Chapter 155: Attack from the Seafloor [7/7]

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【ps: The seventh update! It’s finally over!】

“”Oh, they’re lowering the boats. Are they preparing for a boarding battle with us?”

On the Emperor’s bridge, Gu Yuan, wearing a pure white navy uniform, looked at the Ster warships a thousand meters away that were lowering countless small boats.

“Pass the order down, all soldiers prepare, and the light and heavy firepower on the warships should be fully equipped.”

Gu Yuan waved his hand and looked at the officers around him.

“Your Majesty, rest assured, each warship has at least ten 0mm anti-aircraft cannons and more than ten dual-purpose anti-aircraft and anti-aircraft machine guns.”

Rotis stood beside him with a smile on his face.

He was laughing at those demons who overestimated their own abilities.

“Also, let the submarine forces start harassing the enemy warships on both sides.”

“The warships on both sides also opened fire on them. If we are really surrounded by them, it will be a little troublesome.”

Gu Yuan was lying on the chair with his legs on the bridge console in front of him, saying proudly

“Hahahaha! Row the boat faster!”

“I can’t wait to board the human warships!”

More than 200 demon warships launched thousands of small boats full of demon sailors.

“Don’t worry! Our boat is small, their weapons can’t hit us accurately! Everyone get ready!”

The captain of the demon stormtroopers said loudly at the bow of a small boat, waving a scimitar in his hand.

The Ster tribe had already lowered the boat and was ready to land the warships of the Los Empire.

The Hart tribe and the Lanlin tribe on both sides suddenly stopped moving forward.

Because their fleet, inexplicably, several warships suddenly exploded!

The whole ship exploded instantly, and then began to break and disintegrate, sinking.

“What’s going on? The human fleet didn’t attack us!”

“What’s going on!”

“I don’t know, the two warships suddenly exploded.”

A demon officer was looking at the bow of a warship, and he gasped.

He saw that the two warships were burning with fire and thick black smoke.

They were sinking.

The bodies of demon sailors were floating on the sea.

Why!? They were not attacked by the human fleet.

Why did two warships suddenly sink!

The prince commanders of the two tribes stared, thinking in confusion.

“Forget it, don’t worry about it, just move on!”

“We can’t stop! It’s just two warships, we can afford the loss, the Ster tribe who attacked head-on has lost more than half of their troops, we have to watch them being annihilated, I can’t explain it.”The fat devil stood on the watchtower, looking at the whole scene, and shouted loudly.

Under the sea.

Five streamlined submarines were lurking quietly.

The 533-meter torpedo port emitted a cold light in the dark sea.

“Well, we have already circled to the side of the human warship!”

The Hart Fleet, the two identical demon men showed a sneer at the corners of their mouths. They stood on the flagship’s observation tower, looking at the Los Empire fleet on the side of their own fleet.



Two demonic men roared one after the other.


Suddenly, there was a loud noise from the flagship, and a huge explosion occurred on the hull. The whole ship began to tilt, and countless stirred sea water hit the deck.


“What’s going on!”

The two demon men shuddered and swayed on the watchtower.

“Our battleship is under attack!”

“Where did the attack come from? Are human warships attacking us?!”

“No! The human warships haven’t attacked us yet!”

Countless demon sailors fell on the deck, the entire warship swayed left and right, and explosions continued to sound on the warship.


A piercing sound came, and a demon servant looked at the deck under his feet in great fear.

He suddenly saw that a crack was spreading continuously!

“The battleship is going to disintegrate!!”

He let out an extremely shrill scream.

“Oh my god! What kind of attack have we received?”

Countless demons screamed and fell into the sea from the shaking warship.

The 120-meter-long flagship began to catch fire, explode, and even break apart.

His fate could only be sinking!

“Damn it!”

“What on earth happened?”

Two demon men steadied themselves on the observation deck and kept looking down.

They knew very well that the fleet of the Los Empire had definitely not attacked them just now, so where did the attack come from?

Under the sea, one of the five submarines had just fired a torpedo.

It hit the flagship.

With just one high-explosive torpedo, the flagship was completely destroyed and began to sink.

“No way!”

“The attack came from the bottom of the sea!”

The two demons looked at the deep water with a trace of fear on their faces.

Why, why would there be an attack coming from the bottom of the water!

This is impossible, this is impossible, how could humans have warships that sail underwater!


A torpedo was fired again from the top launch port of a submarine.

It continued to climb upwards from the bottom of the sea.

With its long tail, it hit a demon warship again this time!

The huge explosion overturned the 60-meter-long demon warship!

Countless demon sailors fell into the water, screaming and struggling.

“It’s actually true!”

“From the bottom of the sea!”

The two demon men suddenly widened their eyes, with a hint of fear in their eyes.

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