Chapter 162: Occupy the Demonic Portal [7/7]

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【ps: Chapter 7, today’s update is over. 】

As the surviving sailors of the Ster tribe escaped, they were in a state of mental collapse, and they trembled all over when they heard a loud noise.

In addition, once someone asked them what happened on the front battlefield, they would fall into a huge panic and fear, and could not say anything.

Under this situation, fear seemed to spread from the Ster tribe sailors to everyone!

What happened on the front battlefield? Why did the powerful warriors become weak lambs like frightened birds!

All the Hart tribe and the Blue Scale tribe felt a deep fear from their hearts.

Soon, rumors about the Los Empire being the real Demon Empire began to spread among the Demon Fleet.

However, Gu Yuan didn’t know about this yet. If he knew that his empire was called the Demon Empire by the demons, it is conceivable how confused Gu Yuan was.

And under the pursuit of the Los Empire, they scrambled to escape.

When a Hart warship returned to the Demon Portal, there were dozens of warships guarding the Demon Portal.

“Hey? Are they back?”

The battleship was anchored, and many sailors on the deck looked curiously at the huge battleship that was fleeing back.

“Did they succeed?”

“It’s not right. It’s only been less than half a day. How could it be so fast?”

There were several warships of the Ster clan, and the sailors on them were whispering.

“Human beings are vulnerable, so what’s wrong with coming back quickly?”

“What you said makes sense.”

As they were talking, a number of warships passed by them quickly.

“Hey, friend, how many humans have you killed?”

A remaining Ster navy officer shouted to a Hutt sailor on the deck of the warship.

“”Yes, how much treasure did you plunder?”

They laughed and asked loudly.

They thought they would get the same laughter in response.

But unexpectedly, the Hutt sailors on the warships looked at them silently, with a trace of fear in their eyes.

“What’s going on?”

The Ster navy guarding the demon portal were all stunned and looked at each other. It was not like this before.

Soon, hundreds of fleets began to pass through.

Even the last few warships were escaping and passing quickly.

“Why don’t we see any of our own people?”

“Yes, where did they go? Why didn’t they come back together?”

The sailors on the Ster warships stationed inside the gate were all confused.

The warships of the three tribes were of different shapes, and their own warships could be seen at a glance, so why didn’t they see even one of their warships now?

“They should be staying in the human homeland.

A Ster sailor guessed.

“Yes, with Prince Zel here, what could possibly happen? He must have defeated the humans and stayed in the human homeland.

The other Ster sailors all laughed.

“”Quick! Quick! There are no more of us behind! Close the gate!”

At this time, the last demon warship passed through the gate, and the demon sailors on it shouted anxiously to the dozen or so Ster warships stationed behind the gate.

“What? Close the door?”

“This, this, how do I turn it off!”

“In order to close the portal, a prince must be present, but Prince Zel is still in the human world!”

The Ster sailors were all stunned. They looked at each other and shouted to the Hart sailors on the last demon battleship.

“Prince Zell is dead!”

The Hutt sailors shouted in panic.

“What! Prince Zell is dead, impossible, I don’t believe it!”

“Why did you lie to us for no reason?”

All of a sudden, all the Ster sailors were furious. They stood on their warships and shouted loudly.

How could it be possible? How could humans kill the powerful Prince Zel?

“Just kidding, if you want to scare us, you have to find a better reason!”

“Humph, he might as well say that they have already lost, and humans have already caught up with them.”

Several Ster sailors said disdainfully.

But the next moment, they all widened their eyes and looked at the demon portal in horror.

They saw a silver battleship slowly passing through the dark demon portal!

The battleship was so huge, three times the size of their battleship at the moment.

On the more than ten remaining battleships, the Ster sailors all widened their eyes and looked at the silver-white battleships that kept passing by in horror!

“Humans, how can humans catch up so fast!”

“”Speed ​​up, speed up!”

Suddenly, the sailors on the demon battleship that just passed by howled miserably. They wanted to continue to speed up, but the magic engine had reached an overload. Finally, with a”boom!”, the magic engine on the battleship exploded.


“Human, warships!”

The remaining Ster sailors were all shocked, staring blankly at the bright silver warships that kept passing through the demon portal.

Such a huge warship, is it a human warship!?

The guns on the first battleship began to turn and aimed at them.

“The demon portal belongs to our great Los Empire!”

The captain of the battleship showed a full smile on his face.

The next moment, the roar of artillery fire sounded again!

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