I Started Global Evolution

Chapter 338: It's been planned long ago

Chen Qiu didn't say anything.


He is a rank five martial artist, his eyes overwhelmed a first rank martial artist, and it is not something to be proud of, what is there to say.


He is still interested in the army of warriors mentioned by the god king of the Li Dynasty.

Immediately, Chen Qiu said, "Your Li Dynasty also has an army of warriors?! That's even better, let them come out and deal with some post-war problems with our army of warriors of the Dayan Dynasty."

This is what the god king of the Pear Dynasty originally meant.


He looked at Ping An and said, "Ping An, go and bring out the army of warriors."

This young man named Ping An was still slightly trembling.

He tried to stand up straight, then nodded and left.

From start to finish!

He didn't dare and didn't have the courage to look at Chen Qiu for a second look!

Until he left, Jiang An's family couldn't help but say: "Your Excellency God King, your most powerful warrior in Lizhou is a little weak..."

The Divine King of the Li Dynasty looked embarrassed, and he said helplessly: "Our Li Dynasty has few people, and the training time is too short. It is not bad to have some warriors..."

Chen Qiu corrected next to him: "It's Lizhou!"

The god king of the Li Dynasty was stunned for a moment, and then changed his words: "Yes, yes, Lizhou, Lizhou..."

Also at this time.

The god king of the Li Dynasty has completely awakened, and their dynasty family may really be gone.

From Chen Qiu's entry into the Pear Dynasty!

The entire Pear Dynasty has completely changed its name to become the Dayan Dynasty...

Pear State!!

Soon, Ping An came with all the warrior army of Lizhou.

There are quite a few people, close to ten thousand!

But the quality.

Chen Qiu was a little helpless, so was Jiang An's family, as well as other people at the headquarters of the Wang Dynasty family's crisis situation strategy bureau, one by one.

If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes...

They may even think that His Excellency the God King of Lizhou is teasing them.

The group of people in front of them is also an army of warriors!?

Compared with the orderly, disciplined and uniformed warrior army of the Dayan Dynasty!

The army of warriors in Lizhou...

But it seems like a temporary patchwork, not to mention orderly and disciplined, they don't even have uniform clothes!

Most importantly...

With an army of nearly 10,000 warriors, only half of them can be called first-rank warriors!

And the rest.

It's still in the early stages of cultivation, not even a fucking first-rank martial artist!

Such a person can also be regarded as an army of warriors!?

Chen Qiu was at a loss, Jiang An's family was stunned, and even the others at the headquarters of the Dynasty Family Dangerous Situation Strategy Bureau of the Dayan Dynasty looked at each other in dismay.

Is this really, an army of warriors!?

Compared with the Great Yan Dynasty, the gap is too much!!

His Excellency the God King of Lizhou seemed to see the doubts of Chen Qiu and others.

He smiled awkwardly and said, "We have limited conditions in Lizhou, and it is not easy to form such an army of 240 warriors. 99

Chen Qiu took a deep breath and nodded.


You can't compare other dynasties with the Dayan Dynasty. The Dayan Dynasty was planned because Chen Qiu was there.

And other dynastic families don't have it!

Just as His Excellency the Divine King of Lizhou said, their dynasty is about to destroy the dynasty, and it is not easy to form such an army of warriors under the circumstance of destroying the dynasty.

after all!

Not all dynastic families are the Great Yan Dynasty!

But such an army of warriors is really too weak, what can they do!?

In order not to attack the local warriors of Lizhou.

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