Chapter 258: Entering the Ecologically Dense Area [6/7]

【ps: This picture is the vortex in the Linglong ecological dense area, which was also found in the Linglong setting set】

“The central engine is ready to shut down, and the other small engines are ready to run”

“Ensure safe landing at the lighthouse”

“Got it, lighthouse control room got it, outside personnel please pay attention, make sure the lighthouse landing site is safe”

“Got it. Make sure the landing site is safe. The Los Empire troops will escort us.”

The size of the lighthouse is not small. It will definitely take some time to land completely to ensure the safety of the landing.

The landing site was chosen on a plain Gobi.

Although the wind and sand are not small, it is endless here, without obstacles or mountain walls. It is very suitable for large air fortresses, fighter planes and the like to land.

The lighthouse is ready to land!

On the ground, many Los Empire troops have gathered here.

Hong Kou stood on the lighthouse and looked down. She could only see the dense sea of ​​people, machinery, and various heavy equipment.

She covered her mouth in surprise. She had seen the most people gathered in her life. The people who came together were only a team of hundreds of wasteland hunters.

There was no area on the lighthouse for more than a thousand people to gather together.

Maybe there was a lighthouse that served as an aerial prison before, but now the lighthouse has converted all available space into a residential area.

The population of the lighthouse is only tens of thousands, and below, the Los Empire troops gathered at this moment alone have exceeded 100,000!

Not to mention the heavy weapons and equipment, heavy tanks and armor, the gathering of people alone scared Hong Kou and others.

100,000 people! The troops gathered here alone are several times the population of the lighthouse. It is said that this is just the tip of the iceberg of the Los Empire!

“Get ready to build a defense line, quickly.”

A soldier from the Los Empire was wearing a black light chemical armor and a gas mask, and the detection armor on his eyes emitted two red lights.

He held a rifle in his hand and waved his hand.

An Apocalypse tank followed the direction of his hand and slowly drove over, and the engine made a huge roar.

The lighthouse was preparing to land, and Gu Yuan had already led people from the sky into the densely populated ecological area!

Ever since knowing the existence of the Kabbalah Tree of Life, Gu Yuan ordered the Los Empire’s MF22 fighter jets to go into the densely populated ecological area for detection.

Looking for the Kabbalah Tree of Life.

Gu Yuan’s goal is the embryo that may be bred on the Kabbalah Tree of Life.

As long as it survives and is cultivated, Gu Yuan may harvest a person who can control the Devouring Beast.

And the Devouring Beast Beasts can almost be said to be everywhere in the Spirit Cage World!

As long as the Extreme Devouring Beast can be controlled, the Los Empire will be able to domesticate another species after humans have domesticated dogs, cats, flying dragons, and other species.

After research by the Los Empire, it was found that the Extreme Devouring Beast must be chopped into pieces, and the volume of each piece of minced meat must be less than 30 cubic meters. And all the minced meat must be separated and destroyed, in order to completely kill the Extreme Devouring Beast.

Alternatively, if a Extreme Devouring Beast is killed more than 20 times in a row without replenishing it with any scarlet pigment, a Extreme Devouring Beast can be truly killed.

Alternatively, if all the scarlet pigment in the body of the Extreme Devouring Beast is drained, a Extreme Devouring Beast can be completely killed.

In the final analysis, scarlet pigment is the reason why the Extreme Devouring Beast can be resurrected over and over again.

Therefore, the Biological Research Department of the Los Empire showed great interest in scarlet pigment.

After their initial The research found that the molecular structure of each particle of scarlet pigment is surprisingly tight and orderly.

There is even a certain arrangement pattern in it!

Moreover, the molecular structure of scarlet pigment is extremely tight and has a certain magnetic force.

After the biological researchers of the Los Empire consciously separated a part of the scarlet pigment, they discovered that the separated scarlet pigments actually reunited autonomously.

This discovery surprised them.

After further research, they discovered that the ecological deconstruction of the Extreme Beast and the Spinal Gu was not something that could be evolved naturally!

And the most important thing is that the Extreme Beast and the Spinal Gu have no reproductive organs!

Not just one or two, nor is it some unique group that does not have it, but all of the thousands they can catch. The Devouring Beasts have no reproductive organs!

This is very telling.

It is not a big deal if one or two Devouring Beasts are disabled and lack reproductive organs, but thousands of them have none, which means that the Devouring Beast species has no reproductive organs at all!

After studying this, the biological researchers of the Los Empire became very interested in how the Devouring Beasts reproduced.

If they could not reproduce, the Devouring Beasts would have died out long ago, and it would not be possible to spread all over the world like they do now.

So in this case, the researchers of the Los Empire easily thought of reproduction methods such as beehives and ant nests.

There is a possibility that there is a queen among the Devouring Beasts, and it is she who reproduces countless ordinary Devouring Beasts. It is even more likely that the Devouring Beasts and the Spinal Gu were both bred and born from the Kabbalah Tree of Life!

Just like the World God (Demon) Tree gave birth to humans and demons.

However, all this is just speculation. Maybe we can only make a conclusion after Gu Yuan really finds the Kabbalah Tree of Life.

Ecologically dense area.

On top of a huge city ruins.

Gu Yuan was suspended in the air wearing magic armor, and his red cloak fluttered in the air.

Following Gu Yuan were a hundred soldiers of the flying mobile team, led by Colonel Tanya.

Gu Yuan looked down at the countless purple dots of light circling and spinning in the air.

From Gu Yuan’s perspective, he could clearly see that above this huge city ruins, there was a huge vortex formed by countless dense purple dots of light, emitting their own light in the dark night, spinning and illuminating the surrounding area.

“Is this the ecologically dense area where the Kabbalah Tree of Life is located?”

A V-shaped beam of light shone with red light, and Gu Yuan looked down through the eye armor.

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