Chapter 122: Incomparably Powerful Gravity Fruit!!

The second fruit of the Luli auction was bitten off by Qilufu.

“Strange, it is said that the Devil Fruit tastes extremely bad, but I think this is okay!”

Ziruf chewed the flesh of the devil fruit and looked at the black-purple superhuman fruit with strange patterns in his hand.

Lu Li nodded with a smile and spoke, “This is normal, not all devil fruits are very unpalatable!” ”

“Now that you have eaten this extremely top-notch superhuman fruit, have you felt the energy circulating in your body?”

“Close your eyes and carefully comprehend the power of this fruit!”

“After experiencing the ability, you will know that my evaluation of this fruit is definitely not alarmist!”

“It’s just stating a fact!”

When Qilufu heard Lu Li’s words, under the gaze of everyone in the venue and those watching the live broadcast, he closed his eyes slightly, and according to Lu Li’s words, he experienced the energy given to him by this superhuman fruit.

Soon, he opened his eyes with a very excited look on his face.

“It’s actually this ability that is completely beyond my expectations!”

“The store manager’s words are not wrong in the slightest!”

“After the ability of this fruit is developed to the extreme, it does indeed have the ability to destroy the world!”

“As for the ability to stop time, I don’t quite understand it yet!”

“But I believe that the store manager’s words will never be wrong!”

Qilufu spread out his palm, his five fingers slightly open, trying to mobilize the fruit ability to gather in the palm of his hand.

Soon, in the puzzled eyes of everyone, a purple energy mass condensed in the palm of Qilufu’s hand.

Whether it was everyone present or those who saw this purple energy through the camera, they all frowned, as if an instinctive voice in their hearts was telling them that they must stay away from this group of energy, otherwise something terrifying would happen!

This extremely powerful warning of danger made their faces change drastically, and they took a step back.

“You still don’t try to gather all the fruit abilities!”

Lu Li looked at Qilufu and opened his mouth to remind.

“Now you don’t have enough control over the ability of this fruit, and if you rashly gather too many fruit abilities, it will bring danger to everyone around!”

“Especially now that it’s on an empty island!”

“When you develop it, you will be able to understand how powerful this fruit is!”

Hearing Lu Li’s words, Qi Lufu nodded, and hurriedly withdrew the purple energy mass in his palm back into his body.

Then, he raised his head to look at Lu Li and said with anticipation: “Store manager!” ”

“Is there a drawing of this Superhuman fruit like a frozen fruit?”

“Although I also know that the ability of this fruit is very powerful, but if I really want to say a reason about ability development, I really don’t have a clue for a while!”

“I hope the store manager can inspire me once!”

Not only Qilufu, but also everyone present was looking forward to Lu Li, hoping to let them see the top development ability of this devil fruit!

After all, this is a terrifying ability that Lu Li calls capable of destroying the world and stopping time!

No one is not curious about this! Lu Li did not refuse, nodded: “Of course you can~”! ”

“This Devil Fruit, like the Frozen Fruit, is the highest combat power level ability!”

“Its power will definitely exceed all of you’s expectations!”

After the words fell, Lu Li called the system in his mind.

“Give me permission!”

“I’ll project them on!”

“Permission to give to the host!”

“Very good!”

Then, Lu Li waved his right hand, and a high-definition picture appeared in front of everyone’s eyes.

In the picture, a tall, blind man with a knife is standing on a mound of earth, flying at a very fast speed.

“Devil Fruit with the ability to fly?”

“This is the first time I’ve seen it!”

“However, what kind of ability is this, it looks as if the man is controlling the land under his feet and flying with himself!”

“And… Can control the small ones that can only stand on their own. Land, that is also able to control a very large area of the island, fly into the sky? ”

“Could it be that this empty island of the store manager was created with this ability?”

People in modern society have big brains, they just see a small piece of land flying with a man in the picture, and guess that the fruit ability can control a large island after being developed to the extreme.

“This is just the basic application of this fruit’s ability!”

“Then look back!”

Lu Li reminded loudly, quieting the noisy venue again. Immediately after, the picture turned.

Everyone clearly saw that the tall blind man in the picture slowly pulled out the battle knife in his hand, and the blade reflected the face of a fierce tiger.

As the tall man drew his sword, those around him lay on the ground uncontrollably for no reason!

The body was pressed against the ground, and he wanted to raise his head in a daze, but he couldn’t do it at all.

Then, in the shocked eyes of everyone in the venue, the eyes of those who were pressed to the ground by unknown forces and could not move showed a look of horror.


With a loud bang, the tall blind man’s sword was placed on the ground, and an extremely terrifying hole appeared in front of him.

“I’ll go, what kind of ability is this?”

