Chapter 241: The Abyss Plan [2/7]

【ps: The picture found in the Ling Cage setting collection is something similar to the Kabbalah Tree of Life in Western mythology. It is very likely that the disaster was caused by this thing, so the author named it the Kabbalah Tree of Life. 】

Whether to stay here or not is a question.

The King-level Devouring Beast appeared in an area 200 kilometers away, which is not far.

It will arrive soon. Judging from this data alone, the lighthouse is completely dangerous.

“Don’t forget, you just implemented the three survival rules of the Lighthouse not long ago!”

“Never waste resources on people who are not worth rescuing.”

“Staying here now would mean that we would endanger the entire lighthouse for a group of people who are doomed to die and have no value in rescue. I don’t think anyone in the lighthouse would agree to this.”

Allenk said to the city lord Morgan.

“Three rules of survival.”

Morgan, the city lord, sighed.

“Get ready to move on”

“But they…..”

The medical and ecological director wanted to say something, but the city lord Morgan looked at her and said,”Keep going. I issued the three survival rules, and I cannot disobey them.”

“Okay, I understand.”

The medical and ecological director said in a muffled voice.

It hasn’t been long since the three major survival rules were issued, and now the entire lighthouse is in the adaptation period. As the city lord, Morgan cannot violate the decrees he issued.

If Morgan, as the city lord, violates the three major survival rules, then no one in the entire lighthouse will take the three major survival rules seriously, which is not conducive to the healthy development of the entire lighthouse.

Alank’s mouth curled up, and he said:”I will go back now and let the city defense army strengthen the patrol of the airspace around the lighthouse.”

That’s right, run away quickly, the farther away from the king-level beast, the better!

The lighthouse can’t withstand the disaster brought by another king-level beast.

So, the entire lighthouse began to sail forward. After everyone left, the commander-in-chief of the control room looked at the city lord Morgan.

“Why, why don’t you leave?”

City Lord Morgan looked at her.

“I thought you would make exceptions to the three survival rules you issued yourself.”

The chief commander in the control room raised his eyebrows and looked at Morgan.

“If I make exceptions to the three survival rules I published, will anyone take them seriously in the future?”

Morgan smiled, but there was a hint of bitterness in his smile.

“The people on the lighthouse are all from the old world. Are you sure they will get used to such a rule that has no human touch at all?” said the commander in chief of the control room.

“What if we are not used to it? Aren’t we used to it now? The population resources of the lighthouse are too small. We humans have reached the dangerous moment of extinction. The ground no longer belongs to us. In order for us humans to survive on the lighthouse, the three survival rules are necessary.”

“Moreover, this generation is not used to it, but after ten or twenty years, when the next generation grows up, they will get used to it.”

Morgan City Lord stood up and looked at the clouds outside the glass that were reflected by the setting sun and turned into a fiery red. He said:”If we humans want to survive in this changed world, we must abandon the rules of life in the old world and choose to live by the new rules.”

“The lighthouse is the last hope and dawn of mankind.”


The chief commander in the control room sneered and turned away.

“Charles’ condition has not been good recently. The child has been in poor health since he was born. Aren’t you worried?”

Halfway through the walk, he suddenly turned around and said to Mayor Morgan.

“If Charles is deemed not worth rescuing, then there is no need to waste resources to save a baby. After all, another group of hunters have returned, and there are still many wounded people worth rescuing who need resources…….”

Mayor Morgan had his back to her, so she could only see his back. She couldn’t see his expression, but she could only hear a cold and heartless voice.

“That’s my child, and your child as well!”

The voice of the commander in the control room suddenly turned cold.

“For the continuation of the lighthouse and the continuation of mankind, the family relationships of the old world must be abandoned! We are the last hope of mankind! The three major laws of survival cannot be violated!”

Morgan City Lord made up his mind and shouted angrily

“You’d better pray that Charles can survive.”

The chief commander of the control room took a deep look at the middle-aged man’s back and turned to leave.

Not long after the chief commander of the control room left, a figure covered in a black robe came behind the Morgan City Lord.

“How is the Abyss Plan going?”

City Lord Morgan asked without even turning his head.

“City Lord, the plan is in progress. According to our plan, the lighthouse will enter the sky above the ecologically dense area in five days.”

“In order to ensure the success of this plan, I sent out the only two fighter planes in the Lighthouse. According to our detection, the Kabbalah Tree of Life is in the center of the ecologically dense area of ​​the Oa New World!”

The black-robed man responded.

“Okay, everyone in the lighthouse should prepare. This is probably a gamble, but for the future of the entire human race, the results of this successful gamble are allowed even if we use the three laws of survival.”

Morgan said in a deep voice, with his back to the man in black robes.

“Yes, City Lord.”

The man in black robe turned and left.

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