Chapter 121: The Most Terrifying Superhuman Devil Fruit Ability!!

“Now, start auctioning today’s second fruit!”

“Explain it in advance!”

“This fruit is superhuman!”

“But it’s also a general-level ability!”

“At the same time, it is also one of the top few abilities in the Superhuman Devil Fruit!”

“If it is developed to the extreme, let alone fight weirdos, even if it destroys the world, it can be done!”

“Even if the talent is amazing, stop time can do it!”

Lu Li held a demon fruit that looked ordinary but did not attract attention, and said to the people in the venue.

“You should all know that I never lie!”

“Those abilities I mentioned above, as long as you eat this fruit and develop it to the extreme, understand the essence of the fruit ability, it is easy to do the things I said!”

“Because the ability of this fruit has such great potential!”

The people present widened their eyes when they heard Lu Li’s words, staring directly at the devil fruit in Lu Li’s hand.

The people on the barrage also boiled directly.

“I’m a squidge!”

“The store manager has sold so many devil fruits, and he has never had such a high evaluation of those fruit abilities!”

“Even the natural burnt fruit, as well as the frozen fruit just now, are not so highly evaluated!”

“What the hell is this ability?”

“Can you actually make a strong person of the level of the store manager so highly regarded?”

“Developed to the extreme, it can easily destroy the world!!”

“Is it earthquake capability?”

“If one person can easily cause an earthquake of more than a dozen magnitude, it is really possible to destroy the world!”

“It can’t be the earthquake fruit ability, didn’t you hear what the store manager just said?”

“After the ability of this fruit is developed to the extreme, there is a possibility of stopping time!”

“Can the earthquake in your house stop time?”

“Absolutely can’t be seismic capability!”

“I have a guess, maybe it may be the fruit of quantum ability in physics!”

“This ability is very much in line with those points that the store manager said!”

“Developed to the extreme, it can destroy the world and stop time!”

“Nonsense, also quantum fruit, quantum is just a general term, how can it be used as the name of the fruit?”

“It’s okay, don’t pretend to understand brother on the Internet!”

The ability of the Devil Fruit that Lu Li said was about to be sold, and there was a lot of noise on the barrage, and there were all kinds of conjectures.

It’s really Lu Li’s description of this fruit’s ability is a little too outrageous! The ability to destroy the world!

Lu Li, who has sold so many fruit abilities, only has such a high evaluation of this fruit!

Not only the people on the barrage were noisy, but the people who participated in the auction at the scene were even more excited, and they were all ready to win this fruit.

And those who are self-aware are only ready to watch the excitement and aim all their eyes on the fruits of ordinary animal lines in the future.

Lu Li looked at the shocked gazes of everyone in the audience with satisfaction.

“Fruit ability, I have already told you in general!”

“As for the specific ability, I will tell you clearly after someone buys this fruit!”

“The reserve price is 100 million, and each price increase must not be less than 10 million!”

“Now, start the auction!”

As the small hammer in Lu Li’s hand struck on the tabletop, the people in the auction hall first looked at me and I saw you quiet for a while, and then they erupted into deafening shouts.

“I give out a billion yuan!”

Still the son of the richest man, holding the number plate in his hand high, the first to stand up and shouting loudly, for fear that others would not know that it was him.

“Boy, go out, don’t be so arrogant!”

“It’s your father’s money, not your own, what kind of calf is installed here?”

The real net worth of the richest man in Central Plains Province is not weaker than the so-called richest man in the country, looking at such an arrogant richest son, some unhappy opening lessons.

“I give out three billion!”

“This kind of fruit ability that can destroy the world, if it falls into the hands of you, a little cub who has not dried up and his nationality is not in the Great Xia Dynasty, it will be really blind!”

The richest man in Central Plains Province unceremoniously scolded the son of the so-called richest man in the country.


The young man was not lightly angry, but he knew what the identity of the richest man in the Central Plains Province was, so he did not dare to shout anymore, and sat down in ashes.

It is very simple to say that in Daxia, a country with a rich history, there is pure money, and there is no use for farts, and you must have the right.

And the richest man in the Central Plains Province has a lot of power.

Qilufu didn’t care about these farces at all, as if he hadn’t seen it, he directly raised the number 20 plate in his hand and spoke: “Then I’ll add another billion!” ”

“Four billion!”

“This kind of fruit ability that can pose a great threat to the world and the Great Xia Dynasty, I think it is better to use it by the people of the military!”

“Of course, I am not using the identity of the military to overwhelm people, everyone compete fairly!”

“Whoever bids high will get it!”

Zirufu’s face was calm, but his heart had already begun to get excited. With such a powerful fruit ability, how could he not want it?

