Chapter 240 They can’t come back alive! [1/7]

【P.S.: I wanted to update in the morning, but I accidentally overslept. Please forgive me, dear readers.

The King-level Devouring Beast roared in extreme anger, and the unique bio-waves emitted from its body penetrated the special electromagnetic force in the atmosphere of the New World of Oa and Asia that blocked signals, and spread far away.

Lighthouse, command and control room.

A woman in uniform, a large-brimmed military cap, a military coat, and with golden hair was sitting here leisurely with her legs crossed and a pipe in her hand.

On a virtual screen in front of her, a red warning digital response suddenly appeared!

“Detected a king-level beast?”

The woman with golden hair took a deep puff of her cigarette and exhaled a cloud of smoke.

The smoke that continued to rise made her look even more mysterious.

“This must be reported. And judging from the direction, it seems to be the R-13 site where the wasteland hunter team set out.”

“Now, the wasteland hunters are in danger.”

The golden-haired woman narrowed her eyes, turned her long legs, and stood up.

Lighthouse, court meeting room.

The fiery red light emitted by the dim afterglow of the setting sun in the sky shone into the court meeting room through large glass. Everyone was facing the sun, except for the city lord Morgan, who was sitting on a chair with his back against the sun.

City lord Morgan looked at the golden-haired woman standing next to him with a pipe in her hand and a little smoke rising from the pipe.

Then he glanced at the people standing below and said,”The control room just discovered that there was a reaction from a king-level Devouring Beast on the ground. Now, the commander-in-chief of the control room will report the findings of the detection.”

The blonde woman stood up next to City Lord Morgan, and she said slowly,”The control room discovered the biological wave reaction of the king-level Devouring Beast two hundred miles west of the lighthouse, but judging from the analysis of the radio waves, it should not be a Devouring Beast in flight.”

Hearing the words of the commander-in-chief of the control room, almost everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

It’s good that it doesn’t have the ability to fly.

“Wait, 200 miles west, that’s not it!”

At this time, the medical and ecological director suddenly reacted and exclaimed

“Yes, it is indeed the direction from which the Wasteland Hunters team set out. It has been determined that the location where the King-level Devouring Beast appeared is at the ground building ruins numbered R-13.”

The commander-in-chief of the control room said lightly.

“We lost more than 30 people today……”

The city defense commander, Alank, sighed, but at the same time, there was a deep fear of the king-level beasts in the depths of his eyes.

Even though the result is still unknown, everyone has reached a conclusion about the fate of the wasteland hunter team. There is no chance of them surviving.

The wasteland hunter operations in recent times have all suffered heavy losses, and the supplies brought back have had little effect. The wasteland hunter team sent out today was so unlucky that they ran into a king-level beast.

Everyone present has already determined the life and death of the wasteland hunter team.

There is no possibility of survival if you encounter a king-level beast.

“This king-level Devouring Beast is not appearing properly. It appeared 200 miles west. Isn’t 300 miles west the ecologically dense area? We have explored it before, but how could a king-level Devouring Beast suddenly appear in the ruins numbered R-13?”

The Minister of Lighthouse Resources frowned and asked.

“I don’t know about that either.”

The chief commander in the control room shook his head.

“Okay, we have sailed all the way from the Old World across the ocean. We have been in the New World of Austroasia for more than ten years. In the ecologically dense areas of the Old World, we have also encountered king-level extreme beasts.”

“Everyone knows how terrifying the King-level Devouring Beast is, so let’s not discuss this matter.”

“Since the King-level Devouring Beast has appeared, there is no point in discussing it. Now we can only hope that there will be lucky survivors among the wasteland hunters.”

The city lord Morgan sighed and waved his hand.

“What, are we going to stay here for a while?”

The city defense commander, Alank, was stunned.

“We will stay for a day to see if there are any surviving hunters.”

The medical and ecological director glanced at Alank and said

“How can we stay here? That is a king-level Extreme Devouring Beast. Two hundred kilometers is not close, but it is not far either. Although the king-level Extreme Devouring Beast does not appear to be a flying species based on its bio-electric waves, it is still a king-level Extreme Devouring Beast after all, and it may pose a threat to the safety of the lighthouse. No, I do not agree for the lighthouse to stay here.”

The city defense commander, Alank, immediately shook his head and said firmly.

Deep in his heart, there was a fear of the king-level beast that he himself did not even realize.

More than a decade ago, when the lighthouse was preparing to cross the ocean and drift from the old world continent to the new continent of Oa, it suddenly encountered an ecologically dense area on the edge of the old world.

And it was in that ecologically dense area that the lighthouse encountered the first king-level beast.

Coincidentally, that beast was a beast with the ability to fly for a short time.

In the decades that the lighthouse has been floating in the sky, it has only found that beast with the ability to fly for a short time, no, it can’t be called flying, it can only be said to be a beast with the ability to glide in the sky.

Its unique bioelectric waves were also recorded.

And even a king-level beast that can only glide for a short time is afraid of the lighthouse. It caused great damage. That time, the lighthouse almost fell from the sky.

The city defense commander, Alank, was a prisoner leader in the prison that was the predecessor of the lighthouse.

The lighthouse was originally an aerial prison in the old world. After the disaster, the prisoners and the prison guards reached a consensus and founded the lighthouse.

There were also some survivors who were rescued when the disaster just happened.

They formed the current lighthouse.

However, since coming to the New World of Oa, the lighthouse has sailed for an unknown distance in more than ten years. I don’t know if it has circled the New World of Oa, but one thing is certain, that is, it is impossible for anyone to survive and live on land.

Alank also experienced the disaster of the king-level beast more than ten years ago. Since then, he has left an indelible impression of the horror of the king-level beast.

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