Chapter 159: The Prince Dies Suddenly [4/7]

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【ps: The fourth update, there are three more to go!】

“Human weapons seem to be ineffective!”

Hazers was watching from behind. When he saw that Zel did not seem to be seriously injured under the continuous shooting of machine guns and rocket launchers, his eyes lit up.

Yes, standing at the top of the human warship, they were in the blind spot of those powerful naval guns, which could not hit them at all. Although the weapons used by human soldiers could easily slaughter the lower-level Styx soldiers, they seemed to have no effect on these princes.

“Hahahaha, here I come!”

He immediately took action. He couldn’t let Zell take all those human warships by himself.

He had to grab at least a few for the Harts.

“Weak humans! Welcome your death!”

Zel put his hands above his head. He stood in midair, feeling the horrible heat from the huge fireball above his head. He even felt like he was about to melt.

“”Swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish!”

At this time, on the decks of the two warships, some Los soldiers pushed Katyusha rocket launchers and aimed at Zell in the sky.

With the sound of huge flames, more than 30 Katyusha rocket launchers instantly took off and flew towards Zell in the sky!

“There’s still some left. I can’t give up.”

“”Hahahaha, you use these ridiculous weapons to hit me. I’ve already told you, they have no effect on me!”

Zel roared, and his whole body shook violently. The bloody wounds on his body healed immediately, and then he roared out the last sentence:”Your weapons have no effect on me at all!!”

“”Boom boom boom!”

Suddenly, more than 20 of the more than 30 Katyusha rockets directly hit Zell in the sky! A huge explosion rose instantly, and the black fireball in the sky was also wrapped up.

And along with the explosion of the Katyusha rocket, the huge black fireball in the sky also instantly exploded in Zell’s hand!


An extremely strong gust of wind instantly swept the entire venue, and Hazes suddenly stopped his rapidly moving body in the air, looking at Zel who had exploded in the sky in astonishment.

He protected his head with both hands, and the strong wind blew past. Hazes was no longer impulsive.

He decided to take another look.

On the warship, countless Los soldiers covered their ears.

The sea surface suddenly became turbulent, as if encountering a storm.

Some surviving demon boats were instantly overturned by the strong wind, and the sailors of the St tribe screamed and sank into the ocean.

“This is it!”

The fat demon was in his own fleet, watching the huge explosion in the sky in amazement!

Feeling the still strong wind, he narrowed his eyes.

The wind swept away everything.

Black smoke filled the air.

Countless fragments of corpses were scattered from the sky. It was charred.

Zel’s charred head fell into the ocean, causing a wave of spray, and then sank into the ocean. With the undercurrent of the ocean, it drifted to an unknown place.

After the explosion, Hazes stared at the sky and the smoke. He hoped to see Zel intact, but in fact, he was also drumming in his heart. Under such a terrifying attack, even he might not survive.

After the smoke dissipated, Hazes’ pupils shrank.

Zel was dead, there was nothing in the air, and he was dead without a complete body!

At this moment, Hazes had only one thought in his mind, that is, Zel was dead without a complete body.

“Oh no, it’s so powerful, we can’t stay here! Zel, this idiot, not only sacrificed his entire fleet, but also left his life here. If you want to fight, let that fat guy from the Lanlin tribe fight, I’m running away!”

Hazers saw that the situation was not good, and he had already begun to retreat.

He turned around and began to retreat.

Under the sea.

The wreckage of a submarine lay on the seabed.

The other four submarines were constantly sending out sonar detections around.

And Harus was holding his breath underwater, he didn’t dare to stop for a moment!

These human underwater warships are too scary.

And his flexibility in the water is greatly limited.

And these human underwater warships are too hard, it took a long time to get rid of one.

And he was also seriously injured!

“These humans are crazy!”

Harus’ heart was beating rapidly in his chest. He had lost an arm and two legs, and large pieces of blue blood were scattered in the water.

He cursed in his heart, recalling the life-and-death moment just now. Just now, a submarine was entangled by Harus, and at the moment when the submarine was about to be damaged, the captain of the submarine sent a request signal to other submarines!

“Launch the torpedo!!”

“Fire a torpedo at me!!”

The other submarines were silent for a moment and accepted his request.

The captain of the submarine was ready to die. With his loyalty and love for the empire, as well as the incomparable respect from his fellow officers, he was buried in the sea under the attack of the torpedo.

Harus reacted quickly and dodged, but he was still a step slow.

He did not completely dodge. Although he did not die, he was also affected by the explosion of the high-explosive torpedo and was seriously injured.

He lost an arm, two legs, and half of his wings.

Fortunately, he still has an arm, two legs and half of his wings.

But now his situation is very… Danger.

Just as he was moving rapidly, the submarine suddenly fired a torpedo in front of him, which exploded directly in front of Harus!

If Harus had not been seriously injured and his speed had not slowed down a lot, he would have been killed by the predicted torpedo!

Although his wings would increase resistance in the water and affect his flexibility, they were actually a good tool for him to maintain balance in the water and increase his speed in a straight line.

But now that one of his wings was broken, his speed could not help but slow down.

At this time, in the dark sea, Harus felt an object touching his arms.

“What is this?”

Harus was stunned, and he picked up the object and brought it close to his eyes.

Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be a head!


Harus screamed in his heart.

Zel’s head! Zel is dead?!

What about his brother!?

Harus panicked instantly.

Could it be that his brother is also dead!?

He knew how powerful Zel was. Even Zel was killed by those humans, so what about his brother!

In a panic, Harus stopped moving.

“Not good!”

The next moment, Harus felt something approaching rapidly from behind!

A torpedo!

His heart trembled suddenly, his eyes widened.

“Finished!”_Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading –

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