Chapter 239 The Enraged King [7/7]

【ps: I can’t find any other good pictures, so I’ll use this one for now. This one that appears in the Ling Cage PV is temporarily set as a king-level Devouring Beast.

Hundreds of three-meter-tall, heavily armored Los Magic Armored Knights suddenly landed on the ground, and each one accurately stepped on a Devouring Beast.

The heavy magic armor and the impact force generated by the huge knights instantly crushed all the extended heads of the Devouring Beasts!

“This kind of armor is what we have seen before!”

The hunters cried out in surprise.

“There are hundreds of such terrifying armors!”

Eron, the captain of the wasteland hunters, said in shock with his eyes wide open.

All the wasteland hunters saw the shared vision that Cheshire had sent to them before, and they naturally saw the terrifying combat power of those armors.

At that time, they thought that there were only a few armors with such terrifying combat power, and it should not exceed ten, but now it seems that there are hundreds of them!

Even black armors kept jumping down from the mountain walls on both sides.

In just a dozen seconds, nearly two hundred magic armors gathered around Gu Yuan!

These magic armors were like the most loyal guards, guarding Gu Yuan as the emperor in the center.

The magic in their hands The black and purple magic power continued to ripple out from the force wave long sword.

The silver-white sword body was shrouded in the magic power fluctuations, and it could easily cut the body of the Devouring Beast.

If we only talk about the armor-piercing destructive ability, then this Los Magic Wave Long Sword is probably the most powerful weapon in the Los Empire in terms of single-unit destructive power!

The Los Empire, which made its fortune with technology and long-range weapons, combined with magic power to create such a terrifying weapon.

As long as the length and power are strong enough, and the countless tiny magic blades on the sword body of this magic wave long sword tremble at high speed, it can even easily cut an entire tank!

“Keep the combat distance to avoid accidental injuries.”

Gu Yuan issued an order.

Because the cutting ability of the magic wave sword is too strong, they have to avoid accidentally injuring their own people, so each imperial knight wearing Los magic armor maintains a combat distance of more than ten meters.

Although the distance between the two magic armors is more than ten meters, but even with such a width, none of the thousands of extreme beasts around can break through the defense line between each imperial knight!


In front of all the wasteland hunters is a massacre of a large-scale group of extreme beasts that they have never seen in their lives, and dare not even think about it!

Although the three-meter-tall, extremely heavy armor is much slower than that of humans, it cannot exert the same The Great Knight has the corresponding physical fitness (four times that of an ordinary human).

However, the heavy magic armor on his body can effectively resist the attacks of the Devouring Beasts, and the magic wave sword in his hand is simply an invincible weapon.

It can easily cut the body of the Devouring Beast.

And these thousands of Devouring Beasts are like weak dogs without any combat power in front of the magic armor of nearly two hundred Imperial Knights. They are killed like melons and vegetables by the Los magic armor driven by the Imperial Knights. Hong Kou opened the upper door of the heavy three-dimensional ship, and she stared blankly at the scene in front of her. At this time, Captain Elon also stretched out his hand and pinched the thigh of Xuefeng, who was also in a daze next to him.


Xuefeng screamed in pain. He even thought he was suddenly attacked by the Extreme Beast. He immediately raised the gun in his hand.

“It’s me, it’s me!”

Captain Elon immediately raised his hand with a smile on his face.

“Head, why are you pinching me?”

Xuefeng rubbed his thigh and looked at Elon in pain.

“I’m just trying again. Am I dreaming? Isn’t it said that you won’t feel pain in dreams?”

“Seeing you in so much pain now, you must not be dreaming.”

The dilemma that he thought was certain to die was suddenly solved very easily. Elon’s heavy heart slowly relaxed and he returned to his nature.

A middle-aged old man who looks mature and steady on the surface, but is actually a scoundrel in his heart.

“Then you can pinch yourself, there is no need to pinch me.”

Xuefeng rubbed his legs and said with a grin.


Just when all the hunters thought that the danger was about to pass, suddenly there was another extremely huge roar from afar!

In the huge city ruins, countless gray and dilapidated high-rise buildings stood in a forest.

In the forest of high-rise buildings, the terrifying beast suddenly moved.

The entire narrow, long-nosed huge head opened wide and let out an extremely violent roar.

Strong and huge gusts of wind continued to spread around, and countless dry, tree-like bodies around were blown away by the strong wind.

The scarlet pigment emitted by the spinal insects also instantly spread in the city, forming large patches of scarlet smoke and clouds covering the city!

This means that it is an absolute forbidden zone for humans!

Waves of biological waves representing the death of the extreme beast were taken from afar to the canyon-like mountain walls and transmitted back, completely angering it!

The huge and terrifying body walked out of the scarlet smoke, and the ferocious giant mouth once again let out a thunderous roar.

It was completely enraged, and it wanted to go out personally to crush those tiny humans to death!

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