Chapter 177 The Empress’s Strange Feeling [1/7]

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“What other puzzles can you offer me?”

Caroline waved her hand in disgust, pushing away Tian Luan who was lying on top of her.


Tian Luan stood up, but moved closer to Caroline and whispered in her ear:”You~smell~like~Gu Yuan~~”


Caroline, who had always maintained a cool face and dignity, blushed instantly. She trembled and pushed Tianluan out of the tent.

“What nonsense are you talking about?…..”

After pushing Tianluan out of the tent, Caroline immediately turned her back and murmured softly.

Her cheeks were slightly red, and she didn’t look like the female general at all.

The huge army of 600,000 was divided into more than a dozen parts and rested in the coastal area of ​​the demon’s homeland.

In the distance,

“I didn’t expect these humans to be so powerful that they could land directly on the mainland!”

“Los Empire, who would have thought that an unknown human nation would be so powerful? I have never heard of it before.���Theirs.”

Two demon flying soldiers were riding giant bat-like ghost beasts and hovering in the sky.

“Hurry up and report to Her Majesty, these people from the Los Empire have landed”

“You continue to monitor here, I will report to the Empress”

“Got it.”

As the two demon bat riders were talking, one of them turned around and flew away, leaving only one demon bat rider watching from the sky.

Linde tribe, Empress Sif’s city.

The main city of the Linde tribe, Empress Sif’s city, is a mountain city built directly in the volcano.

There are countless huge stone roads that intersect on the huge crater, and on those huge stone roads, buildings are arranged on both sides, as if forming a natural guardrail of the stone road, and the empty space in the middle is used as a street.

Because of the special structure, the stone roads of the buildings are also divided into levels. The stone road at the bottom is close to the magma ocean below. There are not many buildings here, but most of them are very strange, cultivating some special things that require a lot of heat. The stone road at the top is the coolest.

Empress Sif’s palace is located on a huge stone road on the middle layer.

“Your Majesty, the Los Empire has landed on the mainland. The closest one is our Linde tribe. Next to us are the territories of the Ster tribe, the Hart tribe, and the Lanlin tribe.”

“We have received news that the people of the Telin tribe have already attacked the passage to the central region of the Lilan continent. They have been attacking for a long time.”

“Even the Third Demon Emperor of the Middle Demon Kingdom went to the Central Region in person. According to the performance of the Los Empire in the naval battle, Your Majesty, I think we are unlikely to be the opponent of the Los Empire army. Do you want us to go to the Terlin tribe? Go to the Central Region of the Roliland Continent together?”

Several staff members were talking in front of Sif, with some quarreling tone.

“I don’t think so. We are just running away now, but have you ever thought that the Los Empire must be located on the Roliland Continent?”

Another demon aide immediately retorted:”By then, I’m afraid we will be like sheep walking into the tiger’s mouth.””

“”What are you arguing about, you cowards, you only think about running away, where is your courage? Where is your pride?”

At this time, a demon general roared at them.

The huge palace seemed to have become a vegetable market at this moment.

“Your Majesty, what do you think?”

At this time, a demon aide asked Sif, who had been sitting on the throne and was obviously absent-minded.

“I have nothing to say. You are the staff, but you can’t come up with a solution at this moment? Then what’s the point of me supporting you?”

Sif glanced at them indifferently, her white and clean right hand kept clenching a fist in front of her, turning the palm and the back of her hand over and over again.

Suddenly, no one else spoke.

“Your Majesty, calm down.”

One of the demons dared to say

“Who said I was angry?”

Sif glanced at him and said calmly,”I don’t know why, but as the Los Empire army got closer, I felt a strange feeling in my heart.”

“Strange feeling?”

All the demons looked at each other, not understanding what Sif meant.

“Yes, a strange feeling, a feeling I have never felt in ten thousand years. I don’t know why, but it seems that the portal to another world suddenly appeared on the day it connected to the Roliland Continent.”

“It’s very strange. There were many portals to other worlds connected to the Roliland Continent before, but I never had such a feeling. What happened this time?”

Sif put down her hand and looked up.

The dark dome of the hall seemed so empty and dark.

As the Los Empire army got closer and closer, Sif clearly felt that something was getting closer and closer to her.

As one of the earliest beings born on the World Magic Tree, Sif didn’t think she had any relatives in this world.

The tribes born on the World Magic Tree have always been single. Love, reproduction, and reproduction with the opposite sex are all things that came about later. The earliest demons are also the most powerful. Sif is only the king of the Linde tribe, but she may call herself the empress, largely because she was born under the World Magic Tree.

Thinking of the World Magic Tree, Sif felt sad.

Today’s World Magic Tree was completely shrouded and polluted by evil spirits nine thousand years ago. Any race that approaches will lose their mind and attack anyone indiscriminately once they inhale the evil spirit.

What’s more terrifying is that the evil spirit that comes from nowhere has been expanding over the past ten thousand years.

The current demon homeland is two-thirds less than the previous demon homeland.

Even the middle demon country began to be polluted, forcing the third demon emperor to go to the central region of the Rolilan continent in person.

Tian Luan was walking around casually in the military camp. Suddenly, she looked up at an unknown distance with a golden faceless mask on. She suddenly felt that there seemed to be something over there, calling her.

And this kind of call is very slight and can be easily ignored.

It will not affect people’s minds. As long as you calm down, it will be cleared.

But Tian Luan can feel that the call is missing.

Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading – collection

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