As long as he eats this fruit, and there will be a weird attack in the future, he will no longer be like a shrunken turtle and can only sit and command.

As a general, you have to charge to come to the battle!

Many people present looked at Zilufu, some of whom had the idea of bidding, and did not speak again.

The richest man in the Central Plains Province glanced at Qilufu meaningfully, did not speak, and then began to bid.

Qilufu’s face trembled slightly, but he didn’t say much, and followed closely to bid.

The two competed to the end, and the price had almost exceeded 10 billion.

Ma Long next to him, and Ke Zunshan, who was sitting back in his seat, looked at the richest man in Central Plains Province who was bidding hard, and his face became gloomy.

It’s not that they can’t afford to lose, but they doubt that this richest man is working so hard to buy this fruit ability with the ability to destroy the world, is there some conspiracy?

After all, in the thousands of years of history of the Great Xia Dynasty, there were many people who accumulated grain and slowly became kings in the chaotic times!

Since the advent of the Weird Era, although the official of the Great Xia Dynasty did not say, the high-level people have been paying attention to the appearance of such a troubled man.

The richest man in Central Plains Province naturally felt the gloomy eyes of Ma Long and Ke Zunshan, sighed, did not say much, but increased the price again…

In the end, the second devil fruit was won by him at a price of more than ten billion under the price raised by the richest man in the Central Plains Province.

It’s not that Qilufu and the Daxia behind him can’t afford this money, but the most important thing for them now has become to keep an eye on the richest man in the Central Plains Province to see what he wants to do.

Soon, Lu Li received the transfer.

At this point, money is really just a symbol for him. But being able to watch his Devil Fruit sell for tens of billions of dollars, he was actually very happy in his heart.

“Now, one of the most powerful small demonic fruits in this superhuman line is yours!”

Lu Licai doesn’t care what the richest man in the Central Plains Province is thinking. He just sold the fruit.

“Thank you, store manager!”

The richest man in Central Plains Province looked at the fruit in his hand with excitement and regret in his eyes for a full five minutes.

“Why don’t you eat?”

Lu Li looked at him with some curiosity. The richest man in Central Plains Province smiled and said, “Haha, this fruit is so precious, of course I won’t eat it!” ”

“I’m almost sixty years old!”

“Wouldn’t it be a waste to eat such a top-notch fruit?”


The old man sighed and said, “I’ve earned too much money in this life, so money doesn’t mean much to me anymore!” ”

“Store manager, I want to give this fruit to General Qi of the military, I don’t know?”

Lu Li looked at this spirited old man in surprise, and he didn’t expect it.

“Of course you can!”

Qilufu was even more surprised, and he looked at the old man he wanted to investigate in disbelief.

“Why give it to me?”

“Or if you want to give it to me, just don’t bid directly!”

“Why do you want to do this?”

“Of course, it’s the old man, I have a lot of money and nowhere to spend it!”

The richest man in the Central Plains Province opened his mouth with a smile, and then threw the precious devil fruit in his hand to Qilufu.

In fact, Lu Li knew what this old man was thinking.

Because of the awakening of the surgical fruit, he could feel that the person in front of him was almost terminally ill, and a good mental state was achieved by taking medicine. Lu Xizhong thought: “He should have done this to leave a good impression on me, General Qi, and the people of these military regions!” ”

“Forcibly let the people of the military district owe him a favor!”

“At the same time, it makes me have a good impression of him!”

“In this way, even if he dies, his descendants can live safely and worry-free under the protection of the military in this chaotic world!”

“However, didn’t he see the video of me healing the injuries of the Ability Squad before?”

“Why don’t you just ask me to treat him?”

Lu Li’s idea, the richest man in the Central Plains Province certainly thought of it.

However, as a qualified businessman, he certainly has to bet on both ends. Of course, he had seen the miraculous ability of the fruit of Luli surgery.

However, he did not dare to guarantee that the cancer that had spread to his liver could be cured by Lu Li.

If it can be cured, then everyone is happy, the people of the military district still owe favors to others, and his path will be wider in the future.

If it can’t be cured, then it doesn’t matter, the military district owes favors to others and will definitely protect his family.

Based on this thought, he made this decision…

Lu Li ignored his twists and turns, looked up at Qilufu, and said, “Eat this fruit!” ”

“The old man is embarrassed, but don’t go against his good intentions!”

“After eating, I’ll tell you what kind of ability it is!”

“As for this old man, when the auction is over, you can come to me!”

Hearing Lu Li’s words, the richest man in the Central Plains Province nodded, took a gentle breath, endured the severe pain in his body, and sat on the chair with the help of the people around him.

Zirufu is a cheerful person, he has nothing to entangle, after all, he really needs ability, so he is not pretentious, and directly opens his mouth to bite down.

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