“How can it look so terrifying!”

“Those people in the picture are going to be crushed into meatloaf by unknown forces, right?”

“You don’t even need to move, you can directly activate the ability!”

“And looking at its understatement, it’s obviously just a small test!”

“This is terrifying!”

“Looking at the ability performance in the picture, I feel that this second fruit auctioned by the store manager is most likely gravity or pressure!”

“Whether it’s gravity or pressure ability, you can do that kind of performance in the picture!”

“Pressing people to the ground and not moving, pressing out a terrifying hole in the ground, etc., can be done!”

“I think it’s the fruit of gravity!”

“The basic force of gravity can barely have anything to do with time, but pressure has nothing to do with time at all!”

“If it’s the fruit of gravity…”


Everyone who saw this speculation on the barrage gasped.

“If you can control gravity, it’s really terrifying!”

“If you are not rigorous, gravity can even be said to be gravity!”

“One of the four fundamental forces of the universe!!”

“Strong nuclear force, weak nuclear force, electromagnetic force, gravity…”

“If you can control one of the four basic forces of the universe, it will be an extremely terrifying existence!”

“No wonder the store manager would say that this superhuman fruit has the power to destroy the world!”

“Although I don’t know how to destroy, just because it can control the gravitational force of one of the four fundamental forces of the universe, it is outrageous enough!”

“Moreover, the fruit ability awakening that the store manager just said, if the gravity fruit awakens, it is likely to be the real manipulation of a certain degree of gravity!”

The tall blind man in the picture made a move, which made the people on the barrage guess wildly.

Lu Li smiled slightly and said, “This is only the most basic use of this fruit’s ability!” ”

Ziruf endured the excitement in his heart, his eyes glued to the picture that began to turn.

In the picture, the tall blind swordsman raised his unsheathed sword high with one hand, and his body burst out of rich purple energy that rushed straight to the sky.

Under the control of this energy, the island has become a ruin, and the rubble and rubble on it are all lifted into the air under the action of gravity!


Ziruf and everyone present widened their eyes.

“That’s an exaggeration!”

“How powerful does this have to be??”

No wonder the people at the scene were shocked.

Because they clearly saw that the ruins and rubble of an entire island in the picture were easily lifted into the air by that tall blind swordsman!

Countless rubble hovered over the island under the action of rich purple energy, forming an incomparably huge sphere!

Countless rubbles collided with each other under the control of purple energy, and then fit tightly, and the huge sphere slowly rotated and floated above the entire island!

From a distance, it looks like a person is manipulating an asteroid to cover the island!

Although many people guessed that the ability of this fruit is gravity.

But this scene in the picture still exceeded the expectations of many people present.

“Oh my God!!”

“How powerful does this have to be!?”

“This ability, even if it is just smashed with rubble, can easily destroy a city, right?”

“As soon as the purple energy is activated, which of those tall buildings and various buildings can withstand the pull of this terrifying gravity?”

“Moreover, through the picture just now, you can see that this fruit ability can also act on the human body out of thin air!”

“That is to say, if the ability of this fruit uses the latter move in the face of thousands of creatures…”

“Then you can’t directly lift hundreds of thousands of people into the air out of thin air, and life is under the control of the ability of this fruit?”

“It’s really worthy of the store manager’s ability to destroy the world!”

Not only the people on the barrage were stunned by the superb ability of this fruit, but Qilufu, who watched the picture on the spot, was even more excited!

Rich purple energy kept swimming on him, and the surrounding objects began to shake.


Lu Li was a little surprised.

“I actually realized it so quickly!”

“Talent is actually so good?”

“It seems that this fruit is in your hands, it should not be buried!”

Lu Li didn’t expect that Qilufu just looked at the moves in the picture, and he immediately had an understanding of the ability, and even directly began to experiment with the moves.

“Such a rare epiphany of fruit ability, can’t be wasted!”

Lu Li waved his big hand, and the electromagnetic force controlled by the Thunder Fruit after advancing pulled the objects in the venue, returning them to their original state.

Almost ten minutes later, Ziruf opened his eyes.

Lu Li could clearly feel that his strength and control of the fruit’s ability had been greatly improved!

“How does it feel?”

Lu Li asked with interest.

“Thank you, store manager!”

“If it weren’t for the guidance of the store manager, Zirufu would definitely take a lot of detours!”

“Don’t worry, this is far from the limit of this fruit’s ability!”

Lu Li smiled slightly, controlling the picture to rotate again.

“That kind of control just now is not the final effect of my fruit ability?”

Not only Qilufu, but also the people present had not yet woken up from the shock just now, when they heard Lu Li’s words.

“Of course not!”

“What comes next is the ability of this fruit to truly destroy the world!”

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