Chapter 161: The Demonic Empire! [6/7]

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【ps: The sixth update, one more to go.]

So, in just a moment, the entire battle situation began to change.

The Ster fleet was under pressure head-on, and the warships were basically all sunk, and the small boats sent out for boarding were also destroyed by the light and heavy firepower on the warships at close range.

The Hart and Lanlin fleets saw that the situation was not good and had already begun to retreat.

“Your Majesty, they are retreating!”

Rotis said excitedly to Gu Yuan on the bridge.

Looking ahead, the sea in front of him was full of smoke and wreckage.

Behind the wreckage, on both sides, there were still hundreds of fleets of the two tribes, and they were evacuating.

Gu Yuan stood up from his chair, raised his lips, and gave an order:”Pursue!”

“Order the submarine forces to follow them closely”

“”Your Majesty has ordered the entire army to pursue!”

All the warships received the signal and began to turn around and sail towards the demon portal.

The submarine forces under the water followed closely below the remaining enemy fleet.

“”My Lord, humans, humans are chasing us!”

On the hundreds of remaining warships of the Hearth Fleet, all the Hearth sailors were panicking.

Humans are catching up!

They will definitely be caught up by humans!

The Ster Fleet has been completely destroyed, and even Prince Zel is dead.

Could it be their turn next?!

Suddenly, panic spread among the Hearth Fleet.

“Human beings simply cannot keep getting bigger!”

“We evacuated, but they still refused to let us go? You know, we still have hundreds of warships!”

Suddenly, a demon officer said angrily beside Hazes.

“Yes, Lord Hatzes, let’s fight the humans! We still have the strength to fight!”

“Fight them to the death!”

Many Hutterite officers said angrily.

“”Shut up!”

Hazes held a box in his arms, and he roared with a gloomy face.

Suddenly, all the Hart officers were silent and dared not speak.

They all knew that Prince Hazes was probably no longer interested in fighting.

Hazes was a cautious person, and once there was any hatred, he would not be blinded by anger, but choose to compare the strength of both sides.

As long as he was not sure of completely defeating the human fleet at this moment, he would not take action.

This time was the same. Even though his brother Harus died, he was very sad and angry, but these sorrows also calmed him down.

Two princes died in a row.

The human fleet was too powerful, and this was deeply imprinted in Hazes’ heart.

At this moment, although the fleets of the Hart and Lanlin tribes still had half of these warships, they had little chance of winning against twenty human warships!

Moreover, under the sea, there were unknown warships that humans could sail underwater!

For those unknown underwater warships that had never been seen before, Hazes had a trace of hatred and….Fear.

His brother, Prince Harus, died in the hands of an underwater warship. He couldn’t be impulsive. If he died again, it would be all over!

Although Hatzes was extremely sad and angry, he forced himself to calm down.

When he returned to the tribe, he would explain the situation to the Demon King Hart, and the Demon King Hart would personally lead the expedition!

By then, defeating these humans would be a piece of cake!

“Be patient and wait!”

Now all you need is patience and waiting!

Hazes closed his eyes, holding the box tightly in his hands, his body trembling.

He was obviously trying his best to suppress his emotions and not let them affect his reason.

“Calm down, Hazes, if you are blinded by anger, then what is the difference between you and those simple monsters on the border of the Demon Realm who have been contaminated by evil spirits and lost all their reason!”

Hazes kept reminding himself in his heart.

The fleets of the two tribes kept thinking about evacuating from the Demon Portal.

The warships of the Los Empire and the submarines underwater followed behind, firing a few shots from time to time, and occasionally destroying a few demon warships to hear the sound.

For the fleet of the Los Empire, the fleets of the two tribes that were constantly retreating were a guide.

There was no need to destroy them all. As long as the fleet controlled the Demon Portal and stood firm there, the troop transports of the Los Empire would continue to pass through the Demon Portal and continuously transport troops to the Demon Homeland!

“Ah! Ah!”

On the sea, a small boat docked on the Heart warship was rescued by Heart sailors.

They were some surviving demon sailors of the Ster.

They evacuated and luckily escaped from the extremely terrifying firepower net.

“My friend, are you okay?”

Several demon sailors from the Hart tribe worked together to rescue the soldiers from the Ster tribe onto the boat.

“Those humans are demons, they are the demons!”

Then the few Ster soldiers lay on the deck, trembling all over, and kept screaming.


A Hutt sailor accidentally dropped a wine barrel onto the deck, causing a loud noise.

However, he did not expect that after the loud noise, the Ster soldiers suddenly howled miserably!

“Ah! They are all dead! They are all dead!”

“Ten thousand years, ten thousand years! When have we ever encountered such a situation?”

“Those humans, are they still humans? They have such terrible weapons.”

These Ster soldiers shouted like they were collapsing.

They participated in the last attack on the Roliland Continent three thousand years ago. They slaughtered humans like humans slaughtered livestock.

But at this moment, the situation was suddenly reversed. Humans slaughtered them like crushing ants! It was different from the forbidden spell of the Star Saint. The forbidden spell of the Star Saint destroyed everyone in an instant. They would not feel much pain, but it was different here!

Machine guns, machine guns, every loud noise was accompanied by one of their companions being beaten into a pile of minced meat!

They like killing, but when killing comes to them, they are like the weakest lambs and cannot resist!

When have they ever seen… They had never experienced such a scene before!

The Hart officers next to them looked at the collapsed and howling Ster sailors with extremely complicated expressions.

What on earth had they experienced to change from a strong and confident warrior to a coward who would tremble in fear at the slightest sound?!

Unconsciously, the Hart officers felt a trace of fear.

They looked at the Los Empire fleet that was chasing their fleet slowly in the distance.

The huge warships with terrifying naval guns.

Demons? No!

Maybe these humans are the demons!

And what they are facing is a human empire that is even more demonic than them?….._Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading –

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