Chapter 226 The Extreme Beast!

Inside a control room in the underground test site, one can look down through triple bulletproof glass to see the entire protective test site.

“His Majesty!”

“”Your Majesty, may you be safe!”

After Gu Yuan arrived here, dozens of researchers in white coats immediately stood up and shouted

“Well, how is the experiment going?”

Gu Yuan nodded and asked

“Your Majesty, we are preparing to open the space gate now, and we have prepared all the countermeasures.”

After the experiment was successful, Dr. Luo Hua finally had time to clean himself up and said in front of Gu Yuan

“Well, very good, let’s get started.”

Gu Yuan waved his hand, and walked to the bulletproof isolation glass, looking down at the entire experimental site below.

“All combatants, please check the airtightness of your oxygen supply equipment for the last time to avoid malfunctions and prevent the invasion of unknown bacteria and viruses from other worlds.”

After a broadcast, a researcher came to Gu Yuan respectfully and presented something with both hands:”Your Majesty, please take this.”

This is a half-face gas mask


Gu Yuan nodded, took the mask and put it on himself.

He squeezed the filter cores on both sides to check the air tightness. After confirming that it was good, Gu Yuan looked back at the test site.

After all, viruses are something that even if Gu Yuan’s current physical strength is at the level of a demon prince, he still has to be cautious and have to be on guard.

So Gu Yuan did not take the risk of not wearing a gas mask or something like that.

If he did not take all the safety measures, if something went wrong, that would be a stupid act.

“The space gate is ready to open, first batch of armored troops, please pay attention!”

“”Space gate, get ready to open, first batch of armored troops, pay attention!”

After several consecutive announcements, all the knights in the magic power supply mobile armor took a deep breath.

They loaded their 14mm special warfare rifles, raised them up, and aimed at the space gate to prevent any unknown species from suddenly rushing out.

“The magic machine is running for the first time!”

“Second run!”

“The third run!”

“The magic power has reached its limit, ready to be injected into the space gate!”

On the ground, countless golden magic patterns suddenly lit up, and these golden magic patterns suddenly injected into the space gate in front!

“The magic power injection into the space gate is completed, and the previously calculated space parameters are being connected.”

“Spatial parameters connected successfully!”

“The space gate is about to open, all troops are ready!”

With the sound of alarms and notifications, all troops are immediately on high alert, waiting for the space gate to open.

“”The door of space, open!”

Dr. Luo Hua shouted, and the black and gold door that was more than ten meters high and four or five meters wide suddenly shone brightly. When the door opened, waves like ripples on the water appeared in the door.

Everyone stared at the area with bright light.

The light gradually disappeared.

Everyone stared with wide eyes, trying desperately to see what was behind the door.

The first thing that came into view was a desolate scene.

The world behind the door seemed like a desert, with strong winds blowing and yellow sand everywhere.

It was obviously abandoned for a long time.

“The door is open? What kind of world is this?!”

Everyone was looking at the other side of the door, a brand new world.

Although it looked no different from the ordinary Gobi Desert, the words”another world” gave this ordinary Gobi Desert an unknown charm.


Suddenly, an unknown roar was heard from the world inside the portal, and everyone became alert.

“What sound?”

“Is it an unknown animal from another world?”

A group of researchers rushed to look down through the glass, hoping to be the first to observe the creatures from another world.

Especially for some of them who study biomedicine, it is a huge attraction.


At this time, a figure suddenly appeared behind the portal.

All the mobile armored soldiers were startled and looked at the other side of the portal with great vigilance.

It was a six-legged crawling creature, about 1.56 meters tall at the shoulder, with its head hidden in a tightly protected shell material like a tortoise shell, and slightly below the shell material there were some tentacles with blue light on the top.

Including the tail behind it, the total length was about three to four meters.

This was the data at first glance.

When Gu Yuan saw this thing for the first time, his eyes widened suddenly.

He knew this creature. The

Devouring Beast!

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