Chapter 178 It’s better to surrender [2/7]

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“So what do you think we should do?”

A demon aide shouted fiercely to his companions beside him:”You can’t beat us, and you can’t escape us, so what else can we do?”

“Humph, since we can’t fight and can’t escape, then we might as well surrender.”

A demon general crossed his arms and fought with his scaly face. There was a cold smile on his face.


“Yes, we have never considered this, but now that it is said, it seems to be a feasible way.”

The demon staff were stunned and actually began to think about this matter seriously.

“You guys!”

He was stunned, looking at the demon staff in shock and anger.

He just said it casually, with a strong sense of sarcasm.

But what he didn’t expect was that the demon staff actually started to consider this matter. The demon staff is a special kind of demon among the Linde people.

Their way of thinking, code of conduct, and purpose of doing things are all for the Linde people to survive normally.

“We Linde tribe look very similar to humans, although our legs are different and we have two horns on our heads, but everything else is very similar. If we surrender, the Los Empire may accept us.”

“After the Los Empire leaves, we can continue to live peacefully on this land.”

A demon staff member touched his chin and thought seriously about this matter.

“I think it’s okay. There’s nothing shameful about temporary surrender. Everything is for the survival of the Linde people.”


All the demon staff raised their hands to vote, and there were several demon generals present. They looked left and right, and they were all silent.

It was considered as abstention.

And the demon general who mocked at the beginning, Brali, suddenly became ugly.

He said to the demon staff with a cold face:”It is impossible for me to surrender unless I die! My father, Prince Brad, died at the hands of those humans in the Los Empire!”

“No, apart from Prince Brad’s clan, our casualties in the battle with the Los Empire were not great. Only Longtel’s fleet was completely wiped out, with thousands of casualties. More than half of Prince Brad’s fleet surrendered to the Los Empire. We just want to know how the surrendered clansmen are doing in the Los Empire.”

“If they are not tortured and are still alive, then it is entirely possible for us to surrender.”

A demon aide said at this time.

“Well, we can send an envoy to contact the Los Empire to see their attitude.”

“After all, our Linde tribe and others have not committed unforgivable crimes against the humans on the Roliland continent.”

The other demon staff nodded in unison.


“I think it’s OK”

“The next step is to ask the Queen about the feasibility of this matter.”

The demon staff ignored Brali’s opinion and looked directly at Sif.

Sif sat in the first seat. She glanced at the demon staff casually and said,”I have no objection. Send an envoy to contact the Los Empire.”

She can be said to be full of that strange feeling now, and she has no interest in the outside world at all.

Surrender to the Los Empire, if this can save the Linde people, then surrender.

Sif did not think this was a humiliating thing


Brali was stunned. He had never thought that his proposal of surrender would be accepted by Sif.

He stared with his eyes wide open, his purple eyes full of bloodshot. He clenched his fists tightly, and blue and red blood oozed out of his palms.

“I will never surrender!”

He roared and turned away.


The other demon staff were all stunned and looked at Sif.

“Let him go.”

Sif waved her hand, indicating that she didn’t need to worry about Bulali.

That night, Bulali led his own troops, as well as a group of demon generals who were unwilling to surrender, and left the Linde tribe with a part of the army and headed for the territory of the Hart tribe.

His eyes were full of hatred, and he gnashed his teeth at the Los Empire.

“Just wait, humans, and you cowardly guys, it is impossible for me to surrender!”

“If the Linde tribe doesn’t want to resist, then I will go to the Hart tribe. If the Hart tribe doesn’t work, then I will go to the Ster tribe. I will always find a tribe willing to fight against the Los Empire!”

Brali left the Linde tribe with nearly 200,000 demon troops.

These troops are almost half of the Linde tribe.

But Sif did not say anything about this.

Her meaning was very clear, whoever didn’t want to stay could leave.

Ever since Sif had that strange feeling in her heart, she seemed to be indifferent to everything.

But Sif’s authority was still there. After Brali left with his troops and some demon nobles who were unwilling to surrender, the rest of the people chose to obey Sif’s orders.

The next day, a demon knight riding a bat ghost beast approached a garrison of the Los Empire.

“Who are you?

This is a garrison of the Wali Kingdom troops.

“”I am the envoy of the Linde tribe. I come with the will of our Majesty to seek peace.”

He shouted loudly in the sky.

Although he decided to surrender, he could not say the word”surrender” to the outside world, but had to use the word”seeking peace”.

“Asking for peace?”

Those soldiers holding 98K Wall-E in their hands looked at each other in bewilderment.

An orc officer reacted immediately, and he shouted loudly:”Go and notify General Caroline to send someone.”

“You come down first and wait for the Empire to come.”

An orc officer shouted to the sky.

The demon bat knight quickly landed and raised his hands to show that he had no hostility.

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