing the ABR-1 factor. If it is just planting, it is not a specialty. Now this one doesn't work, so I can only replace it.

"It should be possible. Compared with the ancient culture that has lost part and kept part, the culinary culture has been lost more thoroughly. You should be able to pass if you are good at understanding culinary culture."

For the federation that once needed rapid development and strong technology to expand its territory and occupy the universe, the ancient culture of the ancient earth is dispensable, because now is the interstellar era, what they need is interstellar civilization, interstellar culture, and ancient culture is a thing of the past .

The ancient culture gradually arrived later, after the federal expansion slowed down, and after the people's material life was saturated, some talents slowly picked up the ancient culture and established the ancient culture association.

But culinary culture has not been so lucky.

Lan Siyu feels that these are like many intangible cultural heritages in her previous life that were replaced and lost due to the development of the times and the advancement of technology.

These cultures are the crystallization of the wisdom of the ancestors, but they have become useless due to the development of later generations. This is cruel and inevitable in the development of the times.

"I know, let me think about what I will say later, and make a draft first."

Lan Siyu didn't know how many numbers she was in, so she could only go through it quickly in her heart. After she practiced once, she raised her head. At this moment, the former No. 10 student had just walked out of the room.

Everyone had different expressions on their faces, and it was unclear whether they had passed or not.

Lan Siyu caught a glimpse of the girl before, looked at her and sighed, seeming to relax a lot. This looks like it probably passed.

If she is also successfully admitted, based on the episode just now, she and this girl are probably...

Tsk, she seems to have found herself another potential opponent? !

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