I Started Global Evolution

Chapter 657: It must be my hallucination

When the warriors of the Great Yan Dynasty go to battle.

Countless people of the Mili Dynasty paid the highest respect and looked forward to their victory.

Just when the countless people of the Mi Li Dynasty were looking forward to the victory of the warriors of the Dayan Dynasty, bursts of shouts of killing suddenly came from the monster stronghold, and countless monsters rushed towards the army of warriors of the Dayan Dynasty like a mad tide. surging in the direction.

Seeing the army of monsters rushing out, the countless people of the Mi Li Dynasty in "May 20", their hearts suddenly twitched, and a worried look appeared on their faces.

The psychological shadow caused by the monsters is too great, so they have an instinctive sense of fear of monsters. Seeing this black army of countless monsters, they all feel the scalp numb.

However, the warrior army of the Dayan Dynasty, looking at the black army of monsters, did not feel nervous at all, but each and everyone had a frenzied look in their eyes, and the fighting spirit was vigorous.

"Kill! Not one left!"

Above the sky, Chen Qiu looked at the surging army of monsters, a cold smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and immediately issued the lore order.

Chen Qiu's order came out.

A large number of Great Yan Dynasty warriors were like wild beasts coming out of a cage, roaring and killing the monster army.

"What?... These humans dare to charge us?! This is simply courting death! Warriors of the Demon Wolf! Don't hide your slaughter heart, let me kill as much as you want! Let these ignorant human beings Kill me!

The monster general looked at the human beings, and dared to take the initiative to charge them, and suddenly laughed, his eyes showed a cruel killing light, and a roar broke out from his mouth, and then turned into a long howl in the sky.

The monster general was quite excited at this time. He was excited about the upcoming massacre, and he liked the feeling of this massacre.

But the next moment he was stunned.

"Kill kill kill!!!"

Countless Great Yan Dynasty warriors, like violent war machines, said that a sharp sword stabbed into the army formation of the monster army, and instantly tore a huge hole.

Countless monsters were torn into countless pieces in an instant under the sharp swords and long knives of the warrior army, and in an instant, the sky was instantly dyed red by a thick blood mist.

That is the blood of the devil!

Just a collision, a large number of monster armies were directly beheaded by the swords of the warriors...

"How is this possible?... This is a human warrior who is slaughtering a demon warrior?! No! This is impossible! I must be hallucinating!"

The third-rank monster general looked at his subordinates under the swords of the Great Yan Dynasty warriors, without the slightest ability to resist, was harvested like grass mustards, and suddenly looked horrified, and screamed loudly, "This must be My hallucination!! Yes, it must be my hallucination! 35

The third-rank monster general feels that he is hallucinating now, otherwise how could this situation happen?

The human army is madly slaughtering its own kind!

He hadn't even dreamed of such a scene!


The third-rank monster general felt a flower in front of his eyes, and a figure appeared in front of him.

"Who?! 99

1.2 The figure that suddenly appeared in front of him made the third-rank monster general stunned, his pupils shrank suddenly, a strong and dangerous aura instantly enveloped him, and he subconsciously wanted to retreat.

However, the moment he stepped back, he felt that he was enveloped by a powerful force, his body seemed to be stuck in a quagmire, and it was extremely difficult to move his fingers.


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