Chapter 156 I will destroy them myself! [1/7]

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【ps: First update, there are six more to go!】

“I didn’t expect the attack to come from underwater.”

“That’s right, what should we do now?”

Two demon men stood on the watchtower that had begun to slowly descend, and they looked at each other.

Although their strength allowed them to survive in the water for a short period of time, the Harts were not a water race. In fact, most demons were land races like humans, and would drown if they stayed in the water for too long.

“You stay up there, I’ll go down and take a look.”

The demon man on the right suddenly jumped up, and his body suddenly began to swell.

Finally, he turned into a centaur-like being with bat wings, eagle-like four legs.

He was thirteen meters long, and his bony tail whipped in the air, making continuous explosions.

His wings were on the back of his lower body, his hands were clasped in the air, and there was a single horn on his head that looked like a pitch-black scimitar.

His form was extremely unsuitable for moving in the water, and the wings on his back would seriously hinder his agility in the water.

But at this moment they all knew that if they didn’t deal with the enemy lurking under the water, they would probably be doomed!

Their flagship had begun to sink, and the demons present found that if their flagship sank, it would probably have an impact on morale.

“We must deal with the human warships underwater, I will do it myself.”

His voice became like thunder at this moment, his fangs turned outward, and the whole person fluttered back and forth in the sky, dragging out a series of black streamlines.


With a sudden sound, he fell rapidly downwards and landed in the sea.

“Brother, it all depends on you.”

The remaining demon man said in a deep voice, and then he jumped from the completely sunken flagship watchtower directly to a demon battleship next to it.

“His Excellency Prince Hatzer”

“Prince Harus……..”

A big demon on the ship looked at him with some fear.

He went to deal with those damned humans underwater.

“Ah! There really is an enemy underwater!”

“How could these damn humans build a warship that can operate underwater?”

“Don’t panic, Lord Harus is very powerful, we will definitely win!”

“Right, hahaha! Long live Lord Harus!”

Hearing that Harus would personally go into the water to deal with the human warships, their initial panic quickly turned into excitement.

Lord Harus would personally take action, and those humans would surely die!



Suddenly, dozens of artillery shells came, and a nearby demon warship was instantly hit. The explosion broke through the warship’s shield, and the demon warship could not escape the fate of sinking.

“Another battleship sunk!”

“Those humans attacked us, what should we do!”

“”Lord Hazes!”

Seeing the destruction and sinking of other warships and the death of their own kind, the demon sailors could not help but feel unstable.

The entire joint fleet had destroyed hundreds of warships and tens of thousands of their own kind had died, while the enemy had no casualties!

Such a battle had never been fought by them before. They had always killed and defeated the enemy, and this had never happened before.

So they began to get confused.


“After three thousand years, these humans have become so powerful!”

Hazers obviously discovered this. He couldn’t let the army continue to be in chaos!

They suffered countless casualties, while humans had no casualties at all. He had to do something!

Since his brother went to attack the underwater enemies, he would attack the human warships.

“I will deal with those humans myself, and you will be in charge for now!”

Hazes pointed at a big demon and said, without giving him any more words, he flew up into the sky and transformed into a giant beast that looked exactly like the monster just now. The bat wings on his centaur-like lower body fluttered, and a strong gust of wind blew downwards. He rushed to the battlefield in the middle of the battlefield like a stream of black light.

“”Hazers, what are you doing here?”

The sticky demon stood on the watchtower and shouted at Hazers who was rushing towards him.

“I will destroy those humans myself!”

Hazes’ voice was like thunder, and his wings behind him fluttered.

“No need, our warriors are already approaching those damn human warships!”

The skinny demon was a little angry, he hated being interfered with in battle, in his opinion, as the commander, since he had given them the order to attack the flank, they should have executed it well instead of interfering with his battle!

On the front battlefield, the bombardment was still going on, and the warships of the Ster tribe were basically destroyed at this moment.

So the skinny demon decisively abandoned the main fleet!

He asked all the demon sailors to start lowering the boats, and then attack the fleet of the Los Empire at close range!

As long as he could capture and get those huge human warships, even if Even though he lost all his warships, it was worth it!

Ma Gan believed that Demon King Ster would not blame him.

But all this was based on the premise that he could seize the warships of the Los Empire.

Tens of thousands of demon sailors sailed towards the warships of the Los Empire in densely packed small boats.

Faced with this situation, Gu Yuan decisively ordered the main guns of all warships to turn, and at the same time the fleet began to retreat, and then they could attack the two fleets on the side!

As for those demon sailors who wanted to get on board, let them come!

The light and heavy firepower and anti-aircraft machine guns that had already been configured on the warships were waiting for them.

“Hahahaha! We are already 700 meters away, and only 300 meters away from those damn humans.”

Countless small boats were sailing on the sea, and the densely packed demon sailors on the boats were wearing light armor, holding scimitars in their hands, and some even didn’t hold any weapons. Their claws were also a very sharp weapon!

“I can already see the human soldiers, oh how weak they look”

“They are starting to retreat. They are afraid of us! Warriors of my tribe, attack!”

“Humans are still afraid of my tactics after all, and I’m sure it will succeed!”

When the sticky demon saw the Los Empire warships begin to retreat, he roared with great excitement.

Countless Ster sailors saw the Los Empire warships begin to retreat, and they all roared with great excitement.

And the next moment, the machine guns and cannons on the ships all turned their muzzles and aimed at the sea!_Please download the ununderlined version of the novel

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