Chapter 257: Ffanlo Federation [5/7]

Fufan Luo Federation.

Fufan Luo Federation is a federation-shaped country.

It is a civilization that has been studying alchemy magic for 20,000 years.

Alchemists are the pillars of their country as a whole.

After countless wars, their world finally settled down. A thousand years ago, it was unified by a country called the Holy An Luo Empire.

As a civilization with a population of six million, the Holy An Luo Empire believes that it is undoubtedly great.

Like all civilizations, they have long yearned for the stars in the sky, but when they developed alchemical technology and aerospace technology and broke through the atmosphere for the first time, the Holy An Luo Empire discovered that their world is like an egg.

The continent they live on is the yolk in the middle, and the surrounding sea is the egg white.

And the world barrier outside the world is the shell.

This discovery was spread by someone with a heart, and suddenly, the whole world fell into depression.

The stars in the universe that they have been looking forward to are so easy to get, but they are blocked by a layer of something called the world barrier.

In this thousand years, a civil war broke out in the Holy An Luo Empire.

After five hundred years of brutal civil war, the population of the entire civilization dropped sharply to less than one million.

A man named Fufa finally quelled the brutal civil war that lasted for five hundred years.

Finally, the Fufa Anluo Federation was established.

But after two hundred years of peace.

The signs of civil war appeared again!

The Anluo people themselves are an uneasy race, with long life spans and low fertility.

During these two hundred years, the friction between the governments of various states in the federation has become increasingly greater. As the president of the federation, Fufa knew that he had to do something to divert their attention, otherwise, the Holy Anluo Empire would be a lesson for them.

In this process, Fufa formally proposed the theory of space world.

He believed that there are not only countless planets in this universe, but also other worlds in other spaces that run crosswise.

As long as the right fulcrum is found, the world barrier can be broken to a certain extent, thus entering another world.

So all alchemists began to study space technology.

Fufa is undoubtedly a great man. He quelled the civil war, unified the world, and turned the signs of war to the unknown other world.

Finally, after two hundred years of research, space technology finally came out a hundred years ago.

Through space technology, they colonized two or three other worlds in the past hundred years.

They were all worlds with relatively backward civilizations.

They could not stop the war pace of the Fufa Anluo Federation.

The increasingly serious civil war problem in the country was finally solved.

And with a population of less than two million, they ruled other worlds and more than one billion people of other races.

Although the population of the Fufa Federation is small, all its members are alchemists.

In the end, Fufa suddenly realized that if they wanted the federation to continue to run smoothly, they could not stop the pace of conquest.

-The novel was taken from the (rolyz) website. Close where you’re reading it and support us on our website for more free novels-

And the Anluo people also conquered three or four worlds in a row during the hundred years of conquest, and they gradually became arrogant.

They believed that compared with the Anluo people with long lifespans and superior wisdom, other races were all weak and lowly.

Until today, they once again opened a door to another world.


“Another door to another world has been opened!”

In the Ffanlo Federation, many alchemists were cheering.

They were small, with an average height of only about 1.34 meters, but with big heads and long ears, like green dwarf monsters.

But they all wore white research suits and alchemy glasses, and looked very intelligent.

In front of them, there was a special instrument. The space crack generator.

It was through this technology that they were able to open the road to other worlds.


After a huge magic cannon was fired at the test site of the Magic Empire on the Roliland Continent, a black crack suddenly appeared in the ruins.

And the crack was still expanding.

“What’s going on?!”

The magic researchers were stunned, rubbing their eyes and looking carefully at the black gap that appeared.

“Could it be that the weapon we developed has the ability to vibrate space?!”

“Did we create a crack in the space?”

Everyone was thinking in their hearts.

The next moment, the space crack suddenly disappeared.

It disappeared completely, as if it had never existed.

This scene made everyone stunned, but they cheered wildly.

They didn’t expect that the power of the new weapon could actually affect the stability of space.

The magic cannon they developed was so awesome!

The Fufan Luo Federation.

After the space crack opened a little, they obtained some samples of air from the other world.

Recorded the spatial coordinates, and then closed the space crack.

They began to formally study the air in the other world.

For these alien colonists, the alien virus that spread from the space crack that opened for the first time in a hundred years caused the death of millions of people in their entire federation.

This is something worth learning.

So now they are particularly vigilant. Once they successfully open the gap to another world, they will take the lead in studying the air quality, bacteria, etc. in the other world.

The expedition to the other world is not now. They will first do a good job of protecting all the soldiers in the army before they will officially go to the other world.

But this speed is very fast, because the special nature of their army determines that some soldiers do not need protection.

They only need to be used as���They just need to protect the alchemists in the main body of the team.

They plan to send out an advance team in half a month to understand the strength of the other world.

Then, three months later, they will officially enter the other world to conduct a colonial war!

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