Chapter 160 Humans are the devil [5/7]

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【ps: The fifth update, two more to go】

“”Zel, that idiot, if he dies, I don’t want to lose my life!”

Hazes flew through the air, and he looked back at the twenty intact Los Empire warships.

He was hateful.

This damn human warship was so tough, and there were all kinds of powerful weapons. They had never seen such weapons before, and they didn’t exist three thousand years ago.

Hazes was very sure that the magic creations of human magicians had not developed to this level after tens of thousands of years. These damn human warships, the things on them did not have the slightest magic fluctuation! When the demon warships started, there would be a very obvious magic fluctuation at the same time. Before, Hazes thought that he was far away from the opponent, so he couldn’t feel it, but the moment he approached just now, he still didn’t feel any magic fluctuation.

What does this show? This shows that those humans have mastered a completely new and unknown power system that is completely different from magic!

“What kind of power system can create such powerful weapons and warships!”

Hazers was very puzzled and puzzled. He only realized at this moment that those humans were different from magicians.

But he would never understand why there was technology in this world, a system completely different from magic!

“Oh, right! Where’s my brother? How is he?”

Hazers’s huge body suddenly stopped in the air. He stared at the sea below with wide eyes in horror.

The deep sea surface was surging with waves, making it difficult to see what was going on below.

Could his brother have been in trouble underwater? He hadn’t come up for such a long time!

“It’s over!”

Harus widened his eyes underwater. Behind him, a torpedo was coming at him rapidly!

“Get out of the way quickly, and make sure to escape to a safe distance!”

The wing behind Harus’ lower body danced wildly, stirring up the surrounding seawater, but in this situation, Harus obviously forgot that he was missing a wing!

Before, when he had two wings, he could adjust his balance in the water, but now, only one wing danced wildly, driving a large area of ​​seawater, and waves of buoyancy began to push his body.

At this moment, his whole body turned over on the seabed! And he didn’t move forward at all!


A scream seemed to sound in Hazes’ heart. He suddenly widened his eyes and looked around the sea in panic.

“Harus! Harus, are you there?”

Hazers’ voice was filled with anxiety, and he kept shouting at the sea.

“If you hear me, come out quickly. Let’s retreat! We won’t fight humans anymore!”

The voice spread far away, but the sea remained the same, ups and downs, without any response. After a long time without any response, looking at the extremely deep sea,

Hazes panicked, his voice gradually choked, panic, sadness, anger, rising from his heart.


A huge sound echoed on the seabed, stirring up waves on the sea surface.

Countless seawater was rushed upward by the shock wave generated by the torpedo explosion, forming waves on the sea surface.


Countless pieces of flesh rose to the surface of the sea. The blue blood had been diluted in the vast sea.

Only the pieces of flesh floated to the surface.

Under Haters’ extremely horrified eyes, half of the head slowly floated to the surface of the sea.

-The novel was taken from the (rolyz) website. Close where you’re reading it and support us on our website for more free novels-

On the remaining half of Haters’ head, a scarlet eye stared blankly at the blue sky.

Floating on the sea, the horn on the head was gone, and the whole head seemed to be cut by a slash from the temple, across the mouth, to the chin.

Only half of the head was left, floating on the sea, and the blue blood that flowed out dyed the sea area into dark blue.


Hazes roared in great sorrow, and immediately rushed to the sea and hugged the half head.

“Humans! You wait for me!!”

Hazers howled to the sky above the sea, his voice as shrill as a cuckoo crying blood.

The next moment, he suppressed the sadness, pain, and violence in his heart and returned to his own fleet.

“All return home!!”

He shouted

“”My Lord, but.”

The demon officer wanted to say something, but the next moment his whole body suddenly exploded, turning into a ball of blood and flesh that spread on the deck of the battleship.

“I said, everyone return to the ship, we won’t fight anymore!”

Hatzes held half of Harus’s head in his arms, and his body shrank again, turning into the appearance of a man. His scarlet eyes suddenly looked at the demon sailors on the ship, and an extremely terrifying and terrifying aura emanated from him. He was as cold and busy as a sharp sword, which made people tremble with fear.

“Yes, yes!”

They didn’t dare to say anything, so they could only use the magic circle on the ship to send out bursts of sharp whistles.



“We’re not fighting anymore?”

“What’s the point of fighting? Don’t you see that the Ster’s fleet is basically finished? Do you want to be like the Ster’s people?”

“No, no, no, I don’t want to. Let’s go!”

Hundreds of Hart demon warships began to turn and return.

As for their movements, the fat demon of the Blue Scale Clan suddenly widened his eyes.

He had seen everything that had just happened.

Zel was dead, and his body was torn into pieces. The sudden roar of grief from Hazes spread across the entire sea, and he also heard it.

“Zel is dead, is it Harus or Hatzes who is dead?!”

The fat demon couldn’t tell the difference between the brothers Harus and Hatzes, but it didn’t matter anymore.

The battleships of the Ster clan were completely destroyed, Zel was dead, and it was unclear whether it was Harus or Hatzes who died of the Hatt clan, but one of them died anyway.

In just a short while, two more princes died?!

And the Hatt clan fleet began to retreat, how could they fight with only the rest?

“”My Lord, the Hart fleet has withdrawn!”

At this time, the demon sailors in the fleet discovered this and shouted in panic.

The Ster tribe was annihilated, the Hart tribe withdrew, and only the Lanlin tribe was left. If they continued to fight, they would definitely be annihilated!

That group of humans is too scary! They are the real demons!

“We will retreat too!!”

The fat demon roared.

Since everyone else has run away, he will run too.

Why should his clan be sent to die again?

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