Chapter 227: Wilderness Hunter Team

【ps: It’s already this late, I can’t finish the update today, I will continue to update tomorrow. The author went to do other things during the day, so I’m so tired. I forced myself to finish this chapter. 】

Decades ago, an unprecedented geological disaster destroyed our civilization and almost wiped out all the creatures on Earth.

However, a floating fortress survived the disaster because of its special features. The survivors in the sky named it”Lighthouse”, which means”to illuminate the final future of mankind.””…………..

On the east side of the Ou Ya New World, a huge lighthouse-like building was floating in the sky. Outside the lighthouse, there were countless container-like buildings hanging on it. Its internal structure was unknown.

In a barren Gobi desert, more than a dozen off-road vehicles kept humming and driving forward, leaving countless smoke and dust behind.

On the off-road vehicle, a red-haired girl looked up at the sky behind her.

The shadow of the lighthouse in the sky was very clear at this distance.

“Hong Kou, are you afraid?”

At this time, a short-haired young man next to her looked at her and said

“Although it’s the first time for us to participate in a mission, there’s nothing to be afraid of. We’ve already trained what we need. Don’t tell me you’re scared now, Dawn.”

Hong Kou stretched himself in the SUV, yawned, and looked at Dawn with a raised eyebrow.

“Scared, how could that be? At most, I was a little nervous.”

Poxiao was stunned for a moment, then waved his hand to cover up.

“Humph, if you are afraid, you can tell me. I will protect you. After all, we are comrades in arms who are training together. Just don’t wet your pants when the time comes.”

Hong Kou snorted twice, leaned over and patted Poxiao’s shoulder, and said carelessly:

“Come on, don’t act like you’re much older than me. Aren’t you just sixteen years old, just like me?”

Poxiao waved his hand helplessly.

“Okay, this mission is no joke, there is always a risk of life, we are almost at the target point, let’s get ready.”

At this time, Captain Elon, who was driving, suddenly said

“”Understood, Captain Elon!”

Hong Kou and Po Xiao immediately shut up and responded.

There were more than 30 hunters out this time, more than a dozen off-road vehicles, and not many heavy-duty vehicles, only five.

MU-Type 2 White Shark Heavy 3D Power Armor.

It is a power armor that Lighthouse rebuilt based on the power armor of the old world.

However, due to limited technology, it is too heavy, which is a big problem.

Because Red Bandits and Dawn are newcomers, they are not qualified to use heavy 3D armor.

Their target is the ruins of a temporary military base named R-13.

Lighthouse is constantly floating and moving in the air, and it was also accidental to detect this ruins this time.

According to some intelligence data left over from the old world, the ruins of R-13 are a temporary military base for placing weapons.

The base is not large and can only accommodate about 2,000 people, and the weapons and equipment are definitely not as many as those of a regular military base.

But for Lighthouse, which has a population of only tens of thousands nowadays, the military supplies in such a small military base are more than enough.

And their target is not only the military base’s weapons, but also the central computer chips in the military base.

According to their guess, the ruins of the military base should store some weapons information.

The lighthouse is just a floating lighthouse, and it lacks everything. If they can obtain some information about the weapons, it will be very helpful for their research on the weapons on the lighthouse.

And it may play a big role in improving the heavy three-dimensional on the lighthouse and enhancing the combat performance of the heavy three-dimensional.

Soon, the lighthouse’s wasteland hunter team arrived outside the ruins numbered R-13.

In order not to alarm the extreme beast that may exist inside, the off-road vehicle did not drive too close and stopped. The wasteland hunter team of more than 30 people, led by Captain Elon, came to the gate of the base ruins.

The gate of the military base was open, and the gray high wall surrounding it looked so shabby, and the objects blocking the roads at the door were also very shabby.

A gust of wind blew, and a plastic bag covered with dried dust hit the only door left in the military base, making a”pop” sound.

Entering the military base, you will see a desolate scene.

No one has been here for decades. There are piles of weeds on the ground, and many corpses can be seen hidden in the weeds on the ground.

These corpses are all soldiers in the previous military base.

The corpses all have the texture of extremely decayed trees, just like trees rotting on the ground. They are also covered with moss.

Decades have passed since the disaster, and these corpses have not turned into dry bones, but have become mummies with the texture of rotten trees.

The further you go in, the more you can see that there are more and more corpses with the texture of rotten trees, and from lying at the beginning, they have also turned into standing, and even retain the last action before death.

Whether laughing or crying, joy, anger, sorrow, and happiness in life, all can be seen on these corpses that seem to be frozen in that moment of life and death.

And the red bandit holds a rifle in his hand, and is constantly alert to the surroundings. Although he says that he doesn’t care, it is his first mission after all, and he can’t help being nervous.

And the silence around him is too weird.

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