I Started Global Evolution

Chapter 339: A new look

Chen Qiu thought about it for a while, and could only say: "Okay, let's do it, let this army of warriors follow my army of warriors from the Dayan Dynasty, deal with some post-war problems, and learn to learn in an instant, how about that!?

His Excellency the God King of Lizhou is overjoyed.

to him.

It is already a very good thing to be able to follow the warrior army of the Dayan Dynasty.

But he forgot.

From the moment Chen Qiu entered Lizhou, everything in Lizhou no longer belonged to him.

Including, this warrior army!

And Lizhou God King seemed to have forgotten this, and he quickly said: "Yes, they can follow. 35

He immediately ordered.

The warrior army of Lizhou left here one by one without discipline, and went to the front line to find the warrior army of the Dayan Dynasty.

Chen Qiu, Jiang Anjia, and others.

One by one, under the warm reception of His Excellency the Lizhou God King, they entered his God King Mansion.

Said to be the palace of the gods.

In fact, it's just a refuge camp now, and to put it bluntly...

In Lizhou, where the dynasty is about to be destroyed!

Now the whole of Lizhou is just a refuge camp.

Compared with Chen Qiu et al.

The Lizhou God King and the high-level personnel of Lizhou's predecessors were all anxious and anxious, all waiting.

There is no TV or anything in Eiju.

The kingdom will be destroyed.

Naturally, it was too late for them to fix these, and now they are all waiting for news one by one.

And Chen Qiu et al.

In contrast, Chen Qiu and the others did not panic at all, because they knew...

It is only a matter of time before Pear State is recaptured!

Lu Shu's superpower team, Ike's first death squad, Feng Lin's first warrior army, these people are enough to suppress a cellar entrance.


At present, all they have to do is wait and wait for their news.


It was helpless to wait. During this period, Chen Qiu took out his laptop and started a video call with his family directly.

And Jiang Anjia is also bored to check the news in the dynasty,

at the same time.

The others brought by Chen Qiu also started to work one by one.


Lizhou God King, and the others in Lizhou looked at each other, because they seemed to...

no job!

They don't even know what to do because their job...

It has been fully taken over by the people of the Great Yan Dynasty!!

The Divine King of Lizhou gave a wry smile, this Great Yan Dynasty talent has just arrived, but it seems...

It has already made the entire pear dynasty look brand new!

Pear State.

On the battlefield on the front line of the capital's location, it was less than twenty kilometers away from the capital.

it's here!

The last line of defense in Lizhou is here. If it can't be defended here, then the capital of Lizhou can't be defended either.

If the capital can't be held...

Then the oncoming is that the entire Lizhou is about to destroy the dynasty!

And the army of warriors in Lizhou is rushing to the front.

Their task is very simple, just follow the warrior army of the Dayan Dynasty to see if they can deal with some post-war problems.

In fact!

Dealing with problems is all fake, they just follow the past to see and learn (Li Zhao)!

But they are all warriors, how can they be convinced!?

"Brother Ping An, are the people of the Dayan Dynasty really that strong? Why do I feel that the people of the Dayan Dynasty just looked down on us at all!"?


While on the road, a rank one warrior next to him couldn't help but ask.

As soon as this word comes out.

As if the clips of everyone's words were opened in an instant, they all started to ask questions.

"Yeah, I feel like they look at us with contempt."

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